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It's hard work being a faerie princess! But if the tiara fits...


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Hello; I'm Titania!  Okay I know what you're thinking:   *sigh* "Another pretend Reborn wannabe role-player fangirl..."


NO!!!  It's me, Titania, flesh and blood.  See?  *pirouette*    Just because news of my stylish exploits has (apparently?) made it far enough for Ame to craft a character after me doesn't change what's printed on my birth certificate.  And I'm a fan of my name, so I use it everywhere I'm able, online included.  Actually it was a rather funny confrontation with red-head me in game the first time.  I thought the other characters had been talking about blonde-hair-me-the-protagonist all along!  'Twas quite the confuzzler :P


Hearing attempted pronunciations tends to be depressing, so listen up: It's a short i like in tick, the emphasis is on the second syllable, the a sound is the same as in "ankh," and it's only 3 syllables in total!  Ti-TAHN-nya would be a good transliteration.  And don't be suckered in by Amaria's pet name for me!  IRL those who struggle with it call me Tana, not Tania; you are welcome to the same if you really want to save 3 keystrokes.  And yes, before you ask I've heard of the Fairy Tail and Fire Emblem characters.  Some of you know you wanted to ask.  *glare*    You know who you are.  Even now the question is still bubbling within you, simmering just beneath the surface...  you probably still want to ask it, despite knowing this will beget a second, fiercer glare.  So just for you, that one guy who's *still* thinking of doing it anyway: I predate both of them and this name was actually pretty unique until the Japanese started dick-riding it!


I'm super tall, super Swedish, super awesome, and super verbose.  And a faerie princess too!  Though one of those halves *might* have been self-proclaimed... if you find yourself in control of a new sovereign territory and lacking in sparkly feminine figureheads, let me know who to send my resume to!


I play Pokemon because a boy I was dating convinced me it was a serious contest of strategy and not just for 10-year-olds.  Still don't know how he managed that one ¬¬... The two of us met each other in the finals of a live tournament for a different game, back when I made my living through various competitive games, so maybe I was predisposed for him to hoodwink me into it.  And now that boy is my fiancé!  I've been somewhat all-over-the-map in what tiers I like since then, but my strongest tiers by a good margin are balanced hackmons, GSC OU, and especially monotype.  I'll happily play OU from any Pokemon incarnation though, apart from first/fifth generations.  My particular passion (which transcends whatever tier I happen to be playing) is for designing rather "spicy" stall team builds - usually a small chunk outside the stall norms by that tier's stallish-ness metrics.


No studying for degrees for me, because I'm a big girl or something.  Back when I wasn't, I split my time pretty evenly between math, physics, and computer science.  None of that fru-fru humanities or social "science" stuff for me!  I don't actually think I grew up, but I am 23 and have been out of school for a while now.  Currently I'm a high school math teacher (some pre-calculus, some calculus, and two electives of harder stuff that you may only ask me about if you're the type whose eyes won't just glaze over at real math), but I've bounced around a lot between careers from a combination of availability/changing interests/variety's sake.  In the past I've modeled, been a professional card player (mostly bridge), and was an software/algorithmic development contractor for government intelligence agencies on a lot of classified military technology development programs, plus a couple things I don't want to mention.  So why settle into a simple spot teaching?  Meh; it's fun and makes me feel like I'm doing something good.  Plus you kids need someone competent to play with, because lame teachers are lame.  I'm sure we can all remember back from our own high school days the catastrophic boredom and wastefulness that ensues without.


Outside of competitive gaming, my hobbies are religion (Please, no hate PMs from people who don't even know what I believe.  I hear this is a safe space!), swordplay, math, and cooking.  If Reborn was a live gathering I would happily duel with you all!  Back in college I could take on the whole varsity fencing team in high heels, and I've only gotten better since, so I'm pretty confident in myself and would welcome the fun.  At large enough religious festivals I even get to triple-dip and combine all these by cooking traditional sabat-inspired takes on classic dishes and entering swordsmanship (swordswomenship?) tournaments!  Huzzah for rapiers especially <3


