Zander Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 On 9/2/2017 at 6:31 PM, Anti_Hero said: If you want I can give you a nice pokemon for your run Expand Please tell me where you got a dieno from! I can't trade online because no internet on pc but I would definitely love to catch it if possible. Please do tell Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HongaarseBeer Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 On 9/6/2017 at 9:37 AM, Zander said: Please tell me where you got a dieno from! I can't trade online because no internet on pc but I would definitely love to catch it if possible. Please do tell Expand You need 3 dark materials for it to summon it I believe. But the third one will become available at some point in the story. It's not legitimately available as of yet Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti_Hero Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 On 9/6/2017 at 9:37 AM, Zander said: Please tell me where you got a dieno from! I can't trade online because no internet on pc but I would definitely love to catch it if possible. Please do tell Expand Basically what @HongaarseBeer said. Trading is the best bet, since you need to trade to get another dark material Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zander Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 On 9/6/2017 at 1:33 PM, HongaarseBeer said: You need 3 dark materials for it to summon it I believe. But the third one will become available at some point in the story. It's not legitimately available as of yet Expand On 9/6/2017 at 3:49 PM, Anti_Hero said: Basically what @HongaarseBeer said. Trading is the best bet, since you need to trade to get another dark material Expand Okay, what is this dark material? Where do you get it from? This is from reborn right? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti_Hero Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 @Zander yes it is. It's an item. There are 2 in current release and you need 3. Go to the in the hunt section and look after the item location guide (should be one of the top 3 there) and just look after those items. For the 3rd only after the current release or if someone gives you one material Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HongaarseBeer Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 By the way @Filthy Casual I think you should slow down with obtaining new mons. It just leads to you having a lot of mons but being unable to use them because there's no way you can maintain 24 mons (as of now) at the needed level. Maybe just use one new mon every gym (also counting non-gym leaders like Corey etc) just so the mons you add actually have some use Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted September 6, 2017 Author Share Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) Chapter 15: A Fresh New Look Well, it's been a bit. A lot happened during our brief hiatus. Temere decided to take this time to get a couple things done. First, he caught a new team member! Meet the latest edition to the team... Reveal hidden contents Brock the Croagunk! Second, however, and more importantly, Temere got a style change! Say hello to the new look for Temere: Simple, yet effective enough! However, I would love to see what you come up with for a potential design for Temere. Below, I have included the sprites and VS picture for our hero. If you wish, I would love to see you create outfits for Temere. Perhaps they will even be featured in the playthrough. After all, this is a randomizer, so why not randomize what our hero wears? Either way, here's the sprinting for our main character: Reveal hidden contents I'm the one who altered the sprites (obviously created by Jan). I would have changed the eye color, but that green is technically Temere's natural eye color. I thought it would be too strange to immediately change the color. We decided to then head down to where the children were being taken by Team Meteor. We were then confronted by a horrible reality... ...Victoria. She decided to explain to us that Cain ran off to the piers, trying to go to Apophyll Academy in order to get the HM for Strength. We tried to catch him, but unfortunately, it was too late. Without Cain's help, there would be no feasible way to continue. After all, without access to the wasteland, there would be no way to take on another gym leader to use Strength. The only way for this to change would be for a gym leader with a means of transportation to appear right in front of us, but what are the odds of- I spoke too soon! Amaria decided