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ADD Charmander

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Hey guys! I'm really looking forward to meeting you all!

I've been a big fan of Pokemon pretty much a few years after Red and Blue came out in the States. I played most of the generations (I THINK I've only missed Sun and Moon) and yeah, my favorite is Gen 1, but it's really just typical nostalgia. I got curious about darker Pokemon fan-made games and completed Pokemon Uranium and now I'm playing Rejuvenation and I'm having a blast with it. I've always been into gaming whether action, horror or RPG. I also really love writing and have been attempting to get something published in places like the NoSleep community. I'd love to get some advice from people about other more darker fan-made Pokemon games from the community. I live in Hell Michigan and attend a college over there. I haven't joined a forum in years, so it'd be nice to get back into it.

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  On 8/2/2017 at 7:35 AM, Wolfox said:

welcome to reborn! Gen 1 being your favorite gen has no issues with me, unless you're a... a... *shudders* genwunner...



  On 8/2/2017 at 8:35 AM, GS BALL said:

After Rejuvenation/Reborn, you might want to check up Insurgence, a bit. Bit lighter than those two, but still with a peculiar taste (cults etc). Desolation seems promising, as well, storywise.

  On 8/2/2017 at 8:04 AM, Yagami said:

Hello,welcome to reborn.Hope you have a great day.Did you already play pokemon reborn and desolation?


@Wolfox Nah, I prefer the design of the original Pokemon from gen1, but that's a personal preference. I think all of the generations have their own perks and gen1 is obviously the most bare bones story wise. I don't have an issue with anyone's personal favorites at all.

@Yagami I'm just playing the regular? Rejuvenation V8.1 right now. I just got the seventh badge, I'm assuming there's been a lot more in Rejuvenation going by this forum and I'm more than curious about expanding this enjoyable world.

@GS BALL Hey thanks, I'll be sure to check out those recommendations.

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  On 8/2/2017 at 9:03 AM, Pμrple said:

@ADD Charmander you have to dl the last version of rejuvenation , it mean V9


Oh yeah? Is that for graphical enhancements or is my version eventually destined to be unplayable? I've run into some minor bugs (found a piece of dialogue that wasn't intended to be found that froze the game) so I have been rather concerned I might not be able to complete the game.

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Hiyo, welcome to Reborn!


Weird people to your right, nice people to your left, weird AND nice people somewhere inbetween, plus your daily dose of gaming/artistic/random/philosophical/political/nonsensical discussions here and there!

Enjoy your stay and have fun~

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