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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The Mad Dog of Ulster


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Cu Chulainn raises his spear once again.


Silef sends flames surging over three of the enemy soldiers, dealing [17] damage to each.


Cu Chulainn tosses his spear at Sachi, dealing [13] damage to her. 


Navin unleashes a flurry of blows against Soldier B, dealing [40] damage. The man crumples and flies across the field, crashing to the ground unmoving.


Solomon flings an eldritch physics textbook at Soldier C, the incredibly dense projectile inflicting [14] damage. 


Jade fires another shot into Cu Chulainn's heel for [22!] damage, crippling him again and reducing his INIT by 1. He heals for [26] HP. 


Edmond welds Cu for [9] damage. The next attack will deal [16] additional damage. He heals for [26] HP. He takes [2] damage from Cu's spikes.


Hikari heals Ritsu for [17] HP. She then stabs at Cu for [17] damage and recovers [26] HP. She takes [0] damage from his spikes. 


Cu Chulainn's face contorts with anger, the first expression of emotion he's shown thus far. "Do you want to die that badly!? Fine, I'll grant you your wish!" He raises his spear above his head again.


Three of the first group of beasts attack Sachi, scoring wounds across her sides. [Pass, Fail, Fail] She begins taking 10 points of bleeding damage per turn, for the next 3 turns. Two of them rip out cables and fluid lines from Magnum's bus. [Fail, Fail] It begins taking 10 damage per turn, for the next 3 turns.


The second group of beasts swarms toward Wyvis and Silef. Two attack Wyvis for [4] damage. The other three attack Silef for [52] damage; she bats the last one away and brings her sword down on it to deal [43!] damage, destroying it, and does not go down. Hikari's Session activates, dealing [13] damage. 


Cu Chulainn's spear digs into his flesh as he pulls it back. 


The three soldiers run forth, attacking Ritsu, Hikari, and Jade. They take [3], [7], and [12] damage. 


Wyvis strikes the second soldier for [17] damage, gaining 25 blood. 


The first soldier routs, dropping his weapon and trying to escape while clutching his wounds. 


Sachi attacks Cu Chulainn, dealing [2] damage and placing her Bonds of Friendship on him. She takes [0] damage from his spikes, and regenerates [6] HP. Hikari's Session activates, and she attacks for [9] damage. 


Ritsu chainsaws Cu Chulainn for [16] damage, inflicting [20] bleeding damage on him for [3] turns. She heals for [26] HP, and takes [5] damage from his spikes. 


Magnum grants Silef an extra action next turn.


Cu Chulainn's spear begins to glow. 



Cu Chulainn: 25
Silef: 22
Cu Chulainn: 20
Navin: 20
Solomon: 19
Jade: 18
Edmond: 18
Hikari: 17
Cu Chulainn: 15
Dragon Tooth Beasts B (5): 15
Dragon Tooth Beasts A (4): 12
Cu Chulainn: 10
Soldiers (3): 10
Wyvis: 10
Soldier A: 9
Sachi: 8
Ritsu: 7
Magnum: 7
Cu Chulainn: 5




Solomon: 33/45 HP
Navin: 36/45 HP
Jade: 33/45 HP, Harvest
Edmond: 49/51 HP
Hikari: 44/51 HP
Wyvis: 40/51 HP
Sachi: 63/66 HP, 5 damage/turn (2 turns)
Ritsu: 34/39 HP
Magnum: 36/50 HP (9 RES), 10 damage/turn (2 turns)
Silef: 1/65 HP, Harvest, 36 accrued healing, Second Chance Used, Extra Turn

 Cu Chulainn: Wounded, Shocked (2 turns remaining), Crippled (4 turns), 20 damage/turn (2 turns remaining), Charging Attack!
Soldier A: Retreated
Soldier B: fucking destroyed
Soldier C: Near Death
Soldier D: Healthy
Soldier E: Healthy
Officer A: Incinerated
Officer B: Chunky Salsa

Beast Pack A (4): Healthy
Beast Pack B (5): Healthy


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"Again?" Edmond mumbled as the enemy readied himself to throw the. . ."Gae Bulg" he had called it? Edmond shuddered, and called out a set of orders. "Incoming! Silef! Keep yourself alive, along with Sachi and Magnum! Wyvis, try to put some pressure on the soldiers! Magnum, just keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be working." He didn't have anything else to contribute. They all had experienced Gae Bulg before, and should know what to do.


