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Pokemon Hollow (Overhaul)


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Pokemon Hollow Chapter 1: Ghosts from the Past



created with Pokemon Essentials v17.1

Current progress in % for Chapter 2

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Patch Release 1.0
Use this if you downloaded the game before Nov. 11th 18
Copy the files into the Data folder and replace it with the existing ones
- Common Maple Town Gym Leader Bug
- second starter choice soft lock

If you soft locked your save file due to the unintended second starter choice, pm me with your save file and I'll unstuck you


In Pokemon Hollow you play as a new member of the Black Syndicate, a group dedicated to do what’s right. But what is right and what is wrong? While you try to become an Admin of the Syndicate you get to deal with so called "Hollows", ancient Ghost Pokemon with special abilities. But don't expect anything to be easy.

About Chapter 1 - Ghosts from the past (quick summary)


This chapter sets off the story and includes the introduction to the first main characters, the choice of a starter (obviously), first encounter with a Hollow and the first badge.

Features (implemented)



Pokemon related

- Hollow form for certain Ghost Pokemon

- unique abilities for Hollows

- including Mons up to Gen 7 (not avaiable yet though)

- wild Pokemon have a 0.5% chance to have it's hidden ability

Story related

- Admin System, starter will determine the Admin type you will become, gain reputation points to rank up

- your decisions affect the story to different degrees

- 18 different starters (one for each type, no classic starters)

- journal / quest system to keep track of missions


- no HM restriction, use a variety of different moves to cut trees, smash rocks or move boulders

- challeging puzzles

- new obstacles (breakable walls, sand slides, portals)

- custom menu in smart watch style, customizable (own background picture, turn on/off sounds, behaviour)

- level caps for all your Pokemon

- a small crime system (there are only a few things related to that and it won't be too much since we don't want to focus on crimes)

- change control settings

- speed up toggle,usable in field and in battle, different speeds can be set in the menu (press F)

- ability messages in battle


- custom animations for cutting trees to match the move used

- custom trainer card

- custom summary screen, holds additional infos

- custom player sprite

- window and street lights at night

- custom battle UI


- lots of references to other games, movies, shows, etc.... like A LOT

- quick save button (press D)

- multiple save files

- ready menu (press S)



Features (planned)



- get boosts in battle based on your rank (similar to badge boosts)

- different clothing based on your rank

- more custom abilities



























Sonicwave1000 // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHFMVQWjQqXzPvyI33aINA

GlitchXCity // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-lmdv0OTb4uQQSzwbzhLsg




Species Introduction by -FL- // http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:Show_species_introdution

Team Preview in Battle by -FL- // http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:Adding_Team_Preview_between_pokémon_switches (old)

16 Badges for one Region by Vendily // https://www.pokecommunity.com/member.php?u=534464

Control Setting Screen by -FL- // http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:Set_the_Controls_Screen

Graphical Menu by Hollow / Ego13 // base can be found here https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=405375

Summary Screen by prankster

Admin System by Hollow / Ego13

Support for up to 18 Types on one Pokemon / Ego13

Multiple Save Files by mej71 // https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=323750

Elite Battle System, Advanced Map Transfers and Ultimate Title Screen by Luka S.J. (see link for complete list) // https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=343665

Replace Party Pokemon by Jonas930 // https://reliccastle.com/resources/176/

Marin's Scripting Utilities by Marin // https://reliccastle.com/threads/1123/

Klein Bitmap Functions by KleinStudio // https://pokemonfangames.com/resource/klein-bitmap-functions/

Deo's Custom Day & Night Tones for Essentials  // https://reliccastle.com/resources/50/

Better Text Colors by VanillaSunshine // https://reliccastle.com/resources/152/

TM Shop with Icons by -FL- // https://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial%3ATM_shop_with_compatible_icons

Swapping Tilesets based on time by -FL- // https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=300349

Simple Quest System by mej71 // https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=393332
modified by Hollow



Battle Sprites Devamped by Pokèbit // http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:All_sprites_devamped

Overworld Sprites by Thundaga // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS9280oK413_XO8abzQa8ig

