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St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)


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22 hours ago, St0mpa said:

I was hoping for a Vullaby or any of the dark types but of well I will just trade for it after I finish this part write up.

22 hours ago, St0mpa said:

and if anyone has a Vullaby egg to trade for my Cottonee pls pm me so we can do that trade.

I am bumping this to try and get some help with this.


EDIT: this has now been done. Many thanks to @foznkr for the trade.

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Hello everyone Stompa here with part 5 of my mono dark playthrough. It has been a little while due to life things happening but without further ado lets get onto it.


Part 5: Corey's Gym

So after last time I did some trading to get myself this Vullaby.


It will still be sitting on the bench for a little while at least as it needs a little more breeding to get it ready to use. But with the same team as before I am off to fight Corey in his gym. After doing the puzzle Corey goes over to the arena where he says he will be waiting for me. After having a little bit of a rough time with the police officers (not using Skunkzilla who is the highest level by quite abit as he has been almost the only one is battle recently) I see that Corey may be my first wipe. But not giving up hope I head to face him. When I check my bags to see if there is anything that I have to help I spot that I do infact have a Cotton Candy so I may have a chance. So I start the battle with Corey.



I lead with Skunkzilla who will be immune to the poison + be able to nuke the feild with flame burst if things get rough. I go for a crunch doing alot of damage to Skrelp but I take a venom drench lowering both my attacks and my speed. Corey uses a potion to heal skrelp back to pretty much full hp while I go for another crunch only doing about 1/2 its hp in damage this time. But it is enough damage that next turn it goes down to another crunch as even with the lowered speed I am still faster.


He sends out Croagunk next. As it resists acid spray and crunch and I don't see it as too much of a threat right now (so not using flame burst yet) I go for the neutral play rough. It does enough damage to maybe 3 shot but I get hit by a mud bomb that will almost surely 3 shot even after recovery. I go for another play rough but it goes for drain punch which does nice damage and with its dry skin recovery almost out heals the damage I have done to it. Seeing it as an actual threat as it looks like it will be able to take out Skunkzilla I decide to go for the double KO with flame burst.


It then becomes a Corosive feild. Not expecting that (I thought it would become a plain feild rather than a Corosive one. Oops) I have to try and re-evaluate my plan on the fly. So after checking to see what the feild did (I did the reasearch on the mist version ok I didn't expect it to work like this.) I send out Mightyena to try and get the set up moxie sweep as the only damage is an entry hazard. Now he sends out Nidorina which is what I was dreading as it has double kick so I have to try and take it out unboosted then set up a howl on whatever comes in next then carry on the sweep. I go for a sucker punch hoping to take it out. It ends up doing just under 1/2 of its hp and by the power of hustle Nido misses its double kick. So next turn I go for another sucker punch and by our lord and saviour RNGsus it misses a second time. It is taken out by a third sucker punch.


Out comes Skunktank (which is wayyy under leveled) and seeing that it can't screw me over too hard with status and stats outside of criting me I go for a howl to get up to +2 to try and 1 shot it. It uses a corosion buffed acid sprayand hits very hard so I need to go for a sucker punch next turn or else it will out speed and take me out. It does no way near enough to take it out so I fall to another acid spray.


I send out Liepard to get some chip damage with fake out then try to pull a usefull move with assist. The first assist pulls work up which is nice as the incinerate does a little bit of damage so I go for another assist. It pulls quick attack which does some damage but then falls to another corosion powered acid spray.


I send out Frogo hoping it can put some work in before I probably need to use the cotton candy. It takes the corrosion entry damage and KO's Skunktank with water pulse.


He sends out Grimer next to which I say MOAR WATER! It does about 1/3 of its hp and confuses then grimer hits itself with confusion. Another water pulse KO's the Grimer.


Next comes his ace his Crobat. This thing can be a terror but I go for another water pulse and will see how it goes. It out speeds me and uses air cutter doing 1/2 of my remaining hp but luckerly it gets confused by water pulse which is good as water pulse didn't too much damage. Unfortunatly it gets past confusion and takes me out with a veno shock. With my 2 remaining pokemon both weak to Crobat I am going to try and use them as healing fodder for Skunkzilla. Pancham goes down to a veno shock after using a cotton candy on Skunkzilla.


Seeing as it is a revive not a max revive I send in Spike to heal up Skunkzilla. (also it takes 1/2 hp just from the entry damage.) Crobat snaps out of confusion and hits Spike with a critical veno shock.


As I send Skunkzilla back in I check the Field info again to see what is best to use. After seeing that acid spray has double power I go for that. After seeing that damage after turn 1 I go for it again. It goes for air cutter this time doing a little more damage. But I think I can live another so I go for a third acid spray before planning to use a healing item. Air cutter ****ing crits my sorry ass taking me out and thus giving me my first wipe.



After that match I decide that to keep on the same level I need to do some leveling. I also do a stop for another couple of cotton candy's.


Ok so I am deciding to do something different with this playthrough. I am deciding to do this in lots of small parts. Like 1-3 battles per part. I have decided to do this as it allows me to upload much more frequently as I don't have to spend most of an afternoon to get out 1 part. For example this part took 1 hour 30 mins (I am still getting used to doing this quickly) whereas doing part 4 (not including the breeding and training before hand) took about 7-8 hours. So I will come back later on to re-battle Corey and hopefully win this time.

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Hello everyone Stompa here with part 5.5. I am back to finish off what was going to be done in part 4 but had to be delayed due to the need to train and level up all my pokes. As some of them were a little behind where they needed to be (Spike gained 10 levels in the training). So without further ado here is the rest of part 5.

Part 5.5: Corey's Gym

So here are the results of all that training.


And here are the new movesets.









So here we are onto fighting Corey for a second time.



So this time as I now all of my pokes are a decent level I don't have to solely relly on Skunkzilla. So I decided to lead with Frogo and go for a round which almost takes out Skrelp and I get hit by acid doing a small ammount of damage then I get poisoned by the field. Corey uses his super potion and the Skrelp lives on 1 hp and I take a bit more poison damage. A priority water shuriken takes out the Skrelp.


As protean has made me a water type he sends out Croagunk. I go back to a normal type and 1 shot it with round.