Notable things I do not like: music, television, furniture, cars, and brevity.  I don't even pay a service provider to get any channels on my TV; I just use it for occasional social video gaming and my exercise regimen.  I can sing and play a couple instruments, but given my abounding apathy for much of that the musical talent I instead choose to share with you is this: I can play 2 different musical parts on kazoos at once by shoving the second one up my nose.  Rarely I'll play songs while I work on stuff, but generally have shockingly little awareness of current events in the musical world.  In the past I've experienced a tendency on forums to be badgered for a favorite anime when I introduce myself, so (*grumble grumble*) I'll just stave off that tendency early and name SAO.  I've watched close to none though, so no hounding me too hard on that pick.  I only saw it because I lost a bet with my 3rd period class, and they only pushed it on me because of apparent perceived similarity to the girl protagonist (physical and otherwise - I admit the resemblance is remarkable).



Pleased to meet you all!

So... alright class, questions?


TL;DR: I'm cuddly and we should be friends.

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I have to admit it : i didn't read everything... anyway welcome to reborn , hope you will enjoy your stay :) i hope you don't have the same attitude than ig titania 

Edited by Pμrple
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Welcome titania, hope you enjoy your stay~


edit: it seems we've met before on a showdown side server, pretty sure you wouldn't remember me tho, I'm just a random dutchman

Edited by Wolfox
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Well... it's always interesting to meet royalty :) 

Welcome to Reborn Titania, enjoy your stay~


Compared to the math teachers I've encountered in my life, you write remarkably well (no offense to all the math teachers out there).

Also I don't want to be that guy, but I'm still gonna be that guy; whereas your name may not be a reference to the Fairy Tail and FE characters, it (combined with your avatar) is definitely a reference to the nickname Sugou gives Asuna during the Fairy Dance arc of SAO ;) 


Anyhow, your intro was a really nice read. You seem to be quite the atypical character, and have an impressive resume at only 23.

Looking forward to hearing more from you around the forum!

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Welcome to Reborn Swordslady Tita-nya :) 


That you play Instruments but dont like music is strange but in a certain way interessting. Well, I am a gamer nerd and like to work out, so I think that is somehow comparable?

As long as it is no timer stall, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!


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of all of the eloquent speeches i have ever heard in all my life ( some 200 years ... half elf bard) this one i bye far one of the most interesting ones i have ever heard. it was well thought out. it had not any holes or left any questions (well maybe the not liking music but that is probably the biased view of a bard). in any event i welcome you.


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11 hours ago, Pμrple said:

i hope you don't have the same attitude than ig titania 

Nothing to fear!  I'd never be caught with such an inelegant broadsword.  Give me a rapier any day: none of this Aegislash nonsense; my real ace was AegisSTAB all along!  So you need not fear barbaric decapitation, because like a civilized woman I'll be eviscerating your entrails instead.  I'm sure that's what you meant <3

11 hours ago, Wolfox said:

it seems we've met before on a showdown side server, pretty sure you wouldn't remember me tho, I'm just a random dutchman

Wrong-o!  I was born with a photographic memory.  In middle school I'd spend the first week of every year reading all my textbooks through cover to cover once, and then the rest of the year I could just spend class teaching myself something completely different; on tests I would just re-read the answers off the images of the pages in my head.  Sadly that has deteriorated with age and at 14 I couldn't pull that stunt anymore...  but my memory is still really sharp.  If you want to test my recollection of you, you're welcome to shoot me a PM, but it feels unethical to type out what little I observed here for privacy reasons.  But I had a quick blink last night before bed when I saw your reply and said "Aye!  It's the man from Azure's Lotus."  Made me smile :)

9 hours ago, Mockingbird said:

leave your hat and coat on the hanger 

Ick!  I detest wearing hats.  My hair is long and gorgeous and I'm not about to cover it up or shade the world from my whimsical smile.  I think we all know that Reborn's single greatest innovation was *finally* letting you play as a girl without a hat :P  That's about 30% of the game's genius right there.


