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And in the End... (A team show-off thingy!)


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(...except not really the end, just what exists of the game so far...)

((...and it's not so much a team as it is, well, uh... this...))


As the name of the box implies I didn't really have a full team set in stone, so much as I just had a bunch of useful things I would switch in and out. You'll be able to tell by the levels which I used more often, although some of them are deceptively low.


I tried to make it a point to get a bunch of things, or rather, everything I ran into, but some of them just didn't want to be caught and killed themselves in confusion or couldn't take a hit from anything ever.

In semi-detail, with no particular order:





First of the "things I wanted to use because I like them or they're cool but otherwise bad." Absolutely monstrous against anything Leech Life can actually do damage to, and for anything else, there's master card Night Shade. As a bonus, relatively tanky.

The name, while simply Spinarak's japanese name, is actually used for what it means-

"Itomaru could be a combination of 糸 ito (thread) and 丸 maru (circle) or a shortening of 巻き上がる makiagaru (to roll up)."





Self-explanatory; starter and auto-win button if things went downhill against a non-flying type.

Yes, the specification of type is necessary. >_>

The name is equally self-explanatory in that it simply references its typing.





Second of the things I wanted to use because why not. I kept it a Surskit until it learned Bubblebeam because even without STAB it's still better than Gust. I swear, this thing was worthless until it evolved, but Intimidate and a decent attack backed by far better stats made it worth it. ...I also needed a water attack.

The name should be pretty obvious :P





I didn't expect to keep this, but Uproar OP. Soundproof also happened to in the one situation I desperately needed it to, so yay <3

No name because, well, "I didn't expect to keep this."





This is a case of where the Pokemon's level completely belies its usage. Noctowl was, and still IS a bro, whenever Hypnosis decides to be nice and hit. Great bulk for early-game too added to by Reflect, whee. And remember what I said about Uproar OP?

My names are generally pretty obvious, and this is no exception.





I tried. I really tried. In a land full of Poison-types, one would expect Ralts/Kirlia to be a godsend.

One would be wrong.

But I tried.





A replacement fire-type in case Combusken ever got too close to the level cap, and generally pretty cool guy (except girl); not necessary yet, but, definitely couldn't hurt, and it's rather strong itself as well. Haven't tried to level it much, but it sure beats the Adamant Vulpix (that would eventually be an Adamant Ninetales- hi Cloud c:) that's the other option.





Boldore was initially my answer to Flying-types, as before this, I had a glaringly painful weakness to them, as evidenced in a screenshot I posted as a status recently. It didn't last long, but I still do like it much more than...





The name alone states its reason for existing.

It did its job well.


...this feels a lot like an RMT, the way I did it...

Oh well, enjoy!~

On a closing note, I'd just like to say- I am a picture of professionalism, aren't I? <3

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>did its job well

>rollout Haunter

>Haunter used Destiny Bond!

>selfdestruct Crobat

>Crobat took less than 50% damage


I admit the Rollout was dumb (and slightly amusing!) but it didn't even have it the second time around, and the Selfdestruct was intentional ("lolSelfdestruct."), regardless of how much it did, because I wanted to use Boldore instead; its primary job was to Magnitude EVERYTHING it could, which it did. c:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does Combusken have Speed boost?

When I chose my Starter (Tepig), it got the perfect DW ability and Nature :) now it's an Emboar, and it's own killing everything in its path with Arm Thrust and Heat Crash

Somebody other than me used Tepig.

My life is complete.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
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Looking back at this makes me feel that Soundproof would've been much better on my Loudred than Scrappy

I mean fuck Taka's Chatot


Also since I guess I technically finished the new release now would be a better time than any to do this... Hm.

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Well, here we are again.

It's always such a pleasure...


Mmmmm look @ dat playtime

SO. Here we are post-episode with basically nothing left to do; now's a better time than any, yeah?

Still, I don't have a defined "team" as much as a bunch of things to pull from, but here's what I have in my party now because either A) currently leveling or B) need HMs / certain types-


From the top down, here we go (also mind that I'm not going to use two screenshots for each because effort and really the first screenshot for each didn't really show anything):




This is kind of my signature Pokemon so nobody should be surprised that it's NATURALLY going to be on my team- Luckily, we've already got Shadow Ball as a TM, so there's its best move right off the bat. There are two ways I could go from here: Evolve it as soon as a Dusk Stone makes itself available, and wait for TMs to teach it better moves anyway -OR- wait for Power Gem at level 55 because it's not a HORRIBLE move and I can't really count on Hidden Power Fighting if we're going for the standard moveset. I think either way TMs will probably play a big part here.

