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Choose My Team! Remastered (Latest Defeated: ZEL)

Filthy Casual

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I completely forgot that El is an elite four member! How does the reborn league even allow this guy to do what he does is really questionable. 

And as much as I don't like it, Phantasos being a dark type, would be pretty useless against Bennett and not much good against Luna. Saitama maybe excellent though, because of hammer arm. And I also vote for Vaporeon. Great water type but you need good tms for it.

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Chapter 28: Temere's Fury

Before Temere went to challenge Luna, he felt it was time to train a couple more team members to use in the fight. As such, we got a couple more evolutions!




After his brief training session, Temere felt it was time to face off against Luna. Honestly, her area is one of my favorite in the game. It's small, but it contains unique gimmicks to keep it entertaining. Unfortunately, this also happened to be interrupted by none other than Bennett.


Bennett decided it was time to apologize for almost brainwashing Luna into submission. However, Temere wouldn't let him anywhere near Luna after what happened. As such, Temere did whatever he could to stay as far away from him as possible. Unfortunately, while he made it to Luna, Bennett proved to be too crafty, following Temere right into Luna's gym.


Of course, this shocked Luna. While Bennett tried to explain to her that Temere let him in (which is clearly a lie), Luna became more anxious, slowly backing away. However, that wasn't enough for Bennett.




Dude, she's clearly freaked out! Don't you see you've done enough? You don't need to-


...you're a real piece of shit, Bennett. You really think she's going to just fall for you after that?





Temere was becoming livid, not only horrified at the thought of Bennett attempting to win her over after everything he had done to her, but also at his dense mind. However, to make matters worse for him, Bennett decided to say this...


How about no, loser?



...okay, then. Come and get it.

















After Temere decimated Bennett's team, it was clear that his confidence was crushed. Temere, fists clenched, wanted to pummel his face into the ground. However, even after his humiliation, Bennett had the audacity to say this...




All it took was one punch, and Bennett was knocked out cold.


"You'd better hope I never see your face again, punk!" Temere shouted as Bennett lost consciousness.


In order to be safe, Temere decided to pull Bennett's body to Route 1. That way, it would give Luna enough time to escape if she wished to do so after their fight. However, before they could do that, it was time to fight for the next gym badge!




The battle begins with Starlight going for Close Combat, OHKOing Carpenter.


Winnie gets hit by a Brick Break. However, he tanks it, OHKOing Bandersnatch with a Hammer Arm.


Jubjub Bird gets off one Brave Bird on Wiggles before being annihilated by Thunderbolt.


Bonsai tanks a Psycho Cut, going for Earthquake. He ends up killing himself after spamming Earthquake, bringing the ceiling down on him. However, this also KOs HumptyDumpty.


Saitama is forced to switch out.


I pretty much send Starlight to die, as she has already performed her job. She gets off one Brave Bird, forcing March Hare to use her last Hyper Potion. Starlight unfortunately knocks herself out in confusion.


Luckily, Crusher decimates with a couple Play Roughs.


Crusher isn't quite able to finish Cheshire (CURSE YOU DARK PULSE FLINCHES), bringing him down to the red before going down.


Saitama finishes the fight with one Hammer Arm.




In every file of Reborn I've played, Luna has always been the easiest for me. This doesn't change here, as she got decimated!

With that done, Luna thanked Temere for his efforts. However, she had no choice but to go into hiding...


...and with that marks the end of Season 2! Next time, we'll be heading into Agate Circus! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Who gets boxed? Also, I have another announcement to make...


...I will be adding custom battles to Reborn in order to make it more unique. I don't want to reveal too much, as I have two planned so far, but I'll give you a bit of background on one of them...


This trainer is the top of her class. She's from the Everia region, and has traveled to the Reborn region in search of an ex-lover.

