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Choose My Team! Remastered (Latest Defeated: ZEL)

Filthy Casual

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Now I know what you're thinking: "Didn't you already do this with Reborn?"


To be honest with you, I'm not proud of that LP. My writing was poor, the jokes were repetitive, and I only stuck to seven Pokemon rather than using a full team. I also took a one month hiatus, which wasn't fair to all of you. As such, I want to try this again, except this time, make sure it is a quality play through. As such, the rules of this LP are simple:


1) I am only allowed to use what I am told to use. This includes individual members as well as team members. However, in the event that there is a tie between two certain event team members, tie breakers will be decided by me (example: what starter to pick).


2) When making a suggestion, you must include a nickname. That way, it will be easy to individualize each member. Having said that, it's also acceptable to not include a nickname. That does mean, however, if you don't want the member to have a nickname, you need to say it.


3) You are allowed to make an infinite number of suggestions. This means if I don't happen to see your suggestion the first time, there is still a chance I will see it the next time. However, this doesn't mean you have the right to spam the same suggestion multiple times.


Now that those rules are out of the way, we have two questions: who should we catch, and what should their names be? It's up to you!


Table of Contents


Season 1: A Rejuvenated Run

Chapter 1: Temere's Tragic Return

Chapter 2: Bonsai vs the World

Chapter 3: The Happy Boom-Time House of Pain

Chapter 4: Recruitment Day

Chapter 5: Deja Vu

Chapter 6: Rise of the Exquisite Empress

Chapter 7: Klink in the Clutch

Chapter 8: Tragedy, the Episode

Chapter 9: Life Begins where Fear Ends

Chapter 10: Incompetence Incarnate

Chapter 11: POWERFUL

Chapter 12: Convenient Plot Points

Chapter 13: Horrifying

Chapter 14: Busted



Season 2: Family Matters

Chapter 15: A Fresh New Look

Chapter 16: The Fellowship of the Pancakes

Chapter 17: The Two Tirades

Chapter 18: The Return of the Kingpin

Chapter 19: Star Struck

Chapter 20: The Filler Episode

Chapter 21: Psyched Out

Chapter 22: Fodder

Chapter 23: Sigmund the Prank Master

Chapter 24: Madame Lin

Chapter 25: A Thorn in our Sides

Chapter 26: Harbinger of Death

Chapter 27: Betrayal

Chapter 28: Temere's Fury



Season 3: Carnival of Chaos

Chapter 29: Brawl in the Big Top

Chapter 30: Eclipse's Really Bad Day

Chapter 31: All Fired Up

Chapter 32: Cold Origins

Chapter 33: Top 10 Anime Betrayals

Chapter 34: Solaris gets Shafted Again

Chapter 35: The Craven Commander

Chapter 36: VS New World Orderly John

Chapter 37: Sticking the Landing


Season 4: The Heart of a Champion

Chapter 38: Heartwarming Reunions

Chapter 39: Saw VIII - The Reborn Chronicles

Chapter 40: Speechless

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1 minute ago, Zargerth said:

No, literally everyone does this.


Out of curiosity, were you referring to getting female Ralts as a starter   or  nicknaming said Ralts  'Lilith'?



As for the starter.......Chinchou nicknamed Glowmoss ?

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3 minutes ago, Zargerth said:

Nicknaming. Ralts, or rather Gardevoir, is a popular mon in itself but I have no problem with that.

I'm assuming it's a reference to something I don't know.     On a side note, I've nicknamed all of my Gardevior  'Granzon' since Gen 3.

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6 hours ago, seki108 said:

I'm assuming it's a reference to something I don't know.     On a side note, I've nicknamed all of my Gardevior  'Granzon' since Gen 3.

Everyone can choose their own nickname,but Granzon is KINDA strange to be honest


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24 minutes ago, Damien said:

Everyone can choose their own nickname,but Granzon is KINDA strange to be honest


It's named after the badass mecha of black holes (seen below), while the Pokedex entries of Gen 3 mention Gardevoir can also summon black holes in extreme circumstances.  It fit back then and still fits now.





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Chapter 1: Temere's Tragic Return

After the incident in Grand Dream City, our hero Temere from the Rejuvenation run decided he had enough with Melia's antics. Because of this, he decided to take the train out of Grand Dream City and into the Reborn region in order to escape. With his trusty Sceptile named Dangerous, he embarked out to the Reborn region...


...except it turns out someone wanted him dead. The train unfortunately exploded, and in the chaos of it all, Dangerous pushed Temere out of the train in time before it exploded. Poor Dangerous didn't make it. For the first time in a long time, Temere was all alone.


Temere decided to head out to the closest lab in order to inform the authorities what happened. When we got there, we ran into something much more terrifying...




I'm not going to lie: I despise Victoria. We'll get into why later, but for now, let's just say we don't get along...