Did I mention she's Modest? <3




Might as well have renamed it "Level cap" because it spent the entire episode at level 44 until after I beat Aya at which point it was safe to use again.

Thank you, Ame.

Look at how useless this thing is.

But don't worry, I'll fix it soon enough.

And when I do, the next leader is going to regret it.




Nothing special, just another personal like- unlike Ariados and Masquerain however, this one is solid and very much usable. Currently just waiting on things to replace Rock Slide and MAYBE Cosmic Power with. Also Zen Headbutt > Psychic if tutors will be a thing.

Part of me wishes I got Lunatone instead, though.




Waiting for something to replace Poisonpowder, but otherwise this is pretty standard as far as Breloom's learnset goes. Would be a much higher level if not for Poison types everywhere. ._.

Also has Poison Heal, so that's a thing assuming I don't switch into full power Venoshocks...




Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better after evolving, and the second "returning" member of the team. Only gets better from here as soon as I have decent TMs- I've already debated giving her Shadow Ball, but idk because Teleport is way useful for getting around quicker and I don't know when I might need Magical Leaf to deal with pesky Team Meteor if I don't have Breloom ):
Although unless 4x effective, STAB Psychic > Magical Leaf so maybe. What do?




This is a tough one. Just another personal preference. It's proven super useful defensively though, since the last two gyms were Ghost and Poison; in fact, it's one of the two that actually made it through the battle against Aya, just because of the poison immunity.

On the other hand it has zero STAB until level... 56 I believe, without checking, and so I'm stuck with a moveset like this until then. Makes a nice Ghost/Psychic killer though. Two-shotted Aya's paralyzed Gengar with Crunch <3

(As an aside, I was so wanting to use the PokePark game icons for these guys because Mawile's is so nice but I can't because Solrock and Gardevoir don't have one </3)

Honorable Mention:


Of course, I only refer to these as "honorable mention" because they weren't currently in my party at the time of writing.

Some of these are actually better than what I have with me now.




Really wish I had a good nickname for Nuzleaf but the only thing I could think of (Grasswhistle cuz I remember it in the anime) doesn't fit. OH WELL.

Mostly going to be Special, preferably, because it's a Timid nature; unfortunately it doesn't get much in the way of natural special moves... It does have Chlorophyll, though, which goes very nicely with something else I have :3

I do have a Leaf Stone that I could use at any time, but if nothing else I'd like to wait for at least Extrasensory or something because without any good TMs I'm kind of shot in terms of decent special moves.




For starters, am sad because Gigalith hasn't been in a PMD game yet so it gets a special picture ;~;
Okay so, Mud Slap. Clearly filler- not that Gigalith learns anything that can even replace it, but, I have no intention of using it ever and I really wish I had something better to teach it.

It's a little lacking in levels but I think I'll work on that cause I've noticed tanking things is kind of more important than brute force in a game like this.




So I'm sure everyone saw my status update about resetting for a shiny Spiritomb.

Well it happened and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO going to level this thing don't you worry. Unfortunately, I'd just caught it, so that's going to take some effort.

Take me as an example if you want something shiny, kids; follow your dreams!




First, note that this is not the same Adamant Vulpix I mentioned earlier; because Ditto was made a thing in the last release, I egg'd and got another Drought Vulpix, this time a Rash nature, which is infinitely better.

imo this is probably the most well-together moveset I have on anything at the moment, because of synergy between Will-O-Wisp and Hex, and Flamethrower + Extrasensory are more than decent moves (Flamethrower especially because Sunlight boost). I'd probably willingly say that this Ninetales is the best Pokemon I have at the moment, MAYBE discounting Blaziken. I haven't had a chance to use it again yet >_>




So I found a random Corphish on the beach at level 36, shoved it in the box and didn't think much of it.

Then I realized it was nearly at the level at which it evolves and two levels from learning Crabhammer which is a very good water move if only hindered by the chance to miss (as far as ingame goes, anyway).

Then I realized it was Adamant.

This happened.

Besides, I think I needed another Water-type anyway since the other one I have isn't particularly offensive.




Another returning member, and pretty much as reliable as ever if we discount Hypnosis' low accuracy. I'd call it "Kiki killer" because Reflect+Flying STAB but that'd be in horrible taste and you will all eventually know why.

Shame I realized its nature was -Sp.Atk far too late.




