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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The Mad Dog of Ulster


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The strike team chosen to hunt down Berserker heads out as quickly as possible, making their way through the hilly landscape in Ghost's ethereal realm - after collecting a certain irritable noble who seemed to have cleared her attitude up for the time being. Silef stayed quiet through the journey; it seemed that the eerie method of travel was having an effect on the woman, even if she didn't show it. Soon enough, their objective was in sight, and a sight it was. The most striking thing was that he didn't seem to be distorted like the rest of the world around them - one that appeared to be the remains of what had once been a village, flames still flickering weakly in places. From there, though. . .


The one called Berserker appeared to be a man, or at least his torso and head did. Red eyes faintly glowed from beneath a dark hood, and red tattoos drew downward from each. More tattoos decorated his chest, still in red; a pattern of three swirling circles, and tribal-like symbols on his abdomen. Past that, his form took a turn for a monstrous; blackened bone and claw wrapped around his legs like armor, and his feet were contorted with keen, bestial claws. His hands were similarly protected with spiky bone, though seemingly human enough to hold the wickedly barbed and spiked spear he held, a crimson to match the color of the mantle about his shoulders - both mirroring fresh blood. 


The second shock was how the man turned to look straight at the party, despite their supposed invisibility. "Come out and face me, then. There's no point in hiding." His voice was deep and. . . dead sounding. Almost as if the man was simply going through the motions. "Skulking around is only going to delay your deaths." As he spoke, the soldiers nearby readied themselves for battle. The skeletal beasts seemed to bay soundlessly. 

Objective: Defeat Cu Chulainn!

Silef's Character Sheet

Silef will act according to the party's wishes. If not given a command (can happen OOC without happening IC), she will default to whatever she believes will inflict the most damage, unless a party member is at critical health. 


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In response to the LOTUS' transmission, Edmond calmly, and apparently silent to those around him, said, "Copy that. We've arrived at a burned village, and are engaging Berserker. Over."


Throughout the journey prior to the battle, Edmond's mind had been racing as he tried to hammer out a rushed, underinformed strategy. This wasn't the type of situation he was used to. In addition to the fact that he had neve commanded, and was simply copying what he had seen from Miriam in the past, they had never been involved in an organised battle with so little prior intel. He had something worked out in his head, until they arrived, and Edmond noticed the officers. . . . They were throwing lightning earlier. Damn.


"We need to take out the officers first. Hikari, you need to watch out for them!" Edmond didn't specifically say that the mages might be able to throw lightning--that would have been foolish in the extreme, to give away Hikari's weakness immediately--so he hoped that his allies would be able to understand the problem based on Hikari's previous statement of having a significant problem with lightning.


"Solomon, Hikari, Wyvis, start throwing out some support, focus on Magnum, attackers, and those in most danger of going down quickly. Magnum! We need the read on Cu, can you get us that? Sachi! Keep Wyvis and Hikari safe until we can take the officers out. Everyone else, focus on the officers, or Cu." As if to exemplify, Edmond immediately jumped into action, diving parallel to the ground to take a set of shots against the Officers.


Edmond uses Weld on Officer A (2d6+INT damage and adds 3d6+INT damage to the next attack against the same target. Current Stats are (Con4,Dex2,Int10,Res10,Str5,Syn1) Has 10% dodge chance. Attacks are autohit. RES is increased by 4 against arrows and bullets.)


((OOC: I'm not going to designate specific moves to everyone, as that might be rather boring. However, I do have suggestions for a few people that were somewhat explained in post:

  • Solomon might want to boost Magnum's INT so that Magnum can telestrate Cu from the very beginning, giving us a strategy to defeat him
  • I'd recommend Jade choose Cryo bullets, since that might be able to get Cu down to a more reasonable init later?
  • Hikari might want to dedicate at least one of her boosts also to Magnum, just to ensure that he has a certainty of winning the INT check for telestrate
  • And Magnum should Telestrate.

"Berserker is a monstrous, spiked beast, wielding a cursed spear. Those spikes have to be magical in some way, since with him around, attacking damages the attacker. His attacks do not seem very complex, but they are fast, and he has a surplus of brute power - and isn't a raving lunatic as you'd expect. " IApparently the reflected damage isn't a thing. Which is great. So, focus on helping allies, or attacking those officers have lightning attacks (we can't really afford to let them sit around possibly killing Hikari and Wyvis), or attacking Cu Chulainn.