Being a normal type he sends out Nidorina. I go for a water pulse doing just over 3/4 of Nido's hp and it misses a bite due to hustle. A water shuriken finishes it off. (Sorry missed the screen shot oops.)

He sends out Skunktank next and I go for another water pulse taking it to 1/2 hp but Frogo goes down to an acid spray.


I decide to show Corey who has the better Skuntank and send out Skunkzilla. I go for a crunch which takes it to the red and he goes for an incinerate dealing almost no damage as most of it was healed up by black sludge. It goes down to another crunch but I forgot about its aftermath so I take alot of damage that could have been avoided if I had used acid spray.


Out comes Grimer who promptly goes down to a crunch in 1 hit.


Deciding to finish the battle with a bang (and this being one of the main reasons for breeding this move onto it) I take out Crobat (and myself) with a field destroying flame burst. It even outsped me but it went for a nasty plot instead of anything usefull.


Well it turns out if you have decently leveled and evolved pokemon it can make some fights much easier. (if I had done this before I could have saved my wipe virginity (until almost certainly Shelly))




Including your field.


So after the battle the story stuff happens and Fern is the biggest ashole ever. (I could say worse but everyone has already said and thought it before so I won't bother.) There is the explosion so we head over to it/the Lapis Ward. On the way there (as it is night time for me when I am doing this) I battle the police man outside of the station because aparently I haven't played at night in this part yet. He had 2 level 23 Growlithe I had rain boosted water pulses from a level 34 Greninja. After battling all the trainers I could find and same for items I head over to the aqua gang hideout to get in the gang and most importantly to pick up my little murky friend. The entry battle was lame as Mightyena only took 1 water pulse and 1 signal beam and other than that it was a clean sweep.

So once I am inside I catch this beautiful girl. And she does have Prankster. (but she did try to kill herself)


So now I head over to where Corey landed. After depositing her in the PC and picking Spike back up.


Ok I almost love aster as much as I love Cain not quite as much but just this line.


Though he isn't the brightest.




I definatly got a laugh out of that part.



So after that I head into the gym do the talking stuff and head over to the stairs and Eclipse has this to say.



They should definatly think of that more often.


See bad guys actually being smart for once.


But before I head deeper I go back to the Beryl Ward to buy a large pile of super repels as I don't need the exp right now as I am pretty much at level cap I am going to try and avoid wild battles in the crystal caves. But before I head back to the stairs I decide to pick up another sticker so I set it to windy and do the sticker quest of making sure the litte boy gets back home safely. (I catch the Driftloon as it may be useful for egg moves later.) I then just flame bursted the whole Scolipide gang. I also pick up some more common candy on my way back to the Lapis Ward. (I also make the weather clear again as the rain was messing with visibility of the cracks in the ground).

After running arround the crystal caves for a while picking up stuff I get the TMX rock smash which will be usefull. I also pick up a focus sash. Now I have never used one outside of competitive battles (vs other people online) so I want to know if it is used in battle with a trainer or a wild battle is the item consumed or at the end of the battle will it still have it to be used again in the next battle?


Also what is this place and what do I do here?



Eventually I head the right way and find where they have taken Victoria and get a large Lore Dump.




I lead with Skunkzilla and crunch the Lunatone 1 shoting it.


Pignite then goes for arm thrust on Solrock hitting 4 times dealing 1/2 of its hp. Solrock then goes for rock polish buffing its attack and special attack by 1 stage and its speed by 2. Lunatone is then replaced by Electabuzz. After the boosts Solrock has the possibility of being a threat so I go to take it out with a crunch. They then waste a potion to heal the arm thrust damage. Electabuzz then uses thunderbolt on pignite and Solrock gets taken out by a crunch.


Pignite then hits Electabuzz with an arm thrust criting the first 2 hits then getting paralyzed by static then hitting a third time in total taking it to 1/2 hp. Magmar replaces Solrock. Electabuzz uses shockwave on Pignite and Magmar uses fire spin on Skunkzilla who uses crunch on Electabuzz taking it out.


Pignite then uses heat crash on Magmar for very little damage. (I assume it was aimed at Electabuzz.) Magmar then uses fire spin on Pignite for even less damage than heat crash did Crunch takes Magmar into the red then it gets (arm) thrusted to death.


The fight wasn't too bad as crunch 1 shoted both Lunatone and Solrock so they couldn't to anything cheeky with the extra boosts.


I head out of the caves and head back to Shelly's gym. But before that I actually pick up the damm sticker that I completly forgot to pick up before I went back into the caves.

I remember this bit now we are sent to go and find the doctor. I begin battle with the orderly.


I still have Skunkzilla out from before because I forgot this battle was a thing. I misclick and go for crunch instead of flame burst but it takes it to sturdy anyways I then get hit by spark which paralyzes me. Seeing as Skunkzilla will become over leveled in this fight I decide to swap as the orderly with almost certainly heal up (if he has healing items) as to avoid having Skunkzilla getting over leveled. I go into spike but he doesn't heal so I guess he doesn't have healing items then I get hit by a weak electro ball on the switch. I set up 1 layer of Spikes to break any other pokemon's sturdy but get hit by a mirror shot. I take it out with something it was at 1 hp I kinda just clicked something and it was dead.


Eelektrik then comes in completly ignoring the spikes I set up oh well. I go for an item boosted STAB seed bomb almost taking it out then I get hit by discharge dealing 18 damage but paralyzing me. It outspeeds me this time and does good damage with acid but is taken out by another seed bomb.


Magneton comes out now so to just try to get some damage off on it and get a safe swap I go for low kick. But I get taken out by a mirror shot before I can move.


I send out Pangoro next to try and take it out. I take a weak electro ball and take it out with a vital throw.


Slowpoke comes out (was not expecting that) and I go for slash. It does nice damage and I take a water pulse for it. A few more turns of that and it goes down.


That fight wasn't too bad. Then again it isn't supposed to be the hardest fight.


After I get pretty much thrown out by anna I spot there are Murkrows on some of the rooftops in the Lapis Ward then I heal and head back to Shelly.

Oh hey look its Victoria getting in the way and being annoying again.



