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Water monotype help


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Hey guys, would appreciate some help with my monotype if you can assist.


I have been strugling at some points, mostly on the Narcissa and now Valerie. I just cant get past Valerie.

The only reason I can even beat some battles is due to my Qwilfish, he comes in, hopefully survive 1 or 2 atacks so he can start using stockpile and then set up toxic spikes. After that he kills the first guy with water pulse spam ou rollout and from there hope that i dont get a crit so i can stall. 

But i cant do that with Valerie. I feel like my team is kinda weak overall but i mean, where could i get a few better pokemon? couldnt find Lotad/Lombre even though they are in the poke location guide and pokedex doesnt know where to find them so i assume they have been axed? So really this just became so much harder since he was to be a extremelly important pokemon in my team. I have nothing else to resist electric besides a ground/water pokemon and it seems everyone that doesn't have Electric atacks have some grass ones so i dont know what to do.


Would like some help from you guys to see what can i do to get past Valerie.

So heres my team:


Primarina - lvl 43 - Moonblast / Hyper Voice / baby-Doll Eyes / Sing - Picked her since the only Water/fairy type was Azumaril and that was from Mistery egg

Crawdaunt - lvl 44 - Crunch / Aqua Jet / Razor Shell / Swords Dance - Replaced my Floatzel. More sweep potential with SD/aqua jet.

Whiscash - lvl 42 - Aqua Tail / EQ / Rest / Thrash - my only way to deal with electric types, doesnt work when they have any grass moves

Dewgong - lvl 40 - Aqua Jet / Ice shards / Encore / Aurora Beam - pretty terrible moves i think, only here to deal somewhat with grass and fly

Lumineon - lvl 38 - Flame Charge / Water Pulse / Flash / Gust - Flash was for getting rid of ghost field. I dont even know why i still have it

Qwilfish - lvl 39 - Stockpile / Toxic Spikes / Rollout / Water Pulse - the guy i normally lead so i can set up toxic spikes and then stall, the reason some battles are super easy and other go from really hard from acceptable.


Dont really know what to do against her. if the Lanturn doesnt just wipe my team off the bat the Ludicolo will. Havent even seen the rest off her team.

Did i pass some important pokemon i didnt think off and I could have gotten? Can i even go back and get it?

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About Lombre, I'm sure you can still catch it at the lake in Whispy Path but I don't know the conditions for the event ( if there are any ). And if you have the patience for it, you can breed a Seel with Stockpile to try stalling, since Dewgong learns Aqua Ring. You could also breed a Seel with Sleep Talk for a RestTalk set, but I'm not sure if you can obtain Leftovers at this stage of the game. And can't you also catch a Wooper? Not only Quagsire is Ground/Water, but Wooper can learn Recover and Stockpile through breeding. Sorry about the messy answer, it's been some time since I last played Rejuvenation. 

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I don't think you can go back at that point. I'd say just grind up to the level cap and hope for the best. Maybe you'll get lucky and beat her. Lanturn's special attack isn't anything special so i'd use Primarina since it has the most sp.Def on your team. It could probably tank a few electric attacks. Afterwards, you should catch lombre and maybe switch quagsire with whiscash since it's unaware ability could be useful. Also, what difficulty mode are you on? If you're on intense or normal i'd understand the struggle but since you can't leave the island you can't change it to easy if you're struggling too much. That really sucks...

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Looked around in Wispy path but didnt see any event there, maybe its time based and i looked at the wrong time? Or maybe im just blind.

I dont think Quagsire can get both Recover and Stockpile he gets it from diferents mons. Also dont really see a reason to get recover/rest when you can use potions which has priority, at most i save some money.

The reason im using a Whiscash instead of Quagsire is because the only move Quagsire has to atack with is EQ and Slam. Took Wishcash as a more offensive mon since at the time Seel/Dewgong and Lumineon barely did anything damage wise.



Primarina cant take more than 1 Thunder from Lanturn. It survives literally on 1 hp. Dont know how much the field boosts the damage but i cant be THAT much cant it? 

Playing on normal and I really cant find a way to go back. No one on the boat wants to take me back unfortunately.

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5 minutes ago, Letskillup said:

Looked around in Wispy path but didnt see any event there, maybe its time based and i looked at the wrong time? Or maybe im just blind.


The Lombre is past the tree you can cut near the raised lake.  If forgot whether it is found at night or in the morning, but I don't think it's restricted by day.  However, I think you can find them in the Jungle somewhere.......but that might be past the point you are at now.  Both are moot points, since you can't go back or forward at this point.


Honestly, I don't have any helpful advice at this point for this battle, since it was hard enough for me with a mixed team on intense mode.  Sorry.

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Wait! Maybe you can catch a Goldeen with Lighteningrod ability. You can find one at Terajuma shore by fishing. Just grind it up to level 45 without evolving it and it'll learn megahorn which could give it extra power. You can replace Lumineon with it. Maybe this will help with the battle if you are willing to grind it up for that long.

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While i was waiting for advice i grinded all my mons to lvl 44/45 and finally beat it after so many god damn tries. How? Lanturn spammed ice beam against Primarina and Ludicolo spammed ice beam against Qwilfish leaving me with a full team for the rest of the battle. I dont even. Best A.I. ever. Also Lumineon with Storm Drain help against Wishiwashi and Milotic.

Got really scared agaisnt Milotic though. Primarina got 2 Sp. Atk. decreases with Moonblasts and apparently her Milotic had Competitive.  

Every try before died on the first 2 mons and now they decided to have pity on me and spam ice beam. im so confused


thank you all for the sugestions, maybe I will catch a quagsire when i get a chance and maybe even a Seaking. Can see some situations where they may be useful.

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