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Breeding (Hidden Abilities and IVs)


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Im unsure about the iv aspect, however, I am aware that this game is currently running Gen 6 breeding mechanics. As far as the abilities go, ability capsules are readily available. If you check the item guide, you can find the places they are hidden, and you can always purchase them with shards on 7th street or agate circus, depending on your progress in the game. Trust me when i say, Bublapedia is your friend.

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10 hours ago, Gardevoir4president said:

On bulbapedia it states that hidden abilities can only be gained if the one of the parents has the ability. It also says that ability capsules cant give a pokemon their hidden ability. So how do we get hidden ability pokemon in rejuvenation?


Hidden abilities are actually as common as regular abilities in Rejuvenation. You can get them via Ability Capsules.


But we don't have a way to gain perfect IVs. Yet.

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