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!Corey down! [Normal Monotype Run - 2/14 Badges] - by Fut


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So I want to play a Monotype run and the random number generator decided, it will be a Normal Type run. 

I cant speak english and format text for the heck of it, so I will only archive my progress here in small posts and screenshots to not burn your eyes out.

I will only use Pokemon that I can catch at my point in the game, I had to give me the Munchlax to start tho.


I picked Froakie as a starter and used it against the first two Rival battles, then I deposited it and gave myself my starter:



Chubbo, the Munchlax (Female)
Shiny: Yes
Brave/Thick Fat

- Metronome
- Odor Sleuth
- Tackle
- Defense Curl


Well, first things first, I will run around the city and see what I can catch for this endeavour. I will post the first update after I defeated Fern and Julia, and in the meantime I would be happy to hear about your ideas for this run. I am no pokemon expert and only recently got back into it, so I dont know much about the strongest team compositions or stuff, but I will try my best.


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I tried to do a monotype normal run before but started getting lazy and never finished it (oops). I had loads of fun and struggles during it.

Early on you can get a few good normal types which you can use throughout the game as a main team of for substitutes.


The three I remember are Whismer in the abandoned house, need pokesnax, which will join you. Tediursa which you will get after the hide and seek event (I believe after you beat the first gym) and igglybuff which is a decent duel type of fairy and normal 


Goodluck on your quest! Can't wait to hear how it goes

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-Humble beginnings, Fern and Julia-

Alright, as I left the Grand Hall into the Peridot Ward I already knew what I was going to do. I cleared out all the trainers in the ward, giving all of the exp to my munchlax, since I mindlessly grind later anyways.

I found myself a Zigzagoon from the bullys on the bridge and quickly disposed of it in the PC for now, I had other mons in my mind. I went on to encounter the Teddiursa, the Whismur and the Igglybuff pretty quickly

and made them part of the team. To my surprise, the Igglybuff was deep blue, a shiny one. The other two spots got covered by a Pidgey and a Rattata that I found in the brushes next to the Grand Hall.

I really like the concept of a Monotype run, I think I will learn to appreciate the "weaker" mons that are otherwise quickly discarded in a playthrough.

Anyways, I grinded all my mons up to level 15 while watching the 106th episode of Critical Role on twitch, and now I am ready to take on Fern for the first time. The roster as of now:




                                        Chubbo, the Munchlax -15- (Female)  Igor, the Igglybuff -15- (Female)  Ted, the Teddiursa -15- (Female)  Whisper, the Whismur -15- (Male)  Hugrinn, the Pidgey -15- (Male)  Obby, the Rattata -15- (Male)

                                        Shiny: Yes                                       Shiny: Yes                                  Shiny: No                                   Shiny: No                                     Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No
                                        Brave/Thick Fat                               Timid/Friend Guard                      Modest/Pickup                            Naughty/Soundproof                      Lax/Big Pecks                           Gentle/Run Away

                                        - Metronome                                   - Charm                                      - Baby-Doll Eyes                         - Pound                                         - Tackle                                   - Bite
                                        - Amnesia                                       - Sweet Kiss                                - Fake Tears                               - Echoed Voice                               - Sand Attack                           - Pursuit
                                        - Tackle                                          - Pound                                      - Feint Attack                              - Astonish                                      - Gust                                     - Quick Attack
                                        - Lick                                              - Copy Cat                                  - Fury Swipes                              - Howl                                           - Quick Attack                         - Focus Energy



So the fight versus Fern was nothing I was afraid of, I know he only has a Lotad, a Snivy and a Budew, so I lead with my Munchlax. I used metronome for fun and killed Lotad with a Hidden Power/Foul Play.

The Snivy died from a Hidden Power aswell, the ways of metronome are mysterious and complex. Last one is Budew, the favorite of Ame, and once again I lead with a metronome.

Sadly, this time my Munchlax killed himself with a Healing Wish, so Teddiursa had to come out to finish this with a quadra Feint Attack, since Fern had a potion left. But Fern was quickly beaten and we went into the factory.

Fern and me quickly started to sweep through the Factory and Chubbo evolved into a Snorlax at level 16 (The shiny Snorlax looks really nice and with Chip Away he seems really powerful for now).

I actually never needed to switch out from Snorlax and he rose to level 19 in the Factory, now Im standing in front of Julias gym and will proceed to grab that first badge, but that will be posted in the small update tomorrow.


