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Praise the Sun! - A themed Reborn playthrough (Latest Defeated: Amaria)

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Spent most of today thinking about orchids, this is a nice change of pace I guess


Chapter 10: A Feint by the Master (I'm not convinced this makes sense :o )


Soleil heads out to see if she can find Saphira. To the surprise of everyone no one really, the eldest Belrose is no worse for wear after presumably crossing blades with Lin. These high ranking gym leaders are, like, unkillable (talk about tempting fate...)


She entrusts me with the Ruby Ring and Amethyst Pendant, since I'm strong enough to fight off Team Meteor (clearly she didn't see the Noel fights). Saphira's taking the kids to Labradorra/Calcenon to hide out from Sigmund, and instructs me to make my own way there. 


Heading north I emerge in Aventurine Woods, in a new region. Passing through to Route 1 it's not long before I run across an unfortunately familiar face.


Route 1 (Vs. Swag Jockey Fern)



Sigh...Fern is still nothing to me. If anything I regret wasting my time with him. Should have just spammed Flamethrower and ended it sooner


After all that mucking about on Route 1, I make it to Vanhanen Castle, and am greeted by the residents. Hi Luna. Hi Radomus and Gardevoir. Hi Luna. Cain soon shows up too, having already located Heather and left her in questionable hands. He's here to fight Radomus too, of course, but Radomus says it's unfair to fight him 2 on 1. Unfair for us! I'd call it overconfidence, but since when is Radomus wrong about anything? 


In Vanhanen Castle (Vs. Pretty Boy Cain)



Once again I almost messed up... I shouldn't have let Gengar walk all over me, but I wasn't certain Espeon would be faster. I can't seem to keep my head around Cain...I guess that's in character for me though, I'd probably be super flustered too if he came on to me, and I'm not even especially interested in men (probably..?)


Gardevoir apparently got abducted while we were fighting, so (at Luna's request) Radomus joins Cain and me on a rescue mission. We determine the perpetrator will have fled towards Reborn City, so that's the next destination. However, we soon find ourselves in a very different place...


CItae Astrae (Vs. Parson El)



Only got blown away once in that fight, I guess that's good? I wonder how Ditto was able to mimic Gardevoir's ability to communicate with us. That's supposed to be unique even among her species! How can Ditto do it?


Before going back to face Radomus I took a rather long detour looking for that klutzy techie's glasses. I got to meet a charming individual though:




And I caught a Pinsir, so that's cool. I also ended up learning a lot about the mating habits of Tauros and Miltank. Surprisingly similar to our own as it turns out. 


Eventually I make my way back to the castle.


Radomus' Gym



I was actually a decent chess player once, back when I was young and happy. I like to think I didn't lose the skills though


With all the puzzles now un-puzzled (or would that actually be "thoroughly puzzled?"), I'm ready to challenge the master of the castle. This is the team:



Harmony, the Bellossom (Female)

Careful Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll

w/ Wide Lens




Giga Drain




Bellamy, the Beautifly (Male)

Quiet Nature

Ability: Swarm

w/ Quick Claw


Air Cutter

Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance

Giga Drain



Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll

w/Lax Incense


Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance



Nikola, the Heliolisk (Male)

Gentle Nature

Ability: Solar Power




Volt Switch





Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock




Confuse Ray




Phaethon, the Espeon (Male)

Bold Nature

Ability: Magic Bounce



Future Sight

Baton Pass




Well, here we go!


Vs. Grandmaster Radomus



I didn't really change the strategy at all between the first and second attempts, yet the results were quite different. I was worried Confuse Ray would not work on Slowking, but it probs carries Regenerator over Own Tempo, makes sense. Turned out to be a marvelous duel, I'm satisfied. 


For winning Radomus gives me his Millennium Rod Puzzle Badge, that's the one, and TM Trick Room (that might make another appearance, we'll see). 


Then it gets all dark (please don't tease me like that Cain, you know it won't help me stay calm), and Luna is Taken! No way I can let the baddies get away with this!


Stay Tuned~

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Chapter 11: You Have Bewitched Me Body and Soul


Luna has been spirited away by Team Meteor and that butler who's totally not El. Soleil has to escape their view in order to rescue her. Luckily, Radomus is on top of it, because of course he is. He tells me to look for Luna on 7th Street, and that if I don't know where that is (which I don't) I should contact someone with knowledge of Reborn's criminal underworld. Someone like, say, a gang leader. Of course meeting such a person might require I join their gang first...a shame, Soleil seems like such a sweet girl. But I would do anything for love justice...


