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Praise the Sun! - A themed Reborn playthrough (Latest Defeated: Amaria)

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Hello world!


If you don't know me you probably don't, I'm EndearingCharacterTrait (or ECT for short, or Dav if you want to get personal). My Steel monotype was the first run I shared with you all, and I've come back to do another one. This time I pondered what sort of theme would be interesting, and after some thought an idea was born. I was inspired by the upcoming solar eclipse, and the idea that lodged itself into my brain was a team centered around Sun-related Pokémon. I don't intend it to be just a Sunny day team, but rather a selection of team members that have a more specific connection to the Sun. Before I start, I want to give an idea of the planned team members, as well as (attempt) to explain the thought process I used.


So, here are the teammates I'll be meeting on this journey (only sort of in order, don't think too hard on it)



Volcarona is classified as the Sun Pokémon in the dex, and its B2W2 entry makes the connection apparent: 

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Solrock, the Meteorite Pokémon, is a recently discovered Hoenn species rumored to have fallen to this planet from space. It looks like the sun, has Sol in its name, and its power comes from sunlight.




Heliolisk is a Pokémon that generates electricity by absorbing sunlight. It evolves from Helioptile using a Sun Stone, half its name comes from Helios, and it even looks like the sun when it spreads its frills.




Espeon is classified as the Sun Pokémon in the dex, same as Volcarona. Eevee can only reach this form in the daytime, and it was the first mon to learn the rare move Morning Sun, which as of Gen VII still only 6 can learn by levelling (and 2 of those are Legendary)




Sunflora is also classified as the Sun Pokémon, and it evolves from Sunkern with a Sun Stone as opposed to a Leaf Stone. it's a sunflower, so its face looks like the sun. It is said to be active during the day but completely still at night. It can also have the rare ability Solar Power.




Castform is an artificial Pokémon whose very cellular structure changes with the current weather. It has a Sunny Form that only appears when the sun is bright:


Castform learns many weather moves naturally, and was the original owner of the move Weather Ball




The Blossom Pokémon Cherrim, not unlike Castform, has the unique ability Flower Gift that changes it to its Sunshine Form when the sun is bright, as well as powers up its allies:


It and its pre-evolution Cherubi are 2 Pokémon that can learn Morning Sun without breeding, plus just look at that face...it's adorable





Beautifly is the last of the 4 (non-legendary) mons that naturally learns Morning Sun. According to its FRLG dex entries its appearance does not reflect its true personality:

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Its Pearl entry outright calls it savage:

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Ninetales possesses the ability Drought; its very presence can make the sun more powerful. Its FireRed dex entry states that its fur shines bright, and it can live far longer than any human, just like the sun that will likely outlast all of us:

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Bellossom is the form Gloom takes when a Sun Stone is used as opposed to a Leaf Stone. It loses its Poison type and nocturnal tendencies, and its personality seems to take a significant turn, a stark contrast to its cousin Vileplume. Its (Heart)Gold dex entry tells about how its dancing is related to the sun:

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Whimsicott evolves from Cottonee with the Sun Stone, not the Leaf Stone (I know I was surprised by this my first time playing BW)




Lilligant is a parallel for Whimsicott, she evolves from Petilil with the Sun Stone 



I think there's a decent mix here actually; some powerful mons, some less so. Just 2 (1/2) fire types, but 5 grass types (mostly Sun Stone mons). 


On this run I intend to encounter my team in the order they become available, but I might have to generate a few (like if/when I don't get Larvesta from the mystery egg, and probably to replace my starter). You may also see me use the TMX mod since none of these can learn Rock Smash, Strength, Waterfall, or Dive, but that's all the cheating I intend to do. 


So that's my plan, we'll see how it goes. Questions, comments, and concerns are always welcome...I hope this proves interesting! 


Until next time! :) 

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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Time for the journey to start! Yay!


Chapter 1: A Break in the Clouds


I present to you the protagonist of this story:

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Our plucky heroine (barely) survives the journey to Reborn City, but upon arriving she is paired with her first Pokémon partner:

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After easily defeating Cain and Victoria, I can explore the stormy city (I was greeted with not just rain, but thunder and lightning as well, doesn't bode well for the journey). In Peridot Ward two more partners are found:

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With these three by my side, I run into some jerk called Fern. I eventually get pulled into investigating Mosswater Factory by the gym leader Julia...


