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Team Selecting



I just spent over a half-an-hour looking at the obtainable Pokemon list for Reborn, trying to think of an amazing team, and I finally thought of it, these are their final evolutions






and Dusknoir,

but there's one problem, I don't know where to find them, their first evolution that is, if you could help me, that would be amazing. Thanks ahead of time.

Edited by Li9ht_Ki1ler1400
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36 minutes ago, Li9ht_Ki1ler1400 said:

I just spent over a half-an-hour looking at the obtainable Pokemon list for Reborn, trying to think of an amazing team, and I finally thought of it, these are their final evolutions






and Dusknoir,

but there's one problem, I don't know where to find them, if you could help me, that would be amazing. Thanks ahead of time.

You should look here Pokémon Location Guide v3 (Episode 16)  

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I don't think Eevee is post game to be fair. There is a 1/18 probability of you getting Axew from the mystery egg event, so your chances of a Haxorus are slim.

Krookodile can be found in Tanzan mountain, which is before the 5th or 6th gym from the top of my head

Blaziken is a starter, same for Venusaur. AFAIK, neither of them can be obtained through other methods as of yet.


Duskull is accessible rather quickly, after/during Shade's gym, but you can only evolve it into a Dusknoir once you get access to surf, which is when you beat Samson. That's when you find a Reaper Cloth

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58 minutes ago, Li9ht_Ki1ler1400 said:

Okay, so some are post game, I watched an eevee tutorial, and it looks like it's post game, but what else? I'm new to the game, and don't know what areas are post game

eevee isn't post game, it's one of the mid game mons. you could ofcourse ask others to trade you the mons

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If you are starting this game for the 1st time,play with different pokemons and slowly replace them with better pokemons.Blaziken will help you in almost all the gym fight.But almost all the gyms have counter to your teams.Just for an example,


the fairy type gym leader has a gardevoir.The gardevoir alone can take out your blaziken,venosaur,krokodile and haxorus with psychic and moonblast.

So try to have a team more than 6 pokemons.Don't worry if you lose a gym battle.There are many topics here to help you.

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if you can get blaziken or venusaur through wonder trade early on, they'll get you through a lot of tough fights in the game, if you can get a pokemon that can set up the sun then most encounters will be sweepable by one or the other(story of my last playthrough) and venusaur can take care of most of the "super" pokemon that serve as bosses with sleep powder or leech seed if they can't one shot him. so i guess try to get those too(you can trade yourself one) while covering their weaknesses with other pokemon until you canf inish up your team.

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10 hours ago, Li9ht_Ki1ler1400 said:

I get it, so I should have more mons in the box, to back-up the mons I usually take with me

Yes,for example scrafty has 4x weakness to fairy.So when I fight the fairy gym,I will just replace scrafty with a good steel or poison type pokemon.

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Blaziken, - torchic as Starter, that is your only option

Haxorus, - you have a 1 in 18 chance to get axew from an event 

Krookodile, - as stated above, tanzan cove 

Venasaur, - only after the last gym (currently available) if you renovate azure island 

Glaceon, - eevee before Serra (I think it's the 6th gym) and you can get glaceon after the 7th gym 

and Dusknoir, right before shade 


I would recommend to get some of them from trades, because one will be only after you finish the current game and another you only have a 1 in 18 chance to get 

As stated above you should consider adding Pokémon for rotation, also if you want you can always use sandbox to add the Pokémon you want right after you select your starter. 

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some of these are found in the early game, some are mid game and some are post game, so trying to go through reborn with just this team would be a fool's errand. also, there's the Pokemon Location Guide (as ninja'd by Saphire). If you want some tip's I'd recommend Gardevoir and Magnezone, as that combination really blows holes in many Bass Battles in reborn

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27 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

some of these are found in the early game, some are mid game and some are post game, so trying to go through reborn with just this team would be a fool's errand. also, there's the Pokemon Location Guide (as ninja'd by Saphire). If you want some tip's I'd recommend Gardevoir and Magnezone, as that combination really blows holes in many Bass Battles in reborn

Okay, so some are post game, I watched an eevee tutorial, and it looks like it's post game, but what else? I'm new to the game, and don't know what areas are post game

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4 minutes ago, Damien said:

Nice variety,they can cover each-others weaknesses. 

um, thanks, but as Wolfox said, some are post game, so i wont be able to use some of them, but thanks for the compliment, although I guess I could use different pokemon of the same type

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12 hours ago, Yagami said:

If you are starting this game for the 1st time,play with different pokemons and slowly replace them with better pokemons.Blaziken will help you in almost all the gym fight.But almost all the gyms have counter to your teams.Just for an example,

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the fairy type gym leader has a gardevoir.The gardevoir alone can take out your blaziken,venosaur,krokodile and haxorus with psychic and moonblast.

So try to have a team more than 6 pokemons.Don't worry if you lose a gym battle.There are many topics here to help you.

I get it, so I should have more mons in the box, to back-up the mons I usually take with me

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I've decided to give up on getting a Bulbasaur from Wonder Trade, because I got a Snivy, and I like Snivy. This will also be better for the fairy type gym, cause now, my grass type isn't weak against that Gardevoir Yagami mentioned.

Edited by Li9ht_Ki1ler1400
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