You can watch my gang activities if you wish, but it's not that important to be honest.


I guess Soleil is a gangbanger now?



Yeah, I picked Magma (again), Aqua in no way fits my theme. On a different note that's literally the first (and last) time I've ever encountered Zorua in this game


Now that I joined Magma Gang (and immediately became their ace, fancy that) they show me how to get to 7th Street. There's all kinds of stuff to be found down here, but right now I'm most interested in finding Luna. 


Down in 7th Street




So I find Bennett here, 'cause he's a sketchy dude. After I beat Archer (again) and that dreadful Craudberry I follow him to a most questionable establishment. I then realize this is, of course, a trap...


Subseven Sanctum



Those cultists gave me a lot more fight than I was expecting


After my brazen jailbreak, I succeed in finding Luna and, with Radomus and Gardevoir's help, rescuing her from...whatever mind-conversion nonsense was going to happen there. I question if Radomus and Gardevoir even needed my help at all though...I mean he was there the whole time! It's as if he just wanted to give me a chance to be the hero. Or just a chance to show off in front of Luna...


After all that, Luna invites me to explore her dark valley...(um, I guess it worked?)


Iolia Valley




Bennett's been following me this whole time. But Luna is only seeing one person today, and it's gonna be me, dammit! I have no intention of leaving her you...I can see your eyes are full of sin all 4 of them


Vs. a waste of my time Lepidopterist Bennett



This time Bennett needed to know he's nothing to me


Now that Bennett has buggered off, I'm finally alone with my destined partner Dark gym leader Luna.


It's nice and cozy here. And, umm, intimate...w-why did you call me here again?


Hold on, do...do you want to like, eclipse me...? Wait! I-I don't think my heart is ready for that...! (A better man may not have made such a joke. I am not a better man)


O-oh a gym battle? *ahem* Yes of course. T-that's why I'm here...(dammit Luna, how am I supposed to fight like this?)


(Soleil x Luna is just too good a ship to be ignored. The symbolism is all there! Although eclipsing is for sure too much for me...I'd be satisfied with some cuddling tbh (darkness' embrace!))



This is the team I brought to face Luna:



Prominence, the Larvesta (Female)

Hasty Nature

Ability: Flame Body



Flame Charge

Struggle Bug

Bug Bite




Bellamy, the Beautifly (Male)

Quiet Nature

Ability: Swarm

w/ Quick Claw


Air Cutter

Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance

Giga Drain



Harmony, the Bellossom (Female)

Careful Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll

w/ Wide Lens




Giga Drain




Nikola, the Heliolisk (Male)

Gentle Nature

Ability: Solar Power




Volt Switch





Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock




Confuse Ray




Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll

w/Lax Incense


Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance


I'm ready to fight the Dark Dreamer now. Nothing untoward will happen. Then again, Sex = Violence is a fairly common storytelling trope, even historically speaking


Vs. Dark Dreamer Luna



I wasn't kidding about my head being all fuzzy for the battle...a rather underhanded tactic playing with my heartstrings like that, Luna. Very sneaky. This probably could have only taken one attempt, but seeing how close we were in each battle I'm not so sure. Luna's an interesting one; I never have too much trouble beating her, yet every fight I have is a close one...she's awfully good at making my heart pound, I'll give her that.


I've now earned the Eclipse Badge (wait maybe something did happen...!) and the TM Dark Pulse (I feel there may even be a joke here, but it's not coming), which I can already see myself using actually, as proof of my conquest victory.


Unfortunately, I must continue the journey...parting is such sweet sorrow. I decided to do some training to calm down because my levels are starting to lag, and it will surely become a problem soon. As a result, a long awaited metamorphosis occurs!




Prominence, the Volcarona is here y'all!

And Reborn's shiny sprite is far superior in my opinion. Look forward to her future appearances; she is sure to take the dominant role she deserves on this team.


Next time we'll be following Cain to check out Agate City.


What will we find past the sleeping guards?


What adventures await the rapidly strengthening team?


Will I ever get over my video game crush on Luna?