Edmond uses Quick Tune-Up on Magnum, healing for 1d4+INT. Current stats: (Con4,Dex2,Int10,Res11,Str5,Syn1) Has 10% dodge chance. Edmond's attacks are autohit. RES is increased by 4 against arrows and bullets.


Silef uses her healing pool on herself, and then uses Wall of Fire on self, Sachi, and Magnum, decreasing the damage they take by SYN, and dealing half that to the attacker. Current stats: (Con2,Res0,Dex20,Int0,Str2,Syn14). For every 3 damage done, 1 HP is added to heal pool. Gains 1 mana point per turn. Fails all ailment saves. Dex % chance to crit for 1.5x damage.



Jade, Solomon, and Navin: Probably defend.

Hikari: Heal Silef or yourself. (just so you know, Silef will heal herself too, but she might still need the healing more.)

Wyvis: Attack Soldier D or E. (Need 19 damage to defeat one, I think, after Gae Bulg hits)

Sachi: I think I want you to use Bear Your Burden on Silef. As soon as we've got some to spare, I'll throw a bunch of heals your way. (Also, the bleed status is outpaced by your regen)

Ritsu: Heal yourself after Gae Bulg, or if you think you can spare it, heal Magnum or Sachi. Prey on the weak is also an option, but might draw aggro or something.

Magnum: Extra turns for Hikari (silef is another option, but I think Hikari might be more important.)


BTW, I've kind of rethought the idea of having Cu spam Gae Bulg. We could have Ritsu heal him to remove the crippled status, to make him stop (since there doesn't seem to be a big enough cooldown on the move for us to take advantage of it). Who knows, maybe he'll be a bit kinder to us.

Give opinions people.))

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Jade O'Duffle 33/45, Empty Chamber


"Oh? Did we hit a nerve? Heh, good." Jade spoke sarcastically before putting his guard up for the incoming attack. His next attack may hurt a bit but hopefully he'll take out some of his goons with it.


Basic Defense, 12% chance to dodge


Jade's Stats

Strength 5

Dexterity 6
Intelligence 8
Synergy: 4
Resistance: 4 
Constitution: 2
Extra: Dex*2% chance to dodge


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Sachi Honda

"E-eh?! W-watch out! Somebody heal her!"

Sachi yells, as she runs towards Silef to protect her.

Tower Stance on Silef (50% of the damage that would be taken by the target is taken by Sachi instead).

Sachi regains 10% of her health per turn.

Edited by ElfCollaborator
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Solomon decides that if it ain't broke, then there is no real reason to try and fix it, which is why he immediately hid behind another wall of books.


HP: 33/45

Init: 19
Str 4/Dex 1/Int 10/Syn 9/Res 4/Con 2/10% Dodge chance from Armor/Disadvantage in all checks and takes Character level pure damage if he fails one
Current Action:

Basic Defense 50% damage reduction

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Magnum begins to wave a massive cardboard sign with the letter 2 on it in thick red market. "Two minute warning! Lets go lets go lets go!"


Hustle Play on Hikari.


Magnum Boomtown:

HP: 10/10 | Constitution: 1 | Resistance: 1(+8) | Dexterity: 0 | Intelligence: 10 (+11)| Strength: 2 | Synergy: 8

Boomtown Express:

HP: 36/50| Constitution: 1 | Resistance: 9 | Dexterity: 6 | Intelligence: N/A | Strength: 6 | Synergy: 0


110%: All Teammates +1 RES

Aviphobia: 150% Damage from Aerial Attacks

Cup of Joe: Lowered targeting priority from enemies. 