As such, here is my final question for each of you: who else should we battle? Obviously, this takes more time, so all requests might not be immediately answered. However, there are no limits. All I need are character names, team compositions (including nicknames if applicable), and sprites if applicable. This can be characters from the anime, games, or even your own playthoughs. It can even be other LPs on this website! This also leads to another question: should we wait until E17 to add these battles, or should we only play E16, not spoiling E17 for those who don't want to be spoiled?


It's up to you!


Current Team






Still Need to Catch




Edited by Filthy Casual
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I'd say keep going until the end of episode 16 with it. Might as well. And Omg... My character may not have survived my playthrough (because my computer decided to off itself, making me unable to continue it) but he can at least venture into your run of this and make it just a bit more... Gorgeous! ;)

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1 hour ago, Zander said:

What are custom battles? Online battles or do you make an opponent team and let the AI do the battling?

I mean the second option. In other words, I would be putting AI into the game. I am rather new at this, so it may take me a while. As such, I may not be able to do as many. However, I'm still up to the challenge. You would send me a PM describing who you would like to see Temere battle (alongside any possible sprites if possible), team compositions, nicknames, etc. Anything is open. However, I may not be able to take all suggestions.

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27 minutes ago, Filthy Casual said:

I mean the second option. In other words, I would be putting AI into the game. I am rather new at this, so it may take me a while. As such, I may not be able to do as many. However, I'm still up to the challenge. You would send me a PM describing who you would like to see Temere battle (alongside any possible sprites if possible), team compositions, nicknames, etc. Anything is open. However, I may not be able to take all suggestions.

Wow, that is pretty skilled of you to be able to do that! But I would say wait till episode 17 because Ame is buffing up the AI a lot, so it'll be super smart about battling now. Then it would be really fun

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A quick couple of updates for everyone:


First, I've been doing some training, trying to catch everyone up. Here are the results so far:








Yes, Vaporeon won the voting! What should it's name be? It is a male.


Next, while away, I caught a new team member!


Finally, while training, I left Corey (Crobat) and Starlight (Staraptor) alone together. They bonded, and...




That's right, they had kids! I'm going to be giving these four away! If anyone wants them, please message me! I'm giving them away on a first-come-first-serve basis, so make sure you snd in your request soon!


Also, don't forget that I'm still taking requests for battles! It's up to you to decide who I'll be fighting in season 3!


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One final update for everyone:


We've done some training, and now everyone in the party (with the exception of The Thing the Magneton for obvious reasons) is fully evolved! Here is who we have now:








I will be putting the custom battles at the beginning of E16, as this is my first time doing this. As such, I'm a bit unsure about everything, and want to make sure everything is perfect. This will give you time to make this suggestion: who should we fight?


Finally, we still don't have a nickname for our Vaporeon. What should we name it?

With that out of the way, next part will be the beginning of Season 3! We'll be starting off the season with a battle against Samson! Who should we bring for the fight? Who else should we catch? What should their names be? It's up to you!

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Chapter 29: Brawl in the Big Top

Through much of his break, Temere spent his time training his additional box members. However, one of his box members, his Vaporeon, never had a name, until now. Say hello once again to the newest member of the team...


Aoi the Vaporeon!


After his training, Temere decided to meet up with Cain at the gate past Route 1. However, we started to notice a couple things...





However, if that wasn't bad enough, we then noticed something much worse...


That's right, it seemed as if Aya and Hardy had fallen asleep through this curse. In fact, things were about to get even worse!


"Cain, you can't fall asleep!" Temere began to cry.  "What if your... you know... I'm kind of tired, myself..."




...Temere and Cain woke up much later, only to see some strange figures standing over them. They were named Samson, Terra (more on her later), and Ciel. Apparently, Terra had found us unconscious, smacking us with her hammer to the local Agate Circus. However, before we could quite process everything that was happening, Cain noticed none other than her sister on the couch!