Vs. Swag Jockey Fern + Mosswater Factory Infiltration and battle Vs. Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse

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After all my exploration and the "battle" with Fern I've apparently earned a reputation as a sunny girl who brings clear skies and rainbows wherever she goes...guess I'll have to learn to act that way. The team currently has several shortcomings, and Sakura struggles to finish fights at the moment. 


After all that I can challenge Julia for my first badge...viewer discretion is advised for this next video, the battles that follow are not pretty.

Vs. Cheer Captain Julia

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*cries* Ummm...yeah I needed a minute after that...


But after even more training I returned to face Julia again. This time I wasn't going to accept defeat.


Vs. Cheer Captain Julia (again)

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After yet another f***up I managed to win...yet again I ended up taking on Julia 3 to 6. But little Sakura stepped up this time! She has a bright future ahead of her.


I was concerned starting with Drought Vulpix might wreck the difficulty in this early stage but that wasn't really the case (well except Fern, but stomping him feels good enough to justify it)


Leaving the gym Victoria tells me about some sort of incident in Obsidia Ward. Something about plants attacking? Guess I need to check it out.


Stay tuned...hopefully this will entertain! :) 

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Damn, I love this! Great idea and amazing cast! You could add more Pokemon that have Chlorophyll too. Sawsbuck would be a great addition in your squad :) 


Good luck, I will definitely keep an eye on this :) 

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  On 8/8/2017 at 10:59 PM, Jess said:

Damn, I love this! Great idea and amazing cast! You could add more Pokemon that have Chlorophyll too. Sawsbuck would be a great addition in your squad :) 


Good luck, I will definitely keep an eye on this :) 


Thanks :D I'll consider it; Sawsbuck does have a specifically Summer Form so perhaps I could justify it

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  On 8/8/2017 at 10:59 PM, Jess said:

Damn, I love this! Great idea and amazing cast! You could add more Pokemon that have Chlorophyll too. Sawsbuck would be a great addition in your squad :) 


Good luck, I will definitely keep an eye on this :) 


QQ You live is greece right? What time was it for you when you posted this reply as it says 1 hour ago (when posting THIS rely) so that is between 1 and 2 hours and it is 1:40 AM <----- for me so it has got to be super late for you.

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Wait, hold up. How come I wasn't aware of the existence of this thread?!?! Anyway, glad to follow your journey. And it is with videoooo!!!!! Hype hype hype


I'll be honest though, I was shouting at my PC: why won't you use Confuse Ray already?? Or anything else but Ember :D  But you managed, well done! Keep it up

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Chapter 2: In Full Bloom


We next head to Obsidia Ward. At the entrance Florinia lets me pass to aid in solving the plant issue. Because of the damage, the only way to progress is through the slums. But Victoria first questions whether I'm ready...


Through Obsidia Slums (+Vs. Apprentice Victoria, and Vs. Pretty Boy Cain as a bonus!)

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Ignoring the near loss to Victoria, not much resistance to be seen in this stretch. Hope I impressed Amy (I know I impressed Cain).


After meeting Amaria we continued to the park. There stood before us the cause of the calamity...

Vs. Meteor Admin ZEL

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My offensive pressure is quite high at the moment.


With the scary tentacle monster gone I can actually enjoy the park (even though it's raining). Soleil makes several additions:

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 And so the team is at full strength! 


Rini invited me to challenge her gym, so off we go! When I arrive, Fern is there to impede my path, of course. Guess I'll have to go around.


Onyx Trainer School (+Vs. Fern)

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So yeah Fern still didn't stand a chance, even though Roselia put up an annoying amount of resistance (shocking, I know). 


After clearing out all the rabble, just the leader remains. Here's the team set to face Rini:

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I'm not at a disadvantage this time, so let's see what she's got!

Vs. Head Instructor Florinia

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Rini never got a chance to really set up since I was dominant right from the start. Got sloppy against Cradily though. I gave up at least 2 unnecessary KOs but at least this way Rini thinks she had a chance...I like her so it's better this way probably XD


After the battle I went back to the park (in the morning this time. I had to make it sunny (but that's totally in character so...), but once I did one more team member appeared:

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Rini asked me to head to Jasper Ward next. There's another plant situation there, and I was so effective at clearing this one that it only makes sense. 