I lead with Skinkzilla (because I forgot to unlevel it and/or change it out.) So turn 1 I go for a play rough on the Scraggy. It is 4x super effective so good bye Scraggy.


She sends out Pignite but play rough misses and it hits me with a very weak heat crash. Next turn it hits but does very little damage due to the -1 attack from Scraggy's intimidate and with fire resisting fairy it makes it a non-STAB neutral attack. So I change tactic and start spamming acid spray. It keeps on hitting me with heat crashes that are doing just over double my black sludge healing. But just before it goes down it does crit me dealing some nice damage. She also wastes a potion on Pignite.


She sends out Hariyama but I leveled off of the Pignite so I am now over the level cap. But after breaking through the dissobedience playrough gets a crit 1 shoting the Hariyama.


Kirlia comes in and gets crunched for most of its hp then after black sludge recovery does pretty much 0 damage with magical leaf. She uses her other super potion but Skunkzilla is loafing arround so its not dead yet. It doesn't attack again so Kirlia get a calm mind up for free. Even more not attacking but after black sludge recovery Kirlia deals 5 damage with magical leaf. And now gets up a double team. Before finally it listens and Kirlia is down.


I know I could have swaped at any time but I decided not to for fun.


Afer I beat Victoria I go an heal lower Skunkzilla's level back down to 34 and head into Shelly's gym to clear out the trainers. After doing that by burning everything to the ground except for the shuckle and the anorith which got crunched I cleared out the gym.


Now that will do it for this part as I need to do some more breeding to get ready for *shudders* Shelly. I am not looking forward to this.


PS: The old dude who is asking for a Sunkurn. What does he give?

Edited by St0mpa
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4 hours ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

I believe that's the Field info for Crystal Cave, it becomes accessible if Magnitude/Earthquake is used during a battle in that room to destroy the field


Bullshit (Bulldozer) should work too I think. Any move that terminates the crystal cavern field.

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8 hours ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

I believe that's the Field info for Crystal Cave, it becomes accessible if Magnitude/Earthquake is used during a battle in that room to destroy the field

Can any of the wild pokes there break the field as none of my current pokes are able to break it.

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22 minutes ago, St0mpa said:

Can any of the wild pokes there break the field as none of my current pokes are able to break it.

You can just catch a wild sandshrew or graveler because they already know magnitude or bulldoze.

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Hello everyone Stompa here with a short part 6.1 as before I go and breed up Vullaby and Murkrow I thought why not have a go at Shelly with my current team. So here we are.


Part 6.1: Shelly's Gym

So after the puzzle I have my first battle vs Shelly.



I lead with Skunkzilla and Liepard. My plan is to fake out the Ilumise and then use flame burst to take it out and burn the field. Turn 1 went perfectly but Liepard did take quite a bit of damage from struggle bug.



Heather the Yanmega comes out and I go for a flame burst on Masquerain and Liepard goes for assist and gets a boosting move but is then taken out by Heather's struggle bug.


Skunkzilla takes a weak bubble beam. I bring out Frogo and try to double team Heather. Shelly heals Masquerain with an ultra potion, Heather gets outsped and 1 shot by Frogo's 8x super effective STAB smack down.


Flame burst does some nice damage to Masquerain. Wormadam replaces Heather. Another smack down another kill.


Flame burst at -2 does huge damage to wormadam almost taking it to red hp. It then missed a mirror shot and goes down to the blaze.


Anorith and Bugsy the Volbeat are sent out. Another smack down another kill.


Skunkzilla does nice damage with crunch (I go for that over another flame burst as it is neutral with a field buff at -2 and crunch is neutral STAB at -1) Skunkzilla finally goes down to a rock slide. It did very well.


I send out Mightyena as I know Anorith will be 1 shot next turn so it doesn't really matter. Shelly uses an ultra potion but It goes down anyway.



Now I am dissapointed I expected that to be hard and to not win first time but smack down on burning field is OP vs bugs.


Now I am off to do the breeding I was going to do before this fight but it wasn't needed. So umm yeh this was underwhelming. See ya next time for all the story stuff that happens after and my adventures in the cave now that I can use rock smash.

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Hello everyone Stompa here back from the most colossal breeding and training and gathering session. Some of my team have had updates and I have gained a large ammount of new team mates and some have a few variation in sets. This part of a part won't have any battles only a rundown of my team and boxes.


Part 6.2: Team and Box Rundown

My Boxes:








My active pokemon. (Note: some of the EV's are a bit odd due to them being pokes that have been used before so have mostly natural EV gain and then training after to try and point them in the right direction)















It was over leveled as a Scraggy to get head smash then I let it evolve and then de-leveled it.


































Bobbet the Keen Eye Drapion




To be used when accuracy is needed.

Bob the Sniper Drapion




My general use power Drapion.

Ogryn the Battle Armour Drapion.




This one is tanky and will be used for stalling rather than raw power.





The "It gets some interesting moves lets see what I can do with them" Shiftry




The more standard special Shiftry










No Honchkrow as I have no dusk stone and even if I did it is far too limited without a wide range of TM's and Move Tutors.







So at the moment these are the pokemon I have at my disposal. As I lost the screen shots of the gang battles (Shiftry and Pangoro) ask me here if you want to know how I did them as I have some memory of the fights but I don't want them to have there own write up as it would be small and underwhelming. I am sorry that I don't remember the Maga leader fight. I will be carrying on the battles and story soon so stick arround for that.

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Hello everyone Stompa here back to deal with what happens after Shelly's gym battle. I am not going to be showing huge details of my team as those are in part 6.2 but I will show what is on my team before major battles unless I have made no changes since the last battle. Now without further ado.


Part 6.3: Reporting Back to Ame

My Team for Fern:




So I head inside the Grand Hall to speak with Ame but Fern is already there.



I lead with "Bob" (Merc) and Fern leads with Ferroseed. I go for taunt before this thing gets too anoying. Turns out it went for pin missile anyway but it does very little damage. Not wanting to make contact with the iron barbs I go for extrasensory. It does very little damage and I get rekt by gyro ball. I swap into the real Bob and gyro ball doesn't doo much damage. It is at this point that I forgot to give anyone items oh well will remember to do that after. I set up a layer of toxic spikes and take another gyro ball. I set up a second layer and take the most pittiful pin missile. Deciding that I want to start setting up a sweep I go into Susan. It goes for gyro ball on the swap which because of Susan's high speed even being risisted it does a bit under 1/2 hp. I then went for an ice fang after I forgot steel resists ice oops. I go for a destiny bond to just take it out as I forgot to bring something that could easily take it out.


