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Just a kid and his Combusken (Last Defeated: Shelly) (Indefinitely Postponed)


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Why hello there, my name is Billybob, and you've probably never heard of me. And that is perfectly okay. However, I, being the adventurous soul that I am, decided to begin a Monotype run of reborn. At first, this idea was for fun alone, but then I thought to make it a real challenge. I had beaten the game itself up to Ep. 16 without too much trouble, so an extra challenge would be welcome. After scouring a few of the monotype threads and totally not being jealous of their organizational skills I noticed a distinct lack of Fighting Monotype runs. How sad, that my favorite type had such little representation. And to top it off, hacking or trading is not even required to do a fighting mono run! With these things in mind, I decide to embark on this journey, that I quickly realized to be quite insane.


The Rules:


1: Only fighting mons used in any battle throughout the entire game

2: Weather/TMx Mod allowed (because I'm lazy and weather is currently a wee bit broken.)

3: No mons hacked/ traded in, I'm catching everything!

4: The type is determined by the final evolution of the mon. I.E, Blaziken has a secondary fighting typing, so Torchic is allowed.


I will apologize in advance for the terrible organization and lack of screenshots. This will likely be mostly a write-up because i suck at this.

Chapter 1: Praise the Chicken


Okay, so we load up the game, create a new save file, and have to pick an Avatar and Name. For the avatar, I have always almost went with the Alice character, simply because it is by far my favorite avatar in the game. However, for the sake of variety, i decided to pick the Dark haired male. Because, well, I'm a dark haired Male, real original right? As for the name, i kinda just threw sounds around in my head until one stuck that sounded somewhat name like. Look im really bad at coming up with names alright? So we will adventure under the name Drakk.


So I make my way into reborn city and get to choose a starter. Being a mono fighting run, I have four choices: torchic, chimchar, tepig, and chespin. While pondering the choice, I quickly realized my starter would be pulling a lot of weight in the early game, and as such chose torchic, as Cumbusken and Blaziken have the best shot at sweeping gyms early on. After obtaining my starter, I quickly take down Cain and Victoria, noting that even torchic is relatively strong for an unevolved pokemon. After buying several common candies and a few potions, I set off to blaze a trail to Julia's gym. There are absolutely zero eligible mons before Julia's gym, so I quickly progress through the story (taking a break for just a moment to curb stomp Fern) before standing outside of the power plant with a level 18 combusken.


And this brings me to Julia. Ah, Julia. I've lost battles against your team many times. Your booms, both sonic and explosive, have frequently caused me to lose faith in my own ability, as I have a harder time with you sometimes than I do with competitive battles!! And now I have to 6-0 you. I believe i tried this battle 3 or 4 times. The main problem was her emolga, which could soften up my combusken for the Electrode to finish, since I could OHKO neither. I eventually was able to sand attack her emolga into missing acrobatics every time, healed up, and took it out, eventually completing the gym. It's satisfying to 6-0 a gym in a game like Reborn!


Next, It was on to Obsidia ward, where, after a brief skirmish with Victoria, I had access to the slums. Now, after roughly an hour of play, I could finally catch some new pokemon! And I did just that, catching a thick fat Makuhita, an iron fist Pancham, and a Defiant Mankey!. Other than possibly the Makuhita, these mons will all get replaced by vastly superior ones later in my run. But as of now, per my rules, this is all I can have. The other problem, is that these mons just really arent even that good. Like Pancham can hit pretty hard, and as such he has faired better than the others. But mankey is both weak and has pitiful bulk, while Makuhita doesn't even really get tanky until he evolves. I didnt put much time into training these guys, although I will after Florina when they can evolve and get way better to use.


Anyway, I went on to crush the scraggy gang, and eventually found myself at Florina's gym. And honestly, all I can say is... praise the chicken. Combusken pretty much carried this fight, as my other mons did pitiful damage against Florina's surprisingly bulky pokemon. I had to reset this fight until combusken was able to overpower her team because of a few misplays on her part and some crits. Now, with the ability to level cap at 35, I can finally evolve all 4 of my pokemon to their final form (using common candy on the Blaziken when it hits 36.) At least, I'll be able to when I continue the run!


This is as far as I've gotten in the run thus far, next I have to deal with, Corey, Shelly, and Shade... all in a row. Boy have I got my work cut out for me. Any suggestions for how to tackle these gyms will be much appreciated. This monotype is pretty rough early on, but i think once i get past Aya I'll have a better time! I'll try to update occasionally as I move on, I'm new to this so formatting tips or any feedback at all is greatly appreciated!!


Team as of the end of Chapter 1 below



Combusken Lv.26

Bashful/Speed Boost

  • Double Kick
  • Peck
  • Flame charge
  • Sand attack



Pancham Lv.22

Adamant/Iron Fist

  • Slash
  • Arm Thrust 
  • Work Up
  • Karate Chop



Makuhita Lv.20

Adamant/Thick Fat

  • Sand Attack
  • Knock Off
  • Fake Out
  • Force Palm



Mankey Lv.18


  • Low Kick
  • Leer
  • Karate Chop
  • Fury Swipes


Edited by BillyBob
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Praise the mighty KFC bird! Nice start for your mono, keep it up. I'm toying with the idea of doing a monorun as well, but it will have to wait until my current, regular run is complete =p

I enjoyed reading your post. Maybe you could squeeze in a couple screenshots to spice things up? I don't mind lots of texts though, so it's up to you!