I want to update in small amounts so its always easy to read and not a wall of text, also I need to sleep. One more thing though, I have no problem of giving away some of the shinys I catch on my Monotype run if someone wants them.

Maybe I will have some more luck with event pokemon and they will be shiny in the first encounter, so you dont have to farm a certan event a hundred times. Good night for today.

I will look into a Fearow as soon as I can get to the trees in Onyx ward, thank you Gentleman Jaggi!

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-Preparation for the fight-

Alright, we finished the factory and managed to stand infront of Julia, but I turned around and exited the building, I had stuff to do. I tried to Headbutt a few trees and low and behold: a Spearow.
Seems like the Pokemon Location Guide is not perfectly up to date, but I am happy about it, I prefer Fearow over Pidgeotto after all. Now I only had to grind for my plan.

I went into the Grand Hall and grinded at the Evoli trainer, I grinded Spearow, Igglybuff, Whismur and Rattata to level 20, to make them evolve.

After they did so, I gave all of them one Common Candy to have them sit on level 19, I dont want them to overlevel while fighting Julia.




                                        Chubbo, the Snorlax -19- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -19- (Male)  Ted, the Teddiursa -19- (Female)  Oberyn, the Fearow -19- (Male)  Igor, the Jigglypuff -19- (Female)  Whisper, the Loudred -19- (Male)

                                        Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                   Shiny: No                                  Shiny: Yes                                  Shiny: No
                                        Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Modest/Pickup                            Mild/Sniper                                Timid/Friend Guard                      Naughty/Soundproof

                                        - Metronome                                 - Bite                                      - Baby-Doll Eyes                         - Aerial Ace                                - Charm                                      - Bite
                                        - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Fake Tears                               - Growl                                      - Sweet Kiss                                - Echoed Voice
                                        - Chip Away                                  - Quick Attack                          - Feint Attack                             - Pursuit                                     - Pound                                      - Astonish
                                        - Lick                                           - Sucker Punch                         - Fury Swipes                             - Fury Attack                              - Double Slap                               - Howl


-The first gym, Julia-

So I forgot in which order Julia sends in her Pokemon, I remember the nasty Static Emolga tho, so I just went in and tried to wipe out as many mons of her as possible with Echoed Voice from Loudred.

Helioptile went down with 2 uses of Echoed Voice, but he managed to paralyze my Loudred, I chose to keep him in till he faints and he easily one shotted the first Voltorb of Julia. The second one got 

him down to 1 HP, but he still took out the second Voltorb.



She decided to go with the Static Emolga next, so I pulled out Raticate to Hyper Fang him down as fast as possible, and voila, he died in one hit, it wasnt even effective. I decided to keep him for the Blitzle too, but he missed

his Hyper Fang and got paralyzed by a Thunder Wave. He took off 5 HP with a Quick Attack and 9 with a Charge Beam, before my Hyper Fang connected and one shotted him.

I dont want to let him charge his Electrode, so I rotate Snorlax in to Chip Away his ball and he went down with two attacks. That was it, the Volt Badge was mine.


-Thoughts about the battle-

So I wasnt sure how this battle was about to go down since the last time I fought Julia was a long time ago, but I still remember having quite some troubles with a normal, non Monotype team.

Her Static Emolga used to give me some troubles, since my mons just didnt do enough damage, but I am really surprised with Raticate and Loudred.

I expected Echoed Voice to take down atleast two mons, but with a little bit of luck he even got the third, but Raticate... man.

It was unexpected that Hyper Fang would just one shot her mons, I had a way easier time with that gym leader

than in my normal playthroughs, but I am happy about it, since I will get into mad troubles later :D.




I am really hyped about the next steps of the game, I dont even know who the second gym leader was anymore, was it Bug? or Grass?

I hope this is atleast a little bit interesting to follow for anyone reading this, if you have feedback and tips let me hear it. 


Is there anyone here that could explain how to set up a signature here? I think I am to blind to see the option.

Edit: Found it :P

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5 minutes ago, Jess said:

Good job :) 

Yes, second Gym Leader is Grass. Good luck and keep up the good work! ;) 

Thank you :P


So it is Grass? I think I remember the school and the Lileep. Guess Fearow will have to do work there


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-Exploring Obsidia-

So we get granted passage into Obsidia Ward and can explore a whole new area now, great! The first thing I did was removing the Meteor members from the daycare, and this fight was actually harder than the gym fight versus Julia.