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Sachi Honda

Sachi stares up at the very tall, very imposing man, their opponent and the person they had been sent there to fight.


All her life, Sachi had been trained to fight the Vertex, inhuman monsters who threatened to eat their reality. She'd never imagined she'd have to fight other humans, let alone other magical humans, let alone fight in a proper war, like there was in the history books. True, it might be said that the conflict against the Vertex was a 'war' of sorts, but nothing like this; the Vertex were far more powerful than humanity, far stronger, impossible to reason with. They had forced humanity into small pockets of safety, protected by the waning gods that were still watching out for their creations after all this time.


Berserker's imposing form struck fear into the young woman for a moment. But only a moment.


Then she remembered who she was, and why she was there.


It was her 'duty' to protect her allies. Her sister, the Hero Club, these strangers; it made no difference. Even if she didn't want to. Mio had always been the Sword to her Shield; she would watch her sister demolish Vertex shells with her bare fists, and protect her from their retaliation with her shield. This wasn't any different.


The Berserker was a trheat. Her allies were in danger. She was going to protect them.


Those were the words that carried her through every day, every day since Mio's-


Edmond's words pierced her fugue, and Sachi shook her head. There was a job to be done and Sachi would do it.


Tower Stance (Sachi takes 50% of the incoming damage to the protected targets, who only take the other 50%) on Wyvis and Hikari.

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Magnum parks the BOOMTOWN EXPRESS directly in front of The Berserker. "Wow, this is one angry fella' isn't he? You know, if he wanted to put all that rage into something productive, I could find a spot for him. I've done it before, plucked kids off the street when everyone else counted that out. But I guess it's too late for that, isn't it?" 

He speaks into the external speaker, "Hey big guy, Mister Cu Coolathan Junior, I know you've had a rough time and that's put you in the position that you are in now, but if anyway else doesn't believe you, you should know that I believe you! We can still talk about this, I know some people in the business who can help you out. Just think about it okay?"


Magnum reclines back into his driver's seat. "....Yeah, not going to work. Time to bring out the ole' Telestrator." Magnum fishes around in his rear pockets for a second and pulls out a white device similar to the remotes used on Smartboards. "Let's see what this guy's all about!"

He points it at the Berserker and the area around the target begins to fill with hundreds white X's and O's, symbols, formulas and strings of words. Letters and numbers appear and disappear far faster than the human eye could come up with, and gradually some of these loose chains begin to form into bigger, more coherent lines. "I think I'm getting somewhere, there's hole in the pantry door!" 


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Navin didn't like killing people, in fact he avoided it as much as he could. He was a superhero, not an executioner, and in that line of work he was adamant that death only be saved as a last resort -- a difficult proposition when one's superpowers are to literally create explosions from one's hands, but one he'd found a solution to, with careful distance of explosions and his special rocket push maneuver he'd made plenty of use of during his superhero career. He'd even managed to avoid killing anyone alive during the previous battle, simply shoving an enemy officer several feet out of the way when he was making his escape after having destroyed the siege engine.


But now in the remnants of a destroyed village, Navin had no doubts that he would have to do so. These people (and this "Servant") had to be stopped, and right now he wasn't a superhero, he was a soldier. It was war. And this wasn't the first war Navin had been a part of -- war is about death, after all. Just death, in this case, Navin doubted that he'd be souring his karma this battle unless he became bloodthirsty.


And Navin didn't have any intention to become bloodthirsty: although he was prepared to kill in this battle, his initial attack was harmful but probably not immediately lethal, unless his target had already been beaten severely. Taking a bound towards one of the enemy officers, he let out a little shout before sending his fist towards the officer, suddenly stopping and opening his hand, and letting an explosion ring out that would stagger his opponent and likely break his guard.


Concussion Blast: Navin does 1d6+SYN damage to Officer B, then lowers his RES by Navin's SYN for two turns!


