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How to use Aegislash


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I recently got myself a aegislash from a trade.But I have never used it.So it can learn sword dance,sacred sword,iron head,shadow sneak,shadow ball,shadow claw and king's shield.

The problem is if I don't use sword dance maybe 2 times shadow sneak won't get a KO meaning I will be in a blade form and will be Koed.

So what should be the ev spread?

What moveset is best for it?

Edit:Currently playing reborn hardcore.before Aya.

Edited by Yagami
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There are a lot of viable options for Aegislash, but here are the two best sets.


SD Sweeper

Aegislash @ Life Orb
Ability: Stance Change  
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Shadow Sneak  
- Iron Head / Kings Shield
- Sacred Sword


The EVs allow you to outrun uninvested base 70s, and the aim of this set is to use your great defensive typing to setup a swords dance and sweep with priority shadow sneak+fighting type coverage.



Aegislash @ Leftovers  
Ability: Stance Change  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD (or any modification of this, I prefer specially defensive) 
Calm Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Substitute  
- Toxic  
- Shadow Ball  
- King's Shield


This set's purpose is to annoy the hell out of nearly every special attacker (or you can run a physically defensive spread if you'd like) as it can wall nearly any Pokemon that cannot hit it super effectively, and stall them out with toxic+king's shield. Substitute allows you to take advantage of forced switches and lets you fire off more toxics, and shadow ball is so that you aren't too passive and complete setup fodder.




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7 minutes ago, Panther said:

There are a lot of viable options for Aegislash, but here are the two best sets.


SD Sweeper

Aegislash @ Life Orb
Ability: Stance Change  
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Shadow Sneak  
- Iron Head / Kings Shield
- Sacred Sword


The EVs allow you to outrun uninvested base 70s, and the aim of this set is to use your great defensive typing to setup a swords dance and sweep with priority shadow sneak+fighting type coverage.



Aegislash @ Leftovers  
Ability: Stance Change  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD (or any modification of this, I prefer specially defensive) 
Calm Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Substitute  
- Toxic  
- Shadow Ball  
- King's Shield


This set's purpose is to annoy the hell out of nearly every special attacker (or you can run a physically defensive spread if you'd like) as it can wall nearly any Pokemon that cannot hit it super effectively, and stall them out with toxic+king's shield. Substitute allows you to take advantage of forced switches and lets you fire off more toxics, and shadow ball is so that you aren't too passive and complete setup fodder.




I am talking about reborn.I don't think I can get life orb,leftovers or TM toxic early game.

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Ah well that changes everything. I'd run some power boosting item, so an iron or spooky plate over a life orb (you can mine those) and still run the swords dance set with shadow sneak and sacred sword (ghost+fighting has perfect neutral coverage). As for EVs, max HP max attack should be fine for in-game (speed tiers don't matter as much).

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King's Shield is one of the better moves Aegislash has. If you can predict your opponent is going to attack you with a contact move, you can decrease their Attack, which means you can take more hits. That, in turn, means you have more time to set up. Then there are the more trickier Autotomize sets that don't utilize King's Shield, but I'm not too keen on those.


The thing with Aegislash is, you want to be slower than your opponent so you can tank hits while in shield form, then retaliate in sword form. You really don't want to be in sword form when your opponent attacks. For this reason Speed EVs can be detrimental. Bulk is in my opinion the better alternative, so invest in HP and in your case Attack. I don't think you have Shadow Ball or Flash Cannon (nor Weakness Policy) so mixed set isn't going to work all that well.


I'd suggest you run King's Shield, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak/Claw and Sacred Sword. Not only you have good enough coverage, but also Swords Dance for setting up and King's Shield for protecting yourself and changing back to shield form.

Edited by Zargerth
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14 hours ago, Zargerth said:

I'd suggest you run King's Shield, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak/Claw and Sacred Sword. Not only you have good enough coverage, but also Swords Dance for setting up and King's Shield for protecting yourself and changing back to shield form.

IMO I would suggest for this set you go for shadow sneak as it can allow for KO's without risking too much return damage. Also I suggest iron head over sacred sword for the dual STAB but that depends on the rest of your teams coverage. But with sneak over claw you have to be a little more carefull as you don't quite have as much raw power behind the attack as even at +2 sneak is only just doing more damage than a +0 claw and if you go the slower route and you use its other attacking move the next turn you can be left open with low defences.

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