I send out Steven and Rosarade comes in and absorbs the toxic spikes. I risk it and go for a nasty plot. Rosearade goes for HP fire (I assume that is what it is) also proberbly technician boosted as well. It does just over 1/2 of my hp. But next turn it goes down to a +2 extrasensory.


Next comes Ludicolo. Which doesn't like hurricane's


Servine comes out and gets the same treatment.


This wasn't bad once I had dealt with Ferroseed which in hindsight I could have delt with using Harry but I forgot grass doesn't resist fighting which for some reason I though it did.


After the battle Fern tells us to get the key from Cain who is at the Beryl Cemmetary so we prepare to head over there.



Same team but Merc is diguised as Steven this time. Cain leads with Dewott. I go for a foul play this time as Dewott is normally physical. It does just over 1/2 and I get hit by a critical fury cutter for 40% of mine. Cain wastes a potion. It goes down to a third foul play.


Cain sends out Nidoking. I go for an extrasensory now. It does 80% of its hp but I get taken to critical hp by a thrash. It goes down to another extrasensory.


Venomoth comes out so I swap into Watson. So even if it tries to set up I can just haze the buffs away. It goes for a field boosted silver wind doing just under 1/2 of Watson's hp. I go for a roost to try and scout what move it will try to use on Watson. It goes for another silver wind which is now super effective once I used roost (I am face palming so hard right now).


I go with Harry to just head smash the BUGger. Of course it misses and I take 25% from another silver wind. It hits the second time and with the field boost (probably not needed) it goes down but I take alot of recoil damage.


I go for the safer crunch to try and take out Grimer. At +1 from moxie it goes down in 1.


Not too bad outside of the fuck up with Watson.


So after Heather is bitchy and Cain chases after her instead of giving me the key I head back to the Lapis Ward as well. So after the stuff with Heather and the Doctor we go and stage an orphanage breakout.


Kinda true on that one.



(I missed the trainer icon oh well)

Battle vs an orderly I missed the name of.


I lead with the same team as with Cain in the same order. Orderly Dave (I missed his name so he is now called Dave) sends out Wynaut. I go for extrasensory. It gets flinched but assuming it will go for mirror coat next turn I go for foul play this time. It uses safguard and is almost dead. It is swapped out for Slowpoke which almost goes down to a foul play. A second foul play takes it out.


Wynaut comes back in and is finished off with another foul play.


Elgyem is put to critical HP then uses Hidden Power (something strong vs dark) to deal just under 1/2 hp and breaks my disguise. It goes down to another foul play.


Oh his name was Timothy. Eh Dave is better.


Using Shelly to take on the Orderlys we procede through the facility. Also Zoruak can become you allies pokemon as while fighting with shelly it looks like Bugsy. Shelly is kinda cute when talking to the kids on the first/second floor. On the way up I also get rid of torment for agility. After beating up everyone inside the others head off to under Opal bridge. Also I head back inside the grumpy old lady's house that we robbed and after I leave the officer gives me a Bike voucher so I go and pick up a bike. With my new bike and the 3x speed mode I hit every wall and every person and overshoot every turning and the speed is so nice. Once I get there I realise I need rock smash so I go and replace Bob for Pangoro. I am then sent to the old power plant to fight Shade. Now after seeing 4 people being killed I am up to Shade. My plan is to lead with Harry and set up a coupe of dragon dances and sweep. So lets do it.



That is just creepy.


Edit: This was the team for Shade just take a few levels off of Harry that he gained during the battle.






First things first his battle music is creepy as hell. Secondly I lead with Harry and he leads with Corey the Gengar. I go for a dragon dance but I get hit by a critical field boosted thunder bolt for 60% of my hp so next turn I use a choc ice cream to heal up. I get hit by another thunderbolt for 40% of my hp so I go for a second dragon dance. Now down to 20% hp I heal up with another choc ice cream before I try to sweep. Now at just under 1/2 of my hp I decide its time to try and sweep. Corey drops in 1 crunch.


Doublade comes out and drops to 1 crunch again.


Trevenant follows.


So does Rotom.


Banette uses shadow sneak for 14 damage and then follows the rest of Shade's team so far.


And here comes his ace Chandelure but alas it follows suit with the rest of his team and is down in 1.


A clean (ish) 6-0 sweep not too hard but I had such a type advantage it was expected.


After the win Shade gives me the badge and stuff then shows me the kids being captured.

That is where I am leaving this part for today as I am out of time to do anymore. So stay safe, have fun, and may RNGesus bless you.

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On 7/23/2017 at 3:53 PM, St0mpa said:

Hello everyone Stompa here with a short part 6.1 as before I go and breed up Vullaby and Murkrow I thought why not have a go at Shelly with my current team. So here we are.


Part 6.1: Shelly's Gym

So after the puzzle I have my first battle vs Shelly.


  Hide contents

I lead with Skunkzilla and Liepard. My plan is to fake out the Ilumise and then use flame burst to take it out and burn the field. Turn 1 went perfectly but Liepard did take quite a bit of damage from struggle bug.



Heather the Yanmega comes out and I go for a flame burst on Masquerain and Liepard goes for assist and gets a boosting move but is then taken out by Heather's struggle bug.


Skunkzilla takes a weak bubble beam. I bring out Frogo and try to double team Heather. Shelly heals Masquerain with an ultra potion, Heather gets outsped and 1 shot by Frogo's 8x super effective STAB smack down.


Flame burst does some nice damage to Masquerain. Wormadam replaces Heather. Another smack down another kill.


Flame burst at -2 does huge damage to wormadam almost taking it to red hp. It then missed a mirror shot and goes down to the blaze.


Anorith and Bugsy the Volbeat are sent out. Another smack down another kill.


