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I started a game and i picked turtwig. Im beginning the first gym and already have a level 21 grotle because there a lot of trainers and i haven´t found anything especial. Can someone tell me if there are better pokemon that i can add this early? I only encounter wurmple, caterpie, ekans, thrubish and i need something better because my grotle stopped obeying.

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10 minutes ago, MuchoG said:

I started a game and i picked turtwig. Im beginning the first gym and already have a level 21 grotle because there a lot of trainers and i haven´t found anything especial. Can someone tell me if there are better pokemon that i can add this early? I only encounter wurmple, caterpie, ekans, thrubish and i need something better because my grotle stopped obeying.


You can buy common candy from guy standing before a shelf in the Grand Hall. It will reduce the level of your grotle by 1 making it listen to you again.


Also try the obtainable list http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16407-pokémon-location-guide-v3-episode-16/

The mono run guide is pretty useful to look for mons from a specific type at a specific time in the game: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14182-monotype-pokemon-availability-guide-updated-to-e16/


Anyway. Example for Pokemon that you could get, which I'd say are more or less quite useful for the beginning/first badge: Bibarel, Blitzle, Gulpin, Tynamo, Trubbish, Budew



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18 minutes ago, MuchoG said:

I started a game and i picked turtwig. Im beginning the first gym and already have a level 21 grotle because there a lot of trainers and i haven´t found anything especial. Can someone tell me if there are better pokemon that i can add this early? I only encounter wurmple, caterpie, ekans, thrubish and i need something better because my grotle stopped obeying.

Trubbish is actually amazing in the early game, as Toxic Spikes are a godsend for early battles. That being said, I happen to have a level 1 Goomy on me. Do you want it? I don't want anything in return.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

a charm of reborn is how you're "forced" to use less interesting mons till you can get to the diamonds. thus you really just gotta add some of those early on

Pretty much this. For example, Kricketune, while generally useless, is actually one of the best early Pokemon you can get, as Fury Cutter rips through the early bosses.

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In Reborn, for start, you can use Pachirisu. Bide is good attack, what at first, what then. Also, in Lower Peridot, in fisher's house, you can catch a Goldeen with ability Lightning Rod. It's good because only one Goldeen weakness is Grass type + Goldeen not bad pokemon in future (it learn Waterfall and Horn Drill by level up). Hope I help you.

P.S. Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.

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1 hour ago, Wolfox said:

a charm of reborn is how you're "forced" to use less interesting mons till you can get to the diamonds. thus you really just gotta add some of those early on

This must be the most well-stated comment made about Reborn.


Also I have some sort of nervous twitch when someone says that stuff like Dustox, Butterfree, Trubbish, Ekans and Meowth aren't useful...

Dustox is bulky and gets very early stuff like Venoshock, Light Screen, Silver Wind, Poison Powder/Toxic and Moonlight. Stall, setup, brute force, it's all there.

Trubbish has Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray. Enough said.

Ekans has Glare, Crunch, Acid Spray early, and late Coil, Gunk Shot, Sucker Punch (bred) and even Ice Fang!

Meowth has Fake Out. When you will have to prevent Shelly's Illumise from Rain Dancing, you'll bow down to the Lord of all cats! Also Liepard has it.

And Butterfree (apart from being awesome), can do the magnificent combo of Compound Eyes with Sleep Powder/Stun Spore. ~100% accuracy. Then Quiver Dance. Then destroy. Oh the joy. Oh I rhymed, I'm the boy girl :D 


These are my suggestions in short! Have fun!

Edited by Jess
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2 hours ago, Wolfox said:

a charm of reborn is how you're "forced" to use less interesting mons till you can get to the diamonds. thus you really just gotta add some of those early on

Yeah i am learning that now, the way i play these type of games is to use pokemon i like the design most, or if i really need a especific type, bue i guess i will give second chances

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1 hour ago, Jess said:

This must be the most well-stated comment made about Reborn.


Also I have some sort of nervous twitch when someone says that stuff like Dustox, Butterfree, Trubbish, Ekans and Meowth aren't useful...

Dustox is bulky and gets very early stuff like Venoshock, Light Screen, Silver Wind, Poison Powder/Toxic and Moonlight. Stall, setup, brute force, it's all there.

Trubbish has Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray. Enough said.

Ekans has Glare, Crunch, Acid Spray early, and late Coil, Gunk Shot, Sucker Punch (bred) and even Ice Fang!

Meowth has Fake Out. When you will have to prevent Shelly's Illumise from Rain Dancing, you'll bow down to the Lord of all cats! Also Liepard has it.

And Butterfree (apart from being awesome), can do the magnificent combo of Compound Eyes with Sleep Powder/Stun Spore. ~100% accuracy. Then Quiver Dance. Then destroy. Oh the joy. Oh I rhymed, I'm the boy girl :D 


These are my suggestions in short! Have fun!

You forgot Hariyama. while that's one available after gym one, it's a BEAST in reborn

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