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RPG recommendations


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Well, Xenoblade 2 is on the road (hopefully we'll get some new trailers soon) and while waiting I'n trying to play other games to spend my time. I already played FE 7 and 8 and I want something else to play and I'm a really big of rpgs soooo.....

Take note that I prefare a good story and not that complex gameplay. Pls sth emulatable.

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13 minutes ago, Tartar said:

I've always been fond of Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy IX and find those to the best games in the series. 

Aaah, I see you are a man of culture as well! FF6, very much yes. Definitely one of my favorite games.


I have a fondness for Sword of Mana too. Pretty little GBA game. Let's throw in Golden Sun and FF4 while we're at it. You could have fun with any of these~

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(Takes deep breath)


-Xenosaga (I only recommend these two if you really like the sciency/philsophical stuff from the blade games)

-Legend of Heroes Skies/Cold Steel

-The Last Story

-Mother 3

-Eternal Sonata

-Legend of Dragoon

-The World Ends With You

-Fire Emblem Echoes

-Bravely Default/Second



I could list more, but I'd kind of like to see your tastes, but for emulators I'd say:

-Mario RPG

-Chrono Trigger/Cross

-Tales of Symphonia/Abyss


Seriously, just look up PS1 RPGs are there are many that are worth picking up and playing.

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"Emulatable" means really old stuff that won't even really work that well on your PC. What I suggest is you pick one of the many quality RPG games of the last 5 years on PC and buy them cheap. Anyway, I'll list the Fallout series (mainly 3, New Vegas and 4), the Elder Scrolls series, Kotor 1 and 2, Dragon Age series, Fable series. This should be enough to hold you for a while. You can get most of these games really cheap on steam or other sites like humblebundle.

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9 hours ago, BillyBob said:

Final Fantasy X. Anyone? No? Thats right I forgot everyone hates that game except for me. 




I'll go back to hiding in my corner now.

I actually like FFX despite everyone hating on it. They could've  made Tidus a little bit less winy but overall, the boss where decently difficult and the music was nice. (Tho most of FF's music is nice)

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3 minutes ago, WSGreen said:

I actually like FFX despite everyone hating on it. They could've  made Tidus a little bit less winy but overall, the boss where decently difficult and the music was nice.

I totally hate Tidus. Like, despise him. Seems kind of weird that Yuna wasn't the player character, tbh. She was, after all, the main character of the actual story as far as I'm concerned. The bosses and music were definitely where that game shined. I also liked the overall tone of it, but that's all subjective :) 

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Tidus is awesome.  **FFX spoilers ahead**


 He is the antichrist of that world.  He comes from a paradise world.  He then seduces a priestess and gets her to destroy organized religion with the power of pagan gods.  She then gets thousands of people to turn their backs against god and destroys Original Sin.  


Real talk Tidus was added in to push the story along.  The game was written with Yuna as the MC, but the game was missing a certain something to get her to doubt Yu Yevon.  He needed to be loud and  obnoxious to get certain points across.  Where as Yuna was too nice and passive.  Wakka was super religious.  Lulu doesn't ask questions.  Khimari is quite and loyal to whatever Yuna says.  Auron is accepting of the world's fate.  And Rikku was too timid and shy to voice her opinions.  Tidus was the one that got them all to think and question their fates.  Yuna and the gang would have willingly just let Lulu or Wakka become the next Sin if Tidus had never opened his loud mouth and caused people ask questions.

last but not least.  The laughing scene was intentionally awkward.


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