Temere looked down on himself, only to notice that his clothes were different. When asking about this, the Ringmaster told him that his old clothes were warn down while we were asleep. Apparently, they think the two had been asleep for almost a week! Regardless, Aya had woken up, only to explain what had happen. Apparently, Hardy had taken her to see his gym, only for them to pass out in the middle of the street. This led to one major question...


...where did Hardy land?


Temere took it upon himself to explore the land. Along the way, he ran into a mansion, which apparently happened to double as a water gym. Who ran this gym, you may ask?


That's right, it was Amaria once again! She had been living here with her lover, "Tania". She even introduced her to us, as-


...oh, no...


Regardless, Temere and Titania had officially been introduced to each other. While Temere was obviously skeptical of Titania, he still had to find Hardy. Titania, overhearing this, told him that Hardy had been asleep upstairs! Apparently, the two are siblings!


Temere informed Hardy of the situation, telling him to head back to the circus as soon as he could. As a thank you to us, Amaria and Titania gave us a spare battle pass!


These passes would let us challenge the gym leaders of Agate! This first one would let us battle none other than Samson, the new fighting type leader!




The battle begins with Corey decimating with Acrobatics.


Pyromancer is blown away by a POWERFUL Brick Break (not only did I not train him enough, but the stupid field effects kicked in).


Starlight almost OHKOs with Close Combat. As Samson heals, Brave Bird takes out Lucario.


Corey, mistakingly thinking that Mienshao has a Choice Scarf, switches out for Saitama (Metagross).


Saitama gets hit with a Life Orb boosted Brick Break. However, he lives, KOing with Zen Headbutt.


A Reckless Brave Bird sends Blaziken to the Shadow Realm.


Crusher gets off a Play Rough before a field effect boosted Acrobatics takes her out.


Hawlucha outspeeds, making the boneheaded decision to go for Swords Dance. Corey picks up an Acrobatics KO.


Bonsai is sent in to get off a Leech Seed. As he does, he continuously tanks Poison Jabs. Razor Leaf even brings Conkeldurr down to the red. Unfortunately, Bonsai goes down, but he performs admirably.


One Zen Headbutt finishes the job.



With our new badge, we could now use Surf! However, before we could celebrate, we received some news from Terra.


Apparently, the PULSE Machines responsible for Agate's mysterious crisis could be in one of two places: Calcenon or Ametrine. As such, next time, we'll be heading up to Calcenon to check in on the city! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Which six Pokemon should we use? It's up to you!


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Still Need to Catch



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I would suggest using an earthquake combo with a flying/levitating pokemon against Charlotte. Earthquake kills everything and anybody left gets taken out. Probably 2 earthquakers along with your Hydreigon and fastest flying type.

For pulse avalugg though any special attack finishes it, but that will come later. You'll have to beat Aster and Esclipse first I think so a good electric type is definitely needed, like a magnezone

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Chapter 30: Eclipse's Really Bad Day

After Temere's victory against Samson, he looked at his starter, Bonsai. He was realizing that he was starting to grow as attached to Bonsai as he did to Dangerous (Sceptile). Because he didn't want to lose him, as well, Temere decided to commit a series first and box his starter. For this episode, a brand new team would be used.


Along the way up to Ametrine, Temere stopped by Titania's house in order to pick up his promised HM for Surf. As he was getting it, however, he happened to notice a book lying open. Thinking it was his favorite novel, The Great Gastly, he began to read it, only to find out that it was actually Titania's diary. He had discovered that she had faked her relationship with Amaria in order to keep her sanity in check. As he was putting the diary down, however, Titania caught him in the act.


She began to blast Temere, yelling at him for involving himself when he had no right to. According to her, she knew he was trouble as soon as she met him on Route 1. However, before she could continue the rant, Titania herself was caught in the act.


Unfortunately for Titania, Amaria discovered the truth. However, all things considered, she took it rather well...


...okay, maybe "well" is a bit optimistic.