Gen 7 Sprite Set by Amethyst,Jan,Zumi,Bazaro,Koyo,Smeargletail,Alex,Noscium,Lepagon,N-kin,fishbowlsoul90,princess-phoenix,DatLopunnyTho,Conyjams ,kaji atsu ,The cynical poet,LuigiPlayer,Falgaia of the Smogon S/M sprite project,Pikafan2000,Lord-Myre

USUM Sprites by Leparagon,Amethyst

Gen 6 Icon Sprites by Pikachumazzinga // https://reliccastle.com/resources/31/



Gen 6 Stuff


by Pokemon Trainer Jackey

(found here https://board.romhackersworld.eu/thread/13994-rpg-maker-xp-gen-6-pack-battlebg-icons-rufe-normal-and-animated-sprites-mega-evo/)


Gen 7 Scripts by


- Zeak6464

- Tapu Fini

- SpartaLazor

- leparagon

- BlackOutG5

- Rune

- M3rein

- Rigbycwts

- Rot8er_ConeX

- James Davy

- Luka S.J.


Gen 7 Cries by Phasma // https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=384249


Additional Gen 7 Scripts by


- Hollow / Ego13

- prankster




- Hollow / Ego13

- prankster

- framework for Chapter 2 by nahmeerahmed




- Hollow

- Destryer


Other stuff that was made for this game and done by Hollow / Ego13


- Speed up toogle button

- quick save button

- Hollow Abilities

- starter organizer

- field moves with type specific animation

- support for up to 18 types on one Pokemon


Edited by ego
removed download link
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So I haven't gotten very far in the game yet, but I did get an impression of it and have a few things to say.

Firstly I really like the idea of having the choice between all different types of pokémon as your starter, but some tweaking may be needed. For instance I love Togekiss, but Togepi just simply sucks. I saw that for some pokémon, like abra, you gave them egg moves to make them useful. Unfortunately for Togepi the only attacking move (If you can even call it that) is metronome and as you can imagine this can pay of terrible in trainer battles or when you're trying to catch a pokémon. So maybe consider giving togepi an egg move as well, even if it's just peck.

I liked the custom sprites too, even though there weren't a lot of them (as far as I have seen). You definetly have your own style and you should keep up the good work. The mapping was a bit empty though and at times simply random (I mean there's a rock insinde a building). So I think you can improve on that point as well.

The intro of the story was perhaps a bit unnecessary, in my opinion it would be much more fun to encounter the villains without knowing of their existence beforehand, making the whole deal a bit more mysterious. This is just my personal opinion so take that any way you like.

At last I haven't had an encounter with a hollow ghost yet but the concept sounds amazing. I've never been a fan of fakémon, unless it's only like a handful, but I do like altered forms of pokémon. Maybe I'm just weird like that?

In conclusion, Don't take my critique too harsly as this is just the first episode and perhaps your first game. you're just starting out and finding your way in what you want, I feel like you have a passion for this and can learn a lot in a short amount of time. try tweaking some stuff, take risks. If it doesn't work get rid of it and if it does don't change it. I'm looking forward to play more of this and wish you the best of luck on chapter 2.

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13 hours ago, Just2Reborn said:

So maybe consider giving togepi an egg move as well, even if it's just peck.

Yeah I will tweak that. I actually checked all of the starters to make sure they are at least usable, but didn't think far enough with Togepi


13 hours ago, Just2Reborn said:

I liked the custom sprites too, even though there weren't a lot of them

Thank you. Yes there aren't many yet. Most of the graphics are still the ones from essentials. It will take some time to get more done, but I'm working on it.


13 hours ago, Just2Reborn said:

I've never been a fan of fakémon, unless it's only like a handful, but I do like altered forms of pokémon.

Me neither. I do agree with you! So you're not weird for that :)


Thank you very much for your feedback! THis will help me improve the game in the future.

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10 minutes ago, sandy said:

how do i download this via google drive?


do i need to sign in?

You just click on the link and it takes you to the overview of this file. On the top right corner should be a download symbol, click on it and it should start the download.

I'm not sure about the being logged in thing, but it's probably helpful.

If you have any trouble downloading it, let me know.

