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dearest ame I would like you to enjoy this day, which is also the day that you were born


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Well , since nobody seems to care about you....       Happy birthday to you !! I I wish you the best things in your life , and thank you again for this awesome game and community you built ;) 

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I figured I'd make my own since it feels like this should be made by someone who actually knows you and I refuse to post my message elsewhere. 


I am indifferent to birthdays. Birthdays represent nothing but what is only an abstract passage of time, and they're ultimately wrong.

If you account leap years and the fact that every year is several seconds longer than the last our birthdays  by the time we reach legal age are already offset enough to be a day before the date we celebrate. By the time we die, it can be a week or more.


I also dislike the exercise behind it. We use birthdays - and christmas, and thanksgiving, and what-have-you as an excuse to do something that should be done on a daily basis. Credit, when warranted, should be given. When not, shouldn't. A birthday is irrelevant. It's a vestigial celebration from a time where simply being born and living an extra year mattered because years were important to begin with. It's like our pancreas - It serves no purpose, but everyone still wants to keep theirs. 


And yet I find myself still wanting to say something different in yours, even if I feel I don't keep the sentiment hidden.

In the past I've tried to draw parallels from our relationship to similar, more common-ly accepted ideologies. Simblings. Or saying you're my daughter. Family.

That, also, is a pointless comparison, as ultimately not only is each of these relationships intrinstically subjective tot he people partaking in them - and thus fairly inapt for the purpose of serving a baseline

But even if not, it still would not quite fit whichever parallel I drew because of the simple fact is that our relationship is our relationship.


It's unique and it has no parallels. No nothing like it. It is a bond that belongs to us and us alone, and one I am grateful for.

It's not lost on me that on a "happy birthday" message it took me two paragraphs to say I am grateful for you, but neither of these facts should come to you as a surprise.

I also won't coddle you with false promises of unconditional, permanent friendship. We both know that isn't something that exists. One day, we'll more than likely move on our separate ways. Hopefully, however, whichever marks I left on you persist for longer in your life than I will.


Your marks will persist in mine, as the runes spelling out "Grima" that grace my left arm can attest to.


Often enough I came to the description of a brazillian poet, Vinicius de Moraes, in his Sonet to Fidelity, in which he describes not what love is, but what he expects from it-


"May it not burn forever, as it is flame; But may it shine infinitely bright while it lasts."


Our love is not romantic but it is love just the same, and a brilliant flame it is. It may not last forever, but as it is today it already burns bright enough to, on occasion, illuminate an otherwise gloomy perspective a certain old fox has.


And even after its burning days are long past, I sincerely hope that, in days where the winter comes to grace you, its embers can help keep the cold away


Happy birthday, dear

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So Ame, with it being your birthday I thought that I would congratulate and wish you the best on your day!


For without you, this entire community wouldn't be possible without all the hard work that you did to get here.

So I hope you have the best time on your Birthday!


presents for you so enjoy! ;)









and what's a birthday without the song

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It is a prevalent social custom in our society (a social construct, you could say) to share a wish of pleasant tidings onto those we care about on the day of their birth each year. It's a custom that I used to engage in more frequently earlier in life but as time went on and I left facebook things sort of shifted. It's there that I would frequently post birthday greetings to a large group of people, most of whom I don't really talk to on a day to day basis but felt the need and social pressure to answer the little notifications in the sidebar about Johnny's birthday despite not having seen him since before high school and so on. As time passed I sort of felt like it was worse to give such an empty wish to a person that I don't really talk to much outside of that. Thus, much like thank you cards and similar things, it started to feel like a cold, robotic formality rather than a warm, caring well-wishing.


I eventually stopped honoring most of the birthdays for people that I know. I don't often write in birthday threads or even comment on birthdays as much anymore, even for people that I'm pretty close to. I feel somewhat bad for not trying to brighten up the days of people I care about with a simple little message, but I don't want to be fake about a part of their and my life that I don't invest much of myself into anymore. 


So it's pretty strange for me to be a number of words into a birthday thread, then, right? 


I can't really explain why I feel compelled to write this while I don't even post all that often on the forums to begin with. Maybe it's because I'm using your birthday as an excuse to write something soft and heartfelt. Maybe it's because I'm going all in on some community meme just to try and make you smile. Maybe I genuinely am one of those hopeless romantic types. Maybe you're really just that precious to me.


Maybe none of those are important.


Maybe it's because I recently got the chance to spend time with you and keep relishing in warm memories of the short but sweet time we spent together, even when we were doing nothing at all.


I got to know a girl who was carefree but caring, nervous but excitable, a workaholic yet still just the right amount of bubbly fun.





I don't mean to make a goofy caricature of you but I do think it's important to recognize the people who are special to you sometimes, when even your actions don't feel like enough to show someone how much they mean to you.


Something you might hear me say once or twice is that we don't take enough time to tell the people we care about that we love them. In a whirlwind life experience where our time is short and we often take for granted those around us who mean so much to us, take time out of your lives to tell, show and live your love out loud for the people you care about.




I love you, Amethyst Liddell. ♡♡



Happy birthday. 


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48 minutes ago, DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk said:



It is a prevalent social custom in our society (a social construct, you could say) to share a wish of pleasant tidings onto those we care about on the day of their birth each year. It's a custom that I used to engage in more frequently earlier in life but as time went on and I left facebook things sort of shifted. It's there that I would frequently post birthday greetings to a large group of people, most of whom I don't really talk to on a day to day basis but felt the need and social pressure to answer the little notifications in the sidebar about Johnny's birthday despite not having seen him since before high school and so on. As time passed I sort of felt like it was worse to give such an empty wish to a person that I don't really talk to much outside of that. Thus, much like thank you cards and similar things, it started to feel like a cold, robotic formality rather than a warm, caring well-wishing.


I eventually stopped honoring most of the birthdays for people that I know. I don't often write in birthday threads or even comment on birthdays as much anymore, even for people that I'm pretty close to. I feel somewhat bad for not trying to brighten up the days of people I care about with a simple little message, but I don't want to be fake about a part of their and my life that I don't invest much of myself into anymore. 


This is so damn relatable.


Anyway if my man Dan makes a thread how can I not stop lurking for a minute to wish you well? Happy birthday Ame, it was a pleasure working with you in what small capacity I did. I wish you all the best today and for the future.

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In the short time that I've had to meet you, you are a special person. Personally, I would like to say "Happy Birthday"! I know, it's cliché, but can you blame me? I hope you have a wonderful day and may you have many more to come! Beware of the future memes that others may send... Anyways, big shout-out to you, Ame! I hope we meet each other in the near future.



Akihito aka "Luciano, Kalos's Last Hope

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