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Poison Monotype Run on Pokemon Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Florinia)

Silver Boy

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Hello guys. and today i'm try to begin my first monotype run. At the beginning, I choose a Poison type decause on start you can catch many poison pokemon. Soo, fisrt chapter will appear soon. It's my first monorun, do not judge strictly)



CHAPTER I: Booming Lady Julia!

CHAPTER II: Slums 'nd Vines!

CHAPTER III: Onix Trainer School!

Edited by WestPlayer
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13 minutes ago, Pμrple said:

Nice ! Finally a poison mono run !!

Jess has one aswell


14 minutes ago, WestPlayer said:

Hello guys. and today i'm try to begin my first monotype run. At the beginning, I choose a Poison type decause on start you can catch many poison pokemon. Soo, fisrt chapter will appear soon. It's my first monorun, do not judge strictly)

Mono type runs aren't easy, but they're not too hard

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1 hour ago, Pμrple said:

Nice ! Finally a poison mono run !!

Mine was the 165th, this one is the 166th Poison monorun! xD


Well, since mine is almost over (just 4 chapters remain, Charlotte, Terra, Ciel and Adrienn), this will be a good replacement! Good luck @WestPlayer! :D 

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Thank you guys) Hope first chapter will be released today, because I'm busy now, and my laptop crashed, so I made monorun on old computer. If I don't have time, I will released first chapter tomorrow.

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CHAPTER I: Booming Lady Julia!


So, I begin my run on poison type!

First of all, i named my hero Sidny, because... Um... Just dont think about it, okay?


I go into Grand Hall for choose starter. Because it's Poison run, i choose Bulbasaur. Her moves can combinate with poison type, and it is poison, heh.

When Victoria go for choose start, i fought with Cain. A series of Tackles easily takes him down, so my Bulbasaur is the winner.


So, Victoria comes back, and Cain go for registration in League, and I fought with Victoria, Like Cain, i'm easily defeat her by series of Tackles. My Bulbasaur gained EXP and grew to level 7.


Then, she give me 5 Pokeballs and gone. Soo, I go into grass, and caught Ekans. Ekans is good poison pokemon. His moves, like Glare and Crunch, can help me in this run. I also go into railnet and catch a Stunky. His Screech and Poison Gas is good for beginning. Also, he learns good moves in future.


After healing pokemons, I go into Lower Peridot, and beat all trainer nearby Pokecenter. Battles with them didn't be difficult. Combination of Ekans's and Stunky's moves, and Bulbasaur's Tackles defeated all 5 leveled foe's pokemons.


So it's my team after beating trainers in central Peridot:



I want to find a Spinarak and Trubish, but in result I found a shiny Noibat and Patrat. Maybe i'm too lucky for found shiny's, but not enough good to find a shiny poison pokemon)


I beated all trainers in Opal, and I begin to understand how use poison pokemon in battles. It's my team at this moment:



Then, I caught a two new poison pokemon - Grimer and Trubbish. Grimer have good attack and HPs, also good poison moves. Trubbish is great deffender, also he's have a Toxic Spikes. It's a very useful move, which in future helps me in battle with Julia.


I'm continue to travel through the Peridot. I fought with many trainers, and my team sharply rises. Also, me pokemons learn good moves, like Trubbish's Acid Spray and Grimers's Disable. Also, i save women's Igglybuf from Team Meteor. So, it's my team before i fight with Fern.



My Trubbish easily takes down Fern's Lotad and Snivy, but for Budew i choose Stunky. His Screech, Focus Energy and Scratch made an oneshot hit on Budew, so in total Fern was useless.


Then, I met Julia, and I go to Mosswater Factory, where we meet with Florinia and with Fern (one more time). And we begin to defeat all Meteors on factory. We havy many battles, and my pokemons pretty grow after this battles. It's my team before fight with Aster and Eclipse:



Fight with them was difficult. But my Grimer poisoned Magby and Elekid be Poison Gas, so they have constant damage. With common effort, Aster and Eclipse was defeat.


Then, Florinia presented me Fields Notes, and Julia gone to own Gym. We begin to fight with Gyms trainers. This battles don't be tough, my pokemons easily beated them.

