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Valerie [Intense]


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Okay so I've been stuck on the 5th gym battle with valerie for hours and i'm really frustrated with it no matter my strategy I can't win. Listing my team members is quite pointless bevause they simply can't cope against her. I can't leave terajuma island at this point so I can't leave to get a chargerbug or any electric type and the pokemon on the island itself (Grass types) won't stand a chance against ice beams. I dunno I just feel valerie is too OP despite the game difficulty, I coul defeat the other leaders with ease so I'm clueless on what to do. Anybody got any tips on what I could, might have to reset if nothing else works. Thanks in advance for any repliesd



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I had the same problem on my recent intense run, her mons or more like the field effect is still pretty broken.

I just did what i did to beat her the first time back in V5 or something:

Catch a nincada and get a shedinja, Valerie has still nothing to damage you, at least she couldn't damage my shedinja despite wishiwashi and his z-move(don't think it should bypass wonderguard though...)

You can still catch charjabug on terajuma island btw

Edited by Alphaverb
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12 minutes ago, Alphaverb said:

I had the same problem on my recent intense run, her mons or more like the field effect is still pretty broken.

I just did what i did to beat her the first time back in V5 or something:

Catch a nincada and get a shedinja, Valerie has still nothing to damage you, at least she couldn't damage my shedinja despite wishiwashia dn his z-move(don't think it should bypass wonderguard though...)

You can still catch charjabug on terajuma island btw

Even if I got Nincada I wouldn't of used Shedinja,I wanna be fair and not completely broken.

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18 minutes ago, Alphaverb said:

I had the same problem on my recent intense run, her mons or more like the field effect is still pretty broken.

I just did what i did to beat her the first time back in V5 or something:

Catch a nincada and get a shedinja, Valerie has still nothing to damage you, at least she couldn't damage my shedinja despite wishiwashi and his z-move(don't think it should bypass wonderguard though...)

You can still catch charjabug on terajuma island btw

Where can I get a nincada? 

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23 minutes ago, Damien said:

You can CATCH Charjabug,just go into the forest to evolve it.


dude if there is no charjabug in the forest and I can't leave the forest then I can't get the chargabug, and before you say i've been searching for one for about half an hour now.

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8 minutes ago, Danzonthebass said:

dude if there is no charjabug in the forest and I can't leave the forest then I can't get the chargabug, and before you say i've been searching for one for about half an hour now.

Oh your right about Charjabug,but you can get Grubbin and THEN evolve it.

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