Skunkzilla does nice damage with crunch (I go for that over another flame burst as it is neutral with a field buff at -2 and crunch is neutral STAB at -1) Skunkzilla finally goes down to a rock slide. It did very well.


I send out Mightyena as I know Anorith will be 1 shot next turn so it doesn't really matter. Shelly uses an ultra potion but It goes down anyway.



Now I am dissapointed I expected that to be hard and to not win first time but smack down on burning field is OP vs bugs.


Now I am off to do the breeding I was going to do before this fight but it wasn't needed. So umm yeh this was underwhelming. See ya next time for all the story stuff that happens after and my adventures in the cave now that I can use rock smash.

I have to admit that I loved this fight. I bred Flame Burst on my Skuntank (in my Poison monorun) in order to beat Shelly by combusting the field, but then when I searched in Bulbapedia I found out that no Poison types learn Fake Out, apart from Croagunk, which is unavailable until we get Rock Smash, and Salandit, which is unavailable in general till E17 is released xD.

So, my plan was ruined and never revealed.


That's why I love seeing someone thinking EXACTLY the same thing I never managed to do!

Congrats @St0mpa for the great strategy and the amusing battle! It's always great to stomp your weaknesses with a great plan like that!


PS: Greninja with Protean SmackDown is OP too, Jesus Christ <3


Edit: I'm honoured you name a vulture (Vullaby) after me xD I know it isn't after me, but the world rotates around me, as we all know :D

Edited by Jess
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9 hours ago, Jess said:

I have to admit that I loved this fight. I bred Flame Burst on my Skuntank (in my Poison monorun) in order to beat Shelly by combusting the field, but then when I searched in Bulbapedia I found out that no Poison types learn Fake Out, apart from Croagunk, which is unavailable until we get Rock Smash, and Salandit, which is unavailable in general till E17 is released xD.

So, my plan was ruined and never revealed.


That's why I love seeing someone thinking EXACTLY the same thing I never managed to do!

Congrats @St0mpa for the great strategy and the amusing battle! It's always great to stomp your weaknesses with a great plan like that!


PS: Greninja with Protean SmackDown is OP too, Jesus Christ <3

Yeh there are quite a few types that get flame burst but very few that get fake out especially at that point in the game.

9 hours ago, Jess said:

Edit: I'm honoured you name a vulture (Vullaby) after me xD I know it isn't after me, but the world rotates around me, as we all know :D

I chose Jessica because I really like the name but when I named it I did think about you.

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1 hour ago, St0mpa said:

Yeh there are quite a few types that get flame burst but very few that get fake out especially at that point in the game.

I chose Jessica because I really like the name but when I named it I did think about you.

Good job about the Jessica name, it's a great name ;) 

Looking forward to the battles vs Kiki and Bennett!

Also, good job vs Shade too. Dragon Dance on Scrafty fixes its only bad point, its low Speed. I honestly expected the Moxie Mightyena Sucker Punching sweep to be honest! :) 

That's what I had done in my original run ;) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone Stompa here back after a bit of a break. I took a break from this for a bit as I lost motivation so I went to do other things but I am back with part 7. So without further ado lets begin.


Part 7: Why is Victoria so useless

The title is a lille mean but she is the main reason I lost motivation as I don't enjoy this part as it feels like a giant over complicated fetch quest that has way too many steps. Why do I need to do 10 (I think) boss battles to get 1 tmx and 1 badge.

So we have the conversation with Victoria (why is she even involved in this part she wasn't there for the orphanage breakout) who sends us to the Coral Ward to look for Cain. We get there then Cain runs off to head to the academy. As we head off Amaria tells us about the factory and asks us to join. She does the awesome thing with her Lapras and we follow her inside. Then we enter the most unfair battle in the game.



I'm not even sure if it is possible to lose this fight maybe on another run I will try to lose it by taking out her stuff and see what happens. But it is nice to know that after 1 speed boost buff Susan outsped Lapras.



Really 1v10 I know it is meant to show how strong she is but come on that is just rediculus.

Now onto another bit I don't like about this place.



Why is he even here. It makes 0 sense for him to bee standing there of all places as it isn't even a trap for us. If we were lured here then ok but he is just randomly there its not even like he closes the door to this room behind us and taunts us through a screen. No he is just standing there is some tiny corner.

Now onto the puzzle with the pokemon.


Come on you expected anything different?



I escape and then head into the dark area bellow and pick up some items and the PULSE dex readout for Muk.

Now after a fairly uneventfull run through the factory I start the battle Vs ZEL




Now knowing that its special defence is through the roof I have a full physical team.




I lead with Harry and ZEL leads with Glaceon. Hoping to make this an easy sweep I go for a dragon dance. But I get hit by an icy wind which drops my speed. Same thing happens next turn Knowing I am not going to get a speed boost I just hope that I will outspeed and start the sweep. I get hit by an ice shard and Glaceon drops to a high jump kick.


Umbreon also drops to a high jump kick.


Espeon hits me with a quick attack and then goes down to a crunch.


PULSE Muk comes out and knowing it starts as a poison type I go for a crunch. And as with the others its down in 1 from a +5 Scrafty's crunch.


I am pretty sure I could have done this without DD at the start but that was more of a safety thing.


After taking a super power Amaria gives us the key to her boat and heads back home. We then head over to the academy. Now I am off to smash 7 million rocks and exterminate the Kraby population for a Corphish then find a Thor to breed with Pangoro I am going to do that and the other couple of side quests before I continue so see you all next time.

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On 27/07/2017 at 2:10 PM, Jess said:

Looking forward to the battles vs Kiki and Bennett!

I don't really have a plan for Kiki I have an idea but I am not 100% sure on it working. It should but I'm not sure. As for Bennet I am going to cheese him in the EXACT same way that I did to shelly but with Stevotron's grassy terrain instead of the natural forrest. (Same for Serra) with a back up of sandile (or its evo) using earthquake to remove the field.

On 27/07/2017 at 2:10 PM, Jess said:

Also, good job vs Shade too. Dragon Dance on Scrafty fixes its only bad point, its low Speed. I honestly expected the Moxie Mightyena Sucker Punching sweep to be honest! :) 

That's what I had done in my original run ;) 

I don't know why I brought Merc or Ruth but the other 4 had some form of buff and a strong dark type move so he wasn't going to be an issue.