Considering I blew my (currently) only Fire Stone on Vulpix, I don't know about this one, but Fire is a really good offensive type and I'd imagine Ninetales and Blaziken to end up near the level cap constantly, the way things were in this episode.

It's up in the air really, but idk. Might be overkill on Fire types.




im so creative with nicknames guys

I'm really liking this one cause tank-ish with tons of HP. I don't know its learnset all that well, and tbh its ability is the ONLY bad one it could possibly have, but I still love Lanturn and I'm sure it'll be okay with better moves. Thunder Wave makes the big plays especially against Aya by paralyzing Gengar/Drapion so something actually stood a chance of killing them. Discharge is soon™ so maybe I can start pulling out awesome combos... if... you know, I had a ground type...

Or something with Volt Absorb...

Or Lightningrod...





Last but most certainly not least, this precious baby <3

ame mad cuz i have a relatively early-game dragon and she cant do anything about it wahahaha

If only I had thought about getting a better nature before I blindly took it Q~Q

Anyway here's a potential ground type to work with Lanturn because I totally implied I didn't have one and fooled you all !!!!! Overall, a *decent* Pokemon even by competitive standards; a little lacking in terms of moveset but that will be remedied in time. Shame its special moves are all stronger in terms of base power. Maybe an Outrage tutor will be a thing.


So that's that at the time of writing and current episode.

No I will not tell you how I got x pokemon and no I will not tell you where y item is so don't ask >:C

(i probably totally will, if not in a roundabout fashion ((ily xiph)) BUT YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT HERE.)

As before, enjoy, hopefully you like some of these and will consider trying them yourself :D

/completion bump

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Ooooh, so can we post our teams too? Once we've reached an "end" of course.


because I tried to get that but I suck at coins and voltorb flip so it was all worthless

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Yep, this IS a discussion subforum for the game after all :P

And, well, that's not really a secret, so yes, that's where I got it.

Lots and lots of Voltorb Flip @.@

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  • 2 months later...
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Less elaborate update because I'm lazy and honestly I haven't gotten anything new except Lunatone and Zorua, neither of which I'm likely to use anytime soon.

I had Growlithe in the day care to get another one that I could trade for the Mareep in the Police Station in the Jasper Ward, and it ended up level 47 by the time I remembered to take it out... If I had a Fire Stone it'd make for a pretty decent choice considering... well, here.


That's basically everything I wanted it to learn and probably the best moveset it could have with the current TM availability. So that's nice.

Unfortunately I've still got the ever-OP Blaziken and Ninetales so it's a little overkill on Fire-types, especially with the Ice gym out of the way now.

We also have Flygon joining the ranks of my main team for now, what with Serra dealt with, and it's gained a total of ONE LEVEL since the last update *crowd cheers*


This happened too, and anyone who knows me should be like anti-surprised; Previously Mawile had been my highest level Pokemon but I couldn't allow Misdreavus to have second place.
Currently waiting on Power Gem before I evolve her, since I do have a Dusk Stone, considering I'm pretty sure neither Perish Song nor Mean Look even work properly. Where's my Thunderbolt or even idk Charge Beam or something? ):


Here's the "main" team as a whole. It's honestly kind of nice being lower leveled because I don't have to stop and think "oh no what if x breaks the cap soon" and whatnot. I really like how this is coming along now, personally, and all I could really ask for in addition to these nice things is my precious Sneasel and/or Weavile (COUGH ame pls COUGH). Still super proud of Mawile holding up so well for this long, too.

My backups on the other hand are looking a little shaky- Gigalith and Noctowl are still in the high 30s and honestly I don't know if they'll be very useful seeing as they haven't already. Maybe when I start a new file I'll use whatever I wanted to here but didn't get around to it, notably Zorua (and maybe Riolu), and I might try to hang on to Noctowl longer as well. Depends on what ends up being available in the future.

I read the words day care upon reviewing my post-post post, and ran off to check on my Ditto...


just gonna toss it right back in and let it continue to skyrocket

EDIT2: Well, I guess I lied when I said I didn't get anything new- I'm actually up to five boxes of Pokemon ._.






And then there's this too I guess


I've actually made it a point to look around for a lot of things, and catch anything I run into that I don't already have, so if anyone wants to know where to get any of these and I actually remember how I'll do my best to tell you c:
and if i don't, i can try to give a general location???


except i'll be missing at least three pokemon because i'll never get porygon <//////3
Anyway, thanks for reading <3

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...Is that so? Perish Song didn't seem to work against Serra o-o

I'll give you Mean Look since I admittedly just have never tried to use it, but I could swear that Perish Song didn't work.

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