Stay Tuned to find out~

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I'm advancing this rather quickly. Maybe I should start another project, what do y'all think? Depending on what happens this week I may find myself with a lot of free time...


Chapter 12: You'll Never See It Coming


Bidding farewell to Luna (for now<3), the next destination is the gate to Agate City, where Cain said he was going. The guards are in a deep slumber, without explanation...


Agate Circus



I spent a whole lot of money trying to get TM Swagger. 


So we found Aya, but Hardy is still MIA. Also got to meet replacement fighting leader Samson, as well as flying leader Ciel, (oh and that other one), but I cannot challenge any of them without an appropriate pass. In search of Hardy I head towards Route 2.


Route 2



 As you can see if you really chose to watch this it took a while to navigate this place...


I end up at Celestinine Cascade. Here stands the Fiore Mansion, where Amaria and Titania live. Maybe they found Hardy?


Amy and Tania's House




So that's 2 missing lovebirds found, great! And since Titania gave me a Battle Pass (but not TM Surf, she's nowhere near that nice) I can go back to fight Samson now. It seems I'll be needing his badge even more now since things are going down in Labradorra/Calcenon.


The team for Samson is as follows:



Phaethon, the Espeon (Male)

Bold Nature

Ability: Magic Bounce



Future Sight

Baton Pass





Prominence, the Volcarona (Female)

Hasty Nature

Ability: Flame Body

w/Scope Lens


Heat Wave

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz




Inti, the Solrock

Hardy Nature

Ability: Levitate

w/Odd Incense




Solar Beam

Rock Slide



Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll

w/Lax Incense


Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance



Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock




Confuse Ray




Bellamy, the Beautifly (Male)

Quiet Nature

Ability: Swarm

w/Quick Claw


Air Cutter

Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance

Giga Drain


No need to delay, let's get on with it


Vs. Strongman Samson



Wow Amy was right...Samson went down rather easily...Did I train too much? All he really gave me was Hariyama surviving that Psychic attack; I was rather miffed about that to be honest. However, it's nice to see Prominence playing the lead role on the team, it's about time. Samson will have to practice a lot more before he can dance with me...


With that I earn the Fury Badge that I should have had a long time ago and another useless TM (my team doesn't even have the strength for Rock Smash apparently, so Brick Break is a definite no-no).


Next time I'll be returning to Amy and Tania's house to grab TM Surf, because that definitely required 2 trips.


Stay Tuned~

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I think your team will get in Trouble once you get to fight Charlotte. 



you add Arcanine with Flash Fire. (Evolve the Growlithe from the Policeman -> it has a 50% chance to have Morning Sun :))


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So it's become apparent I won't be sleeping tonight...might as well post now


Chapter 13: Magic Hour


Our heroine's next move is to check in again with Amy and Tania, to obtain the TM Surf. It will be necessary for the journey to Calcenon (since apparently Cain, Aya, and Hardy don't need it. Aya definitely has some surfing mons and Hardy probably has at least one Rock/Water type, but Cain has neither I'm pretty sure...ok actually he has Nidoking so nevermind) The path to Calcenon proves to be quite eventful...


The trek to Calcenon (Quality time with Aya! Yay!)




While paired with Aya we somehow find a Meteor Base. It's not long before we have to fight again...


Vs. Meteor Knight Aster and Meteor Dame Eclipse



Only 2 tries? I'll take it. The second one really seemed like a loss for a while there, but we pulled through. And look at Aya pulling that (unnecessary) Destiny Bond! She really is trying!


Unfortunately Eclipse gets de-souled after changing allegiance, and Aya is Taken after saving me from the same fate...I just got through finding her too. I now have to complete the rest of the journey alone.


The trek to Calcenon 2 (but Aya got stolen...not nearly as fun now :( )




We got to see all our friends from the orphanage! Also, Fern's a legit bad guy now, not just a thorn in my side. Also also, Laura got fired? Also also also, we couldn't be persuaded to give up the Ruby Ring for Aya, so she was taken to parts unknown...Charlotte's gambit was likely the right choice though. If it means I don't have to fight some Mega Arceus or something that's good.


Since Charlotte bought some time, I can face her now. I need her badge to use Dive, and I need Dive to get to Ametrine, so preparations were necessary. 


On Route 4 (during the day) Soleil encountered a new friend!