When he got in the lab, Temere informed an advisor by the name of Ame what had happened. Ame explained to a distraught Temere that they apprehended the suspect soon after the explosion occurred. She apologized to Temere, offering him the chance to take another starter. He then did something quite controversial...


...he sent his Pokemon back to Aevia, sending his Aevian Pokemon to Melia.


In the heat of the moment, he decided to focus his energies on finding the group responsible for the death of his best friend. As such, he picked our first team member of the LP...


Bonsai the Turtwig!



It was dead even between Turtwig and Chikorita. I decided which one I would choose via the flip of a coin: heads for Chikorita and tails for Turtwig. As you can see, tails won.

After we chose our starter, we went back down to begin our adventure. However, while Victoria was choosing her starter, we ran into someone new...


Meet Cain, a flirtatious individual and our first rival of the game. He decided to challenge us to a battle!



The battle begins with...



Fortunately, despite Nidoran outspeeding, he also has Hustle, allowing him to continuously miss. Bonsai ends up picking up the KO.


Well played, Bonsai.

After our battle, we decided to heal our Pokemon. However, we were stopped by Ame and Satan Victoria.


Victoria decided to test us in a battle. As such, we decided to take up her offer!




COME ON, MAN! Both of their aces counter my starter?!


Still, it was a quick Tackle battle, ending with Bonsai getting a critical hit on Tepig.


Wow! Bonsai is putting in work!

Needless to say, Ame decided to gift us with a couple welcoming gifts; a new pair of running shoes and a Pokedex! Victoria was even nice enough to give us some Pokeballs! Next time, we will begin exploring Reborn City! Who should we catch? What should their names be? It's up to you!


Current Team




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Chapter 2: Bonsai vs the World

After our brief encounters with Cain and Victoria, we decided to do some exploring. While exploring, we met a lot of trainers, discovered our way around the place, and met a rather pleasant young man...


I'm sorry, did I say pleasant? I meant despicable.

Indeed, this was Fern, our third and final rival of the game. He seemed to be quite cocky. As such, Temere was quick to take him up on a battle!




The battle begins with Bonsai going for three Withdrawals. He gets hit by a Growl and a couple Astonishes, but he ends up picking up the KO with Tackle.


Snivy ends up lowering Bonsai's defense with Leer. During this time, however, Bonsai is able to get in some free Tackles. Snivy eventually goes down.


Budew unfortunately proves to be a decent wall. It brings Bonsai down to the red with Mega Drain...




You're honestly not wrong, Fern. Still, Bonsai is a beast!

Despite our victory, Fern was quick to berate Temere for his lack of badges. He ended up telling him this:


Temere decided to fix that by seeking out the gym. However, just as he found it, he was interrupted by another energetic individual.


This was Julia, the first gym leader of the game. She happened to specialize in electric types. She ended up informing Temere that they had found the culprits of the bombing: a shady organization named Team Meteor. Without hesitating, Temere decided to accompany Julia in her quest to stop this organization. While at their hideout, we were met up by a couple of her colleagues...


...and I say colleagues, because one of the two is Fern.


Having said that, we also get to meet Florinia, who is quite the interesting character. I'm personally hoping we get to learn a bit more about her in the upcoming update, but only time will tell.


Regardless, with Fern's help, we began to clear out the Meteor grunts two by two. Along the way, we even got an evolution from our starter, Bonsai!


Bonsai is going to put in work!


We eventually made it into the center of the base, where we met the man leading the operation...




Seriously, though, I'm not a big fan of Sirius. All he does is say ominous things such as "MWAHAHAHA, I'M SOOOOO EEEEVIL AND NAAAASTY!" He doesn't have much of a personality, especially when compared to someone such as Solaris (we'll get to him in a bit). Sirius decided to test Temere and Fern by pitting them against two of Team Meteor's higher ranking grunts, Aster and Eclipse!



The battle begins with poor Budew getting double teamed. However, this time is also used to take out the Magby. Unfortunately, right as it's about to go down, Magby scores a critical hit Ember on Bonsai. It doesn't KO, but it comes close.


Bonsai is healed while Lotad lands a Bubble. While Lotad goes down, Elekid is taken out by a Razor Leaf.



After our victory, Sirius decided that they no longer needed the factory for their base of operations. As a thank you, Julia allowed us to challenge her gym. As such, next time, we will be taking on Julia for our first badge! Who should we catch for our team? What should their names be? It's up to you!


Current Team




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Chapter 3: The Happy Boom-Time House of Pain

After we defeated Team Meteor, we decided to do some training before we took on the next gym. During that training, however, we ran into a new team member! Say hello to the newest member of the team...


Charbok the Ekans!


I'm still looking for Tynamo. It apparently only shows up when it rains, so I'm probably going to be looking for a while.

One of the best things about Reborn is the fact that you are able to train indefinitely off of trainers in the Grand Hall. These two trainers in particular provided a huge source of help for Julia:



Eventually, with our new team member in tow, we decided to take on the first gym! As soon as you walk into Julia's room, she sets the tone immediately.