to ask for our help. Apparently, some Team Meteor members were holed up in another abandoned factory. As such, we went with Amaria to help her out. After all, if she couldn't handle the Tangrowth, there would be no way she could- HOLY SHIT! In fairness to Amaria, she was grabbed by the Tangrowth, preventing her from accessing her Pokemon. Still, it seems a bit too convenient that now she can help us (even if I appreciate all of the training for Lynx the Luxray). In our raid, we eventually made our way down to the center of the factory, where we found something disturbing... That's right! ZEL and Solaris were personally overseeing this project! We correctly assumed that a PULSE Machine was hooked up here. However, we didn't anticipate that it would be a Muk! Of course, it's kind of silly that Solaris would explain his evil- ...wait, what? DEAR GOD, THAT WAS CLOSE! Honestly, I love how well Solaris is set up in this story! I truly believe Lin could have been completely ignored, and Solaris would have made a more compelling villain. We'll cross that bridge a bit more when we get to Lin, but until then, Temere decided to focus his efforts on defeating the PULSE Muk. However, there would be one more obstacle he would have to face: ZEL! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with Crusher going for a Close Combat while Glaceon goes for a Mirror Coat. While ZEL uses a Hyper Potion, Crusher goes for a Headbutt. Glaceon lands an Icy Wind, but it doesn't KO, allowing for a knock out on Glaceon from another Close Combat. Once Crunch decimates Espeon. Moxie is activated. Scrafty decides to go for a Dragon Dance here. He then destroys Umbreon with a Brick Break. Another Moxie boost is activated. Muk manages to live a Crunch (HOW?!) from Scrafty, while going for a Protean-boosted Discharge. Scrafty is paralyzed, forcing it to go down next turn. Luckily, Lynx picks up the KO with a Spark. With that win under our belt, the PULSE Muk was defeated, allowing for the water to begin to purify in the city. However, the victory did not come without a price... Man, I'm not sure Lapras can take-, you really like cheating, don't you Solaris? As such, Amaria had no choice but to retreat to her estate. However, before she did that, she was nice enough to give us these: We are now able to head out to the next area! Who else should we catch? What should their names be? Which six Pokemon should we use for the next chapter? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Still Need to Catch Male Zubat Litwick Cyndaquil Trapinch Sandile Skrelp Skorupi Zorua Magnemite Ralts Beldum Porygon Edited September 7, 2017 by Filthy Casual Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted September 7, 2017 Author Share Posted September 7, 2017 (edited) Chapter 16: The Fellowship of the Pancakes Before setting off for Apophyll, Temere decided to do some training. As such, he got a cool new evolution! Reveal hidden contents #gottatankfast Luckily for Temere, Apophyll triggered a pleasant memory: the world famous Apophyll Pancakes! These were delicacies in Aevia, as even his Pikachu, Waffles, ate it to become an Alolan Raichu! Temere decided to spend his time looking for these pancakes. However, he ran into an interesting woman by the name of Kiki instead. I mean, no, but I'll take it if you have it. Temere decided to take her offer, since an HM was an HM! Afterwards, she could even tell him the whereabouts of the pancakes! Nothing could change his mood, not even- ... Despite his sudden sour mood, Temere was determined to find his pancakes. Victoria, however, had other priorities. She had decided to try and attain the HM for strength in order to save the children. Did Temere care about that? Of course not! Perhaps that student would know about the whereabouts of the pancakes! He quickly took off, famished from a long trip. Eventually, after his long trip, he met up with the student, Cal. Hey, you know where I can find some panc- Oh, you were a gym leader? That's cool, but I'm looking for some- ...don't tell me it's going to be like with Cor- WHO?! WHO DID YOU- I DON'T CARE! I JUST WANT- WHO DID YOU HURT?! THAT'S IT, WE'RE FIGHTING! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with Starlight hitting Infernape with an Aerial Ace. Starlight is then hit with a Flame Wheel, tanking it with ease. Infernape gets healed, but unfortunately for it, Infernape ends up going down a max damage Aerial Ace. Lynx is able to take down Charizard with a couple Thunder Fangs. Sonic decides to Dig, baiting out Magmortar's Solar Beam. Magmortar sustains massive damage, forcing him to switch. Delphox only gets off one hit. However, it barely does anything, allowing Sonic to KO next turn. Scrafty decimates with a High Jump Kick. Sonic KOs with a Magnitude 5. Blaziken sustains heavy damage from Aerial Ace. However, Starlight gets hit by a Blaze Kick to the face, going down in the process. Luckily, Crusher finishes the job with a Headbutt. Easy. Unfortunately for us, Cal didn't know the location of Temere's pancakes. However, he did recommend that we take on Kiki, who happened to be a gym leader. As such, next time, we will be continuing our Apophyll trilogy with a gym battle! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Also, which six Pokemon should we use for the upcoming gym battle? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Still Need to Catch Male Zubat Litwick Cyndaquil Trapinch Sandile Skrelp Skorupi Zorua Magnemite Ralts Beldum Porygon Edited September 7, 2017 by Filthy Casual Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted September 7, 2017 Share Posted September 7, 2017 Temere throughout the whole Episode. Reveal hidden contents Just replace chocolate with pancakes. xD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted September 8, 2017 Author Share Posted September 8, 2017 (edited) Chapter 17: The Two Tirades After his quest to get his pancakes, Temere would not be denied any longer! He decided to take the time to train up another team member. As such, we got another evolution! Reveal hidden contents After training, Temere decided to inform Kiki that he had defeated Cal in a battle. Indeed, it was finally time for some pan- ...or that, I suppose. Of course, as we walked out, Satan herself decided to stop us. Oh, god, what do you want?'re actually going to do it, aren't you? Okay, I think it's time for a rant: Reveal hidden contents Who was Victoria inspired by?! Why is she like this?! Was she really just put in this game just to be a nuisance?! Perhaps the worst thing about Victoria is the fact that she tries to fight you at the worst possible times! Whether it be during a PULSE Tangrowth attack or a gym battle to save the children, she gets in the way! There's little reason to feel sympathetic for her at all, as she also happened to support Shelly's timid attitude! Don't believe me? Remember when Shelly was trying to expand herself as a character, taking us on in order to try and help Heather? Remember who tried to stop that from happening?! Personally, I have a problem with characters who only exist as Road Blocks. At least with Blue, he was always one step ahead of you, so you were motivated to try and defeat him. Victoria, however, is supposed to be likeable, and she's been nothing but insufferable! TLDR: I don't like Victoria. We decided to take our our frustrations with a battle! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with Mothimer putting Scraggy to sleep. He ends up taking him out with a couple Gusts. Sonic is almost able to take out Emboar with a Dig. However, Emboar switches out in the middle of the second Dig. Sonic is switched out for Starlight (Staraptor), who takes a Close Combat at point blank. Luckily, she lives, easily taking out Heracross. One more Aerial Ace puts Emboar down. Hariyama tanks an Aerial Ace, taking out Starlight with a Smelling Salts. Luckily, a couple Headbutts takes down the Hariyama. A couple Earthquakes are more than enough to take out Gallade. After our victory, Victoria didn't seem to be thrilled with us... Actually, it's technically for some good pancakes. Have you even tried Apophyll Pancakes? They're amazing! We wants it. We needs it. I must... have... ...the precious... ...anyway... after that little incident with Temere, he decided to take on Kiki. The battle for the pancakes had begun! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with Starlight tanking a Rock Slide. One Aerial Ace almost brings Machamp down, forcing Kiki to switch. Unfortunately for her, Toxicroak proves to be one of the worst switches possible. She is forced to use her two Ultra Potions, getting decimated last turn. Bonsai is able to tank a couple Poison Jabs, finishing Gallade off with a couple Earthquakes. Sonic outspeeds, avoiding the High Jump Kick (#gottadodgefast). He finishes Hitmonlee off with a Dig. Lucario is brought to its knees with a couple Digs after Sonic tanks some Aura Spheres (#gottatankfast). While Sonic gets off a Dig, Machamp unfortunately finishes Sonic off almost as quickly as Sonic 2006 did to his reputation. Luckily, Mothimer finishes Machamp off with a Psybeam. While