The Aron and Roggenrola where quite the troublemakers but I managed to Sucker Punch and Bite them down after some time, great, now I only have to find the old couple to start breeding. I also skipped the Swirlix puzzle,

since I cant use him anyways and made my way down south towards Coral Ward, facing off with Victoria and starting the Lilipup questline for a potentially new team member. There are really small

changes to my team, like new moves and a few more level ups, so I will just format in the entire team again, all for this feeling of perfection :D.

-Dueling Victoria-


                                             Chubbo, the Snorlax -20- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -20- (Male)  Ted, the Teddiursa -20- (Female)  Oberyn, the Fearow -20- (Male)  Igor, the Jigglypuff -20- (Female)  Whisper, the Loudred -20- (Male)

                                             Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                   Shiny: No                                  Shiny: Yes                                  Shiny: No
                                             Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Modest/Pickup                            Mild/Sniper                                Timid/Friend Guard                      Naughty/Soundproof

                                             - Yawn                                         - Bite                                      - Baby-Doll Eyes                         - Aerial Ace                                - Charm                                      - Bite
                                             - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Fake Tears                               - Growl                                      - Sweet Kiss                                - Echoed Voice
                                             - Chip Away                                  - Quick Attack                          - Feint Attack                             - Pursuit                                     - Pound                                      - Astonish
                                             - Lick                                           - Sucker Punch                         - Fury Swipes                             - Fury Attack                              - Double Slap                               - Howl



As you can see, I decided to switch out Metronome for Yawn. Sure, Metronome can be incredible if the luck is on my side, but its way to random and the sleep effect is just to strong to skip.

But lets get into the fight, shall we? I know for a fact that she leads with a Ralts, so I will start with Loudred and try to flinch her with Astonish to death, lets see how that goes.

Well here comes Ralts, and my Loudred is faster than her Ralts, so I get one Astonish out before she can damage me, no luck with the flinch. But her Ralts is down after

the next Astonish and she will switch in a Makuhita, playing ground for my Fearow I guess. One Aerial Ace critical is enough to make Makuhita faint, and so here

comes the Pignite, Fearow stays. Fearow brings Pignite to red with a singel Aerial Ace and her Arm Thrust is not strong enough, he faints with the second one.


-Thoughts about Victoria-

Well there is not much to say about that fight, the ghost attack destroyed the Ralts and Fearow with her Sniper ability just one shot Makuhita. Pignite went down in two, and the second one was a critical aswell.

Lets hope she trains a little bit more and becomes a challenge to fear in the future.


-The Slums-

I ran through the Slums, leaving the Ducklett egg behind, since I cant use him anyways, just like the Swirlix. I did catch a Pidove though, but I am not sure if I wll use him in my rotation.

After chipping away all the trainers with my Snorlax, I stood infront of the Scraggy fight, I lead with Fearow and Raticate. Well, Fearow was alive the whole fight and just used Aerial Ace

to finish all of them off, Raticate fainted against the Scrafty though, but that was the only casualty. Now up to Coral Ward I suppose.


-Coral Ward-

The first thing I did was getting the Skitty for the Ultra Potion, still not sure if I use it either, but we will see as this run progresses. Now its up to the first Cain fight if I remember, so

lets get this over with. I think he has atleast one Grimer and the Piplup that will get saved from the light tower, or was it a Oshawott? Lets give it a try. I wll lead with a tanky mon,

so Snorlax will take the lead here. And it was indeed Oshawott, so that mystery is solved.


-Dueling Cain-


                                                  Chubbo, the Snorlax -22- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -21- (Male)  Ted, the Teddiursa -20- (Female)  Oberyn, the Fearow -21- (Male)  Igor, the Jigglypuff -20- (Female)  Whisper, the Loudred -21- (Male)

                                                  Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                   Shiny: No                                  Shiny: Yes                                  Shiny: No
                                                  Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Modest/Pickup                            Mild/Sniper                                Timid/Friend Guard                      Naughty/Soundproof

                                                  - Yawn                                         - Bite                                      - Baby-Doll Eyes                         - Aerial Ace                                - Charm                                      - Bite
                                                  - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Fake Tears                               - Growl                                      - Sweet Kiss                                - Echoed Voice
                                                  - Chip Away                                  - Quick Attack                          - Feint Attack                             - Pursuit                                     - Pound                                      - Astonish
                                                  - Lick                                           - Sucker Punch                         - Fury Swipes                             - Fury Attack                              - Double Slap                               - Howl


Of course he leads with the Grimer that he used to save the Oshawott with, fine with me. One Chip Away was enough to swipe him down, next up is Nidorino, I will stay with Snorlax here.