Titania tossed Temere (lol alliteration) the HM for Surf, claiming she was going to save Amaria. He would have to retrieve the HM for Waterfall in order to save her. He now had two objectives: stop the PULSE Machine causing mayhem in Ametrine and find Waterfall. Temere decided to head to Ametrine first, only to find that the way had been blocked.


In fact, even Hardy, Aya, and Cain couldn't get past it. As such, the group decided to travel to Calcenon first.


With the path being so close, it was nice to see that we could just-


...take the long way...


Needless to say, these blasts had been occurring everywhere, even separating the group!


With Aya's help, Temere was able to traverse through much of Route 3. Along the way, they even discovered something much more sinister...


Indeed, it was Aster and Eclipse! The duo explained to our heroes that Team Meteor had hooked up a PULSE Clawitzer away from Calcenon, allowing them to attack the city from a long distance. Of course, it was time for us to stop them!



The battle begins with Solrock and Lunatone decimating Dragalge with Bulldoze, destroying the field. However, one Surf decimates the two celestial rock types, as well.


As you can imagine, poor Aoi gets blown away.


An Earthquake decimates Electivire. However, Magmortar lives, KOing Seeker with an HP Ice.


Magmortar heals up while Lilith attempts to KO the creature with Psychic. However, Golurk takes her out with a Phantom Force while Nidoqueen is KOd by a Flamethrower.


Drapion KOs Magmortar with a Cross Poison while Lumier KOs Golurk with a field-effect boosted Shadow Ball.


Milotic takes out Lumier before he can do anything. Drapion is hit by Rock Wrecker, but gets off a Cross Poison, poisoning Rhyperior.


Pyromancer uses Smokescreen on Milotic, lowering its accuracy. Pyromancer eventually goes down.


A Discharge from The Thing does massive damage to Milotic. However, Gengar goes down after hitting Rhyperior with a Focus Blast.


The Thing goes for Flash Cannon, decimating Aromatisse. Rhyperior is switched out.


The Thing decides to go for Discharge. This paralyzes Venusaur, but Vespiquen goes down.


The Thing hits Rhyperior with a Flash Cannon, KOing it.


Venusaur goes down to a Sludge Bomb while The Thing is healed.


One critical Flash Cannon decimates Vileplume (I'M SORRY!).



Despite our victory, Eclipse didn't seem to mind. In fact, she even deactivated the PULSE Clawitzer for us.


In fact, to make matters even better, she even gave us some backstory on Team Meteor. Apparently, they used to only want people to leave Reborn, performing smaller acts. However, when Lin joined, everything changed. What, exactly? Good question, since Eclipse was unfortunately interrupted by none other than Sirius!


Lumier! What did I tell you about hugging people?


Seriously, though, for betraying Team Meteor, Sirius sent his own Chandelure out to burn away her spirit. He was going to burn ours, as well, if Aya didn't jump in his way. This gave Sirius an idea.


Unfortunately, Aya is now under Meteor custody. Next time, we'll head to Calcenon and explain the situation to Hardy! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Which six party members should we use? Also...


Should we tell Charlotte to give Team Meteor the ring, or should we tell her that we'd rather let her die than give it to Team Meteor?

It's up to you!


Current Team






Still Need to Catch



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Chapter 31: All Fired Up

As Temere was leaving the facility, he looked down only to notice that his prized jacket and shirt had been ruined! Now, he would have to find a change of clothes. He quickly looked around the room, where he would find a box labeled "Breeze Industries" from the Kalos region. While this was a company he wasn't familiar with, he opened it up, only to find a brand new pair of clothes inside! Now, Temere had a brand new look:


I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to @Awesome_One for making this outfit. He decided to make it's colors the same as Temere's first starter, Dangerous the Sceptile from Rejuvenation. Remember, though, if there's an outfit you want to see Temere in, just send it my way via a PM.


After that brief escapade, Temere decided to head up to Calcenon. There, he discovered none other than Hardy. After explaining the situation to him, he quickly hurried to the Meteor Base, which had been supposedly been held up by a PULSE Mr. Mime. Funny enough, that's also where Victory Road begins... strange...