Honestly, this is something I love about Reborn! Their personalities shine through extremely well, and they can each be seen through the designs of their gyms. Julia is hyper, so her gym is based around explosions. Florinia's gym is in a school, since she acts like a computer. Even Shelly's gym is awesome, as it's in a library!


After she welcomed us, however, Julia let us know that we were in for a fight...



...and MAN, she wasn't kidding! Going in with two Pokemon only is always a risky play! Luckily, I had a plan...




The battle begins with Charbok tanking a Thundershock, getting the Helioptile poisoned from Poison Sting. He KOs with a critical Bite.


Unfortunately, the Voltorb outspeeds and KOs poor Charbok. It's now 1v5.


Bonsai is able to KO with a Razor Leaf.


Bonsai decides to set up three Curses while Emolga tries to set up with Charge Beam. It gets to the point where Acrobatics barely does anything. One Tackle decimates Emolga.


The second Voltorb hits SonicBoom. However, Bonsai KOs with Razor Leaf.


The next few turns are dedicated to healing Bonsai. Blitzle is taken out by a Tackle.


One Razor Leaf is more than enough to take Electrode down.


That took a fair amount of time to pull off. Luckily, Charbok (Ekans) came through at the beginning!

Temere was awarded with his first gym badge of the Reborn league! As he went to heal his Pokemon, however, he was stopped by a force of pure evil...




She informed Temere that plants had taken over the Obsidia Ward, deciding to attack the citizens. Next time, we will be investigating! Who should we catch along the way? What should their names be? It's up to you!


Current Team




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Combee - Queen Bee

Klink - M.M. Tower

I know I don't have to explain why would want the Klink to be named M.M. Tower but I'm sure people will be curious so here it is. M.M. Is short for Mickey Mouse. And when I was little, I remember playing a game where Mickey is going through a house and trying to catch someone. I can't remember the game name or even all what it was about besides what I said. But I always remember there being a Clock Tower and the Klink evolution line reminds me of that. So yea. There's my explanation for that name. Haha.

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Chapter 4: Recruitment Day

After a long fought battle with Julia, Temere realized he couldn't win with just two Pokemon. Because of this, he decided to expand his roster. As such, he went and caught another member of the team...


Bidoofceus the Bidoof!


In fact, it didn't take long before we found out that Bidoofceus could Mega Evolve!


Mega Bidoof looks strange, but I'll take it!

After catching and training the newest member, Temere ran into Florinia. She had a favor to ask of us:


In order for us to gain access to the Obsidia Ward, we would have to help her with the mysterious plant problem Satan Victoria had warned us about beforehand. Before we could do that, however, we still had to catch some more team members:





After catching our newest members, we decided to continue our journey. In order to pass, we had to head through the slums. However, we instead ran into a force of pure, unadulterated malice. One that would scare people for generations of trainers to come...


...Victoria's lengthy dialogue.


What's up, Victoria! Here to help with the problem, as well?


Yeah! I need to get through in order to help her clear out the-




I'm sorry, but last I checked, was the one asked to deal with the problem. In fact, how did you get past the guards? You can't even get through the slums, so what's stopping me from-


-I guess that answers my question...


Get used to this, by the way. Her motive for everything in this game from hear on out is "Oh, you want to do something important? That's nice, but I don't think you can/should, so I'm going to waste your time try and stop you, only to complain about it after I lose."

As such, we decided to defeat the force of pure malice!




The battle begins with poor YUNoEvolve? getting in one Gust before getting demolished.


Queen Bee gets in one Gust before she is forced to switch out.


M.M. Tower KOs Ralts with a couple Charge Beams. He learns Gear Grind.


Unfortunately, Makuhita happens to be faster and KOs M.M. Tower.


Charbok is able to paralyze Makuhita with Glare, allowing him to para-flinch him to death with Wrap and Bite.


Bidoofceus tanks five Arm Thrust hits in order to land the KO with a rain boosted Water Gun.


Man, Mega Bidoof puts in work!

After repelling the threat, Temere decided to continue his quest, where he discovered another new team member!


Mr. Biggles the Trubbish!


While Temere fought tough trainers, they ultimately proved no match for our new member, who would poison stall most of them to death. Eventually, however, we ran into another threat...


It was time to try and catch a Scrafty...


...is what I would say if the fight weren't so easy. Mr. Biggles (Trubbish) ended up decimating the competition with Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray, while Bonsai (Grotle) would support. This does lead to something else I want to ask:


Why can't I catch the Scrafty?


Seriously, it's wild! There should be no reason I can't catch it, so why am I not given the chance?

Eventually, after a "tough" battle, we made it to the opposite end of the Obsidia Ward! Next time, we will continue our quest! Who else should we catch? What should their names be? Also, should we box anyone? It's up to you!


Current Team





Still Need to Catch


Male Zubat




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