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Navin grimaced as he set himself into a similar defensive stance as he had earlier, angling his looted alien plating to take as much of the brunt of the incoming attack as it could, and bracing himself otherwise to deal with the impact. The grimace wasn't for him, though -- their companion Silef was in some serious danger.

Basic Defense!

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"This again," Ritsu sighs, not really wanting to have to deal with more of these spears. Nevertheless, she decides to put her attentions on tending to some of the injured. 


Restoration on Magnum to heal [1d4+ 8 INT] health and one status ailment if present


Ritsu Stats:



Constitution: 0 
Resistance: 5 (armor included)
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 8 
Strength: 9 
Synergy: 0


Extra: Has +2 resistance versus elemental attacks, barring dark and eldritch

DEX*2 dodge chance



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Wyvis (75/90 Blood)

[Basic Attack on Soldier D (Soldier E if D goes down) for (4d4+11) damage and gaining [Damage] blood]



CON - 4

RES - 9

SYN - 0

INT - 9

DEX - 2

STR - 11

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Cu Chulainn's spear glows more intensely. 


Silef does her best to shake off her wounds, recovering 36 HP. She then conjures a Wall of Flame around herself, Sachi, and Magnum, reducing the damage they take by [14] this turn. 


Cu Chulainn prepares to throw his weapon!


Navin defends.


Solomon defends.


Jade defends. 


Edmond makes a quick patch on Magnum's bus, allowing it to recover [11] health.


Hikari heals Silef for [19] HP. 


Cu Chulainn unleases the Gae Bolg with another thundering crash. Silef takes [19] damage, Navin takes [10], Solomon takes [13], Jade takes [13], Edmond takes [25], Hikari takes [24], each group of Dragon Teeth is destroyed instantaneously, each soldier takes [27] damage and the third falls, Wyvis takes [24], Sachi takes [10], Ritsu takes [28], and Magnum takes [10]. Cu Chulainn takes a total of [66] backlash damage. 


Cu Chulainn raises his spear again.


The two soldiers make one last push, both attacking Navin for a total of [2] damage. After seeing this, they both decide that this really isn't worth the effort, and turn to flee. 


Wyvis attacks Soldier D, dealing [10] damage. 


Sachi takes up a defensive stance, protecting Silef from further harm. She takes [5] damage. She regenerates 6 HP. 


Ritsu assists Edmond's patch job, restoring [11] HP and sealing some of the leaks in the vehicle.


Magnum gives Hikari some advice and Crocodilade, granting her an extra turn. His bus takes [5] damage.


Cu throws his spear at Silef. She and Sachi take [2] damage.




Cu Chulainn: 25
Silef: 22
Cu Chulainn: 20
Navin: 20
Solomon: 19
Jade: 18
Edmond: 18
Hikari: 17
Cu Chulainn: 15
Dragon Tooth Beasts B (5): 15
Dragon Tooth Beasts A (4): 12
Cu Chulainn: 10
Soldiers (2): 10
Wyvis: 10
Sachi: 8
Ritsu: 7
Magnum: 7
Cu Chulainn: 5





Solomon: 20/45 HP, Defending
Navin: 24/45 HP, Defending
Jade: 20/45 HP, Harvest, Defending
Edmond: 24/51 HP
Hikari: 20/51 HP, Extra Turn
Wyvis: 16/51 HP
Sachi: 52/66 HP, 5 damage/turn (1 turns)
Ritsu: 6/39 HP
Magnum: 45/50 HP (9 RES), 5 damage/turn (2 turns)
Silef: 35/65 HP, Harvest, -14 damage (1 turn remaining)

Cu Chulainn: Wounded, Shocked (1 turns remaining), Crippled (3 turns), 20 damage/turn (1 turns remaining)
Soldier A: Retreated
Soldier B: fucking destroyed
Soldier C: too gae to live
Soldier D: Bloodied, Fleeing
Soldier E: Badly Wounded, Fleeing
Officer A: Incinerated
Officer B: Chunky Salsa