But knowing, that gyms battles difficult, I train my pokemon into Grand Hall. It's my team after fight with Julia.



So, battle begin. First of all, I defeat her first pokemon be Ekans because he's just tough. Then, I make a Toxic Spikes by Trubbish, and with Grimer take down Voltorbs. My Trubbish weakened Emolga, but then was defeated. Me Ivysaur in solo takes down Blitzte and Emolga, and entered the battle with Electrode. He's was poisoned by Toxic Spikes, so I use Leech Seed on him, and just wait when he takes down, using Potions.


In result, i got Volt Badge and useless TM Charge Beam.


This is the end of chapter! Hope you enjoy it.

Edited by WestPlayer
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7 minutes ago, St0mpa said:

Advise. Use spoilers

  Reveal hidden contents



It makes it look neater.

Thanks for advice, it's some difficult to navigate into site, because english not my native language)

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CHAPTER II: Slums 'nd Vines!

So, we begin the second chapter of our Poison Run!


Later, our hero Sidny defeated Gym Leader Julia, and got the Volt Badge. After that, we meet Victoria. She says, that in Obsidia Ward vines attack people, and she's going there that would understand what happened. Our hero also gone into Obsidia.


This is our team before battle with Julia. Trubbish and Grimer level up on 1 level, Ivysaur on 2 levels. At this moment popemons don't learn new really useful attacks.




In Opal appeared three new trainers, with which we have battle. They was not tough, but pokemons get EXP from this battles. 


Then, we meet Florinia near entrance in Odsidia Ward. She says, that hero can come in Park, and orders policemans to skip me into Obsidia. In this Ward we have battle with two trainers. A boy with Minun and Plusle was tough: he takes down my Trubbish, Stunky and Ekans, but Grimer takes him down by his new learned attack - Mud Bomb.


After that, we meet Victoria in Lower Obsidia. She says, that she try to go in Slums, but trainers there is tough. Victoria battles with Sidny, in order to test him. My Stunky easily takes down her Ralts, but Makuhita with his Force Palm defeat him. Then, i sent out Grimer. With Sludge and one Mud Slap, Makuhita was fainted by Grimer. In battle with Pignite, Grimer use Disable, so Pignite's Flame Charge was useless. After, with Potion and some Mud Bombs, I defeat Pignite, and Victoria gone, sayng "Maybe you be all right". So, it's my team after travel in Slums:




My travel in Slums begin! I'm fight with two freaky guys in entrance. Then, I see a mysterious item, which heal my team and dissappeared. I contunie my travel, and i found a Moon Stone. I think that it will come in handy in the future. After that, I saw a strange boxes, and сlimbed to the roof of the building. I see that healing item one more, and have some battles.


Then, we can see that Scraggy goes into box and move somewhere. I go behind it, but Scraggy fled. Sidny beat two guys with Silcoon and Cascoon. I saw that healing item, so i prepared to battle with Scrafty's gang. This is my team at this moment:




So, battle commence! My Stunky used Poison Gas (wery useful move), and Ekans Glare on one of Scraggy's. But two attack on my Ekans, and he's fainted. Then, sent out my Grimer. Some Screech's and Acid Spray's takes down that two Scraggy's. In the battle enters other Scraggy and Scrafty. Thay defeat my Trubbish and Stunky by some Headbutt's and Low Kicks. Then, I send out Ivysaur and Grimer. Some Sludge and Take Down defeat that guys, so gang open the door into other part of Obsidia!


Because entrance into way in Park is closed, I go into Coral and heal my team in local Pokecenter.

After that, i met a Amaria, which try to save a Oshawott, but can do this, because toxic water hurts anyone who touch it. Then, to us came Cain, and recue Oshawott by Grimer (I also can do this, but...). Cain want to go out, but Oshawott want to be Cain's pokemon. So, Cain fight with me, because he want to test his own Oshawott.


I'm easily beat her Grimer by my Stunky. Screech and Scratch is really not bad combination. Then, Cain sent out Nidorino. My Stunky was defeated, but he's managed to lower his Defence. Against Nidorino I used Grimer. Mud Bombs beat Nidorino so fast. Cain use Venonat, and, alas, my Grimer was fainted by Confusion. I sent Ekans, and series of Bites beat Venonat and Oshawott. Battle ends, and I a winner! Cain says, that she will meet with sister, and gone. Then, Amaria says that she goes into park, and invites Sidny helps.