Circe, the Cottonee (Female)

Docile Nature

Ability: Prankster


This necessitated a brief training montage, resulting in a change:



This is Circe, the Whimsicott. 

She quickly takes up the role of the team's eleventh hour ranger (right before the battle for the 11th badge too, a perfect fit)


To take on the Firebug, I was accompanied by these darlings:



Circe, the Whimsicott (Female)

Docile Nature

Ability: Prankster

w/Amplified Rock



Nature Power

Stun Spore




Phaethon, the Espeon (Male)

Bold Nature

Ability: Magic Bounce

w/Lax Incense


Future Sight

Baton Pass





Prominence, the Volcarona (Female)

Hasty Nature

Ability: Flame Body

w/Scope Lens


Heat Wave

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz

Hidden Power



Nikola, the Heliolisk (Male)

Gentle Nature

Ability: Solar Power




Volt Switch





Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock




Confuse Ray




Inti, the Solrock

Hardy Nature

Ability: Levitate





Solar Beam

Rock Slide

I don't know what will happen next, but I can assure you it will be...hot


Vs. Firebug Charlotte


(Where does Charlotte find these gym trainers anyway? Has she been to Starlight Divide? And why does that girl randomly get all squishy after I beat her? The world may never know...)

That took many more tries than it should have to be honest...but I learned a few things:

1. Trick Room is not affected by Prankster. This surprises me a bit honestly, there's no indication that it should be exempt

2. Tailwind is not affected by Amplified Rock. I somewhat expected this, but I was still hoping it wasn't true

3. Charlotte's team can't cope with losing the speed advantage. That's what she gets for having all fast sweepers sans Rotom


It's not like she was ever in control, she just got saved by my bad luck. I haven't missed that many supposed 90% accurate attacks in a while...what is this, Fire Emblem? Otherwise this would have been a one-and-done.


So I won badge number 11 and TM Flamethrower (I guess I can teach it to Solrock or something? Everyone else already has what they need)


We'll be searching for a passage to Ametrine next time if I still exist next week tbh


Stay Tuned~

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6 hours ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Trick Room is not affected by Prankster. This surprises me a bit honestly, there's no indication that it should be exempt

It does work but Trick room has -6 (or -4 can't remember) priority and prankster increases the priority by 1 up to -5 so it still goes last.

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Chapter 14: Astral Projection


Next up, I'm off to Ametrine City with Shelly. We each have business there, so going together is the prudent thing.


To Ametrine City (Vs. Pokémon Redoubt)




We found a lead as to Heather's status. Of course that Blake guy has something to do with it. Won't tell us anything, needlessly rude...I know the type.


The search for Heather continues



So Cal's actually a blue-nette? Makes sense since he's Blake's brother after all. I like it better this way, it makes him much cuter--I-I mean it's nice he's being true to himself now ("After all, blue flame burns even hotter." Does he try to look cool 24/7? I'm irritated to say that one actually kinda worked...)


Anyways we succeeded in finding Heather, since it took me all of like 3 minutes to find Blake's secret passage (I don't like the way that sounded). She's clearly grown a lot from these ordeals, it's good to see. With her skills added to ours it's time to stop the rendezvous up on Ametrine Mountain.


Pursuing Blake (+Vs. Meteor Ace Aster)



It's a pleasure to see Shelly's development as well. Aster's Electivire is hitting, like, way over its speed tier in my opinion...but then again I landed a Thunder during a sunny day to win that fight so I have no room to complain. He gave me a much better fight than, say, Solaris; I don't see why he wasn't promoted sooner. 


At the top Blake's acting all cocky because he beat Shelly already...never mind that it's his field and she already had a huge type disadvantage. I, however, have no such disadvantage.


Vs. Agent Blake



Psh, weak. At least Serra actually gave me something. With this guy it was over before I even knew it, how am I supposed to get any satisfaction from that? And half their mons are literally the same, so I don't see what his excuse is...


Even though Shelly achieved her goal, it becomes clear that the Agate sleep signal is not coming from here. Cal helps me figure out where the misinformation came from, and then even gives me a ride...back down to the city. I guess he really is a nice guy now (and he's nice and warm too...look I was starting to get cold up there, ok?)


Our suspicions as to the Meteor in our midst lead me back to Agate Circus. There I confront the questionable character (and I mean that in every way imaginable). Somehow I end up diving into a computer...