He pumped himself up, so I could get a free Chip Away in and bursted him down to red, next up a Poison Sting that doesnt even poison me, easy enough, Nidorino faints.

Venonat up next? Time for a Sniper Aerial Ace, we switch in Fearow for this one, its not a critical, but the attack is enough to make Venonat faint.

The Oshawott gets an Aerial Ace to the face too, and faints with one attack, Cain is no match for us.


-Thoughts about Cain-

I always liked his character design, he is so obnoxious, only Terra rivals him. His team is not tanky enough to survive a few rounds against my mons, but I think he will become a force to be reckoned with

once he gets his Nidoking and possibly Muk.


-First encounter with a PULSE-Machine-

We get the first HM, Cut. I will ask a question at the end of this chapter about a certain mod, I hope I get some answers from fellow Monotype runners. But for now, Teddiursa will get the Cut HM, and its actually his

strongest attack for now. We Cut our way back into the Obsidia Ward to complete the Glameow quest, but I am once again not sure if it will be usable in the future. It is pretty fast though. The Skitty that is

obtainable has 31 in Defense, maybe I will have to think to use the Soothe Bell on it pretty soon, to see what it is capable of. But for now, we will stick with our team for the upcoming PULSE fight.


-Dueling zEL-


                                                       Chubbo, the Snorlax -22- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -21- (Male)  Ted, the Teddiursa -20- (Female)  Oberyn, the Fearow -21- (Male)  Igor, the Jigglypuff -20- (Female)  Whisper, the Loudred -21- (Male)

                                                       Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                   Shiny: No                                  Shiny: Yes                                  Shiny: No
                                                       Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Modest/Pickup                            Mild/Sniper                                Timid/Friend Guard                      Naughty/Soundproof

                                                       - Yawn                                         - Bite                                      - Cut                                          - Aerial Ace                                - Charm                                      - Bite
                                                       - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Fake Tears                               - Growl                                      - Sweet Kiss                                - Echoed Voice
                                                       - Chip Away                                  - Quick Attack                          - Feint Attack                             - Pursuit                                     - Pound                                      - Astonish
                                                       - Lick                                           - Sucker Punch                         - Fury Swipes                             - Fury Attack                              - Double Slap                               - Howl


So the only difference in my team is that Teddiursa has Cut instead of the Doll-Eyes for now, but I dont think it will come to him, since I have a Fearow and the PULSE-Tangrowth is a Grass/Poison type.

I lead with Fearow and go in for an Aerial Ace, I got cocky. This thing is way more tanky than I thought. I get out three Aerial Aces and Tangrowth falls to 1/4th of his HP before Fearow faints.

I follow up with my Raticate and hope that a few Hyper Fangs are enough, he hits me with a critical Mega Drain and survives the barrage of Hyper Fangs with a sliver of health.

But I had enough, Snorlax comes in and finishes him off with a well placed Chip Away, two of my mons fainted, that was slightly more difficult than I remembered.


-Thoughts about zEL-

Well, that was an experience. I am pretty afraid of Taka, the combination of his Chatot INCLUDING the PULSE-Tangrowth will be pretty rough I imagine. Maybe I can get the Litleo before that, that could help in some way.

But I am still pretty confident in this run, I have not yet hit a wall, and I am on my way to that second badge.


-Loose ends in the Wards-

Time to free that old ass couple to get access to the daycare, they are in some kind of a garage in Coral Ward. I pick up a 31HP/31AT/31/SPDef Happiny on the way back and I am contemplating it.

This mon is incredibly bulky and could remove status effects and act as a tank in case I have to revive my team. I feel like it could replace Teddiursa since it is really underwhelming for now,

but who knows how strong the fully evolved form will be. I will definitly keep Happiny up to date in case I need it. Well, the Litleo is protected by a lvl 35. Klingklang, and my Jigglypuff didnt

have Perish Song on him, so thats a big problem. I spent several tries to paralyze Klingklang with the first Lick from Snorlax, and after some tries it happened. I quickly stacked

my special defense with Amnesia and continued to Chip Away at him while holding up the HP with potions. I had some luck with the Charge Beam RNG and managed

to beat the Klingklang. We now have a Litleo, and I am pretty sure that it will do a superb job in this run.

Uhh, we also traded a Furret for a Castform, and I never used this mon at all, but I will try him out.