Beast Pack A (4): bolg'd
Beast Pack B (5): F


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"Alright, it looks like we've got a chance to win this! Silef, I need you to get ready to hit Cu with everything you have. Everyone else who can, give her support, or keep people alive." That was all Edmond really had to say. He rushed over to Ritsu to give her another patch up, hoping that everyone else could do their duties. In the midst of repairs, Edmond received the message from LOTUS.  <"Copy that. I do wish you'd said something a bit sooner, as I've already begun to enact a plan that should culminate in this being's destruction. Turning aside from that path right now wouldn't be a good idea, and might result in casualties. I'll do my best to get the info though. . . I'm just not sure how. . .">


Edmond paused in his work for a moment, briefly pondering what, if anything, he could do. "CU CHULAINN! The witch with whom you allied yourself is dead! Your minions are gone, by your own hand. You yourself do not have much longer to live. Either we will defeat you, or our allies will, for there are many more of us. And where are your allies when you are threatened? Probably off hiding out in some safe location, taking the time to pillage, and kill easy targets. They don't care about you. You've been betrayed by them, and that is independent of whether you defeat us, or we defeat you. Tell us where they are, who they are, and what they're doing. If you're confident in your strength, you have nothing to lose. We'll be dead, and you can carry out your revenge on your own. And in the case that you should die, we will be able to strike hard against those who have abandoned you. What do you say to this?"


Edmond uses Quick Tune-Up on Ritsu, healing for 1d4+INT. Current stats: (Con4,Dex2,Int10,Res8,Str5,Syn1) Has 10% dodge chance. Edmond's attacks are autohit. RES is increased by 4 against arrows and bullets.


((OOC: I have a grand plan.

Silef: Needs to start charging up Eruption.

Hikari: I need you to buff both Solomon and Silef's main attacking stats (INT and DEX respectively) with one action, and use the other to heal someone in need of it (one of the buff chain, someone in critical, or Silef)

Solomon: Need you to take a DELAYED ACTION (wait until after Hikari moves) to buff Silef's DEX and RES (RES boost turns into DEX!)

Wyvis: Needs to buff Silef.

Navin: Probably RES break, since Cu isn't starting up a Gae Bulg

Jade: If you have some way to heal, go for it, if not, just reduce Cu's init and stuff some more, or really if you've got something better in mind, we can do that.

Sachi: Keep up the tower stance (if it needs a move to be kept up)

Ritsu: Heal someone (coordinate with Hikari to make sure that we keep people alive)

Magnum: Does Blitzkrieg take effect on the round it's used, or does it take effect starting when Magnum uses it? If the former, toss around extra turns to Hikari, if the latter, use it :)
Ping me with opinions (people haven't been doing that lately)))

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Jade O'Duffle 20/45, Empty Chamber


After Cu's massive attack Jade looked around to see that most of his back up had been either killed or badly wounded by that same attack. "It's one thing thing to hurt your enemies, but when you hurt your allies too you're nothing more then scum." He spat on the ground in disgust before jumping back and reloading his revolver. 


Jade Combat Rolls, reloading with Pyro Round and doubling his evasion chance. (from 12% to 24%)

Strength 5

Dexterity 6
Intelligence 8
Synergy: 4
Resistance: 4 
Constitution: 2
Extra: Dex*2% chance to dodge

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Solomon decided to metaphorically throw some crazy book magic on the lady Wizard from earlier as painfully slowly as possible.




HP: 20/45 

Init: 19
Str 4/Dex 1/Int 10/Syn 9/Res 4/Con 2/10% Dodge chance from Armor/Disadvantage in all checks and takes Character level pure damage if he fails one
Current Delayed Action: Ahead by a single page on Silef, buffing their Main attacking stat and Resistance stat by Int/2 after Hikari has already buffed Silef and Solomon's main attacking stat, which in Solomon's case is his Intelligence stat.