[Navin stats: 2 CON, 1 RES, 3 DEX, 2 INT, 8 STR, 8 SYN]

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Solomon looked at the humanoid spear carrying monster in front of him for a while, before finally deciding that he would be better off not trying to take the fight against this one head on. Which is why he aimed his eldritch magics at the man driving a bus in front of the Berserker, mostly because he feels like the old man wouldn't last very long without being able to manipulate the future a bit.


Solomon uses Ahead by a Single Page on Boomtown, adding Int/2 to his Primary Attacking Stat (Which I think is Int) and RES (Which means +5 since Solomon has 10 Intelligence).

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Ritsu: 39/39


"So, this is Berserker? I suppose this will make for an interesting confrontation at the very least. However, dealing with the officers would make things easier later," Ritsu mutters to herself, still keeping an eye on the servant in case she needs to make an emergency maneuver.


Bleeding Blade onto Officer A [1d4 + 9STR + 1d6 damage and inflicts bleed (1d4+STR bleed damage) for 3 turns. Also reduces enemy RES by 2 for 2 turns]


Ritsu Stats:

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Hikari Takino - 51/51 HP


Hikari took a deep breath - the battle was starting. She'd switched to Carnage Form before they left - Ivory hovered at the back of her mind, ready to cast and strike. "Well then, let's help the others out!" she says to herself, raising her hand to cast. 


Perk: Auto Support. Automatically cast a support spell at the start of battle with two additional targets, one of which has to be herself.


Auto-Support Cast: Tarukaja/Rakukaja. Raise two allies’s main attack stat by Hikari’s SYN for two turns, or  RES by Hikari’s SYN for two turns. Hikari's SYN is currently 6. Boosted to four targets for auto-support. Magnum and Ritsu receive the boost to their main attack stats. Hikari and Wyvis receive RES Boosts. 


For her actual turn, Hikari casts the same skill. Attack-stat boost to Navin, and Edmond.


Hikari's effective stats, after gear boosts but before buffs, are: 

Strength 5

Dexterity 8

Intelligence 0

Synergy: 6

Resistance: 9 (due to armor)

Constitution: 4

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Jade O'Duffle, 45/45, 6/6 Cryo Rounds

Jade looks around at tier enemies and then proceeds to crack his neck. "This it? I was expecting more of ya." He speaks smugly before drawing out his revolver. Then he aims at Cu Chulainn before unleashing a flurry of icy bullets at him.


Fan the Hammer on Cu Chulainn (1d6+2 Bullets Fired (1d6+6)/3 damage + -1 Init per bullet)


Jade's Stats

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Wyvis (51/51 HP, 0/90 Blood)


Harvest on Jade and Silef (gain [Damage]/2 blood from them)


((OOC: Sorry, don't have much time to post properly. Have a lot of real life stuff going on :(. But I'll edit in a proper action later))

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Hikari buffs a number of her allies. 


Cu Chulainn rushes forward and stabs at Jade, who takes [18] damage.


Cu Chulainn attacks again, this time hitting Solomon for [12] damage. 


Silef sweeps a hand toward the enemy, bathing Cu Chulainn, both Officers, and one of the Soldiers in flames for [12], [9], and [11] damage respectively. 


Cu Chulainn darts between Jade and Wyvis, dealing [10] and [0] damage. 


Navin deals [1] damage to Officer B, and reduces his RES by 8!


Jade fans the hammer at Cu Chulainn, firing [3] bullets at him for [0] total damage and lowering his INIT by 3. 


Edmond welds the first officer for [12] damage. The next attack will deal [23] more damage.


Hikari casts another buffing spell. 


Cu attacks Magnum, inflicting [5] damage to his bus. 


Two of the beasts bite at Silef, inflicting [35] damage. The others target Sachi for [30] damage. 


The first group of beasts moves to circle the party. 


Cu Chulainn stabs Navin for [9] damage. 


Two of the soldiers attack Ritsu for [25] damage. The remainder hit Edmond for [17] damage. 


Wyvis uses Harvest.


Sachi takes up a defensive stance. She regains 5 HP.


Ritsu chainsaws the first officer for [47] damage. She inflicts [18] bleeding damage, and reduces his RES by 2.