Litleo, Castform, Happiny, Pidove, Lillipup, Skitty, Glameow, Slakoth, Buneary

I have to make choices, because I feel like my Jigglypuff and my Teddiursa is weak. I definitly want Litleo and Lillipup in my team for now, because of the fire attacks from Litleo and the Ice Fang from Lillipup.

I think I will switch them in and grind them up to the right level. I also want to test out Happiny and Castform, but I am not yet sure who to replace. Slakoth though.. such a hard hitter, I have more

options than I thought.


-The new lineup-


                                                               Chubbo, the Snorlax -24- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -23- (Male)  Heppo, the Herdier -24- (Male)  Oberyn, the Fearow -24- (Male)  Shrew, the Litleo -24- (Female)  Whisper, the Loudred -24- (Male)

                                                               Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No
                                                               Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Jolly/Intimidate                        Mild/Sniper                               Lonely/Unnerved                       Naughty/Soundproof

                                                               - Yawn                                         - Bite                                      - Crunch                                  - Aerial Ace                               - Fire Fang                               - Bite
                                                               - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Work Up                                - Mirror Move                            - Work Up                                - Echoed Voice
                                                               - Chip Away                                  - Quick Attack                          - Take Down                            - Pursuit                                    - Headbutt                                - Astonish
                                                               - Lick                                           - Sucker Punch                         - Ice Fang                                - Fury Attack                              - Noble Roar                              - Stomp


With this, we will face Fern now, who is blocking the way to to our second gym badge. Lets see if his evolved trio can cause some problems for us.

He leads with a Lombre, I pull out Fearow and prepare to crush him with my Aerial Ace but he stops me with a well placed Fake Out.

The next one hits and he is at around one HP, he deals some more damage with Fury Swipes and takes a Potion,

it is not enough though, since my Aerial Ace crits and with the Sniper ability, Lombre is gone.

He sends in Roselia, I could try to sweep with Aerial Ace or switch to Herdier for the 

Ice Fang. I stay on Fearow but he posions and Lech Seeds me, so my Fearow

faints through the poison as Servine falls to a Aerial Ace.

I quickly pull out Herdier and finish Roselia with

an Ice Fang. We beat him again.


-Thoughts about Fern x2-

His Roselia tried to setup for Servine with the poison and the Leech Seed, it was a nice strategy but my versatile fire power was too much for him.

I had Fly and Ice attacks, and his Grass mons just had no chance against that. But it was definitely way harder than the first encounter.

Now the path to the second gym badge is free, and I think its time to get that badge. This post is already quite long, so I will

not repost the Team, since nothing changed since the Fern fight.


-Dueling Florinia-

Alright, Florinia uses the Grass type so I have to decide between Fearow or Litleo for my lead Pokemon. I will start with Litleo since I am pretty confident I can atleast swipe one of her Pokemon with a Fire Fang real quick.

She starts with a Maractus, great, thats only Grass as far as I remember. She gets the spikes out, which is bad, but I manage to down Maractus with a few Fire Fangs and even cost her a potion.

Next up is Breloom and I switch in to Herdier, since I want to save my Fire and Fly attacks for a bit, I try to take it down with my Ice Fang. He Leech Seeds me and sleeps my Herdier though,

and manages to kill it with a few Mach Punchs, not looking good. I switch in for Fearow since he ignores the spikes, and try to Aerial Ace him down, ONE SHOT!

Next up is her Ferroseed and I just have to switch to Litleo, taking the spike damage, but he manages to delete it with a single Fire Fang.

Cacnea is next up and I decide to switch to Fearow again, hoping for a critical hit on the Aerial Ace. It doesnt crit, but Cacnea

faints anyways. Down to two, and since the last mon is a Cradily I decide to keep going at it with my Fearow, since Fly

is useless against her last mon. She Leech Seeds me at the end which is frustrating but I down her Cottonee

without a problem. Cradily, I decide to switch to Snorlax to fully revive my Herdier for the Ice Fang.

After I did so, I use Yawn on Cradily to have it sleep when my Herdier comes out.

Cradily stockpiled to increase its special defense, so I only get it down to

red before it wakes up. I survive the last Smack Down with 5 HP and

the Sandstorm subsides exactly at the right moment, giving me

the chance for the last Ice Fang. I know Herdier is faster

and it hits, the Cradily is down, we have the Canopy



-Thoughts about Florinia-

She really tried hard to setup a Spike-Leech Seed-Sandstorm combination to stall out my demise. I had hard hitting mons that where strong against each of her Pokemon, so I could just barrel through her annoying effects.