Until Next Time~

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Chapter 3: Unearthly Growth


At Florinia's direction I head to Jasper Ward. Here, the floral onslaught has progress much further than in Obsidia, necessitating the closure of the entire area. Many people have gone missing in the hazard zone, including several of Reborn's finest. I eventually do manage to find the cause of the problem, along with another Team Meteor Admin...


Exploring Jasper Ward (Vs. Meteor Admin Taka)

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This Taka guy seems pretty pleasant actually. 


Stopping this other scary tentacle monster improved the conditions in Jasper Ward, but the neighboring Beryl Ward is in just as much trouble. 


Exploring Beryl Ward

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In that video we saw a change occur on the team: 

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The enemy is within sight, but I took a detour before confronting them. Since I found all the police officers, back at the station they gift me their now partnerless Growlithe. In exchange for one of its eggs, I get a mysterious egg of my own! 

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There's actually a couple possibilities for the egg that would have fit, but one only appears here. So, with some help from Satan Sandbox mode, Soleil received another teammate:

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Now we're ready to take on the next foes. We find another PULSE Machine, as well as Taka, ZEL, and another unknown man...


Vs. Meteor Admin Taka and Meteor Admin ZEL

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First time I've beat them in just one attempt actually. Cherrim immediately learning Petal Dance at 25 is incredible, not to mention proper use of Weather Ball gives me a 100 base power attack plus STAB...


Even 2 on 1 the admins cannot stop our heroine. The mystery man is revealed to be gym leader Corey, Heather's father, and the police rush off to confront him at his gym...


With this (third) scary tentacle monster (...too many of these to get comfortable in this city) no longer a threat, I'm able to explore the rest of Beryl Ward. Before going to face Corey the team grows by one more:

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I next head to the gym to assist the police in apprehending Corey. This is the team I brought:

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Time to bring this fugitive in for questioning.

Vs. Agent Corey

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I actually expected the Corrosive Mist to come back once my terrain ended, so that threw me at first, but it didn't matter in the end. I knew I had enough power to drop Crobat legitimately if I could paralyze/sleep it first, so the battle was not especially difficult. After losing to me Corey gives up his remaining will to live...and I didn't get a badge either. Then that annoying plant guy showed up again, but more importantly there was an explosion at the Grand Stairway. That will be the next destination. 


Until Next Time~

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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A warning: the videos in this chapter recorded a bit wonky. There's a slight but maddening audio delay in all of them...I'll have to do better


Chapter 4: Clinical Strength


I went to check out the commotion at the stairway. It's still under investigation though, so I go to Lapis Ward to find Corey's badge I guess...Everyone's shocked by what happened. Victoria is here with the juvenile Lapis gym leader Shelly, who's pretty well traumatized by the sight.


Exploring Lapis Ward (+Vs Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse)

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I let Aster and Eclipse get the better of me that time. 


After I save Victoria we go back to see Shelly, but she's still not ok. Vicky tells me to find a professional to help her...


Finding help for Shelly (Vs. Orderly John and Vs. Apprentice Victoria)

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Actually handled John well this time. My problem is usually lacking Fire attacks at this point since I almost never pick Fire starters.


Look Victoria I like Shelly as much as the next person. She's a precious child that deserves love. But she said she's ready to battle me now, and I know she's quiet or shy or whatever words you want to use, but did you consider that maybe she gets frustrated if no one listens when she does actually speak? I know I do... 


I can now go on into the gym. The next video isn't so important frankly, just me being befuddled by Shelly's advanced gym puzzle.

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I cut it short even. For some reason I struggled this time to solve it, more than usual.


Eventually though I make it to the gym leader. Here's the team I brought to challenge Shelly:

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Vs. Bookworm Shelly

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You never make it easy, do you Shelly...As you can see it took a few tries to work out my strategy/not get flinched like...every time. But I had the benefit of, again, actually having fire attacks this time so I was able to bring much more offensive potential


Defeating Shelly enables Rock Smash, so next I went back below the stairway to grab the mining kit. I need to excavate 5 Sun Stones. While I'm down there I can find another teammate:

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With the Sun Stones I unearthed I effected some more change:

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Shelly asked me to inform Ame about the incident with Corey, so next time we're headed to the Grand Hall.


Stay Tuned~

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Chapter 5: The Light-Bringer


At the Grand Hall I go to tell Ame about Corey. Unfortunately Fern beat me to it...

Vs. Swag Jockey Fern

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I lucked out in freezing Roserade but I'm not even a little sorry about it


After Fern falls short against me yet again he tells me to seek out Cain for the key to the Wasteland, where the poison reserve Aya can be found. I find Cain at Beryl Cemetery. Somehow we end up fighting...

