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Pokemon Insurgence Help

Filthy Casual

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Hello friends! The final update of Insurgence will be coming out soon (according to Suzerain's Twitter), and as such, I will be starting my first run through. I prefer not to use any deltas or custom mega evolutions, as I personally gravitate towards the normal designs. As such, here is my question to you:


What are some good suggestions for my team? I am planning on using either Sylveon or Espeon as my starter, and will definitely be using Mega Gengar and Gigalith. However, after that, I have no ideas. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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  On 7/23/2017 at 12:36 PM, FactoryofSadness said:

Hello friends! The final update of Insurgence will be coming out soon (according to Suzerain's Twitter), and as such, I will be starting my first run through. I prefer not to use any deltas or custom mega evolutions, as I personally gravitate towards the normal designs. As such, here is my question to you:


What are some good suggestions for my team? I am planning on using either Sylveon or Espeon as my starter, and will definitely be using Mega Gengar and Gigalith. However, after that, I have no ideas. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


I suggest you can use Haxorus ( i.e. axew) It basically stomped through the game with swords dance and outrage/dragon claw and will definitely help 

you fight against some other OP enemy Dragon pokemon with ease.Other than that you could use some pokemon (normal  ones but special) found in hidden grottos.

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In my Insurgence playthrough, I have to say that Delta Charizard is love, Delta Charizard is life... A Ghost Dragon?! This makes up for the horrendous (imho) cockroach-like design of Giratina...

I think that the whole story gains A LOT by the use of Delta Pokemon and their Megas. And Deltas are really well-designed and polished.

Give it a try. I mean, can you imagine that I hated Bug types till half a year ago?


You never know if you like something, unless you give it a chance ;) 

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  On 7/23/2017 at 2:53 PM, Jess said:

In my Insurgence playthrough, I have to say that Delta Charizard is love, Delta Charizard is life... A Ghost Dragon?! This makes up for the horrendous (imho) cockroach-like design of Giratina...

I think that the whole story gains A LOT by the use of Delta Pokemon and their Megas. And Deltas are really well-designed and polished.

Give it a try. I mean, can you imagine that I hated Bug types till half a year ago?


You never know if you like something, unless you give it a chance ;) 


I might try it. During Omicron, I tried using Delta Snorlax and Milotic, but it felt really off. That's why I wanted to try normal mons this time around. Of course, it was also off that I got a Victreebel without a Leaf Stone, but the game was extremely fun regardless.

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I'm gonna attempt my first serious playthrough of Insurgence once the final update comes out too!


So you got:


Mega Gengar



I think a physical ground type like Gliscor, Swampert, or Garchomp would have great synergy with your current team since many physical rock resist mons are weak to Earthquake. The latter two won't add another water weakness as well. Also having something that can switch into thunder wave is convenient too.


Next, a fire type would really round out your team. I'm gonna be a bit biased here and recommend one of my top 3 favorite mons of all time, Volcarona. Volc gives your squad a solid setup sweeper who can 6-0 many teams after a quiver dance. Also, a fire type in general can really help put a dent into steel types like Skarm, Ferrothorn, or Scizor who might give the rest of your team a bit of trouble. If you're not a fan of Volc, you could also try Typhlosion, Arcanine, Mega Charizard X/Y, etc...


Last but not least, a priority sweeper with swords dance seems like a good idea. There are a lot of options like Bisharp, Weavile, etc... but Scizor seems ideal since it also has recovery in the form of roost. However, any decent priority sweeper will do so feel free to pick which one looks coolest :) 


Edit: I just remembered this is Gen 6 so Talonflame's Gale Wings still works regardless of HP. Knowing this, Talonflame can fill both of the last two roles I mentioned in one mon if you teach it swords dance and roost. However, this depends on if Suzerian releases that item from Zeta/Omicron that can give any mon its hidden ability in the next update. If you go with Talonflame, your team is pretty much complete in 5 mons so maybe just a water resist is left. Milotic are Hydreigon are some of my personal favorites that can switch into water moves well, but again feel free to pick any of your personal favorites out of water, dragon, or grass.

Edited by GreenDecidueyeArrow
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I have already played through Insurgence to the current beta, but that was about two or so years ago. I plan to play through the entire thing again, with a brand new save file.