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Magnum yells into the speakers, "We need to close off all avenues for escape! I want every flank covered, our whole line is going to push forward into his pocket! He can't block everyone! Morale is low! Bludgeon bludgeon bludgeon!"


Blitzkreig on Cu.


HP: 45/50, 10/10
Constitution: 1
Resistance: 1
Dexterity: 0
Intelligence: 10
Strength: 2
Synergy: 8


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Wyvis (85/90 Blood)

[Power Bond + Crimson Power on Silef - Increase DEX and RES by 10 for 2 turns, increase RES by 3 for 1 turn. Expend all blood.]



CON - 4

RES - 9

SYN - 0

INT - 9

DEX - 2

STR - 11

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Navin glanced at Magnum, and then at Cu, and then at the fleeing soldiers. "I am not sure that I would worry about cutting off his escape routes. I very much doubt that he cares that much about his safety... or that of his subordinates, it would seem. Still... it is true that he cannot be allowed to keep doing as he wishes. Perhaps I should... knock him down a peg, is how the expression goes, yes? A man who would both kill us and kill his own allies does rather need to be stopped."

Navin then lunged at Cu, aiming his wrist at Cu (so that the armor kept the spikes from wounding him), and launching that wrist into Cu with an explosion, Navin's weight and the force of the blast being driven into another extremely powerful shove.

Rocket Shove, stunning Cu for a turn!

[Navin stats: 2 CON, 1 RES, 3 DEX, 2 INT, 8 STR, 8 SYN] Navin also has a 9% chance to block melee attacks.

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Tarukaja/Rakukaja, buff Solomon and Silef's main attack stats by Hikari's SYN. 


Second action, Dia (3d4+1.25 SYN) on Wyvis.



Strength 5 (+1 due to Blade Ring)

Dexterity 8

Intelligence 0

Synergy: 9

Resistance: 9 (due to armor)

Constitution: 4

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Restoration on Hikari to heal [1d4+ 8 INT] health and one status ailment if present

Ritsu Stats:



Constitution: 0 
Resistance: 5 (armor included)
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 8 
Strength: 9 
Synergy: 0


Extra: Has +2 resistance versus elemental attacks, barring dark and eldritch

DEX*2 dodge chance



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Cu Chulainn raises his spear over his head.


Silef begins to gather energy, heat rising around her.


"If they've betrayed me, then so be it. I'll just have to slaughter them when I'm finished here. This is my role to play." As if to punctuate his statement, he throws his spear at Silef, dealing [9] damage to her and Sachi. 


Navin sends Cu flying with a burst of explosions, stunning him. 


Solomon delays his action.


Jade dodge rolls.


Edmond patches up Ritsu for [13] HP.


Hikari casts a spell to increase the power of Solomon and Silef, and a second to heal Wyvis for [14] HP. 


Solomon gives Silef some oddly helpful advice, increasing her DEX by 18 (from Life and Death.) 


Cu pulls himself back to his feet, seemingly more annoyed than anything.


Berserker then raises his spear once again. 


Wyvis empowers Silef with their gathered energy.


Sachi protects Silef once again.


Magnum gives some advice to his team for how to best execute an offense against Cu.


Cu throws his spear at Hikari, dealing [9] damage. 


Cu Chulainn: 25
Silef: 22
Cu Chulainn: 20
Navin: 20
Solomon: 19
Jade: 18
Edmond: 18
Hikari: 17
Cu Chulainn: 15
Cu Chulainn: 10
Wyvis: 10
Sachi: 8
Ritsu: 7
Magnum: 7
Cu Chulainn: 5


Solomon: 20/45 HP, +9 INT (2 turns remaining)
Navin: 24/45 HP
Jade: 20/45 HP, Harvest, Dodge Roll
Edmond: 24/51 HP
Hikari: 11/51 HP
Wyvis: 30/51 HP
Sachi: 52/66 HP, 5 damage/turn (1 turns)
Ritsu: 19/39 HP
Magnum: 45/50 HP (9 RES), 5 damage/turn (2 turns)
Silef: 35/65 HP, Harvest, +27 DEX (3 turns remaining - Life and Death), +20 DEX (2 turns remaining - Life and Death)