If I had a less harder hitting team this would be a problem, and even so my Herdier struggled to take down the Cradily after it buffed his special defense. This fight could have ended bad if I had a little bit less luck or 

made the wrong decision at certain moments in the fight. But we have the canopy badge and I am finally free to stop for today, I really wanted to get out this chapter today. It took way longer than I expected.


-Should I use the HM Mod?-

I would kindly ask for feedback from some of the Monotype runners, do you guys use the mod that makes every mon able to use all of the special moves like Cut?

I feel like it messes up the moveset of my mons in the long run, and since I am not as flexible with picks in this challenge it could prove fatal.

How do you guys manage that? Do you just go with it or use the mod for an easier time?


But anyways, thank you for reading this, and I am open for tips and criticism like always.








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Oh no, seems like my sprite pictures are not correctly loaded in my longer post. Does anyone know why that is the case?

Edit: It worked after I put in all the pictures one by one again, sorry for the double post. I dont know how to delete a post ive made.

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-On the wild Hentai ride-

With the Canopy Badge in our pocket we will be able to venture up into the Jasper Ward where we can try our luck with the Mystery Egg after finding all the police men. Also we will have to face off with Taka for the first time, which will be just awesome.

 So we venture up there and make our way to Malchous Forest, we defeat all of the Meteor trainers and finally find the reason for all of these Hentai plants sticking out of the ground.

Its Taka with his PULSE-Tangrowth, its still not dead, damn. I take the seafish to fully restore my mons and just try my luck with him, maybe I will win without grinding my team a little bit more?


-Dueling Taka-


                                                                   Chubbo, the Snorlax -25- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -25- (Male)  Heppo, the Herdier -26- (Male)  Oberyn, the Fearow -25- (Male)  Shrew, the Litleo -25- (Female)  Whisper, the Loudred -25- (Male)

                                                                   Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No
                                                                   Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Jolly/Intimidate                        Mild/Sniper                               Lonely/Unnerved                       Naughty/Soundproof

                                                                   - Yawn                                         - Crunch                                  - Crunch                                  - Aerial Ace                               - Fire Fang                               - Bite
                                                                   - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Work Up                                - Mirror Move                            - Work Up                                - Echoed Voice
                                                                   - Chip Away                                  - Cut                                       - Take Down                            - Pursuit                                   - Headbutt                               - Astonish
                                                                   - Body Slam                                  - Sucker Punch                         - Ice Fang                                - Fury Attack                            - Noble Roar                             - Stomp


Well, I have not yet installed the HM mod and had to give Cut to my Raticate because of that. I also replaced Lick with Body Slam, since the paralyze option with 50 more damage is just plain better in my opinion.

And when do I encounter Ghost pokemon, besides Shade?


But lets get to Taka, I lead with my Herdier and he pulls out a Lileep (thats why I thought Florinia had a Lileep, probably). Anyways, I lead with an Ice Fang, Herdier being faster than Lileep and it brings him down to

52% life, he confuses me but I just try to breach through when he switches to his Chatot. I hit him through the confusion and bring Chatot down to 40%. He uses his Super Potion and begins to Chatter my Herdier.

I barely survive with 8 HP when Chatot faints and decide to keep Herdier in to maybe faint Lileep aswell, who is already low on HP. My confusion gets the better of me though and Herdier faints. I decide to pull

out Loudred and make the Lileep flinch with the first Bite, the second one is a crit and Lileep faints. Only the PULSE-Tangrowth to go. I switch in to Fearow to maybe sniper it down quickly, just like I tried the

first time against it. It actually works out exactly the same, I get out three Aerial Aces before he defeats my Fearow, leaving the Tangrowth at 25% health. Time for little Litleo to finish this battle up.

His Mega Drain is not strong enough and two Fire Fangs are enough to make his Tangrowth faint. We stopped the PULSE-Tangrowth!


-Thoughts about Taka-

I remember having a lot of trouble against Takas Chatot in both of my playthroughs. But I guess I just managed to burst it down with Ice Fang before he could sweep with Nasty Plot. He never actually used it.

With that down I could just use my mons to counter his Lileep and his Tangrowth, and up till now, we just force our way through. Well, up to the next challenge.