For my team, I did use Delta Charizard, which is super useful early game since most trainers use normal type moves, and they don't effect delta charmander. Another one of my favorites was Delta Ralts/Gardevoir. You can catch Delta Ralts fairly early in the game (before the second gym), and the typing of Electric and Ice is very fun to use. The boltbeam combo is great to use, and especially helps considering it's wide range of effectiveness.


  On 7/23/2017 at 12:36 PM, FactoryofSadness said:

I am planning on using either Sylveon or Espeon as my starter



It looks like you are planning to choose Eevee as your starter. Eevee is a good choice, however, I would refrain from evolving it, since not only is there a move tutor that can teach your Eevee its evolution's special, most powerful move, you can also mega evolve it, into Mega Eevee (you can also mega evolve your delta starter, as well as Delta Gardevoir). You can read more about it Here.


Although these might be a bit different, it would still be good to give them a shot. Alternatively, you can enable purity mode before you start your run, which disables any delta pokemon that are special encounters, or starters (for example, you could get delta charmander as a starter, but with purity mode enabled, you would just get a charmander).


Good luck on your run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update!

I just completed this version of my run, and my goodness, I had a blast! However, I am still open to some team suggestions. Here is my team now:

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What should I change about my team? Let me know down below!

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Your team looks awesome! I wouldn't change much, though a Dark type might help due to the 2 weaknesses to Dark and Ghost and lack of resistances. If you decide to keep Gigalith instead of Tyranitar, maybe you could go with Hydreigon or Bisharp as a part of your rotation.


One thing you could consider would be to replace Lanturn with Rotom-Wash, but for an in-game playthrough I think you can choose whichever you like and turn out OK. Just note that Rotom-W has better all-around stats and provides a ground immunity which 4 of your current mons are weak to (Mega-Gengar, Heatmor, Gigalith, Lanturn). You don't really need Volt Absorb since Flygon is there. However, some advantages of using Lanturn over Rotom-W is that Lanturn can absorb that Livewire entry hazard and learn Ice Beam.


Also, do you mind me asking the movesets for your mons? We'd be happy to help if you'd like.

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  On 8/6/2017 at 4:38 PM, GreenDecidueyeArrow said:

Your team looks awesome! I wouldn't change much, though a Dark type might help due to the 2 weaknesses to Dark and Ghost and lack of resistances. If you decide to keep Gigalith instead of Tyranitar, maybe you could go with Hydreigon or Bisharp as a part of your rotation.


One thing you could consider would be to replace Lanturn with Rotom-Wash, but for an in-game playthrough I think you can choose whichever you like and turn out OK. Just note that Rotom-W has better all-around stats and provides a ground immunity which 4 of your current mons are weak to (Mega-Gengar, Heatmor, Gigalith, Lanturn). You don't really need Volt Absorb since Flygon is there. However, some advantages of using Lanturn over Rotom-W is that Lanturn can absorb that Livewire entry hazard and learn Ice Beam.


Also, do you mind me asking the movesets for your mons? We'd be happy to help if you'd like.


Thank you for the kind words! I actually have two Rotoms in the box! One is Modest, but has 0 IVs in Special Attack, and the other is Adamant. Still, that would be neat to consider.


Either way, here are my movesets:

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Looks good! Here are a few suggestions if you're interested:


Espeon: You could consider replacing Bite with either Psyshock to hit special walls or with Calm Mind. Those TM's, if not available yet, will be soon enough


Gengar (Mega): Taunt can prevent your opponent from setting up stealth rock/livewire or using recovery/thunder wave (you can even 1v1 a chansey, which is rare for special attackers). Once available, a special Poison STAB like Sludge Bomb would be a good idea. Depending on your luck levels, you could consider Focus Blast over dark pulse.


Gigalith: Earthquake or Bulldoze could replace Headbutt


The rest seem fine as is, though Lanturn will really appreciate Ice Beam once it becomes available. Since you mentioned you might replace Heatmor, do you know any fire types you like a lot more? Volcarona is my personal favorite, but Arcanine, Typhlosion, Infernape, Chandelure, and Talonflame are also fun choices and some of those can even add a new playstyle to your team (setup sweeper with Quiver/Swords Dance, priority attacker via Extremespeed, Mach Punch, or Brave Bird)

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