Magnum telestrates Cu Chulainn. [37 vs 24] His computer gives him the following information:

"Heroic Spirit Cu Chulainn. Corrupted by unknown source. Wears bones of defeated sea monster as armor. Known for heroism across Ireland, and defending Ulster against an army by himself. Weakened and killed by enemies forcing him to break geasi. Likely susceptible to further curses."


The first officer conjures a spike of ice in his hands, and flings it at Silef for [11] damage. Her INIT falls by 2. The officer takes 18 damage. 


The second officer throws another ice spike at Solomon, dealing [10] damage. His INIT falls by 2.


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It was difficult to follow everything in the immediately pitched battle, but Edmond noted that the Officers had fired only ice spikes thus far. No lightning. Those who seemed most effective in combat were the ones being targeted most. That made sense, but it meant that some people would need healing. The final thing he was aware of was the information granted by Magnum's analysis. He wasn't sure what do do on the grand scale, not knowing if anyone present could curse Berserker. There were a few things though, that he did think necessary.

"Silef! Same thing again. And, someone needs to keep Jade and Sachi healthy!" As he spoke, he launched himself over to the robot maid. "I have Ritsu." And as he began to resolder wires, patch metal plates, and the like, he gave a reminder.

"And, remember, Cu is susceptible to curses, so anyone with something like this, prioritize him."


Edmond uses Quick Tune-up on Ritsu to heal 1d4+INT health. Current stats: (Con4,Dex2,Int16,Res10,Str5,Syn1) Has 10% dodge chance. Attacks are autohit. RES is increased by 4 against arrows and bullets.

((OoC: My thoughts

Silef should repeat what she did. This should take out the first officer, get some chip damage on Cu and the other officer.

Navin might want to use flurry of explosions this turn, since his STR is boosted, and this attack will use the boost four times? Also fixed damage would let us determine the target's RES. (From Silef's thing Berserker's RES appears to be 5. So, this attack would do like 68 damage?? Pretty good

Hikari is our best healer, so probably heal people :)

Ritsu should get a "curse" down on Berserker. Edmond will be healing her, but she should probably use that temporary init change thing to do this, so that if by some rare chance, Berserker focuses both high init attacks on her, we'll at least have that curse.

Magnum has a bunch of useful stuff. He can telestrate again on other enemies, since I think there isn't a cooldown? Maybe long bomb on Jade? Most of his stuff is useful, but I'm not sure what he should use this turn.




AND       AGAIN          PING            ME          WITH           OPINIONS.               IF               YOUR              CHARACTER              DIES,        IT           WON'T             BE           MY              FAULT.))

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"I appreciate the aid. As for curses, I don't specifically have any in the normal sense. However, one can hope that debilitation in some way can mimic the effects of a curse enough. One way to find out," Ritsu tells Edmond as she revs up her chainsaw and readies her tail to give Berserker a little shock.


Intervention to top of INIT ladder and Taser Tail Cu [1d4+ 1/2(8 INT) damage and inflicts Shocked (causes the target's attacks and abilities for the next 3 turns to have a 40% chance of having 50% reduced effectiveness)]


Ritsu Stats:

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Jade O'Duffle, 17/45, 3/6 Cryo Rounds


Jade was knocked onto his knees by Cu's furry of attacks. "Damn, you're faster than you look. How's about he fix that!" Jade chuckles wryly before coughing up some blood. He takes his gun and aims for Cu's shoulder hoping to prevent him from attacking fro a while. He pulls the trigger and frost follows behind the bullet as it makes it's way towards it's target.


Aim to Cripple on Cu Chulainn ((1d6+6)/2 damage + -1 Init per bullet + The Target cannot use melee attacks for 2 turns)


Jade Stats

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"Woah, this guy's a hitter!" Magnum holds the steering wheel tightly as Cu slams into the side of the vehicle, causing it to rock. He speaks to his team over the external speakers, "I've got a reading on the big guy! Turns out that he's got a weakness to curses, so if any of you can put a hex or something like that on him right away, we can swing the outcome!" 