Incidentally I also never wear a coat.  Even in the cold.  It doesn't matter to me that I have no non-breast, non-subcutaneous body fat, am female, am generally shaped like a heat sync, or that I'm the bearer of extreme cardiovascular strangeness which renders my internal heating abilities decidedly less than operational.  Hell, I might as well be cold-blooded from a medical standpoint.  I have been known to contract hypothermia in temperatures as high as 13 degrees (~55 in Fahrenheit).  I just refuse to compromise on my image.  I like the way I look in my flouncy little miniskirts and figure hugging dresses, so that's the end of that.  If a blizzard comes...  well then I guess I'll just be growing icicles from the fluid in my nose ;)

9 hours ago, Alistair said:

Also I don't want to be that guy, but I'm still gonna be that guy; whereas your name may not be a reference to the Fairy Tail and FE characters, it (combined with your avatar) is definitely a reference to the nickname Sugou gives Asuna during the Fairy Dance arc of SAO ;) 


Anyhow, your intro was a really nice read. You seem to be quite the atypical character, and have an impressive resume at only 23.

I knew it was coming...   There he is, gents!    GET HIM!!!!!


But okay yeah, I'll admit I did a double-take and metaphorically spit out my not-so-metaphorical tea when Sugou started calling her that.  It's like the producers figured out their character was so exactly me that they decided they had to change her name to credit sources in fear of plagiarism accusations.  As for my resume, that's more or less what comes of ludicrously over-inflated college costs in the USA.  Gotta make tuition somehow :(  Even with all that, I wouldn't have been able to muster it except that my junior year I was salaried to represent the US bridge federation in international tournaments.  I was on the road such a ridiculous fraction of the time that them covering my travel expenses mostly got me out of needing to pay room and board costs (albeit with a small amount of squatting with friends to bridge the gaps :P).  Really the cost-benefit analysis is a monstrous situation, and doubly so if you have to go deep in debt.  But I'll save the politics for a different subforum.

1 hour ago, Brakk said:

That you play Instruments but dont like music is strange but in a certain way interessting. Well, I am a gamer nerd and like to work out, so I think that is somehow comparable?

Is it?  Academic curiosities have always been pretty wholly distinct from desires surrounding personal experiences.  Example 1: I learned a fair measure of chemistry even though its experimentation is blisteringly boring to me.  Example 2 (the converse): I adore sex and occupy much of my leisure with seduction, but if you tried to call me a biologist for it I'd take up arms.  Them's fighting words!  I have no idea of the statistical frequency of the "gamer nerd" plus "working out" pairing.  But we're two peas in a pod on that one; obviously I could never have worked in modeling without the latter nor in competitive gaming without the former.  So...  high five!  Yeah <3

42 minutes ago, Jace Stormkirk said:

of all of the eloquent speeches i have ever heard in all my life ( some 200 years ... half elf bard) this one i bye far one of the most interesting ones i have ever heard.

*pirouette*   Aye!  I always knew in my heart bards would sing of me for generations to come.  Hallå to you, good sir!  *curtsy*   As one of the fey, my stat distribution was better suited to investing XP in the ass-kicking femme fatale class.  But at only level 7 I still have lots of room to grow, so here's to your future smash-hit epic cataloguing that journey!  *raises her glass*   May school children of the next century be made to read of and write essays on me instead of that meh Odysseus fellow!

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@Titania (well my quoting ability is out of wack so i hope this is ok) well if you are ever interested in my exploits you can read upon the current one i am in in the roleplaying section call scales of war. i do love to have some badinage every once in a while so fell free to pm me anytime.

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runs away with all the speed enabled by his tiny paws


Edit: just read somewhere on your post that you prefer stabbing over slashing... but how are you going to eviscerate anyone then?


... actually nevermind, I'm afraid to know =x

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1 hour ago, Felix~ said:

Hi welcome i'm literally just posting because i take issue with the fact that you are pirouetting. Who RPs that?!

You raise an interesting philosophical dispute.  Is it even still RP if the character I portray is in fact my true self?  I will note that not only do I perpetrate such demonstrative displays in real life all the time, it goes a step further.  If I type those online, I frequently will stand up to actually perform the action!  This goes doubly-so for if I great you in an online chat client with a curtsy.  Also it only feels proper I end with one of these ;)



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Hello, and welcome officially! It's definitely good to have you on the site! I've got a question for you...


With E17 coming up, how do you think your in game gym leader team is going to compare to the old team you used during the old Reborn league?


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Wow you @Filthy Casual, obviously this time since we're fighting in the dessert my new team is going to have a WHOLE LOT more sand up its butt.  I mean... that stuff gets everywhere, duh!

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