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Hello everyone Stompa here with the continuation of part 7.


Part 7.1: Why is Victoria so useless

(Yes it will still be called that)

So between this part and the last one Pangoro has joined the 'Obsolete' box and has been replaced by this Lass.



And after some work I have this other Lass.



It is not named as I will be breeding D-Dance on it at some point once I get horsea. Aqua jet was bred from surskit.


After the conversations with Kiki I head up the volcano to fight Cal.



This part feels forced AF.


So after climbing the Volcano (also physically impossible as being that close to lava without protective gear would almost certainly kill you) we start the battle with Cal. So I have a plan and it involves changing the feild to grassy to rek him with water moves. So here it begins.



So Cal leads with Infernape and I lead with Stevotron to set up grassy terrain. I get outsped and take alot of damage from a field boosted flame wheel but I live and set up grassy terrain. I get outsped again and taken out by a crit (not needed) close combat which is nice as he lowered his stats for me.


I send out Frogo who gets hit pretty hard by a mach punch but takes out infernape with a water pulse.


Magmorter comes in and it taken out by a crit water pulse.


Charizard comes out but is only put to critical hp from water pulse and then thunder punches me to critical hp. It takes 2 more water pulses to get through Cal's 2 ultra potions and another to finally take it out. But the extra turns on the feild help heal up a little.


Grassy terrain finally fades and Typhlosion comes out. So knowing that my water attacks are reduced in power I go for smack down. Which does 50% as Typhlosion starts charging a solar beam. It goes down to a second one after wasting its first turn.


Blazaken comes out and takes just over 1/4 of its hp from smack down but Frogo finally goes down to a double kick.


I send out Susan and go to desteny bond it but it goes for fire punch and with never melt ice being held it with the field boost it does just over 50% hp. Game why no double kick. I do a bit of damage with poison fang but don't get the poison off and go down to double kick... just a tad salty on that.


I bring in the Ogryn. I get hit and burned by fire punch so poison fang does very little damage. I take a blaze kick and poison fang still fails to poison damm that 50% chance 3 times now it has failed. I use berry ice cream to heal up (not quite to full) but another blaze kick and the burn take me to 50% hp. I take another fire punch and this time poison fang takes it to 1 or 2 hp and poisons. (missed the damm screenshot.) Delphox comes out now so I go for another berry ice cream. After not quite healing to full again I am back to 50% hp after a mystic fire. It for some odd reason goes for a shadow ball which does almost no damage so I get off a knock off. It goes back to using mystic fire and takes out Ogryn.


I send out Jessica to try and use foul play. So after taking a mystic fire it KO's with foul play.


So that fight went well. I lost 1 more than I needed due to the AI not using double kick on a dark type and using fire punch on a water type but the fight went quite well.


After heading back down the Volcano I heal up change my party and head over to Kiki. Now most of the reason this part is named in such a way.



She leads with Scraggy and I lead with Steven in preperation for a sweep. I set up a nasty plot but get put to critical HP from a brick break. But next turn Scraggy goes down to a hurricane.


Herracross comes out now but goes down in 1 to a +2 twisted spoon crit extrasensory. Poor thing.


Emboar comes out and goes down to the exact same thing crit and all.


Same for Hariyama - the crit this time.


Galade comes out and I get greedy and go for another hurricane. But it misses. But due to the extra hp from leveling up I don't get punished as Victoria goes for a nightslash???? why???? Well works for me as I survive on 4 hp. This time hurricane hits and it goes down.


Stupid AI and lucky crits made this a nice 'clean' 6-0.


Now after she has stopped being an idiot I am off to fight Kiki. Now I have no idea what to do as I did not prepare for this so I am winging it.



I lead with Steven to attempt to mimic my Victoria fight and Kiki leads with Machamp. I get off a nasty plot and Kiki's AI fucks up and uses strength. I get a little greedy and go for another nasty plot as I think I will need it to get through Medicham and her AI is still borked and uses strength again. Thinking the AI won't change I go for another nasty plot. And I was right. So I am now up to +6 and am hoping to clean sweep. Machamp goes down to an extrasensory.


Same for Gallade.


And Toxicroak.


And Hitmonlee.


And Lucario.


I will give you 1 guess as to what happened to Medicham. I'll give you a moment... Have you guessed? Well if your guess is it got 1 shot again you are correct.


Well this is in the same line as Shelly. A difficult fight made way too easy by abusing something. Shelly was the field and Kiki was her bad AI. Not much else to say about this fight.


So after the fight I heal up the missing PP then head off to find Cain. After running arround the island I finally find Aster and Eclipse.



They lead with Lunatone and Solrock and I lead with Snips and Skunkzilla. Turn 1 Skunkzilla puts Solrock into critical hp with crunch then the 2 of them use rock slide both hitting Snips but only 1 hit Skunkzilla Snips then gets flinched. Turn 2 they use an ultra potion on Solrock that is then put back into critical hp by Skunkzilla's crunch then Lunatone uses cosmic power. Solrock goes down to Snips' Crunch.


Rhydon comes out next. Lunatone is swapped into Milotic which then eats a critical crunch for 50% of its hp Rhydon then goes down to storm throw (it is a 60 power move that has a 100% crit chance).


Magmar comes out. After taking a fire punch from Magmar Skunkzilla takes it to 50% hp and gets a defence drop with crunch but unfortunatly gets burned. It then goes down to Milotic's hydro pump.


Snips then takes out magmar with another storm throw.


I swap in Spike and they send out Electabuzz. They use an ultra potion on Milotic then electabuzz misses a cross chop and Spike takes Milotic out with a Seed bomb.


Snips puts Electabuzz to critical hp with another storm throw but gets paralyzed by static and they send out Lunatone. Spike is taken to critical hp by a cross chop from Electabuzz but then takes out Lunatone in 1 seed bomb.


Electabuzz goes down to a storm throw.


That fight wasn't too bad.


I move deeper into the building's secret passage and find Taka and the others.