In the Glitch World (Vs. PKMNPKMNT M2)



Know your place, Mewtwo


Now I will face Terra, another irritating person. This is the team:



Phaethon, the Espeon (Male)

Bold Nature

Ability: Magic Bounce



Future Sight

Baton Pass





Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Air Balloon




Confuse Ray




Prominence, the Volcarona (Female)

Hasty Nature

Ability: Flame Body

w/Scope Lens


Heat Wave

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz

Hidden Power



Inti, the Solrock

Hardy Nature

Ability: Levitate

w/Focus Band




Solar Beam

Rock Slide



Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll

w/Lax Incense


Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance



Sakura, the Cherrim (Female)

Jolly Nature

Ability: Flower Gift

w/Rose Incense


Morning Sun

Petal Blizzard

Petal Dance

Leech Seed

I do a bunch of shuffling with the items in the video. If you can't tell I was getting rather flustered with the whole thing, see for yourself:


Vs. M3G4 T3RR4


I'm assuming Claydol has a Quick Claw, otherwise the way it moves makes no sense

This one was annoying because only 1 of her mons was a real threat. Hell, just 2 of the other 5 even put up anything resembling a fight. Of course since that 1 mon is God-chomp it can easily destroy the whole team without the slightest warning. I mean it ate a +6 Petal Dance, good grief (yes, it has Assault Vest but come on). And it survived Explosion, but that's just because I put basically no effort into EVs. 


I got a badge out of this, somehow. Also TM Bullshit, I guess I could use that...probably not though. 


So I can use Waterfall now. It's time to get wet go after Amy and Tania I guess, I almost forgot after all the nonsense that just happened.


Stay Tuned~

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So the penultimate chapter is here...I'm not necessarily proud of this one, but I am satisfied


Chapter 15: Cirque du Soleil (about time I use this one)


Soleil heads down the Celestinine Cascade in search of Amaria (and Titania, I guess.) At the bottom she finds herself in Reborn City's Water Treatment Center






I got a bit lost at the end (again), but I found my way.


I find Titania down in the WTC; she's been here ever since jumping from the waterfall after Amaria, so she's in a foul mood (more than usual at least.) The two of us cooperate to navigate the labyrinthine water grids. We're being "impeded" by Taka, but we (well I) make progress nonetheless. 


WTC 2 (Vs. Pokémon Stopple)




That was kind of annoying


We succeed in finding Amaria, thanks to Taka's poorly disguised efforts to assist us. Taka doesn't agree with the lengths Team Meteor has gone, but feels obligated to stay a part of the organization since his father is the (ex)leader, and their (well Solaris') cause is the responsibility of their family. Titania, however, sees this as cowardice. I still find it hard to disagree with her on this to be honest, however, if Taka can do more to inhibit the Meteor's destructive acts from inside then it is better he stay a double agent. At the moment I'm not so sure that's the case though...unless his plan is to ensure someone like me can do the sabotage. Still seems like a lot to leave to chance, I'm not yet sure it doesn't make sense for him to actively oppose them instead of passively, though future revelations may change this opinion.


WTC 3 (Vs. Meteor Admin Taka)




I'm not convinced this is really the "right" choice, but for the purposes of this run I'd rather showcase another fight than not


We (well I) succeed in recovering Amy and her Sapphire Bracelets, but Taka warns us Team Meteor will seek them out. Titania takes Amy back to their house, I follow them. I run into Julia and Florinia on the way there, and all 3 of us head to the house. It's obvious we're in for a fight...


Fiore Mansion (Vs. Swag Jockey Fern and Agent Blake, Vs. New World Orderly John and Meteor Leader Solaris)




Both times my partner had to finish the battle...but still, just one attempt? I'll take it. Besides, it was a joy to watch Julia finish John and Solaris alone...I'm honestly impressed. Even making several questionable choices she still won. That alone is enough reason to allow this outcome to stand in my opinion.


We learned that Amy has retrogravy amnesty, something Tania takes, well, horribly. She leaves for the desert. Julia informs me that if I wish to seek out Tania, I'll have to access the desert from Reborn City, and getting back to the city will require use of the TM Fly they gave me earlier. Of course, I need another badge to use Fly, so my next move is to go back to Agate Circus, to fight some wild Seel...


