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Dazed and Confused: An OU HAX TEAM!


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Hello, and welcome to my latest RMT. I set out to make the most annoying team possible and abuse the shit out of the random number generator. And after a bunch of victories and a whole lot of pissed off people, I can safely say that I succeeded. At first I didn't take this team seriously, playing it mainly for shits and giggles and to blow off steam. However it shattered my expectations quickly, leading to a peak in the top 10 (in a previous iteration of the team, not the version I am presenting). Enjoy!





Amoonguss (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 252 HP / 28 SAtk / 228 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Spore

- Stun Spore

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [ice]

The first part of my defensive core, Amoonguss's job is to disable as much of the team as possible. Usually I spore something, and then paralyze the switch in with stun spore. Giga drain is the obligatory stab move, and hp ice is to deal with opposing dragons and Gliscor. Also as a side note, Amoonguss is useful in absorbing toxic spikes, which are the only hazards that actually cause me major trouble otherwise. Amoonguss is also key in countering several big offensive threats, such as Keldeo and Breloom, and also doubles as a secondary rain counter in addition to Chansey.


Chansey (F) @ Eviolite

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Seismic Toss

- Thunder Wave

- Wish

- Softboiled

You knew this fat little blob would be making an appearance. It is practically a necessity with all the high-powered special attacks flying around. What I like about it is that it lures in sweepers that think they can attempt to set up in Chansey's face, only to be paralyzed on the switch in. Wish support is appreciated to keep my offensive core going as long as possible. Otherwise it walls special attackers (obviously) and a surprising number of physical hitters too.


Xatu (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Psychic

- Reflect

- Roost

- Thunder Wave

Opponents love bringing in hazard layers on my bulky walls, which is where Xatu comes in. Xatu reflects all the hazards aimed at my team, which is important because a) I will be doing a lot of switching inbetween my defensive core and B) I lack a hazard layer of my own. The most commonly used hazard layers are bulky steel types that get the shit walled out of them by Xatu. In return, Xatu can either set up Reflect to support my team or cripple another pokemon with paralysis. Xatu also absorbs fighting attacks aimed at Chansey thanks to its 4x weakness. It also counters a whole slew of random threats, including Conkeldurr, Toxicroak, and prankster users. Out of my defensive core, this is the team member that dies the easiest, but it's no big deal. If Xatu has prevented hazards from going up, then his job is done..


Slowbro (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Scald

- Ice Beam

- Thunder Wave

- Slack Off

Rounding out my defensive core is Slowbro. It is the perfect complement to Amoonguss, resisting most attacks that hit it super effectively (and vice versa). In addition, Regenerator allows me to keep these two in good health throughout the match with minimal effort. This guy is also my dedicated physical wall, an alternate fighting resist other than Xatu, and my counter to physical dragons. With its bulk, it can take a boosted outrage from Salamence and Dragonite, KOing back with ice beam. Then it's switched out to instantly get back a third of its health. Slowbro also doubles as a secondary sun counter in addition to Chansey.


Machamp (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: No Guard

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- DynamicPunch

- Payback

- Stone Edge

The first part of my offensive core. What. A. Beast. I've swept entire teams with confusion luck alone; if Machamp successfully gets behind a substitute, something is going down for sure (and most likely two pokemon). Getting Machamp behind a substitute is not too hard either, since I usually only switch it in on paralyzed pokemon. In that case I can dynamic punch, and then substitute next turn, and due to parafusion they will probably not hit me. In particular, I love switching Machamp in on the bug and dark attacks aimed at Xatu and Slowbro.


Jirachi @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Thunder Wave

- Substitute

- Iron Head

- Fire Punch

The absolute centerpiece of the team. Once opponents see what this guy does, it makes them want to rage and pull their hair out. Getting a substitute is easy thanks to all of Jirachi's resistances. From there, Jirachi will usually take out at least one pokemon thanks to flinch hax, but if the majority of the opponent's team is paralyzed then it usually means GG. All the other moves are self explanatory so I won't bother going into detail.