I know, that Tangrowth is powerful enemy, so i train up my team. My pokemons at this moment:




So, we use Cut on tree, and Amaria with Florinia came into Park, but they was captured by vines. We meet with ZEL first time, and the battle begin.


I'm just paralyzed Tangrowth by Glare, maximally lower his Defence and Accurasy by Stunky, Ekans and Grimer. Then, I dealt some damage by Trubbish's Double Slaps and end this by Ivysaur's Takes Down.  Battle ends, and all returned to normal. Florinia gone in Onix School, and Amaria go in Grand Hall for report Ame. 


At this moment, chapter II ended! Hope you enjoy it)

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2 minutes ago, RhythmMelody said:


None of the screens in your second chapter are shown for me. 404 ftw

Same for Chapter I. Probably you need to find a better uploading platform that keeps them stored for a longer time period @WestPlayer

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17 hours ago, Jess said:

Same for Chapter I. Probably you need to find a better uploading platform that keeps them stored for a longer time period @WestPlayer

I maybe refuse from screens, and will make teams by B/W sprites. So, in Chapter III screens will not be. 

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8 minutes ago, St0mpa said:

ch2 works now

Yeah. The best way for me is make teams by sprites from B/W. It's looks neater. Ch. I is fixing now.


UPD: All chapters team's is working now.

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CHAPTER III: Onix Trainer School!


We begin new chapter of our Poison Run!


After battle with ZEL, our hero begin travel in Onix Ward. I heal pokemon and defeat some trainers. Than, i cauhgt a Venonat, because I nead this pokemon in my team, and have not bad learnset. So, we have this team after entrance to Onix Trainer School:




We go in, but Fern with two students say, that we can't beat Florinia, and close entrance in arena. Then, was fight with trainer near doors in school, and we begin to wins all students. We have really many fights. First of all, I go to the second floor, then I descended and open gates on ground flour. So, I beated all students in school, and my pokemons pretty grows up. But, unfortunately, my Venonat don't really grow up, and he's more lost, then wins. Despite this, my pokemons is not bad at this moment. They knows good moves, so Sidny ready to beat Fern. Me team:




Against Fern's Lotad I send Venonat. He's was useless, and I withdrew him, but he managed poisoned Lotad. Then, I sent Grimer. Some Sludge's and Super Poitons, and I defeat him. After that, Fern send out Servine. Like with Lotad, Grimer was winner. But when in the battle entered Roselia, with one Growth and Mega Drains, she's defeat all my pokemons, not to mention Ivysaur. I sent him, and with Takes Down Roselia was fainted. I'm a winner, and Fern says, that he's also can beat the League, and with "Later, loser!" Fern gone. 


I healed my team, and complete a quiz. It was easy, i'm remember all answers long time. I buy some Super Potions, and begin fight with Florinia! My pokemons:




VS Florinia


In battle with Maractus, I send Venonat. It was easily fainted. I sent Grimer, and Maractus was fainted by two Sludges. Then, Florinia send Breelom. Grimer also used two Sludges, but Florinia heal him by Super Potion. Then, Breelom attack by Much Punch, and by critical hit, Grimer was fainted. So, I send Trubbish, use Toxic Spikes and some Acid Sprays, and Breelom was defeated. In the battle entered Ferroseed. Because his have immune to Poison, and Normal moves not wery effective, Ferroseed was the winner. He also defeated Stunky, but he managed lower his Deffence by Screech. So, my hope was Ekans. Fortunately, Ekans beat Ferroseed by series of Bites, and Cottonee by series of Acid. In the battle with Cradily, Ekans was defeat by Smack Down. I sent Ivysaur, and just wait when Cradily was fainted by poison (thanks Toxic Spikes for this), using Potions and one Super Potion.


Florinia lost. She gives my hero Canopy Badge and TM Nature Power. Then, she asked for travel into Jasper, because Sidny have an experience with battle with Meteor Team and she can't go far from school. Before battle, my Ekans evolve into Arbok!


So, it's the end of Chapter III. Hope you enjoy it!

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