Good luck with the next leaders. I think you're gonna have to rely on Blaziken quite a lot to sweep teams, but hey, that's what Speed Boost is for. At least anything that learns Knock Off should be very helpful against Shade, although that's probably going to be limited to Hariyama for now.

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At least anything that learns Knock Off should be very helpful against Shade, although that's probably going to be limited to Hariyama for now.

He just need a Dark type Mon is his team for a few moments, so that he can evolve his Pancham on lvl. 32 to a Pangoro, which is a Dark Fighting Mon ;)

Then train Pangoro up to 42 and he has a strong Dark Move with Crunch ;)

And after that lower his lvl down because of the lvl cap^^

Edited by HellBoyOnEarth
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Also you can get scraggy just before shade and if you SR it (save before the third fight (you will understand when you do the event)) to get dragon dance it is an easy 6-0 after you set up 2 times.


EDIT: Also dagon dance is the best one to get as I think all the others are fairly easy to get as soon as you get acsess to the move relearner.

Edited by St0mpa
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Chapter 2: Hariyama and his KFC

Onward i go to the Jasper ward, to attempt a rescue of the police force, as well as training my mons to a point at which they finally become usefull! I feel as though I have my work cut out for me, as poor as the stats on all my mons not called Combusken are. Soon, however, my Makuhita evolves and, well, take a look for yourself.




It already has the highest attack on my team, and its lower level than combusken!

With access to knock off, as well as a respectable attack stat given its level, Hariyama quickly becomes one of my favorite mons on the team, able to fake out knock off almost all fighting resists for massive damage or a KO! This comes as a huge relief, as I was seriously worried about many of the upcoming fights, as Medicham is quite a ways away and that's going to be one of my first good options. Hariyama is a freaking tank though, and I mean that both defensively and offensively!


Anyway, I move through the Jasper ward, on a mission to stop the PULSE Tangrowth. Soon enough I'm fighting Taka. My Hariyama destroys his Lileep, a fight which could have been far more frustrating, but soon it was time to switch. Because we all know what comes next. The Dreadful. The abomination. The cutest thing I've ever cursed at. Taka's Chatot. Chatter is an insane move this early in the game, especially with the confuse chance. Combusken almost had a fighting chance, until this happened.





This guy right here caused me to have to restart this fight several times, as it would severely weaken my team for the tangrowth, or would just cause them all to KO themselves in confusion. When i was finally able to KO it without losing half my team, I soon discovered the one shotting PULSE Tangrowth level power of Belly Drum Hariyama!


Moving on through Jasper and into Beryl, I basically had two pokemon. Mankey would die to scatterbugs when i tried to train him, he was that weak. With pancham, I'll admit I was just being lazy. However, this got a bit more complicated when I came upon the double battle with ZEL and Taka. My only competent mons were Hariyama and Combusken, but i made the best of it, leading Hariyama Pancham. Hariyama was able to take out many mons, including ZEL's espeon, because of knock off. Umbreon, however, was a problem. Because of synchronize. Eventually, I had a confused, paralyzed Hariyama, and a dead combusken, and I had to fight an Umbreon and a PULSE Tangrowth! So I used a paralyz heal and an ultra potion and got to work!




This is after Hariyama used Belly Drum... Thank goodness my Mankey screeched the Tangrowth, because I get a strange feeling I won't be taking a hit.

So yeah, needless to say Hariyama is a god. He might have even earned himself a nickname. Sadly I am not creative. If you have an idea, tell me and I might have to go hit up the name rater!

With nothing else to do but Corey's gym, I caught a Poochyena (to evolve Pancham) and set out to train my mons to around level 32, as well as evolving all of my mons to their final forms (Using common candy on Blaziken to bring him back down to 34.) This actually took a long time, and was the majority of the actual play time this chapter, but I dont regret it since it made it much nicer having these mons evolved.


It turns out I way over prepared for Corey. Leading Primeape, i take out his Skrelp, as it is the only thing on his team that resisted blaze kick. Afterwards I just went into blaziken, set up a bulk up, and swept his entire team with Blaziken. This fight was far easier than I expected, and, strangely, it was easier than it was in my normal run of reborn. I guess KFC is OP. Not really an interesting screenshot of this because it was such a simple fight.


Anyway, I feel this is a pretty good time to wrap up this chapter! Its organized differently than the last one, but thats because im experimenting with some suggestions and different ideas of how to set this up. I didnt make much in game progress, but I feel a lot better about where I am in the game, now that I have more trust in mons like Hariyama. Im definitely planning on getting Scrafty and then Medicham the moment they become available! Any suggestions or feedback is as always welcome! Current team, as of the end of this chapter, is below.



