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Temp.(?) HakuTaku post


Sketches (pg. 5)

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Meltdown (pg. 7)

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More artsy goodness (pg. 7)

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Tipping point (pg. 7)

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Shade (pg. 8)

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Yer a wizard, Ari (pg. 8)

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ZEL (pg. 8)

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Ame's #aesthetic (pg. 9)

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"BUT i finally defeated Randmous(?)!!" (pg. 10)

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(pg. 11)
Poison vs Psychic

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For Sleppu (pg. 13)

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Ultimax Suplex Hold (pg. 13)

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Nyu and Anna (pg. 14)

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Florina and Kuro (pg. 15)

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Doodles (pg. 16)

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Radomus (pg. 16)

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Sketches (pg. 17)

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Sketches II (pg. 17)

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Sketches III (pg. 18)

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Cal & Chandelure (pg. 18)

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Crossovers (pg. 20)

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Criminal (pg. 20)

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“Icedcoffeeshipping!” (pg. 25)

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Samson (pg. 26)

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“Taka” (pg. 26)

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“lost files + scraps” (pg. 27)

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“coffee break” (pg. 28)

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“Influenced by gentleman and gangnam style” (pg. 30)

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More Sketches (pg. 38)

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  On 2/16/2016 at 2:03 PM, HakuTaku said:
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*I was half asleep sorry

Edited by Freya
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I'm going to suggest Radomus in his top hat. You can include other related characters like Luna and Gardevoir if you wish. What's the distinction between a suggestion and a request anyway? The first one leaves it up to you?

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Oh very nice! maybe we can use this thread to post future reborn related fanart as well. I really like your style, everything seems very fluid, i really liked your take on Cain. I do some drawing as well, so when my graphic tablet arrives, maybe i'l be able to post some stuff too.

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Temp.(?) pointblankerror post

"Grandmaster Radomus" speedpaint (pg. 5)

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You better have BURN HEAL! (pg. 7)

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Dress Radomus(pg. 11)

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Sketches (pg. 12)

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Shelly (pg. 20)

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Saphira WIP (pg. 21)

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"the gym leaders of reborn" (pg. 22)

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"Wish you were here ♥" (pg. 27)

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"Titania sketch" (pg. 28)

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"I like to think there were happier times in the Belrose family' (pg. 30)

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Adrienn (pg. 36)

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Edited by Freya
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From pure art appraisal standpoint, I think it's beautiful, and I really think your style gives the characters that much needed definition that only fanart/manga/anime interpretation could bring.

From a comparative standpoint, Alice (I think that's the portrayed protagonist's generic name) has a similarity to Amethyst (IRL, not in the game) and Luna, in which she has bangs that crest over the shoulders. It's sort of a silly staple that I looked for when searching for fan art of Alice on my own. Be it intentionally (as in, you wanted a windswept effect when creating your masterpiece) or not, It was hard for me to put two and two together who the female was. This is hardly criticism, she's excellent portrayed.

Things I -would- request if you took them.

- Vero (the "white" protagonist), or Kuro (the "dark" one) alongside...Fern in similar fashion to this photo.

- Top Hat Radomus.

- In-Game Ame.

- Ms. Craudberry confronting any player character.

- The player watching one of Shade's monitors in his gym.

- A college-try of Shade himself.

- Charlotte cigarette-singeing Dr. Connal.

- Ghost Kiki confronting the player at Byxboision (spelling may be horrid)

- Florinia crushing a league challengers dreams.

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Temp.(?) Sleppu post

Various characters (pg. 6)

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"yo did someone ask for Fern being a big five year old sore loser???" (pg. 6)

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Decibel (pg. 8)

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"between the shag, glasses, and partly open chest, is anyone else reminded of a green austin powers" (pg. 8)

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"SAVE ME" (pg. 9)

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art dump (pg. 10)

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Protag cards (pg. 11)

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"T3RR4" (pg. 12)

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RE:Haku (pg. 14)

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Taka (pg. 15)

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Luna (pg. 25)

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Edited by Freya
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  On 6/19/2014 at 4:04 AM, Freya said:

Thanks for your praise and critique, Pokemaniac! I didn't know Alice was based on actual Ame till now lol. That kin considering she IS the creator. Fun fact: a while before discovering Reborn, I made a female character design with I played and saw the female MC I imagined she was the said character design. I've been meaning to draw ingame Ame and official Alice together~

I like your male MC and Fern, Charlotte burning Sigmund, and dream-crushing Flobot suggestions, so I'll keep tho people want tophat Randomus, that's a possibility too. The MC meeting Kiki' ghost scene sound great too, but I don't know how to portray it well. I need to work on my canvas designing skills OTL

Oh, well in that case, your imaginary protagonist looks VERY similar to the original one.

Ah, it shouldn't turn out too bad, given what you have already displayed.

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If I look like Alice it's entirely a coincidence... All of the protagonists were just designed using items from our sprite shop and touching them up a bit. For Alice I picked the most popular hairstyle for girls at the time, but then ended up lengthening the back a lot when I redid it just because it looked less awkward. I guess that... had the side-effect of making it a lot like my own hair. Oops...

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I was directed here by someone for Mismagius and I am not disappointed! Very nice.

To answer your question, yes, you can upload/post whatever you want so long as, obviously, it fits the rules and it's yours (or if it's not, there's credit for it), so go for it :P

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Motivation or not, colour me impressed. That is really cool. Lucia looks awesome.

it also helps that you got my two favorite pokemon.

and yeah, I mean, don't let us tell you what to do. The colour thing is great but if you're more interested in sketches, by all means.

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jasmiinininja's art

Lucia (pg. 41)

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even more gorgeous pieces! (pg. 40)

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"Actually Alice" (pg. 40)

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Reborn's shinies (pg. 39)

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More gorgeousness (pg. 39)

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Victoria (pg. 38)

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"Yas kweens slay with dem arts." (pg. 38)

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"#squad" WIP (pg. 37)

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  On 2/8/2016 at 10:58 AM, jasmiinininja said:

Pretty portrait of Adrienn, I really like how you colored hair. Flow of that ponytail

I have day off, so decided to draw #squad.

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scenery porn (pg. 36)

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Edited by Freya
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  On 6/27/2014 at 12:47 AM, Amethyst said:

On the money. Apparently a pre-requisite of owner-status here is liking Mismagius

For this reason, it is with great regret that we had to let Edge go.

*ahem* Anyway, yes, I myself like Gardevoir and Staraptor as well (and purple in general, so the first picture works for me too lol), but Mismagius is the top and why a little birdie linked me here.

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my art lol wow you actually want to see my stuff? bless :') Also, here's my DA since you're already here lol

Draw the Squad

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Ari and Decibel

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WIP Vero and Fern

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Alice and Cain

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Edited by Freya
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