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You are challanged by Rival Brakk


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Hello Reborn community!!!


I like to introduce myself to you as Brakk (named after my 5th Reborn play through character).



Since I have started to play Pokemon at the "mature" age of 6 in 1999 and have played each Version since then (including Stadium, Colosseum, several Spin Offs, ...), I eventually could replace the Rotom-Dex of Gen7 in US/UM. 

As you can imagine, I always wanted to "become the very best, like no one ever was". Based on that, I have teams for competitions and also play Pokemon Showdown (Maybe I will "have a look" at Reborn Showdown too ;)).

My passion for Gaming did also guide me into the direction of what I am now: a Software Developer. 


As for my Character...

I am a mixture between the well known Characters of Blackbelts, Triathletes and Nerds in Pokemon (I like to run and in general to train myself and when I dont, I sit in front of my computer).

Most of the time, I am friendly and like to share my time with others in the game that I like at most, which is... Starcraft. (If you have figured that out by looking at my profile picture, then you cannot do anything that I dislike you :)).


Well, that sums up the most aspects about myself. 

If you enjoyed it, then leave a like and sub.... I mean, I will create a Reborn Team in the text days and will always be open for a challenge. 


Kind Regards (or in the words of the best rival: Smell ya later)



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