Mothimer inexplicably tanks a Huge Power Ice Punch, he misses Sleep Powder COME ON. He goes down next turn. Crusher activates a Sitrus Berry trying to paralyze Medicham with Lick. Unfortunately, Crusher goes down. Luckily, Starlight finishes the job with an Aerial Ace. That was a fun battle! Kiki's is one of my favorite in the game! After all of that time, Temere was finally going to get his precious! YES! ...wait, are you- We wants it, we needs it! Must have the precious. They stole it from us! Sneaky little Kikises. Wicked, tricksy, false! While I'm clearly playing this up for laughs, this leads to another rant: Reveal hidden contents Oh, HOW CONVENIENT THAT WE CAN'T GET THE BADGE NOW! That fight was SOOO NECESSARY! This is a personal thing, but I hate it when a battle is completely pointless. In fact, what's stopping her in this case from just giving me the badge and HM in the back room? NOTHING! SO WHY CAN'T WE GET THE PRIZE WE EARNED?! It's too bad, because there's no reason we can't get our badge. TLDR: This scene is silly. Before we decided to leave, however, Victoria reminded us about something we completely forgot about... ...oh, yeah, I forgot about him! Next time, we'll not only rescue Cain, but take on Solaris! Who should we catch, what should their names be? Which six team members should we use? Also, should we try and defeat Solaris? If so, is there anyone else we should catch? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Still Need to Catch Reveal hidden contents Male Zubat Litwick Cyndaquil Trapinch Sandile Skrelp Skorupi Zorua Magnemite Ralts Beldum Porygon Edited September 8, 2017 by Filthy Casual Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 Yeah nice to see Sonic in action Seems like he did a great job *.* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 So I just realized something. For me at least, Victoria is a dick to the main character here. Reveal hidden contents 1. She started her new adventure because Kiki told her too right? So she already knows about Kiki's illness. 2. Back when the character goes through the underground railnet after defeating Shade, she's telling us about Cain and how he's going to go to Apophyll Beach (Sorry if I misspelled it but don't feel like going to look for the right spelling. Haha. LAZINESS!) to get the HM from her teacher and she seems ok with that. 3. When we get there, SHE is even trying to get the HM from Kiki so she can help save the kids too! 4. (This one really urks me) After you beat her in a battle, she is literally trying to make you feel guilty for doing what you're doing. FHKKLFLEWGHLFAHSKFLGHKF WHHHHHHY?! You were here trying to help us and now you're mad at us for trying to do what we came here to do?! I'm sorry that Kiki had this sickness and is in pain and stuff and I can somewhat understand why Victoria would want to stop us, for me at least. But then she tries to guilt trip you by basically saying "You don't care about Kiki right? It's all about the kids right?" Like... Fuck off Victoria. You're a fucker for suggesting that. If there was another way of getting the HM then I'm sure the main character would have done the other way but there's no option for that so we have to do it this way. FUCK! YOU! VICTORIA!......... Sorry for the Victoria hate rant there. o.o Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 @Awesome_One Man I just realized this yet after I've played Reborn 3 times Victoria is a stupid chick and will it always be^^ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HongaarseBeer Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 (edited) I think you should defeat Solaris (no matter how many tries it takes). Simply because you have a lot of mons to choose from, so it should definitely be possible to think of a strategy that can bring you the victory Edited September 8, 2017 by HongaarseBeer Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 Ohh. Forgot to put in my thing for winning against Solaris or not. Well... I'm not sure how you had him be in Rejuv (trying not to spoil a lot of things for myself til I do my special Pokémon Anime Character Run in Reborn) but I'd say basically, imagine you were him. Do you think he'd be able to win against a Pokémon like that or would he try his hardest but ultimately failing in the end? I always try to think what the character I'm playing as would do. Sometimes, I win and others, I lose. If you really want me to choose here though, I'd say lose. Basically only because I've never seen anyone post that battle with them losing. xD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted September 8, 2017 Author Share Posted September 8, 2017 On 9/8/2017 at 10:35 PM, Awesome_One said: Ohh. Forgot to put in my thing for winning against Solaris or not. Well... I'm not sure how you had him be in Rejuv (trying not to spoil a lot of things for myself til I do my special Pokémon Anime Character Run in Reborn) but I'd say basically, imagine you were him. Do you think he'd be able to win against a Pokémon like that or would he try his hardest but ultimately failing in the end? I always try to think what the character I'm playing as would do. Sometimes, I win and others, I lose. If you really want me to choose here though, I'd say lose. Basically only because I've never seen anyone post that battle with them losing. xD Expand All I'll say is that Temere is possibly going to go full Gollum soon... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted September 9, 2017 Author Share Posted September 9, 2017 (edited) Chapter 18: The Return of the Kingpin It was time to find Cain! After grueling searching, we ended up finding an abandoned house in the middle of a swamp. We decided to take a look, only to find some unwelcome guests. It was time for a fight! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with poor Cogsworth getting double teamed to oblivion. Scrafty takes this time to set up a Dragon Dance while Bonsai KOs Lunatone with a Razor Leaf. Magmar is brought down with a High Jump Kick. Unfortunately, while Moxie activates, Scrafty is burned by Flame Body. Fortunately, Solrock also goes down to a Razor Leaf. While Scrafty is double teamed, Bonsai gets off a Razor Leaf. Scrafty takes down the Rhydon next turn while Bonsai takes down Milotic after getting hit by a Hydro Pump. Scrafty goes down to a Thunder Punch. However, Bonsai finishes the job with an Earthquake. Too easy. With another win under our belts, the duo informed us that Cain was being held in the back. As he went in, however, he was met with another unpleasant sight. Taka had been planning to take the Camerupt to the top of the volcano, attaching it to a PULSE Machine in order to destroy Apophyll! This meant he would destroy the pancakes! It was time for a battle! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with The Thing destroying Klefki with a couple well placed Flash Cannons while Klefki sets up Spikes. A couple well placed Electro Balls activate Chatot's Sitrus Berry. However, The Thing ultimately goes down to a Heat Wave. Luckily, Lynx is able to KO with a Spark. Crusher is brought in for experience. She is immediately switched out for Lynx (Luxury) in order to get off an Intimidate. Lynx goes down to a U-turn. Cradily is brought out. With a couple Brick Breaks, Scrafty takes out Cradily. Unfortunately, Gligar KOs Scrafty with an Acrobatics. Crusher is brought down next. It's starting to get more tense. Starlight goes for an Aerial Ace, but it's not enough. Luckily, Bonsai tanks an Acrobatics and picks up the KO with a Razor Leaf. After freeing Cain, we immediately ran to the volcano, trying to stop Team Meteor at all costs. We even received some help from Victoria (and even real help, not "let's test you lol"). As we made the top, right as Temere were about to save the pancakes, Victoria started to talk about things that should clearly be priorities... Well, he wouldn't give me pancakes, so I didn't really- REALLY?! I would rant on this, but franky, shofu's rant says everything I could ever want to. I would recommend checking out that. Unfortunately for our heroes, they ended up encountering none other than Solaris himself. You know he means business when he then says something like this: It was time for a fight! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with... ...with... JESUS, NOT AGAIN! Luckily, I had a plan. You may have noticed how I start off with an electric type. I start the battle by switching between Lynx and Starlight (Staraptor). Since Lynx has Intimidate, Garchomp's attack is dropped by three stages before Lynx is taken down. Bonsai is able to tank an Earthquake from Garchomp while Lynx (Luxray) is revived. He then hits Garchomp with a Leech Seed. Bonsai eventually goes down. Starlight and Lynx (Luxray) continue this strategy until Garchomp's attack is minimized. Once Lynx goes down, it's on to part 2. Mrs. Ribbit continues to go for Endure, wasting PP. When Mrs. Ribbit is hit by a Fire Fang, Garchomp even falls in love. Unfortunately, Mrs. Ribbit is eventually knocked out, but she wastes a Full Restore. With Garchomp's attack minimized, there is nothing he can do