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LPing is a fucking joke now, due to it being more about the players and not about the game itself. It really does kill the mood of the game. Unless they are extremely funny, since most people who do Lets Plays try to be funny. Atleast try to have a balance, be funny actually, or have a gimmick.There are also games that are overused as fuck in which it really does kill the spirit of the game, though this is more inclined to horror games like Slender and Amnesia. There is also every mainstream Nintendo and Minecraft which are both overplayed to death. On terms of Chugga, he is another one of those LPers who gets on my nerves for being unfunny. Though I do admit comedy is subjective and that he does get to do a not overdone Nintendo game once in a blue moon. But still, he's bad in my opinion and to make a thread about him is extremely absurd. Though, he is not on the level of shit and retardation that is Toby Turner and PewPewDie who are bother fucking idiotic and extremely terrible. How both of them are extremely popular on YT for playing HAPPY WHEELS AND SLENDER shows how smart the userbase on YT is. If this was about LPs in general this would of been a great thread probably, Since everyone has a favorite LPer. But since this is based around one person, this thread really is going to be unpopular. Though if you do talk about Let Plays in general, I think more people would be inclined to post since it's more generalized. .

Though there are good LPers out there, Game Grumps while overrated for shit like Seven Asses which is really unfunny. But they are more natural but have a shit selection of games and the fact that they spam with different LPs leads to a big backlog and things being forgotten, like Zelda which they haven't touched in a while. Though I rather prefer both Egoraptor and Jontron being seperate and doing their normal stuff since that is always amazing. But another good LP is ChipCheezum's 50 Cent Blood on the Sand Let's Play. Which is naturally funny and while it focuses on the play trying too hard to be funny, it still gives focus to the game. But these guys are heavily underrated.

Though, the best form of Let's Play is making fun of them. Since they have gotten to the point of being so bad. Some people have decided to make fun of these bad LPs and are called retsupuraes. These are probably the greatest forms of something related to LPs. Due to them just ripping these guys a new asshole. The best in this type are the Retsupurae channel on YT.

tl;dr: My opinion>Your opinion, make it more generalized, yadda yadda.

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>Though, he is not on the level of shit and retardation that is Toby Turner and PewPewDie who are bother fucking idiotic and extremely terrible.

mah nigga

Though to be fair, I like Pokemon Let's Plays better than normal ones. My favourite has to be munchingorange.

Edited by TheNewEnigma
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Vash12349 is pretty cool as far as "lets plays" or "walkthroughs" go.

Also, you should know better than to use the word "nigga", Enigma. Forum rules are very much the same as they are on the server.

Anyway, Rotomfan; Feel free to make a topic about LP's in general. :P

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