Vs. Pretty Boy Cain

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Heather gets mad and flies off to see Shelly, so Cain goes after her. I go after him, seeing as how I still didn't get what I came here for. In Lapis Ward Heather (with an assist from Shelly) ends up talking herself into trouble with Dr. Sigmund. We can't just let that be of course!


Raiding the Orphanage

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We all decide to escape the city through the Railnet, but we are stopped by a roadblock there. Shelly says the door won't open without power from the abandoned Yureyu Power Plant, where Shade seems to operate. He's, like, actually pretty frightening, but Anna insists he's a nice guy, and asks me to ask him for help (and fight him, we can't forget to fight him).


I did some light training before going to find Shade. Since Corona already learned Flamethrower, I went ahead and used my Fire Stone (it was legit, I promise :P)

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So this is the team I brought to light up Shade:

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And now I charge fearlessly into the night!

Vs. Entity Shade

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Gotta love how well the first attempt went up until I got swept by Chandelure...right on cue with the music even (that was in no way planned, I promise :o). As such it was pretty gratifying to beat it with a grass type (I never fail to be impressed by Lilligant's strength).


Shade gives me his badge and (useless) TM Shadow Claw, then powers up the place, just in time for my friends to be Taken...


What will I do next? Find out next time~

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Chapter 6: Beach Bodies


Back down in the Railnet I run into Victoria (where have you been?). She briefly met with Cain, who left to continue pursuing the stolen kids. I find him in Coral Ward but he cheats Surfs away to Apophyll, since the TM Strength will be necessary (no key for me). Just when I seem stuck Amaria appears. She asks me to help her investigate another factory in Peridot Ward, suspected to be the source of the lake's pollution...


Investigating Blacksteam Factory (+Vs. Meteor Admin ZEL)

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 The ZEL/PULSE Muk fight was actually really annoying this time. The team I've chosen leans heavily toward Special Attacking, and we're pretty fragile, a stark contrast from the last time


We stopped this machine, but the incident has left Amy bruised and battered, so she must retreat. She offers me access to her boat so I can sail to Apophyll and find the TM Strength, what a nice girl. There's a lot to be found here, so some exploring was in order!

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I go to see the Academy's sensei, Kiki. I (and Vicky, she's here too...somehow) tell her we've come seeking Strength, but she generally only gives it to graduates. Victoria then decides to apply for graduation immediately, since we really need to save those kids, you know? Luckily for me, Kiki considers giving me the TM anyway provided I can prove my worth, which starts with climbing Pyrous Mountain and defeating the star student. I can totally handle that! Also, I'm told by like, everyone, that he's cute too, so that's a bonus.


Vs. Ex-Leader Cal

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Yeesh, another tough fight...maybe it would have been easier if he weren't so darn pretty...Er, I-I mean if I didn't have such an (ironic) weakness to fire, not to mention he had a statistical advantage at this point.


Having beaten Cal, I return to the Academy, where I catch Kiki in a moment of weakness. She's actually very, very ill, and not long for this world unfortunately. However, she agrees to face me in a gym battle, since we really need to save those kids, you know? Victoria tries to stop me first though, apparently having lost focus of the mission, just like Kiki taught her not to do.


This is the team that bested Kiki:

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Now, the battles with student and master!
Vs. Apprentice Victoria and Vs. Sensei Kiki

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No problems with these two, luckily


Kiki collapsed before giving me a badge...either way I'll still need Aya's before Strength is a possibility. Vicky promises to get me Kiki's badge and TM though. She also points out that we never saw Cain, even though he left before us. There's one place between Coral Ward and Apophyll Beach, so that's the likely place to find him.  


Until next time~

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This week I have to face my (presumably) final year of University...but I think this is going to end up being my preferred form of procrastination for a while


Chapter 7: A Sobering Reality


In search of the missing Cain I sail to Azurine Island. You may watch me traipsing around in the swamp if you wish, otherwise feel free to skip this one


Azurine Island

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Eventually I find an unassuming structure. Cain has to be in here, yes? Inside I'm surprised by our favorite Meteor duo, Aster and Eclipse. Guess I have some work to do!