My victorious team looked like this:



Nikola, the Heliolisk (Male)

Gentle Nature

Ability: Solar Power

w/Zap Plate



Volt Switch





Inti, the Solrock

Hardy Nature

Ability: Levitate

w/Wide Lens




Solar Beam

Rock Slide



Phaethon, the Espeon (Male)

Bold Nature

Ability: Magic Bounce



Future Sight

Baton Pass





Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Air Balloon




Confuse Ray




Circe, the Whimsicott (Female)

Docile Nature

Ability: Prankster

w/Pixie Plate



Nature Power

Stun Spore




Prominence, the Volcarona (Female)

Hasty Nature

Ability: Flame Body

w/Cheri Berry


Heat Wave

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz

Hidden Power

Well, here goes...


Vs. Skydancer Ciel




Yeah...this will take some doing. It's true, she knows way more positions than any of us will ever get to see, I had no hope of matching such experience


This is the second leader I got a bit stuck on, but with enough iterations I found a winning strategy...


Vs. Skydancer Ciel 2




"You've stuck the landing!" I don't know about all that...A little bit irritating, since by the end I knew what sequence I was going for, yet the win came when I had to go off script since she did something unexpected. Archeops is too easy to abuse to be honest, a smarter AI would not waste an extra turn Earthquaking something it cannot hit (unless she's trying to preempt a second switch, in which case a more practical AI would switch immediately instead of trying to counterbluff my double bluff when I only used a single bluff)


My conquest over Ciel earned me badge #13 and TM Acrobatics and I got a lot more flexible too


Now it's finally time to return to Reborn City.


Stay Tuned~

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Archeops is too easy to abuse to be honest, a smarter AI would not waste an extra turn Earthquaking something it cannot hit (unless she's trying to preempt a second switch, in which case a more practical AI would switch immediately instead of trying to counterbluff my double bluff when I only used a single bluff)

Nah you're right, the AI just doesn't factor in immunities from abilities (or from field effects)

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Well, I guess it's about time for this


Chapter 16: A Radiant Hero(ine) (never did pull Ike in FE Heroes...)


With her newest badge, Soleil can use TM Fly. As such, it is time to return to the city. Julia and Rini said Adrienn's city improvement efforts have been progressing quite a bit, and it shows.


Upon returning to the Grand Hall, Ame asks me to find 3 people: Victoria, Adrienn, and Arclight. She wants them (and me) to help her with something.


I recorded several videos of my adventures in the reborn Reborn, you can check them out if you wish. Or don't, that's cool too (you'll miss out on me getting my poor underlevelled behind handed to me by those sidequest battles though)


Exploring reborn Reborn, parts 1-7








Why did Shade leave his Rotom behind anyway?


Why is Looker's partner so strong...why am I terrible at this game...


Ugh, and these Ace Trainers too...what is happening



I was a bit troubled by the underwater fight vs. those Samurott...Amaria will destroy this team, won't she? If even one of her mons knows Dive I'm finished...


After I locate the requested people, Ame briefs us on the situation. There's a Meteor Base still operating in the city, and one place in particular seems the most suspicious...


Devon Operation 1 (Vs. Apprentice Victoria)



Not too bad


We've walked into a trap...but if we want to survive I'll have to keep pushing forward.


Devon Operation 2 (Vs. DJ Arclight)



As you can see I got a bit stuck on Arc, so eventually I just said f*** it and went all in on the setup sweep (pay attention, that will surely be Elite 4 Bennett's "strategy.") I feel like I might have even won the first battle if Raichu didn't get that paralysis though...


Now Victoria, Adrienn, and Arclight have all been defeated...I must continue, for the sake of the mission.


Devon Operation 3 (Vs. Meteor Admin ZEL)



Surprisingly easy


I made it out, but there were several casualties...beating that Lin character will take some work. The operation was ultimately a failure; it seemed like Lin had the upper hand right form the beginning.


Afterwards Adrienn asks me to meet xem at xer gym. We have to start planning our next steps now, but that doesn't mean city restoration efforts have to slow down. Xe asks me to become Reborn's next champion. Those are some big shoes to fill...I would be lying if I said I'm confident I can do it. But I must try.


At Adrienn's request I take to the streets again to search for volunteers.


Exploring reborn Reborn 8 - Adrienn's volunteers




Just a few more to find before I report back to Adrienn. After that we'll be having our gym battle. Adrienn is sure to be a tough opponent...