to Crusher. All it takes is using a Super Potion and a couple Play Roughs, and the battle is won while Leech Seed helps provide a cushion for Crusher to work. I had brought along Halloween (Phantump) in order to try and get a Destiny Bond. However, I'm much happier I won the way I did. It only took one Cotton Candy and a few Super Potions! Despite our victory, Temere knew he still had no chance against Solaris. After all, he still had five Pokemon. There would be no point in continuing. However, it was then that things changed... As Temere was looking at the Medicham, he noticed that it had been holding something... and Apophyll Pancake! However, Kiki instead commanded the Medicham to High Jump Kick the machine, causing a sudden betrayal. NO! NOT MY PRECIOUS! Temere, desperate to grab what little of the pancakes were left, and... ...well... ...yes, he actually died trying to save the pancakes. Even Madame X seemed to be taken aback from this, stating "I don't understand your logic. I'm only saving you because you're important to everything. However, if I didn't know who you were, I would let you rot as the self-centered person you are." She then brought Temere back... ...only for him to realize that Kiki had been killed while he had thrown himself into the lava. Of course, after Cal had been chased away, both Victoria and Cain were shocked to see Temere alive. Cain started to ask how Temere came back. Victoria, on the other hand, was not as thrilled... "No!", she started to hysterically scream. "You've been treating me like garbage this whole time, acting as if I've been a nuisance, and what do you do? YOU THROW YOURSELF OFF THE EDGE OF A VOLCANO FOR A FUCKING PANCAKE! How could you be so selfish?! Kiki was left open to attack because you decided to leave her side at the last minute! Don't you..." It was right then Temere had enough. He did something for the first time in this saga: talk. "I KNOW!" he started to yell. It was right then that Victoria and Cain started to look shocked. Temere, on the verge of tears, started to explain himself. "...I know I'm selfish. I know I'm the reason horrible things happen to everyone, and I know I shouldn't be alive. Do you know what I've been through? I'm the reason for so many deaths. My mom, Jenner, Nim, and now Kiki; all dead because of me." Victoria started to back off a bit, but Temere wasn't done yet. "Do you remember what happened to me when I first arrived in this region?" Temere asked Victoria. "My best friend died. I ran from Aevia because I wanted to live a normal life. I thought what little family I had left could be safe here. Sure, Reborn's not welcoming, but no one could look for me here. Maybe we could be safe. Maybe Melia wouldn't throw me in between her and some cults. Maybe I wouldn't have to be the one everyone in Aevia relied on." "Alright, Temere," Victoria said, fear in her voice. "I-" "Maybe I could have one, just one thing left to remind me of my friends. Maybe I don't deserve them..." Temere then looked at Victoria, tears about to burst from his eyes. He calmly asked, "You know why I want these pancakes so badly? I once had an Alolan Raichu. She loved pancakes. They were actually her favorite snack. I remember how many battles she alone won for me. Temere's tone suddenly changed from somber to hysterical. "I sent her back to Aevia in order to protect her, but who am I kidding?! I'm too much of a shitty person to save anyone!" "Temere, I-" "And maybe I don't deserve to live! I've been treating you all like shit since I got here! Maybe if I just killed myself now, I could save everyone! Maybe Ren wouldn't be in Team Xen if I didn't crush his dreams. Maybe Venam wouldn't be a fucking statue if I didn't involve her in everything. Maybe my mom wouldn't have to die if she wasn't protecting me! Maybe if... if..." It was right then that Victoria couldn't take it anymore. She decided to try and comfort Temere with a hug. Poor Temere couldn't bottle up his emotions any longer. He kept crying throughout the night, just telling her, "I'm so sorry..." All poor Cain could do was watch. The next day, the academy gave Kiki a proper burial. Afterwards, Victoria decided to award Temere with the Strength HM he desired. However, she unfortunately couldn't give him his badge. With Kiki's death, the badge became invalidated. The only way Temere could move forward would be for him to defeat the poison type gym leader, Aya, in a battle. Next time, we will be fighting Aya for the right to use Strength. Who should we catch? What should their names be? Which six members should