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Strange Starter


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Horsea in pokemon zeta.It's evolution was changed so evolved to kingdra in level 40.I loved it because it was based on older gen so only weakness was dragon.If I didn't know how to beat an opponent, I just used outrage.

In desolation,I first used sandile as a starter.Let's just say Conner,the fire type gym leader had a really bad day.

In desolation,the second time I used a spheal.It was the first time my starter was shiny.

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I've used a few during my experience playing fangames. The first was Horsea in Omicron, and Storm proved himself and then some. Kingdra has a nice typing, which is helped even more by the older mechanics used ingame (as stated by Yagami). 


I also used Larvesta in Alabaster, and if I remember correctly, it was doing pretty well up to the point I was at. I really need to start playing that one again... 


If the Delta Bulbasaur in Insurgence counts, then I can claim that as well. Alora proved herself to be a powerful, reliable, and versatile Pokémon (what more can you ask for in a starter?). Gotta love that typing, too. 


Despite all these rather positive experiences, I'd have to say my favourite oddball starter is Espurr from Desolation. I should have opted for a male, and checked IVs before committing, but I still really enjoyed using the psychic cat. She did start falling behind towards the end of Ep. 4, and Gardevoir is more dependable now, but I keep Luna trained and ready for action. She does a good job taking over when I switch out a Pokémon that's weak against an upcoming boss/gym/area. I'm hugely biased, as Espurr is among my favourites, and getting to use one of your top Pokémon as a starter is golden. If I do ever replay the game, I'll likely get a male and make sure both his nature AND IVs are at least passable.


I think that's all *goes off trying to remember if she missed one*...



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