Magnum drove the BOOMTOWN EXPRESS over to Hikari and opened up the door and waved her closer. "Dragon girl, over here!" As she closes in, Magnum takes a plastic bottle containing a purple liquid out from a nearby cooler. "Drink up!" Whether she's ready or not, Magnum splashes Hikari's mouth full of the liquid. Immediately she would sense the stimulants inside, heightening whatever adrenaline and focus she was pumping throughout her cells. "You're healing people right? That's good, you can fight a battle without healing. No way you can fight if you're too hurt, right? Here's the plan: I want you to get out there and heal more than you've ever healed in your damn life, and heal some more. The Berserker, he doesn't want you to heal, and that's how you're really going to hurt him. He can't win if all of us stay on our feet. Now get out there and keep everyone alive, I want you to put Florence Nightingale to shame!" With one enthusiastic slap on the rump, Magnum propels the reinvigorated Hikari out into the battlefield.


Magnum uses Hustle Play on Hikari, granting her an additional Action next turn.


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It seemed to Navin that the others in his group had their own priorities, and so Navin made a simple, quick decision: it fell upon him to capitalize on the opening he'd made when he'd staggered the enemy officer with one of his concussion blasts. This meant that he possibly really would be killing the man, but... well, as he'd reasoned earlier, this was war, and that meant that he had to deal with the reality of the situation.


He could feel the strength that the girl named Hikari had granted him, and that meant that his carefully-practiced series of punches would be less like relatively light pops, and more like a set of hammer blows -- a rather superior choice. So Navin charged at the Officer he'd weakened, and began to strike, hard punch after punch aimed towards the disoriented man, each of course paired with a small, yet still effective, explosion.


Flurry of Explosions on Officer B, attacking four times and dealing STR+SYN damage each time!

[Navin stats: 2 CON, 1 RES, 3 DEX, 2 INT, 8 STR, 8 SYN]


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HP: 33/45
Init: 19
Str 4/Dex 1/Int 10/Syn 9/Res 4/Con 2

Solomon was feeling a bit lazy today, and he decided to throw some books at the Choo Choo train while he tried his best to try and remember something about whatever they were supposed to be.

Solomon uses Beware my might! on Chu Chulainn which deals 2d6 + SYNx2.5+ INTx2.5 damage.

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Hikari Takino - 51/51 HP.


Dia on Sachi. Heals 3d4+1.25x SYN

Dia on Silef. Same.


Hikari's effective stats, after gear boosts but before buffs, are: 

Strength 5

Dexterity 8

Intelligence 0

Synergy: 6

Resistance: 9 (due to armor)

Constitution: 4

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Ritsu tasers Cu Chulainn, inflicting Shocked and dealing [9] damage. Ritsu takes [1] damage on his spikes. 


Cu Chulainn darts between Silef and Ritsu, dealing [15] and [9] damage with quick stabs.


He follows up with a leap at Hikari, dealing [1] damage to her and [1] to Sachi.


Silef sends out another wave of flames, dealing [12] damage to Cu Chulainn, [17] to Officer B, [11] to Soldier A, and killing Officer A. 


Navin unleashes a flurry of blows, dealing [22*4 = 88!] damage to Officer B, blasting the man apart. 


Solomon throws inexplicably damaging books at Cu Chulainn for [45] damage. 


Jade fires a bullet into Cu Chulainn's heel, dealing [7] damage and disabling his melee attacks. He loses 1 INIT. Hikari follows up for [8] damage. 


Edmond patches up Ritsu, healing her for [18] HP.


Hikari heals Silef and Sachi for [14] HP. 


Cu Chulainn grimaces, eyes glancing downward at his wounded leg. His gaze hardens as it returns to the group before him. "So that's how it'll be, then. If you insist." He raises his spear above his head, grip audibly tightening on the weapon. 


The second group of beasts takes up flanking positions.


The first group moves in to strike the party. Three of them attack Edmond. He dodges one, and the other two bite at him for a total of [13] damage. The two remaining beasts attack Magnum's bus again, dealing [14] damage. 


Cu Chulainn's hand slowly moves back. The spikes on his weapon dig into his flesh. 


The soldiers note Hikari's assistance of her teammates. Four of them form up and attack her for [17] damage. Sachi takes [17] damage. One of them breaks off to attack Wyvis, but his blade bounces harmlessly off of the ward protecting him.


Wyvis attacks Cu Chulainn for [14] damage. He takes [0] damage from the man-beast's spkes. Hikari follows up for [7] damage. 