I lead with Ruth he leads with Klefki. I use fake out to get some chip damage. I use taunt to stop it using its prankster on me but get put to critical by a draining kiss. I then swap into Skunkzilla who takes a draining kiss very well. I hit it with a flame burst and get hit by a mirror shot. It gets put to critical hp by the flame burst and i get put to about 1/3 hp after black sludge recovery by another mirror shot and Klefki recovers from the taunt. It is healed with an ultra potion but I crit and it gets taken to 1/3 hp by a flame burst. Taka uses another potion and it then goes back down to a little over 1/2 of its hp. It sets up 1 layer of spikes and is put to critical hp from another flame burst. It sets up a second layer of spikes and then finally goes down.


Gligar comes out. It hits me with acrobatics and takes me to critical hp and then acid spray does almost no damage. I sac Skunkzilla to another acrobatics.


I then send out Crawdaunt. I get put to critical hp by another acrobatics and set up a swords dance. Gligar then drops to a critical aqua jet.


Cradily comes out and assuming it has storm drain I go for a knock off. It OHKO's.


Now comes Demon Burb which is put to critical hp by aqua jet but heals a bit from its berry.


I send Ruth back in to get some extra damage with fake out though she nearly dies to spikes. After the fake out Ruth out speeds and takes it out with feint attack.


Not a very difficult fight.


I heal up change my party arround a little for the upcomming fight. and head back to the academy. I also pick up the PULSE read out for Camerupt.



That would be such a cool thing to face. Especially with that ability.



That happens and we start climbing the Volcano. We battle our way to the top with Victoria by our side. Now for the main reason I have Murkrow the Solaris fight.



I could sing you a (perish) song?



Ah he's so funny sometimes isn't he.





Hello Garchomp. Do you have a moment to hear my wonderfull song?

Watson does go down to a dragon rage.


Snips goes down to an earthquake.


Same for Skunkzilla.


Crawdaunt uses aqua jet and then gets earthquaked.



Ah the wonders of perish song.


Yes it is and it is only due to you only having 1 poke.













I just love this little bit of character building.




Can it even learn that?










After swapping Watson for Frogo we are ready to battle Cain.



Cain leads with Venomoth I lead with Frogo. I do 50% of its hp with a smack down but I get hit by a giga drain for over 1/2 my hp and it heals up a bit. I swap into Spike as it used psybeam and it fails. Spike falls to a Signal beam before doing anything. (missed the screen shot). Crawdaunt comes in and then dies to signal beam as well.


I send in Skunkzilla who takes a signal beam very nicely and puts Venomoth to critical hp with a flame burst. Cain then uses 2 choc ice creams to heal the same damage that I was doing. I take another signal beam before taking it out with flame burst.


Samurott comes out and after I use crunch twice and he uses revenge twice I go down.


Snips takes it out with a storm throw.


Nidoking comes out and uses poison tail on me for a little bit of damage and I then use crunch to take it to 50% hp. I take another poison tail and it goes down to a second crunch.


Muk comes out. I deal 50% of its hp with a crunch and it does 50% of my remaining hp with sludge bomb and poisons me. It goes down to another crunch.


But I go down to the poison.


I send out Steven and Cain sends out Haunter. It goes down to an extrasensory.


I could have swept with Steven after I took out Venomoth but I didn't think about it.


Just before going into the wastes I head north a bit and Cal is waiting for me. I believe him and he goes on his way. Now that is where I will leave it for now as it is 5:45AM and I am tired. So see you all next time for part 8 of the wasteland.

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Hello everyone St0mpa here with the next part of my dark mono run.


Part 8: The Wastelands

Now we head into the wastelands and while wondering arround (as well as a large ammount of other items) I find the readout for the wasteland field.




After wondering arround turning on all the pillar things I had into the underground and eventually find this.



So after SRing at one of the rocks in the room until I got an odd keystone I go and interact with it.

A Spititomb attacks and I catch it. Now I will show it off later along with Malamar once they are bred.


Now Time for the battle with Mr.Biggles



I lead with Frogo and Snips. Frogo OHKO's a trubish with a water pulse.


Snips then uses work up and trubish hits Frogo with a sludge bomb and gets a freeze. Mr.Biggles comes out. Frogo is still frozen and goes down to a gunk shot from Mr.Biggles.


Snips retaliates by taking out a Trubbish but takes arftermath damage.


I send in Steven. Steven then uses extrasensory on Mr.Biggles then goes down to a gunk shot.


Snips hits it hard with a crunch then I send in Skunkzilla. Mr.Biggles uses stockpile and is almost taken out by a pair of crunches. It then crits Snips with drain punch taking her out.


Skunkzilla goes for another crunch doing very little damage and I send out Crawdaunt. It hits Crawdaunt with a drain punch OHKOing it.


Skunkzilla then goes for an acid spray to try and drop its special defence to either force it to spam stockpile or to put it in range to take out with a flame burst. I then send out Spike. Who just gets 1 shot by a gunk shot.


I use a cotton candy on Frogo but Skunkzilla goes down to a critical gunk shot. Frogo then comes out and a water pulse isn't enought to take it out it then goes down to another gunk shot. I wipe. SR time. (So I don't have to run the entire way back.)


Take 2.



This time I lead with Steven and Snips as I hope to set up on the Trubishes and take Mr.Biggles out fast. Steven gets double sludge bombed and goes to red hp but no status. Steven then takes one out with extrasensory.


Snips takes out the other with a crunch.


Steven takes it to 50% hp with an extrasensory. It then flinches. Snips then takes it to red hp. I swap Snips into Skunkzilla (so it can get some easy exp) and Steven takes it out with an extrasensory.


Well the second fight was flawless. The first one didn't go so well.




I doubt that after what you did to my team the first time.




I knew that is what was causing the problems in the wasteland.

I don't have flash yet so I can't see it properly but.


So it looks like a stray Garbodor plugged it's self into the PULSE machine and is/was causing these problems.


I also pick up the TM venoshock which may or may not be usefull.


After giving my Zigzagoon concussion and massacring the Pineco population I finally got an Inkay. Now off to breed it and not Spiritomb as that one came with destiny bond so I will be nicknaming the one I got if its good if not I will breed a decent one.


Now my team additions.



Contrary Offensive Malamar, Topsy



Will hold an item that boosts offensive power.