we use for the fight? It's up to you. Current Team Reveal hidden contents Still Need to Catch Male Zubat Litwick Cyndaquil Trapinch Sandile Skrelp Skorupi Zorua Magnemite Ralts Beldum Porygon Edited September 9, 2017 by Filthy Casual Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted September 9, 2017 Share Posted September 9, 2017 Well... That was... Really unexpecting. o.o I was not ready for my heart to be torn out, punched multiple times and be thrusted back into my body. I feel so bad. :'( But I LOVE that little bit of story telling! Awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HongaarseBeer Posted September 9, 2017 Share Posted September 9, 2017 Very interesting strategy to defeat Solaris! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted September 9, 2017 Author Share Posted September 9, 2017 (edited) Chapter 19: Star Struck Temere had a newfound sense of determination as he left Apophyll Academy. He knew that he had to atone for his sins. After all, it was his obsession that cost Kiki her life. He ran towards the gate, where Cain was waiting for him. Cain looked at Temere for a bit, unsure whether or not he was stable enough to receive the key to the wasteland. He decided to test Temere with a battle! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with Starlight decimating with an Aerial Ace. Lynx is able to tank a couple Razor Shells, finishing off Samurott with a Spark. Mothimer doesn't stand a chance against Nidoking. As such, he goes for Thrash. Since Nidoking is locked into Thrash, Bonsai is able to pick up a safe KO. M.M. Tower is able to KO the Haunter with a Gear Grind. M.M. Tower gets off a Gear Grind before he is decimated by Mud Bomb. Luckily, Starlight is able to KO after a couple Aerial Aces. Easy. With Cain defeated, he decided to entrust Temere to the keys of the wasteland. However, before we did that, we got another team member! Say hello to the newest member of the team... Reveal hidden contents Maestro the Skorupi! But that's not all! While searching for Maestro, I found these two Pokemon: What should we do with these two? Should we Wondertrade them and see who we get? Would one of you like Quagsire? Should we use them on the team? What should their names be? It's up to you! As we were traversing through the wasteland, we happened to stumble across a house. Within this house was the mother of the replacement leader, Aya! She told us that her daughter had just finished up with a challenger, and was waiting for us in the next room. Unfortunately for us, that challenger happened to be none other than Fern himself. Fern started bragging to us how his new team, no longer limited to just grass types, easily decimated poor Aya. Right as it seemed like she was about to bust into tears, however, we met another new character. Meet Hardy, the rock type gym leader of Reborn. Apparently, he and Fern were never close friends, and always decided to antagonize each other. Fern had no time for that, however. Instead, he decided to challenge us to a battle! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins wit Scrafty, having forgotten to heal outside, going for a High Jump Kick. It crits, picking up the KO. M.M. Tower is able to wall Scyther to death, taking it out with a Gear Grind. Even though the first Razor Leaf misses, the second one is able to connect. Starlight damages Roserade with an Aerial Ace. However, while Roserade is able to live, getting off a Poison Point, she also damages Starlight with Extrasensory. Roserade goes down, but the damage is done. Serperior is able to decimate poor Starlight. Lynx tries to Crunch Serperior. However, Serperior picks up a KO on Lynx. Serperior goes for Giga Drain, bringing Scrafty down to 1 HP. Scrafty counters with High Jump Kick, but it doesn't take it out. Serperior goes for Iron Tail... ...AND MISSES! You know what, Fern? I believe you with such a dumb play. Despite our victory, we weren't done yet. There was one task left: to defeat Aya! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with Lynx and Scrafty wearing down both Nidoqueen and Tentacruel. However, both eventually go down. Maestro is able to take out Tentacruel while M.M. Tower misses Gear Grind. M.M. Tower is able to hit Gengar with massive damage by using Gear Grind. Maestro goes down to a Shadow Ball while Nidoqueen uses Sludge Wave. Here, I formulate a plan. Starlight begins to spam Double Team while Gengar goes down to a Gear Grind. M.M. Tower takes down Nidoqueen while Starlight is healed. Dragalge misses a Dragon Pulse on Starlight. Starlight gets hit by an Aqua Tail from Drapion. While she doesn't go down, M.M. Tower does. While Starlight is healed up, Bonsai spams Earthquake. This forces Drapion to switch. As expected, Bonsai goes down. However, Starlight gets off one Aerial Ace on Venusaur. Starlight is able to pick up the KO on Venusaur while Dragalge misses again. Starlight picks up the KO on Dragalge. She gets hit by a Night Slash while leveling up. Fortunately, Starlight listens to me, picking up the KO on Drapion, effectively ending the fight. Starlight is the POWERFUL MVP. After his victory, Temere was so excited that he couldn't help but give Starlight (Staraptor) a giant hug! This seemed to displease Fern, who wanted us to lose the battle. Next time, we won't be saving the children just yet, but instead catching new team members and finishing the Aqua Gang side quest. Who else should we catch? What should their names be? Which six team members should we use? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Still Need to Catch Male Zubat Litwick Cyndaquil Trapinch Sandile Skrelp Zorua Ralts Beldum Porygon Edited September 10, 2017 by Filthy Casual Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yagami Posted September 10, 2017 Share Posted September 10, 2017 Houndour named Scooby.(Come on,that's funny) Starlight did an awesome job even though she was outnumbered in the gym battle. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted September 10, 2017 Author Share Posted September 10, 2017 Chapter 20: The Filler Episode With our recent defeat of Aya, Temere was feeling on top of the world. He decided to spend his time by training and evolving a couple members! Reveal hidden contents That's right, we got a new member! Say hello to Corey the Crobat (male)! Funny enough, while he's generally a bit distant, whenever he's around Starlight (Staraptor), he seems to act more friendly... ...strange... After doing our training, Temere decided to check in on the Aqua Gang, wanting to know if there was anything else they needed of us. Of course, Archer gave us a new objective: That's right! It was time to vanquish Team Magma once and for all! With DeFacto and Archer, Temere set his sights on Team Magma, decimating their guards with Cogsworth (Golett) and Corey (Crobat). The Magma leader, Maxwell, didn't seem to appreciate our intrusion. Maxwell was at first thrown off by our attire, thinking we were part of his gang, at first. However, as soon as Temere explained the situation, the mood changed quickly. Indeed, it was time to end the Magma Gang! Reveal hidden contents The battle begins with Cogsworth almost getting decimated by a Flamethrower. He barely does any damage with a Magnitude 6, forcing him to switch out. Luckily, Lynx KOs with a Spark. Corey is able to take a Flame Burst, KOing the Charmeleon with an Acrobatics. The rainbow disappears as Corey is switched out. As you can imagine, Houndoom stands no chance. GG EZ. With our victory, the Magma Gang was no more. We decided to celebrate by attaining some new team members! Reveal hidden contents Also, we happened to receive this from Archer: What should I do with this Carvanha? Should I trade it away? Should I add it to the team? If so, what should it's name be? I still need to catch a Zorua. However, it's going to take a while, as the wind in this game is extremely rare, and Zorua appears on windy nights. Next time, we will be rescuing the children! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Who should we box? Finally, and this is the most important question: Reveal hidden contents Who should we fight: Sigmund, or Sirius? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Still Need to Catch Litwick Cyndaquil Trapinch Sandile Skrelp Zorua Ralts Beldum Porygon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted September 10, 2017 Share Posted September 10, 2017 Where can you choose to fight against Doofmund or Sirius? Never really realized it... ^^ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
St0mpa Posted September 10, 2017 Share Posted September 10, 2017 On 9/10/2017 at 4:09 PM, HellBoyOnEarth said: Where can you choose to fight against Doofmund or Sirius? Never really realized it... ^^ Expand When doofmund asks you if you want to fight you say no and walk past him upstairs to fight sirius. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted September 10, 2017 Share Posted September 10, 2017 Ah ok Must look for it next time Then I will say fight against Doofmund Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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