Cu Chulainn: Wounded, Shocked (Expiring), Crippled (2 turns)
Soldier A: Retreated
Soldier B: fucking destroyed
Soldier C: too gae to live
Soldier D: Fled
Soldier E: Fled
Officer A: Incinerated
Officer B: Chunky Salsa
Beast Pack A (4): bolg'd
Beast Pack B (5): F

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"So be it, I suppose. Ritsu! Take care of Hikari. Solomon, Navin, Wyvis and Jade, focus everything you have on Cu, preferably in the form of physical attacks. If you don't have them, that's fine though." Edmond for his part glanced quickly at the android maid to assess whether she still needed assistance. Didn't seem like it. "Sachi and Hikari! I need you to attack now, instead of your usual jobs. This is vital! And Silef, you need to finish him of course.


Edmond uses Weld on Cu. Does Basic damage (2d6+INT) and adds 1d4+Intx1.25 damage to the next attack to strike the target (Melee? Got damaged by Cu's spikes earlier, so I assume so. . .). Current stats: (Con4,Dex2,Int10,Res8,Str5,Syn1) Has 10% dodge chance. Edmond's attacks are autohit. RES is increased by 4 against arrows and bullets.


((OOC: Here's possibly the final turn

Silef: Needs to nuke Cu using all the mana she has accrued of course. I would like her to delay until after Hikari's move but before Cu's if possible.

Ritsu: Should use intervention to heal Hikari.

Solomon: Nuke if it's off cooldown. If not, use whatever else will do the most damage.

Jade: Figure out what can do the most damage (Fan the hammer?) and use it.

Navin: Flurry of Explosions of course

Hikari: You've got a melee attack, right? That's what we need right now.

Wyvis: Meleeeeee! (As much as possible)

Sachi: ^

Magnum: Hustle Play as a precaution in case the battle continues, or use a melee attack if you have one.


Now we hope for luck! Also, pings on plan are good!!!!!!))

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Jade O'Duffle 20/45, 6/6 Pyro Rounds


Jade nods to Edmond's plan. "With pleasure." He responds before quickly getting up close to Cu. He placed his free hand on the hammer of his revolver before unloading a burst of flaming bullets at the warrior. Hopefully setting him up in a blaze.


Fan the Hammer on Cu with Pyro Rounds. 1d6+2 bullets fired, ((1d6+8)/3)*1.5 damage dealt per bullet, for every three bullets deal ((3d4 - Cu's Res)+1)*1.5 damage. I assume the amount of bullets needed to proc the fire would be lowered due to Cu's debuff weakness.

Strength 5 

Dexterity 6
Intelligence 8
Synergy: 4
Resistance: 4 
Constitution: 2
Extra: Dex*2% chance to dodge 

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Solomon does what anyone else would do in the current situation and he drops a needlessly large amount of odd looking books made out a variety of materials from a surprisingly high distance onto the berserker.


HP: 20/45 

Init: 19
Str 4/Dex 1/Int 10+9/Syn 9/Res 4/Con 2/10% Dodge chance from Armor/Disadvantage in all checks and takes Character level pure damage if he fails one
Current Action: Solomon uses Beware my might! on Chu Chulainn which deals 2d6 + SYNx2.5+ INTx2.5 damage.

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Intervention to top of Init ladder, then Restoration on Hikari to heal [1d4+ 8 INT] health and one status ailment if present


Ritsu Stats:



Constitution: 0 
Resistance: 5 (armor included)
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 8 
Strength: 9 
Synergy: 0


Extra: Has +2 resistance versus elemental attacks, barring dark and eldritch

DEX*2 dodge chance

Will drop one spot in the INIT ladder after this turn



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