Support Malamar, Turvy



It has suction cups as the other abilities are completly useless on this set. I will hold an amplified rock unless screens are definatly needed then it will hold light clay. Also once I get the TM, Destiny Bond will probably be replaced for Trick room.






Bulky set up sweeper. Will be great in trick room.


My team for Fern.



Skunkzilla is holding Black Sludge.

Topsy is holding a Twisted Spoon.

Frogo is holding a Splash plate aquired from mining.

Bob is holding Black Sludge.

Snips is holding a Black Belt.

Susan is holding Never Melt Ice.


Vs Fern



I lead with Skunkzilla and fern leads with Ferrothorn. After leftovers revovery Skunkzilla's flame burst did 50% hp and Ferrothorn's gyro ball did 25%. Skunkzilla uses another flame burst taking it out.


Krokorok comes out and intimidates Skunkzilla. Knowing that it doesn't really have moves to hurt me as earthquake damage is reduced on this field I go for a play rough. It takes it to red hp then I get hit by a pitiful thunder fang. Fern uses an ice cream and a second play rough takes it slightly further into the red. Fern uses a second ice cream and play rough takes it out this time.


Scyther comes out and hits me pretty hard with a wing attack and I do just under 1/2 hp with a flame burst. It takes me out with a second wing attack.


I swap into Frogo who KO's with a smack down.


Roserade comes out and I go for a round to avoid being hit by a super effective move. It doesn't do very much and Roserade uses giga drain dealing over 1/2 of my hp and healing the damage I did. I swap into Bob who is uneffected by extrasensory. We hit each other for similar damage (about a 1/3 of our hp) it using hidden power myself using night slash. Same thing the next turn. It then uses giga drain just missing the kill but I also miss the kill due to the healing it gained. I use a berry ice cream healing to full then get hit by another giga drain. I get hit by a giga drain (which are hitting for way too much) taking me just under 1/2 hp then take it to the red with another night slash. another giga drain taking me low then it falls to a night slash.


Serperior comes out. I go for poison fang and get hit by leech seed. It hits me with a giga drain leaving me on 2 hp I hit it with a poison fang (still no poison. My luck with that move sucks.) then go down to leech seed.


I send out Susan and go for an ice fang but get outsped and hit by a giga drain. Which OHKO's me. (messed up the screen shot oops).

I send out Topsy. Serperior hits me with a weak iron tail and then I do about 1/4 of its hp with a contrary super power boosting my defence and attack. It goes for a giga drain this time doing good damage but I do most of its remaining hp with another super power taking it to red then its leftovers heals it back to orange and getting another set of buffs in the process. It takes me low with another giga drain but is taken out by a psyco cut.


Not that bad of a fight.






Now my team for Aya



Turvy is holding an Amplified Rock

Harry is holding a Hard Stone

Bob is holding Black Sludge.

Snips is holding a Black Belt.

Susan is holding Never Melt Ice.

Frogo is holding a Splash plate aquired from mining.


Now time to see how the AI deals with the Inverse Field.

Vs Aya



I lead with Tuvy and Harry, Aya leads with Nidoqueen and Tentacruel. Turvy inverts the field (and Nidoqueens unchanged stats), Tentecruel sets up toxic spikes, Harry sets up a dragon dance and Nidoqueen sets up regular spikes. Harry sets up a second dragon dance, Turvy sets up light screen, Tentecruel sets up another layer of toxic spikes and Nidoqueen does the sasme for regular spikes. Harry misses a high jump kick and looses 1/2 his hp, Turvy sets up reflect Tentecruel uses muddy water and drops Harry's accuracy (Like he needed that) and Nidoqueen sets up a third layer of spikes. Harry FUCKS UP and misses a second high jump kick and fucking dies after all that set up. I almost want to just restart but I will keep at it unless more RNG BS happens.


Turvy uses Destiny bond, Tentecruel hits Turvy with a muddy water then Nidoqueen uses sludge wave doing a bit of damage to Turvy and almost 1/2 of Tentacruel's hp. I send out Bob to absorb the toxic spikes. Bob uses poison fang on Nidoqueen and it OHKO's.


Turvy used destiny bond again and Tentacruel set up another layer of toxic spikes. Gengar uses sludge bomb on Turvy nearly taking it out then getting 1 shot by Bob's Poison fang (god I love the inverse field).


Turvy wastes its turn using light screen expecting Tentacruel to use toxic spikes again but it uses muddy water and takes Turvy out.


The muddy water misses Bob but the field and light screen end that turn so Bob takes the spikes damage and now I have to play her game on her field. I swap in Susan, Aya swaps in Dragalge. Susan hits Dragalge with an ice fang, Bob almost takes out Tentecruel with a night slash, Tentecruel then uses muddy water criting Susan and dealing alot of damage to Bob, Dragalge then takes Bob out with a dragon pulse.


I send out Frogo. Aya uses an ultra potion on Tentacruel, then Susan and Frogo use ice fang and round to take out Dragalge.


Aya sends in Venusaur. An ice fang and round take out Venusaur.


Tentacruel uses muddy water. Aya then sends in Drapion. An ice fang and water pulse almost take out Drapion but it just lives and takes out Susan with a poison tail.


Tentacruel then uses sludge wave almost finishing drapion and doing good damage to Frogo. I send in Snips. Aya uses an Ultra Potion on Drapion, Frogo uses water pulse on Drapion taking it to 1/2 hp and confusing it, Tentecruel uses muddy water only hitting Snips, Snips then almost takes Tentacruel out with a crunch. Frogo's water pulse takes out Drapion.


Tentacruel uses muddy water dropping Snips' accuracy then goes down to its Crunch.


A very nice fight it sucks so much that Harry just killed itself at the start without doing anything but that is how RNG works. It is also a shame that Tentacruel attacked killing Turvy the turn that the Inverse field ran out rather than using a second layer of toxic spikes. But aside from those 2 things it went quite well.


After getting my badge and the TM sludge wave I leave to go and rescue the kids. But before I do that I talk to Aya's mum and she has this to say about Fern.



I absolutely agree.


Now that is it for this part and our journey in the wasteland. In the next part we will be going to finally rescue the kids.

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