-Locked up and forgotten-

After our encounter with Taka, we will make our way up to Rhodochrine Jungle where we get captured and locked up by a bunch of Nuzleafs. We decline Ferns offer of course, and get saved by the Chatot from Taka, thanks little dude!

We instantly make our way through the forest and after hitting up some levers, we meet Taka again, with his companion zEL. They challenge us to a double battle, and who would I be to decline?


-Dueling Taka & zEL-


                                                                        Chubbo, the Snorlax -26- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -25- (Male)  Heppo, the Herdier -27- (Male)  Oberyn, the Fearow -26- (Male)  Shrew, the Litleo -26- (Female)  Whisper, the Loudred -26- (Male)

                                                                        Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No
                                                                        Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Jolly/Intimidate                        Mild/Sniper                               Lonely/Unnerved                       Naughty/Soundproof

                                                                        - Yawn                                         - Crunch                                  - Crunch                                  - Aerial Ace                               - Fire Fang                               - Bite
                                                                        - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Work Up                                - Mirror Move                            - Work Up                                - Echoed Voice
                                                                        - Chip Away                                  - Cut                                       - Take Down                            - Pursuit                                   - Headbutt                               - Astonish
                                                                        - Body Slam                                  - Sucker Punch                         - Ice Fang                                - Fury Attack                            - Noble Roar                             - Stomp



Is this the first double battle? I feel like it is, if we dont count the easy beginning fights at the factory. Anyways, I know zEL loves himself some Evoli evolutions, so I lead with Litleo and Herdier. I consider

Glaceon to be the bigger Threat and start with a Fire Fang - Crunch combination. Glaceon gets down to 40%, more than I expected and they counter with a critical Crunch on my Herdier and a

Confuse Ray on my Litleo. Litleo fights through the confusion and downs the Glaceon. While switching in his Espeon, his Lileep confuses my Herdier too, now I could be in some RNG trouble.

Indeed, my Herdier fails his Crunch and he gets taken down to 40% health, but they both snap out of their confusion and down the Espeon, leaving only his Umbreon for this battle.

My Herdier manages to bring down the Umbreon to 30% health before he gets taken out by a Feint Attack and a Future Sight attack. I decide to pull out Loudred to burst his

Umbreon with a quick Stomp, while putting damage on his Lileep with my Fire Fang. I crit the Lileep and it goes down to 35%, but the Feint Attack from Umbreon is too

much for my Lilteo, he faints. The Stomp is actually not enough to finish of the Umbreon, so Raticate has to come in with a clutch Hyper Fang, Umbreon faints.

Only Taka is left standing, and I am scared because he still has his Chatot, I decide to revive my Herdier to have that Ice Fang for later. A few attacks later

and Lileep faints, he brings out his PULSE-Tangrowth, so I switch my Loudred for the Fearow, good old Aerial Ace strategy. Right before his Tangrowth

faints from my Hyper Fang - Aerial Ace barrage, I switch in the Herdier to prepare for the Chatot. And the Tangrowth goes down with the next Aerial

Ace. Here comes Chatot, lets go. And the Aerial Ace - Ice Fang damage is too overwhelming, he gets out his Nasty Plot setup, but faints in the first

round. Is this finally the end for the PULSE-Tangrowth? Or will he keep terrorizing the city of Rebon?


-Thoughts about Taka & zEL-

The Chatot was the only thing I feared in this fight, because I know that it can wipe my entire team if it gets one Nasty Plot through. Lileep being so weak was perfect to revive and fully heal

my Herdier for this moment, so I finished up the fight without too much of a problem. His Confuse Rays were annoying, but not too hard to deal with. The Evoli evolutions just dealt a decent

amount of damage, thats why I focused my attention on them. A cool fight, with the biggest threat at the end, but we prevailed once again on the first try.


-Potential team change and pre-Corey grind-

First and foremost, lets see our options. We found a few new mons in the new areas. A Bunnelby, a Helioptile, a Doduo and an Aipom. I definitely want to level up that Helioptile, he could come in handy for Corey.

I think he will take Loudreds spot for now, since he seems to be the weakest link. Litleo is not great either for now, but his Fire Fang saved me a few times. I will update once I grinded out my new team, then

I will proceed to try to take down Corey.