Unfortunately for us, we happened to run into another piece of scum.


That's right, Fern decided to join Team Meteor. However, just as quickly as he introduced himself, we ran into another person: Mr. Bland himself, Sirius!


He demanded that we hand over the Ruby Ring in exchange for Aya's life. Of course, we decided to oblige, giving the ring to Charlotte to deliver it to Team Meteor. However, unbeknownst to Sirius, they had faked the deal. Temere is currently in possession of the real ring, while Team Meteor is waiting for a dud. We eventually explained the situation to Charlotte regarding Ametrine City, stating we needed Dive in order to progress. As such, she allowed us to challenge her gym!




The battle begins with Lumier getting destroyed by Darmanitan and Typhlosion while Seeker gets off a Rock Slide on the two.


Wiggles is able to go for a Thunderbolt on Typhlosion while Seeker goes for Earthquake. However, Typhlosion switches out for Rotom.


Seeker takes Darmanitan down. Rotom goes for an Overheat on Wiggles.


Seeker takes Typhlosion down with another Earthquake. Seeker gets hit by an Overheat.


Seeker attempts to go for a Rock Slide. Rotom dodges the attack. Delphox sustains serious damage.


Pyromancer and Seeker take out Delphox and Rotom.


Pyromancer goes for an Eruption, changing the field. Seeker is finally brought down.


Poor Seeker is double teamed while Volcarona is KOd.


While Ninetales KOs Lilith, Aoi finishes the job with Surf.



With our new badge, we are now able to gain access to Ametrine City! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Which six Pokemon should we use? It's up to you!


Current Team






Still Need to Catch



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Chapter 32: Cold Origins

With his new HM, Temere decided to use it to dive underneath the glacier, trying to break it from the inside. Fortunately, with the help of Aoi (Vaporeon), it seemed to work! However, he discovered something quite unsettling...


That's right, this Avalugg had blocked the path to Ametrine! We had no choice but to take it out!



The battle begins with Brock going for a Drain Punch, activating Poison Point. Poor Brock gets annihilated.


Pyromancer is able to get off an Eruption, changing the field. He then dodges a second Rock Slide before the third one takes him out.


Luckily, Lumier is there to finish the job.

After the easy victory, Temere was pleasantly surprised to see that Shelly had followed him.


The duo had decided to continue onward towards Ametrine, where they were met with a town full of starving yet optimistic people. Through their curiosity, the two decided to ask the townspeople about what was happening.



A guardian angel, huh? I'm flattered, but I haven't really done anything yet...


...oh... it's not me...


Regardless, Temere's line of questioning eventually led him to a mysterious abandoned warehouse.



The two decided to use this opportunity in order to look for clues. However, as they were looking, they instead ran into something much more promising...


That's right, we got Terra's battle pass! Now, we can get annoyed to death when we challenge her (more on that later).


However, that wasn't all. Shelly was kind enough to find more useful information:


Apparently, those rumors about the supposed deaths of the two girls weren't necessarily wrong. You see that PULSE Machine back there? It's apparently the first of its kind, and it created a PULSE Magnezone. This Magnezone not only fused the two girls together, but also a mysterious member of Team Meteor named Zero. In fact, wait a minute...


...Zero, Eve, Lumi...


...IT'S ZEL!


Before Temere could relish in this discovery, he was interrupted by yet another threat...


...blue haired Fern.


I'll get a bit more into it next part, but I despise this character. Not only does he act a bit too similarly to Fern for my tastes, but if you remember the very first Reborn randomizer I did, this fucker stalled me for a good month! While this part was short, next time, we're going to take this guy down, as he's clearly a part of Team Meteor! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Which six Pokemon should we use? It's up to you!