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15 minutes ago, ego said:

You just click on the link and it takes you to the overview of this file. On the top right corner should be a download symbol, click on it and it should start the download.

I'm not sure about the being logged in thing, but it's probably helpful.

If you have any trouble downloading it, let me know.

found the symbol thanks, now to try it out after i scan it

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is charmander just really rare on route 13 or is he bugged as ive managed to find multipuls of everything else on that route bar him?


also i get this message when i try to battle the youngster outsicde the cave of lost souls 


Pokemon Hollow
Script 'Interpreter' line 276: RuntimeError occurred.

Script error within event 14, map 33 (Route 13):
Exception: RuntimeError
Message: Section113:220:in `pbMissingTrainer'Can't find trainer (YOUNGSTER, Ben, ID 0)
***Full script:
pbTrainerBattle(PBTrainers::YOUNGSTER,"Ben",_I("That was to be expected."),true,0,false)
Interpreter:243:in `pbExecuteScript'
PTrainer_NPCTrainers:256:in `pbTrainerBattle'
(eval):1:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:794:in `eval'
Interpreter:243:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:794:in `command_111'
Interpreter:320:in `execute_command'
Interpreter:193:in `update'
Interpreter:106:in `loop'
Interpreter:198:in `update'


Edited by sandy
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50 minutes ago, sandy said:

is charmander just really rare

yes it is. It got a 1% encounter chance.


51 minutes ago, sandy said:

youngster outsicde the cave of lost souls 

Damm! One of the first trainer implemented and the data went missing. Thanks for reporting, I'll put up a fix soon!

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1 hour ago, ego said:

yes it is. It got a 1% encounter chance.


Damm! One of the first trainer implemented and the data went missing. Thanks for reporting, I'll put up a fix soon!

np finally managed to get a charmander, as i go throught the game ill continue to report any bugs found

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I dont know if this is a bug,but so far every trainer and even wild mon,can tell when my zorua is using illusion.For example a trainer had a pidgey and my zorua had transformed into a misdreavus but it still went for tackle. It was lvl 8 so it atleast knew sand attack as well .Another time my zorua had transformed into lilipup and a wild misdreavus kept going for crowl and spite but never psywave(i caught that misdreavus so i know it did know psywave)

Edit:Also when you get accepted to black syndicate,the dude with blue's sprite(i dont remember his name),says ''Welcome to Red syndicate''

Edited by Pozyher
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19 minutes ago, Pozyher said:

I dont know if this is a bug,but so far every trainer and even wild mon,can tell when my zorua is using illusion.

This probably is an issue with the AI. I will have a look into it and see if I can figure out whats going on.


20 minutes ago, Pozyher said:

Also when you get accepted to black syndicate,the dude with blue's sprite(i dont remember his name),says ''Welcome to Red syndicate''

Ops. That's a typo right there. Thank you for noticing :D

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any1 know what the code is to turn on the computer in the hidden lab? i have so many different numbers written down i dono wither im coming or going at the moment

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5 minutes ago, ShadeStrider said:

Hollows? Was this Inspired by Detergent or something? Windex?



Also, can you make an Original Trainer Sprite? I don't really enjoy playing as a Red Sprite.

No it wasn't. Actually the orignal idea was based on the fact that most times you see ghosts in a movie or something, you can't touch them or hurt them with any physical objects. And then somehow one thought led to the other and I was thinking "Actually hollow sounds pretty badass".

There will be a new trainer sprite, most likely for the next episode.

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2 minutes ago, ego said:

No it wasn't. Actually the orignal idea was based on the fact that most times you see ghosts in a movie or something, you can't touch them or hurt them with any physical objects. And then somehow one thought led to the other and I was thinking "Actually hollow sounds pretty badass".

There will be a new trainer sprite, most likely for the next episode.

Also, how do you beat the first puzzle? The One before the Starter?


Never Mind, Found out how.

Edited by ShadeStrider
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4 hours ago, Twilightwing said:

You should add pics of your game to the title post, I want to see what these hollow mons are about. On a related note anyone got pics of em?

The pics are hidden in a spoiler. The Dusclops you see there is a Hollow, as well as the Chandelure in the title picture

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