Vs. Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse and Vs. Meteor Admin Taka

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So yeah, I almost lost to Aster/Eclipse, then did lose to Taka because he's so pretty, and his Chatot cheats because I suck at this game...not that there are not more slip ups incoming


Taka told me all about the plan to wipe out Apophyll, so there's no way I can just let that happen. I've got to stop it just like he wants me to


I ultimately get paired with Victoria to climb Pyrous Mountain (again), before putting a stop to the Meteor scheme and giving that Solaris guy a thorough thrashing. Serves him right for using a Sol- name, that's my thing!


Pyrous Mountain (Vs. Meteor Leader Solaris)

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It felt so...dirty using Endeavour like that...and yet so good...


Before the Solaris fight we saw Soleil use another Sun Stone:

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I was most interested in getting Toxic. Perhaps I could have waited for Grassy Terrain, but I'm not that patient


So we stopped the PULSE, but Kiki suffered an untimely death :(. Victoria gave me TM Strength, but I still need Aya's badge, so it's time to make Cain open the door (finally) 


Through the Wasteland (Vs. Pretty Boy Cain and Vs. Swag Jockey Fern)

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You can think of my stumbling over Cain as foreshadowing. Fern, of course, was no contest. 


I can finally face Aya, another doubles leader like Shelly. And also like Shelly, she proved to be challenging. 


This is the team that ultimately bested Aya, though you will see me make several changes:

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So now, please watch and enjoy Aya stomping me into the ground before I get it right. I know I didn't enjoy it probably 

Vs. Wasteland Punk Aya

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So what was that, 5 tries? I'm clearly rubbish at this game. I spent too long trying to brute force it honestly, should have known better


Aya gives up the Venom Badge I so desperately need, as well as a useless TM. I can use Strength now (finally), so the next order of business is going after those stolen kids. But first, I did some more exploring in the Wasteland, partially to find TM Venoshock for Harmony, and partially to do a bit more training. I use one more Sun Stone:

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 I wanted to get Volt Switch before evolving in case I need a slightly better Electric move for the next segment, though he can soon (re)learn Thunder anyway


I'll go in search of those that were Taken, Next Time ~

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This next chapter dealt a blow to my confidence honestly...see for yourself


Chapter 8: Don't Be Discouraged, Don't Be Afraid


Soleil now has the Strength to continue the search for the stolen kids, so let's get to it! After clearing a path through the Railnet, the only way forward leads to the supposedly abandoned Yureyu Building. I'm paired with Cain for the infiltration.


Yureyu Building (Vs. Meteor Admin Sirius)

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So I chose to face Sirius here this time...maybe that was a mistake. I would say I had some very questionable luck with statusing Chandelure (and questionable luck in general really). Also Cain was giving me basically nothing (seriously what the hell Cain, I saw you trying to Thrash a ghost type more than once). But I think we all know the real reason I kept losing is that I'm a trash video gamer. I felt compelled to end this video once it approached 40 minutes (!), half of which consists of me getting my arse handed to me...


If you're still reading for some reason, in the next video I rematch Sirius. Let's see what happens...


Vs. Meteor Admin Sirius (maybe let's do it right this time)

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So I eventually pull it off, yay. My team's rather light on bulk, a bit outside my comfort zone


I recovered all the kids, but Anna's Amethyst Pendant was taken. We can't afford to stick around though.


Leaving Reborn

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I was asked to find medicine in Spinel Town for Anna Nostra, who has become ill, but the mart disappeared, only to be spotted on top of Voclain Estate (it is estate, right?) where gym leader Serra lives. Before I continue I have some errands to do. One of them involves venturing back into the forest on a dark and windy night, only to find myself in a strange cave...

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I rescue this homeless Pokémon, whose master has already met his fate...

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But with me he can lead a happy life. 


After another diversion/mini training session, a change occurs:

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 Of course I had to correct when I accidentally made a Sylveon instead of an Espeon. Apparently that one takes priority, so no keeping Charm. I did go for Baton Pass though.


So since I can't reach the mart, I might as well fight Serra I guess...This is the team I brought:

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So my foray into Serra's gym follows. I never did like looking at myself in mirrors...