Current Team






Still Need to Catch




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Chapter 33: Top 10 Anime Betrayals

After a brief period of preparation (yes, I hate Blake that much), Temere and Shelly went to investigate Blake's house. Unfortunately, he anticipated that, snatching the ring right under Temere's nose. That's when he revealed a bit of plot...



Indeed, the angel of the city was none other than Heather, who has been held captive this whole time! Before they could confront him, he quickly ran out. However, we ran into another "ally".


La7uMWk.pngWhile Cal is still a coward, it was nicety see him help both Temere and Shelly. The two explained the situation to Cal, allowing him to give a neat fact about Heather...


...wait, WHAT?! How was she captured, then? You'd have to have a huge weakness against ice, like drag-


...oh, yeah, her Salamence...


Regardless, both Shelly and Temere eventually found Heather up on the mountainside, where she was being holed up in a small shack. Fortunately, Shelly had a solution...


...wait a second, why can't the MC do this? It seems strange that we can't just send out Pyromancer (Typhlosion) to melt the door or Bonsai (Torterra) to knock it down with Earthquake, so what gives?


Regardless, after rescuing her, the group had determined they would stop Blake at all means necessary. On the way up, Temere was separated from the group, where he ran into Aster once more!


Oh, hey! What's up? Want to give me some free EXP?


Okay, all trash talking aside, I doubt you have anything I need. You're just a grunt character who-


...it's time.



The battle begins with Lumier wasting Hyper Potions from Solrock. After the last one, he goes for Flame Burst, melting the field. Lumier then finishes off Solrock with another Shadow Ball. At this point, however, the field is now water, meaning...





Fire Punch is weakened because of the field, meaning Elective barely does any damage.


Saitama switches out for Aoi (Vaporeon), who has Water Absorb.



With his victory, Aster relinquished his HM.


However, he didn't have time to celebrate. There was one thing left to do: to stop Blake...


...oh, did I say that? I meant to say "to stop Blake's Mr. Freeze-esque puns."


...let's just do this...




The battle begins with Brock going for Sucker Punch on Jynx. While Jynx decimates with Psychic, Rotom attempts to KO Lumier with Shadow Ball. Fortunately, that fails, allowing Lumier to go for a Flame Burst on Jynx, KOing her while melting the field.


Lumier gets hit by a Night Slash. Rotom switches out while Pyromancer goes for Eruption, and...






Pyromancer unfortunately ends up going down to a Shadow Ball from Froslass while Rotom switches out.


Saitama OHKOs Froslass with Meteor Mash while Aoi begins to set up an Acid Armor.


Saitama heals up, KOing Rotom with Meteor Mash.


At this point, it's only a matter of time.


Considering how long it took to beat Blake last time, that was extremely satisfying!

Unfortunately, it turns out that Blake was stalling for time, as his getaway ride finally made it to the peak. This inspired Shelly to say this:


...I'm sorry, but really? This is the worst time to say that, especially since his getaway vehicle is right there! Blake would have to jinx himself pretty hard to somehow screw this up.




...you deserve everything that's about to happen to you.


As a side note, I'm kind of mad that Blake's the character who only thinks about himself while trying to act like the top dog. That's supposed to be Fern's thing. I was tempted to replace Blake's sprite with a blue Fern, but I didn't want to be mean.


Regardless, the quartet retrieved the Ruby Ring back from Blake. However, there was still one problem...


...actually, yeah, there was supposed to be a machine there.


...he's bluffing, right?


Wait, no? But I don't think Terra would lie to us? She's too ridiculous.



See? Even you can get that-





I haven't said this, but I dislike Terra. To me, she doesn't have a real personality other than "L0L, 1m t0t3z r4nd0mz". It's only personal, but she never stuck out to me. Because of this, I never took her betrayal as a real shock. Still, a betrayal is a betrayal, and as such, next time, we'll be taking on Terra! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Which six Pokemon should we use to fight Terra? It's up to you!


Current Team






Still Need to Catch




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