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Godot Plays Resident Evil 6


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Ya... if you are familiar with the series, it is pretty much a zombie survival game. Not only that resident evil is what made the whole zombie game what iit is today, you can call capcom zombie hipsters so to say... but aaaany-waaaaay... ya... I jus played the re 6 demo and here are my impressions!

Leon Kennedy

First I played leons story, why? Cause it was listed first XD. The game gave me the choice between leon and some twat I never heard of... being that re4 is one of my favorite games of all time I chose leon! It started off with leon shooting the president of the united states in the head... he was a zombie of course >>

Then came the actual game play... it was me pretty much inside a college campus... it was dark and creepy and nothing happened... which was kinda cool, its been a while isince a game like this had me on the edge of my seat because I didn't know what was going to happen, I liked it, it reminded me of when I first played RE4 or Metroid prime =D

I eventually bumped into some random ass guy... he said he was going to go look for his daughter... he was coughing and acting strange... but did I trust him? why not?

The lights went out lucky me and we had to wander through a college campus that was covered in blood made me think of persona 3 >>, one thing I liked about this was the music... it was soothing and fitting with the mood of the game! There was also a really cool effect with flashlights being used in this portion of the demo! We eventually met up with his daughter and we escorted her to an elevator... that was working for some reason... the lights went out... and when they came back on... the girl was nomming on her dads flesh... me and my twat of a partner had to fight her and kill her >> it looked freaking cool =D

Seconds later the elevator door opens... I found myself in an underground parking garage... it was swarmed with zombies yay! combat was cool and natural... well to me anyways. I eventually made it to some kind of security room where we watched people get mauled by zombies on security cameras... it was awesome! *shot*

After seeing people getting mauled leon was like "we have to save them". And the chick was like "no we're not" and leon was like "okay" and the demo ended XD

I did play the other 2 campaigns in the demo... but I will tell you guys about it in due time... stay tuned!

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