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What games are you folks playing at the moment?


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Heya folks, just like what the title says, what games are you currently enjoying atm?


I've personally been playing a shuckle ton of Xenonauts recently, it's pretty much an updated x-com with all the rage inducing glorious RNG related despair that it brings!


Splatoon 2's also quickly becoming addictive but i'm always on the hunt for new games sooooo...... What are you folks playing? :P   


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Mostly just Super Robot Wars Z, at the moment (currently on stage 51 of 60, Setsuko--ZEUTH route).  I needed a break from Pokemon.


Next will probably either be another SRW game (especially since some people have 2nd OG and Moon Dwellers working decently on a PS3 emulator)  or  Pokemon Desolation or Insurgence.

Edited by seki108
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At the moment I'm playing three games.


  • Pokémon Reborn - I finally have a computer that's able to run the game normally, and I'm going to be doing this. For reals this time.
  • Fire Emblem Heroes - Yes, it's a mobile game that is geared around a gacha system. That's okay. The game is extraordinarily friendly to free players.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. 
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Oh, goodness....


My backlog is ultra long, but here are some of the games I'm currently chipping away at.


1. Hearthstone! I didn't buy all those packs for nothing. Now my foes will face the wrath of a spoiled brat with too much free time on her hands!

2. Diablo 3. Gotta finish my season 11 journey through Chapter 4 as a necromancer!

3. Heroes of the Storm. Not surprising given this list - I'm a total Blizzard fangirl.

4. World of Warcraft. Because I am hopelessly addicted.

5. Overwatch. The only shooter I've enjoyed in quite a while.

6. Starcraft Remastered. It's so jarring to be stripped of all the conveniences of Starcraft 2, but the story is great!

7. Dragon Quest 7 (3DS version). I've been working on this one for a while now. It's an enormous RPG, but I'm a fan.


And I have so many other games waiting for me, including a few on temporary hiatus. I feel so guilty! xD


Also, @Ice Cream Sand Witch I have GW2 as well. I haven't seriously played it in a while, though. I hear there's a new expansion coming, but I still haven't completed the storylines from the last one!

Edited by Eviora
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I am yet again playing Reborn, hoping to finally complete the game after my numerous aborted playthroughs (RIP monofire, we barely knew thee). This time I'm trying to do everything, play all the mons I want, and do my best to beat all the leaders on the first try. I already did for Julia, and I'm not too worried about Florinia, Corey or Shelly, since my early teams are usually Poison-heavy. The real fun should begin with Shade.


I also started playing Hearthstone recently, but the game is really hard to get into so late after its release... Idk if I'm going to keep it up or drop it.


I have a few other games on hold... nothing too important though. For now I'm focused on Reborn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably a late answer personally considering I just uninstalled my Steam account, but before that I was into stomping around in Mechwarrior 4 and Online and robbing banks in Payday 2.

As of now, I've fallen back to games that better resemble my childhood, in Reborn's graphics (and just the gameplay of Pokemon in general), as well as the venerable Burnout 3: Takedown.

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