Sachi uses her Basic Defense. She recovers 5 HP.


Magnum grants Hikari another action - unfortunately she already used that. 


Cu Chulainn's spear flickers, and an ominous crimson light begins to swirl around it, as if it was moving through some sort of field of the stuff. 


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Ritsu seemed to have shocked the monster, the one suspected to be Cu Chulainn, and Jade seemed to have wounded him. A good start, except the fact that Cu seemed to be preparing to throw his spear. A cursed spear. . .  and with the time that the enemy was spending preparing, it was certain to be devastating. Otherwise, it would simply be inefficient. Meanwhile, Edmond himself was struggling from the battering that the soldiers were dishing out. As he drew back from press for a moment, he called out, hoping the others would hear him. "Watch out for the spear! Don't let him throw it! If you can't stop that, take down the Soldiers! They're more intelligent than the dragon beasts. Someone needs to keep Jade up and running." Edmond for his part, went back to the repair work he had done for Ritsu, to strengthen her once again.


Edmond uses Quick Tune-up, healing Ritsu for 1d4+INT. Current stats: (Con4,Dex2,Int16,Res10,Str5,Syn1) Has 10% dodge chance. Attacks are autohit. RES is increased by 4 against arrows and bullets.


((OOC: My recommendations.

Navin: Please please please Rocket Shove Cu.

Hikari: Heal Jade.

Silef: Use those 31 points of healing to heal Hikari. (Does Silef have to use all of them, or can she just use 28 of them?)

Ritsu: Maybe inflict a bleed on Cu? Might be useful to have more status on him.

Magnum: Use interception, to hopefully bounce back some of Cu's damage when he pulls his AOE next turn.

Everyone else: If your init is higher than Cu's 11 slot, deal damage to the soldiers. If not, I've probably already given my move recommendations. Basically just defend



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Jade O'Duffle, 17/45, 2/6 Cryo Rounds


Well, that seemed to anger the man. I guess he doesn't have much besides swinging that lance around. "Heh, not so many options now that ya can't swing that pole around? Heh, guess I'll just focus on your posy then." He spoke wryly with a smug grin. His wounds were pretty bad, though that won't stop him from taunting the enemy. He aims his gun at one of the soldier's, his hat infusing his gun with plasma energy, before firing icy plasma bullet at the man.


Aim to Kill Soldier A ((2d6+6)*1.5 -1 Init with a 14% to Crit) 

If Soldier A is dead, change target to Soldier B


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Sachi Honda

Sachi grunts as she blots out the pain. She'd been hit rather hard, but the follow-up hit, she'd managed to just about parry it, both for herself and Hikari. The next hit, however, was looking far less easy to tank. Not to mention the soldiers currently surrounding them.


For the most part, back at home, Sachi's defense had primarily consisted of watching the Vertex's attacks wash over her shield like nothing to cover her allies. But, a lesson she'd learned, once or twice, was that the best defense was sometimes an offense. As much as she REALLY didn't want to start attacking humans, she knew.


If Mio was here, she wouldn't hesitate. Not because she wanted to, but because she had to. But Sachi wasn't an attacker like her sister, but a defender. And defend she would.

Tower Stance on Ritsu and Magnum

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A pang of guilt shot through Navin when his set of thundering blows simply blew his target into pieces -- he'd just given that man an extremely gruesome death. It was something Navin genuinely hated doing... but also something that he couldn't dwell on right now, he had other things to be concerned about.


Navin saw something out of the corner of his eye -- and with a brief swivel of the head, it was fairly clear what exactly that was: their primary enemy was holding the spear in a throwing position, with the type of ominous light warping around it that in Navin's experience usually meant something very bad was about to happen. So Navin scrambled forwards toward Cu Chulainn, full-out sprinting at the historical, spiked Berserker, finding somewhere to put his hands that wouldn't get them impaled... and then increasing his momentum by firing explosions off of the back of his hands. And then he took all that momentum and pushed Cu Chulainn as hard as he could.


Rocket Shove on Cu Chulainn, stunning him!

[Navin stats: 2 CON, 1 RES, 3 DEX, 2 INT, 8 STR, 8 SYN]

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