This is the team:



Phaethon, the Espeon (Male)

Bold Nature

Ability: Magic Bounce



Future Sight

Baton Pass





Prominence, the Volcarona (Female)

Hasty Nature

Ability: Flame Body



Heat Wave

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz

Hidden Power



Circe, the Whimsicott (Female)

Docile Nature

Ability: Prankster

w/Pixie Plate



Nature Power

Stun Spore




Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock




Confuse Ray




Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll



Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance



Sakura, the Cherrim (Female)

Jolly Nature

Ability: Flower Gift

w/Sitrus Berry


Morning Sun

Petal Blizzard

Petal Dance

Leech Seed

Last one for now, let's do this!


Vs. Visionary Adrienn


How many dates can one girl interrupt anyway...not gonna lie it makes me rather lonely

It felt like I was just flailing about really...I struggled against both fields, since the Misty Terrain disabled status and the Fairy Tale Field made my fire attacks useless, so it was a matter of learning what sequence made sense to maximize my offensive potential. However, TM Nature Power proved to be my savior once again.


From Adrienn I have earned badge #14 as well as TM Lens Flare (about time, feels like I should have been using that for a while on this run.) 


...and for now that's it. I thank whoever is reading this, it was a pleasure to share it with you~


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Until next time, see y'all around :) 

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  • 3 months later...

So there's still more of this story to be told as well (yay)


I'm not yet ready to update it, but there are a couple additions to the team, one new and one perhaps overlooked:



Torkoal now has Drought, so it fits right in. But by that logic I should also be trying to get Mega Charizard Y...



In the very beginning I mentioned Solar Power as a relevant ability for this concept run, and Tropius happens to have it, along with 2 other sun-related abilities. I probably should not have overlooked this one, given I could have found it much earlier.


But speaking of Solar Power, it is a very uncommon ablility...at this point the only mons I'm missing that have it are Mega Houndoom (probably never gonna happen) and Charizard...again.


Maybe I should train a Charizard? 

Maybe I should have actually started with Charmander?

We'll see I guess.

More partners are always welcome.


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  • 1 month later...

Alright...that's enough time wasting I think. Let's do this.


Chapter 17: Desertification


Now that the train station has been rebuilt, it's possible to travel north into the vast Tourmaline Desert to seek out Titania, among other things. It's bright and sunny and hot there much of time (when there's no sandstorm), so it could be a tough outing unless you go at night like I did unless you're already a child of the sun like Soleil.


I got to spend a good while exploring the many new areas in the desert...all alone...watch me go at your leisure~


Tourmaline Desert 1


please ignore me getting thrashed by that random Volcarona trainer

Did Corin-Rouge call me a "sweet supernova" just now? Why was that so fitting...


Am I just wandering around? Maybe...but I did find a mysterious tower~


Tourmaline Desert 2 - Mirage Tower


Didn't find a Phione, but I did find a Marcello and a couple ghosties so

Those puzzles felt harder the third time for some reason


Okay, time to make some progress...I'm not done riding trains it seems.


Tourmaline Desert 3 - Train Town



My awkward Fire weakness came back to haunt me...good thing I don't have to fight Charlotte again I hope


So I know I'm on the right track to find Titania, but there are a couple more places I'd like to check out first~


Tourmaline Desert 4 - Teknite Cave


Didn't have anything with Power Gem...feels like Espeon could have had it, but alas

also please ignore me forgetting why I left space in my party and catching a Minior anyway

Shiny Minior immediately Explodes

Pink Minior almost 5-0s me, then faints before being caught

Just like I remember them...they also revealed a Rock weakness I didn't know I had


Tourmaline Desert 5 - Sugiline Cave





Alright, enough mucking around. It's time to go see Titania. 


And my oh my does it prove eventful...


Once upon a...somewhere? (Vs. The Legendary Dragon)



The Legendary Dragon...I probably should not have made the same choice in both of these runs


I don't think Tania likes me...but I did (somehow?) bring Lin here sooo...


Luckily for us, Tania took care of that supposedly, so now we have time for my gym challenge (yey)


Beating Titania will take some doing, because of course it will...


Vs. Guardian Princess Titania 1



This one was actually short by accident, but it's apparent my strategy needs refinement


Vs. Guardian Princess Titania 2-3




Something weird was happening with that Electric Gem, right? It felt like a bug.


