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Draw My OC/Characters Contest Part 2: Electric Whatever

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So, the Draw My OC Contest that was held previously in March is going to be held, once again, in the coming August! It's start date is August 28th, and will focus on all the characters, once again, but this time with action scenes! So that means more than 1 character will be in the scene and it will be them doing something action-y!


Start Date


On August 28th, 2017 I will be hosting part 2 of my "Draw my OC/Characters" contest on my deviantART Group Page, and the Reborn Forums, with PRIZES :D

Also, I have finally decided on the prizes and theme for the next contest! The upcoming contest and rules are as such:




  • $200 for First Place and a cameo placement anywhere in the game, whether it be battle or whatever. (Or something of equal value, like dA points, etc)
  • $150 dollars for Second Place and a cameo placement (Or something of equal value, like dA points, etc)
  • $100 dollars for Third Place and a cameo placement. (Or something of equal value, like dA points, etc)
  • $50 dollars for Fourth Place and a cameo placement. (Or something of equal value, like dA points, etc)
  • $25 dollars for Fifth Place and a cameo placement. (Or something of equal value, like dA points, etc)
  • Anything below will have a cameo placement somewhere in the game of their choosing.


Contest Theme


The theme for this contest will be ALL about Summer Swimsuits! Basically, you have to create a situation where the characters are just at the beach in their swimsuits, easy and simple. You are free to add in anything you want, into the scene, including their main Pokemon.



  • Only 1 submission is allowed.
  • Has to be their designs and nothing that you would attribute to them. So, basically, they have to look like how they normally do.
  • Putting them in costumes is allowed, but it has to be the themed costumes that are currently in the game, i.e. Tales Costumes, Beach Costumes, Halloween, Christmas, and various other costumes that they wear in the game.
  • You can have as many characters in the artwork as you want, so it doesn't have to be just 1 character in the scene.
  • You are free to use any style you wish. You can even do pixel art if you really want to. That'd be... pretty unique and awesome to see actually.


  • You can give them things in their hands like Poke Balls, or whatever. Even swords for shits and giggles XD
  • No gore, blood or anything really profound and disgusting.
  • Don't have another person create the art for you. I want YOU to make the art and not someone make it for you.
  • Have fun with it~!




  • 1st Place: Super-large sized wall-scrolls of Hiro Monochroma and Krista Harper! Also, you will be able to choose one extra wall-scroll of ANY artwork in my gallery! (Any Size)






  • 2nd Place: Your choice of any wall-scroll from my gallery! (Large)
  • 3rd Place: Your choice of any wall-scroll from my gallery! (Small)


Where Do I Go For The Refs?


My deviantArt Groups Page, make sure you go here, otherwise you won't be able to find the character designs without sifting through my game's thread: http://symphonic-horizon.deviantart.com/gallery/


Or, you can be cool and sift through ALL the pages on my game's forum post. (not recommended assuming you don't even know about my game and never caught up with the posts.)


So, prepare your butts, and hopefully there won't be anyone procrastinating like last time, because >.>


Also, Vivian Vance is indeed taking autographs:


Edited by Dylanrockin
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  • 3 weeks later...

Due to some stupid, irl issues I've been experiencing the contest will actually be extended for an additional 2 weeks, before I call the results. This doesn't change the start date for the contest, but, it does change the ending date for it, because of Dentist Bills interfering with shit and shit. So, the ending date is estimated to be October 14th or so, depending. Once, I hear definitive news on the School Refund that I'm getting around late Sept./Early October, will be what decides when the ending date will be.


Otherwise, there is still 2 weeks remaining before the contest officially starts! So, for those of you who participated in the previous contest, feel free to try your hand again, if you'd like to have another go at it!


Also, I'm deciding if I should change the theme of the contest to be something... more simple, rather than it being battle focused. What do you guys think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, due to recent events, irl, I am unfortunately going to have to cancel this upcoming contest. However, if things end up going well, over the course of the next few months, I will hopefully host another one, soon. For now though, the current contest, even though it hasn't started yet, will be put off, until further notice.

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