-The team to take on Corey-


                                                                             Chubbo, the Snorlax -32- (Female)  Obby, the Raticate -32- (Male)  Heppo, the Stoutland -32- (Male)  Oberyn, the Fearow -32- (Male)  Shrew, the Litleo -32- (Female)  Drake, the Helioptile -32- (Male)

                                                                             Shiny: Yes                                     Shiny: No                               Shiny: No                                   Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No                                 Shiny: No
                                                                             Brave/Thick Fat                             Gentle/Run Away                     Jolly/Intimidate                           Mild/Sniper                               Lonely/Unnerved                       Relaxed/Sand Veil

                                                                             - Yawn                                         - Crunch                                  - Crunch                                    - Aerial Ace                               - Fire Fang                               - Charge Beam
                                                                             - Amnesia                                     - Hyper Fang                           - Work Up                                  - Agility                                    - Work Up                                - Quick Attack
                                                                             - Rest                                           - Cut                                      - Roar                                        - Pursuit                                   - Headbutt                               - Razor Wind
                                                                             - Body Slam                                  - Sucker Punch                        - Ice Fang                                  - Fury Attack                             - Endeavor                               - Thunder Wave


Well, I chose level 32 for the grinding so my Heppo can evolve into Stoutland. I made some minor changes in the movesets and the big thing is the Helioptile that I took in, to maybe sweep the Skrelp from Corey.

This will be pretty harsh I think, since I dont have much to counter his poison type. I will try to force my way through again, like I did in the first two gyms before I think about a more detailed strategy.

Lets first test out if he gives me problems at all.


-Dueling Corey-

Well, I miss twice with my Charge Beam, but hit with the third. Still, Skrelp downs my Helioptile before I can take him out, forcing me to bring out Raticate. I Hyper Fang him and even though he

drank a Super Potion, the Hyper Fang is enough. He follows up with his Croagunk, I switch into Fearow and attack with an Aerial Ace, he goes down in the first attack. Now we get into the

dangerzone, I have nothing for the Skuntank, so I pull out Raticate again to Hyper Fang him, and I just manage to down him in a brawl, but my Raticate too goes down, poison man.

I dont know what he will pull out, so I just go with a comfort pick in Snorlax, to see what he is up to. He pulls out his Nidorina but with two Body Slams, she is gone. She did bring

my Snorlax down to 3/4 though, so I have to be careful. His Grimer comes out, but gets quickly one shot by my Snorlax as well, so all that is left is his Crobat. I switch in

Stoutland to hope for a nice chunk of damage by his Ice Fang. He goes down to 40% but gets his Nasty Plot up, I had Chatot flashbacks but my Stoutland survived

his Venoshock with 20HP and downed the Crobat with his next Ice Fang. Corey goes down in the first try, the streak is still alive!


-Thoughts about Corey-

I had enough fire power and a few counters for him, so I didnt have a lot of problems. Bad RNG with Helioptile managed to give me a rough start but I recovered quickly.

I consider Stoutland to be the MVP to take down Crobat before he can sweep through my not so bulky pokemon. Now I can be properly scared for Shade.


I didnt even want to do the third gym today, but I had nothing better to do. Well, thanks to anyone who reads through this, and once again:

I am open for tips and criticism :P





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43 minutes ago, Fut said:

-Thoughts about Corey-

I remember having a lot of trouble against Takas Chatot in both of my playthroughs. But I guess I just managed to burst it down with Ice Fang before he could sweep with Nasty Plot. He never actually used it.

With that down I could just use my mons to counter his Lileep and his Tangrowth, and up till now, we just force our way through. Well, up to the next challenge.



I had enough fire power and a few counters for him, so I didnt have a lot of problems. Bad RNG with Helioptile managed to give me a rough start but I recovered quickly.

I consider Stoutland to be the MVP to take down Crobat before he can sweep through my not so bulky pokemon. Now I can be properly scared for Shade.


I didnt even want to do the third gym today, but I had nothing better to do. Well, thanks to anyone who reads through this, and once again:

I am open for tips and criticism :P






I'm quite surprised you didn't get facade to go against Corey. Afterall its a 210 bp move for each of your mons once they get poisoned.

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35 minutes ago, RhythmMelody said:


I'm quite surprised you didn't get facade to go against Corey. Afterall its a 210 bp move for each of your mons once they get poisoned.


I completely forgot about that, I think you get it in the game corner as a TM?

I never went in there since I already knew that the mons are not of my interest, forgot that they also have TMs.

That would have been perfect for the gym fight though, you are right.


I guess the fact that everything was quite manageable for me up till now, never got me into the mindset to really look around what I could do to maximize my teams potential.

And I am pretty clueless about Pokemon in general, I am not that experienced :P

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