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Stuck at Blake


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Hey guys, I currently am unable to defeat Blake no matter what i try, here is my team.

Blaziken lv 69

- Blaze Kick

- Flare Blitz

- Bulk up

- Sky Uppercut

Scrafty lv 74

- Crunch

- Brick Break

- Thunderpunch

- Head Smash

Excavalier lv 68

- Shadow Claw

- Drill Run

- Metal Claw

- Swords Dance

Swampert lv 75

- Surf

- Hydro Pump

- Dive

- Earthquake

Gallade lv 72

- Psycho Cut

- Destiny Bond

- Swords Dance

- Close Combat

Luxray lv 70

- Discharge

- Wild Charge

- Electric Terrain

- Crunch

I also have the following pokemon in my box: Golem, Rhydon, Milotic, Bronzong, Alakazam, Leavanny, Simipour, Meowstic, Garbodor, Growlithe, Mareep. 

Any help would be amazing.


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Honestly you seem to have a pretty good team to deal with Blake. Don't lead with Blaziken or it's going to take huge damage from his Jinx. Scrafty's Crunch should take care of Jinx and Froslass, Luxray's Wild Charge is your best tool against Walrein, and I think Gallade and Blaziken should both be perfectly able to deal with Rotom and Vaniluxe. Weavile can only mean trouble if you let it live for long, but fortunately it falls to pretty much any Fighting move, and you have plenty of those.

If you counter what Blake throws at you methodically, you'll definitely be able to beat him. 


If you feel like Escavalier or Swampert are dead weight (due to a lack of really powerful moves and a nasty potential for hitting its own teammates, respectively), you could ditch either of those for an Arcanine, at least for this fight.

Edited by Alistair
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