Blaziken Lv.34

Bashful/Speed Boost

  • Double Kick
  • Bulk Up
  • Blaze Kick
  • Sand Attack


Hariyama Lv.34

Adamant/Thick Fat

  • Belly Drum
  • Fake Out
  • Knock off
  • Force Palm



Pangoro Lv.32

Adamant/Iron Fist

  • Slash 
  • Vital Throw
  • Work Up
  • Karate Chop


Primeape Lv.28


  • Low Kick
  • Screech
  • Karate Chop
  • Assurance


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Sorry for the lack of screenshots this episode, I wasn't thinking about them while I was playing because I'm bad.

Chapter 3: Petty theft, and other Heroic Activities

And so, after the events following Corey's gym, It is time to move on to the Lapis Ward! I start by doing the first thing any upstanding citizen of Reborn would do, and join a local gang! Since their event pokemon are irrelevant to this run, I joined team Aqua, simply because... well it was kinda random, I'm not gonna lie. (I have the strongest convictions for joining gangs!) Anyway, I am tasked with the honorable task of stealing something from an old lady, which sounds pretty terrible. And I wish I could say it was. But it turns out this old lady is the actual worst human being alive. Like i hate this lady worse than fern. And I take great pride in curb stomping fern and his good for nothing... Let's not go there. Point is, Mrs. Cradburry is a mean old good for nothing hag, and I was delighted to take from her. I felt like I was doing the world a service and I probably was. Anyway, I get to keep the stolen mon (A rapidash I have no use for) but I also get a Bike Voucher from the police officer on the case, since he can't believe someone like me would join a street gang (heh). So now I can zoom zoom on the bike, hurray. I then spent an hour riding in circles on my bike to listen to the best theme in the game


So now It's about time I head on up to Shelly's gym. I get there to find quite the tragic scene after Corey's departure from his role as gym leader, and am left with a rather traumatized Shelly. Victoria wants to get to the bottom of this (oh boy) and heads into the hole under the grand staircase. I follow, and decide to take my sweet time down there, getting a Focus Sash, A dunsparce to later trade for a tyrogue (because Hitmonlee might just happen to be one of my favorite mons) as well as the Rock Smash TM! I (eventually) head down to help Victoria out. 


I get greeted by Trench coat guy, who explains how the door under the city works (and basically gives away all of Team Meteor's motivations in one go) and tells me I can leave for free, because I guess he's got better things to do or something. So I go save Victoria from Aster and Eclipse (Or, knowing them, perhaps saved them from Victoria). Now its time to go battle Shelly, right? I wish


Victoria wants me to go find a psychiatrist for Shelly, since shes still barely able to talk. The one in town, Dr. Connal, is right down the street, so I walk over there and find out He's the second worst human in this game (you cant be worse than Mrs. Cradburry.)

After meeting the three BOE (Best Orphans Ever) and being told (and shown) that Connal is NOT an ok dude, I go back to Shelly, who immediately snaps out of her slump and is ready for my challenge. Victoria tries to stop me (because she apparently has a moral code that states that I cannot progress in this league whatsoever) and after taking her down, I go on to Shelly.


Shelly I was able to beat in one go. Turn one I lead Blaziken Hariyama. Hariyama fake-out's the illumise, and while i should have just blaze kicked it, I instead resolve to set up. The illumise, of course, rain dances the next turn. No matter, as I set up with blaziken to +3 while Hariyama knock offs everything in existance. I KO 4 mons with blaziken before it faints, and I finish the fight with hariyama pangoro without much trouble. This was yet another relatively simple Gym fight.


So, it turns out a level capped blaziken is like game breakingly strong. Granted, if this were not the case this run would probably not be possible, at least not for Julia, without trading in mons. Soon we will have access to Scraggy, and will be taking on Shade, which should be fun (unless Blaziken just 6-0s). Join me next time to see the exploits of the OP KFC Bird (and friends)!!


Current team below



Blaziken Lv.35

Bashful/Speed Boost

  • Double Kick
  • Blaze Kick
  • Bulk Up
  • Sand Attack



Hariyama Lv.35

Adamant/Thick Fat

  • Belly Drum
  • Fake Out
  • Knock Off
  • Force Palm



Pangoro Lv.34

Adamant/Iron Fist

  • Body Slam
  • Vital Throw 
  • Work Up
  • Karate Chop



Primeape Lv.31


  • Low Kick
  • Screech
  • Karate Chop
  • Assurance

Edit: Just wanted to announce that I am moving this Friday into my dorm for college, so my updates will probably slow down. I'll definitely still be around on the forums (not that I've even been here that long) I just wont have the same amount of time to play the game and continue this run. I'm definitely still going on with it though!!

Edited by BillyBob
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So I figured It's about time I get this out there. I just moved into my dorm for college a few days ago, classes haven't even started yet but already, I've had a total of an hour on my computer. Once classes start, I don't know if I'll have the time or stress management skills to keep this up. For this reason, this run is going to be indefinitely postponed. I was perhaps a bit ambitious in planning this, but it just isn't gonna work. Priorities are rapidly changing now that I have become more busy, and I think there are just other things I need to do at the moment. Some of these posts would take upwards of an hour to write, plus my lazy game play speed and general tendency to goof off, making progress in this would be a slow endeavor. I'm sorry to anyone who was following this :/ 

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