I don't really think I need to spell it out, but I will anyways. In the early game, paralyze the shit out of the opponent and prevent hazards from getting up. Thanks to the defensive core, you should be able to do so with minimal trouble. In mid game, bring out Machamp to soften things up a bit with dynamic punch, and then in end game sweep with either Jirachi or Chansey. If all goes according to plan, you should win without much trouble (half of the time I usually get a ragequit instead of a legit win anyways). Having said that, DO NOT let both Machamp and Jirachi die. They are the only offense this team has, if both of them die you won't be able to do jack shit to the other guy. This is what Chansey's wish is for. Finally let me finish with some calcs: A pokemon affected by paralysis and confusion has a 37.5% chance to successfully attack and a paralyzed pokemon getting hit by Jirachi's iron head has a 30% chance of successfully attacking. This means that I am pretty comfortable keeping in Machamp and Jirachi in matchups that they should normally not be in (e.g. paralyzed Latias vs. Machamp) if I think there is a pretty good chance that I can eventually KO.


-Baton pass teams. Pretty rare these days, but pure baton pass teams mean gg for me since I lack any phazers or perish song users.

-Set up sweepers. Not the ones that dragon dance or whatever, those are easy to handle since 5/6 team members carry paralysis moves. No, I'm talking about slow ssweepers such as Conkeldurr and Cresselia that don't mind being paralyzed. However, they need a fair bit of luck to get past Machamp and Jirachi.

-Chandelure traps and OHKOS 2/3 of the team. I hate this thing.

Please try this team out! It's perfect for those of you who want a change of pace from the standard rain/sun/sand teams out there (or if you're evil and really enjoy making your opponent rage).

Amoonguss (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 252 HP / 28 SAtk / 228 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Spore

- Stun Spore

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [ice]

Slowbro (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Scald

- Ice Beam

- Thunder Wave

- Slack Off

Chansey (F) @ Eviolite

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Seismic Toss

- Thunder Wave

- Wish

- Softboiled

Machamp (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: No Guard

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- DynamicPunch

- Payback

- Stone Edge

Jirachi @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Thunder Wave

- Substitute

- Iron Head

- Fire Punch

Xatu (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Psychic

- Reflect

- Roost

- Thunder Wave

Edited by slant
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Dang very nice team. I remember when i faced it i felt like rage quitting so much because i had a lead but than all those paralyze and confusion demolished my team :P. The only thing i might recommend is giving xatu heat wave instead of reflect because that will help it demolish skarm and ferrothorn and its also not a move most people do not expect a xatu to use. reflect just does not seem to come to much use when you have a wall and you didnt give it light clay. other than than superb team (even if it makes people rage x3) cant wait so see future rmt from you :D.

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Thanks for your thoughts Kamina!

Reflect is absolutely necessary on Xatu as it helps me beat Conkeldurr and Toxicroak one on one. Without it I would be demolished by payback and sucker punch respectively (note that these guys completely demolish the rest of my team). Heat wave is not necessary on the other hand. Sure I can't do much against Skarm and Ferrothorn but they can't do much in return anyways. In the meantime i can set up reflect and paralyze them, and if they keep on attacking, I can switch in Machamp to (probably) take them out or force a switch.

I'm glad you like this team and sorry for the hax (but not really :rolleyes: ).

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  • 2 weeks later...


More seriously, nothing to rate, it's hax. AND OMFG CHANSEY GET RID OF THIS BLOB ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

I just feel like slowbro and chansey don't really fit here. Like, you want hazard support because confuse hax make switch alot. Deo-D with t-wave could be an option here. On the other hand, slowbro is too cool mon to be switched. Meh.

I just feel like you want hazard support on this team, and you also want to have a way to spinblock it. Like sableye can paralyse your opponent, while spinblocking.

That's just random suggestions because I don't wanna break the whole paralyse thing.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Haha Alice, I'm such a nice guy that I felt bad pissing people off with this team :). Also the win rate of this team wasn't as high as I am accustomed to, there are definitely some problems with the team that I outlined in the post.

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