So I got pretty close...what I mostly needed was more power (since my coverage outside the field-nerfed Fire type was almost nonexistant)


Ultimately my victorious team looked like this:



Thea, the Torkoal (Female)

Calm Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock


Heat Wave

Solar Beam





Nikola, the Heliolisk (Male)

Gentle Nature

Ability: Solar Power

w/Electric Gem



Volt Switch

Dark Pulse




Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock




Solar Beam




Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll



Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance



Prominence, the Volcarona (Female)

Hasty Nature

Ability: Flame Body



Heat Wave

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz

Hidden Power



Circe, the Whimsicott (Female)

Docile Nature

Ability: Prankster

w/Magical Seed




Stun Spore



Vs. Guardian Princess Titania 4



And there it is...I found a use for Luna's TM <3

My only advantage was speed...sometimes...and Electric Gem Volt Switch trickeration but we got the win eventually (Once I stopped stubbornly remaining underlevelled it helped)


So Titania begrudgingly gives up badge #15 and TM Flash Cannon, but the moment is soured by Lin, who failed to die because of course she did

Amaria is being threatened (for some reason?), so Titania is off to go see her, but not before asking demanding that I come with.


Stay Tuned~

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  • 4 weeks later...

I found some motivation lying around. I should really do better not to misplace it...

Chapter 18: Parity


Last time I was asked ordered to accompany Titania on her return to Amaria's side. So...let's go do that I guess.


But first, something completely different.


Community Service


Haven't used items in a while

Might as well grab that Mega-Z Ring...that won't work on any of my team (well, barring Z-moves) (And barring the Charizard I did not train)


And now to see Amy. 


Hide and Seek with Amy



Yeah...this is still a mess


Apparently we are a go for my next gym challenge (is that why I'm here?)

My first attempt will be a Singles match.


This is the team for that one:



Nikola, the Heliolisk (Male)

Gentle Nature

Ability: Dry Skin

w/Wise Glasses



Volt Switch

Dark Pulse




Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Heat Rock




Solar Beam




Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Own Tempo



Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance



Circe, the Whimsicott (Female)

Docile Nature

Ability: Prankster

w/Pixie Plate



Nature Power

Stun Spore




Berry, the Tropius (Female)

Lonely Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll



Nature Power

Seed Bomb


Dragon Dance



Phaethon, the Espeon (Male)

Bold Nature

Ability: Magic Bounce



Dazzling Gleam

Baton Pass




 Vs. Flotsam Amaria (Singles)



I made that harder than it should have been...

Tries to fight normally...gets demolished by Kingdra

Puts Own Tempo on Lilligant...6-0


Just Sleep Powder + Quiver Dance, nothing to see here


In my opinion the Doubles match was more interesting...it also took more tries


Vs. Flotsam Amaria (Doubles) 1



As you can see I got obliterated every time she used Dive


I only kind of knew what I was doing, but a winning strategy was in the works...that strategy being "do not let Dive happen at any cost"


Eventually we found a way though. This was the team:



Nikola, the Heliolisk (Male)

Gentle Nature

Ability: Dry Skin

w/Wise Glasses



Volt Switch





Corona, the Ninetales (Female)

Rash Nature

Ability: Drought

w/Air Balloon




Solar Beam




Elyse, the Lilligant (Female)

Lax Nature

Ability: Own Tempo

w/Air Balloon


Nature Power

Quiver Dance

Sleep Powder

Petal Dance



Circe, the Whimsicott (Female)

Docile Nature

Ability: Prankster

w/Pixie Plate



Solar Beam

Stun Spore




Sakura, the Cherrim (Female)

Jolly Nature

Ability: Flower Gift

w/Rose Incense


Morning Sun

Petal Blizzard

Solar Beam

Leech Seed



Harmony, the Bellossom (Female)

Careful Nature

Ability: Chlorophyll

w/ Leftovers




Giga Drain



Vs. Flotsam Amaria (Doubles) 2



What happened there? Seems like I only won because Amy chose to use Rain Dance (and nullify her own field advantage)

It's almost like...she was letting me win...


I missed some things at the end oops


We now have badge #16 and the (useless) TM Scald. Neat. 


That's it for now it seems...

Until Next Time!

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