Vs. Beauty Queen Serra (also Vs. Lepidopterist Bennett I guess)

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The only particularly memorable bit from the Bennett fight is how his Venomoth outsped my Ninetales. I guess it's not actually that implausible, but I still find it unacceptable. I was basically going easy on him, yet he still stood no chance prime E4 material for sure. Now Serra on the other hand...I realize that was just 3 attempts, but it sure felt like a lot more. I like how it seems like it's under control until it's not anymore; there seem to be mere seconds between me being all confident and me in fetal position, crying on the cold, icy floor. At least she told me not to get discouraged...I'm not all that happy about using the tried-and-true strategy of Nature Power spam, never mind that Froslass picking Frost Breath over Shadow Ball probably enabled my win. I would have hoped to make it more elegant. 


Poor Phaethon took a beating in both fights actually, seems like my attempted evasion hax did nothing (because of course not). But I'm sure he will get his day in the sun eventually. 


After the fight Bennett leaves with that incredibly questionable El character. Serra's pretty upset actually, but she insists on not worrying about it too much, gotta be cool like an Ice leader I guess. The mart vanishes from atop the estate; Serra suspects it is not too far away.


We're still in search of that medicine. Stay Tuned~

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  On 8/24/2017 at 12:51 AM, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

(seriously what the hell Cain, I saw you trying to Thrash a ghost type more than once).


In battles with multiple opponents, the user selects itself as the target, but hits an adjacent opponent that is selected at random upon each use of the move.


Exactly the same as outrage.

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  On 8/24/2017 at 1:20 AM, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

@St0mpa I get that he's trying to hit the other opponent, but I still blame him for picking a move that will fail 50% of the time when he could just use Shadow Ball or something


Yeh but everyone's AI does stupid stuff like that. Hopefully is is something that will be fixed in the next episode. And don't get me started on the ammount of fuck ups that happen on the inverse field caused by topsy turvy it is a beautifull mess.

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Yeah I've been following your run, I saw how Topsy-Turvy kind of just breaks everything :P. Maybe if Inverse Field ever has a bigger presence it will be improved. If there were an area where it occurred in the field maybe the trainers there would know how to use it  

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  On 8/24/2017 at 1:27 AM, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Yeah I've been following your run, I saw how Topsy-Turvy kind of just breaks everything :P. Maybe if Inverse Field ever has a bigger presence it will be improved. If there were an area where it occurred in the field maybe the trainers there would know how to use it  


We might be able to see it break everything again as it is plan C for dealing with the 2 mirror field battles.

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Chapter 9: Fighter's Block


Soleil heads back through the forest in search of medicine for Anna Nostra. Luckily, the mart has reappeared on the other side! I succeed in my errand, but more conflict would be incoming. The manor soon comes under assault by Team Meteor, and Dr. Sigmund is with them...


Vs. Dr. Sigmund Connal (honestly f*** this guy)

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why am I dealing with evasion hax from bloody Sigmund of all people


So after some extremely frustrating fights with the doctor our ramparts are breached, and Charlotte and Shelly are Taken (I was hoping they'd take Saphira honestly, but I messed up somewhere). I follow the eldest Belrose to the Meteor base in Tanzan Mountain to recover them.


Tanzan Mountain Base Infiltration

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Saphira and I are forcibly removed from the lab and sent...somewhere. Of course, it's not that easy to stop a wild dragon lady, or...the sun? (the words aren't really coming to me today)


Tanzan Mountain Base 2 (Vs. Pokémon Gargantuan, Vs Meteor Admin ZEL PULSE Abra, and (bonus?) Vs. Prodigy Noel)

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This is the first time I've had real trouble beating Noel; I finally understand why he can be so difficult. Since I lack resistance to his attacks it's easy to be overwhelmed (I miss Magneton...).


These fights against Noel got pretty ugly...I have a whole other video full of my failures I'm not gonna-

Actually, you know what? I'll post it anyway, since I'm sure some of y'all probably enjoy watching my pain...I mean it's cool if you're in to that sort of thing, to each their own


Vs. Prodigy Noel 2 (my shortcomings, for your pleasure)

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I got close several times, but ran out of steam in each attempt. This suggested to me that strategically I was mostly fine, I really just needed a few more levels to defeat him.


So, after some training to fix my underlevelled-ness, this is the team that was victorious:

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This time I'll be taking that badge


Vs. Prodigy Noel 3

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See? Much better. I question Noel's lack of understanding of the Magic Bounce ability however. This time he wasted all of Wigglytuff's turns throwing out useless Thunder Waves


Noel's not especially confident that Saphira could have survived the encounter with Lin, but he asks me to look for her anyway. 


I've had numerous slip ups recently...maybe someday I'll actually know what I'm doing?


Stay Tuned~

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