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What is your Reborn Team?


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After seeing so many challenged runs in this thread,I really want to see everyone's reborn team.

So I am asking 3 things:

1.What is your current team?(you can post your team of multiple play or just 1 play,your choice)

2.Have you used other pokemons in the run beside your main team?

3.Which pokemon was most helpful in your run?

Only one rule:You cann't post about a pokemon which you got after finishing the current episode.

This is my pokemon team of my very 1st play:



Other pokemons I used:



The MVP of my first run:




This is the team of my 2nd play:



The MVP of my second run:



Other pokemons I used in my 2nd run:




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I have only one main play through of Reborn. Here is who helped me throughout my journey:


Main Team:







This one was easy. Achilles tanked everything whenever the team couldn't handle something. He was the key to victory for the electric, grass (lol at Cradily for not having offensive grass moves), bug, fighting, poison, psychic, dark, fire, flying, and fairy gyms.

My Backups:



Rather than just train up everyone, I ended up catching and replacing as I went along. Here were everyone's names:


Stripes the Linoone

King Kaa the Arbok

Lilac the Gloom

Skip the Emolga

Cleveland the Garbodor

Lebron the Heatmor

Ernie the Throh

Mariah Carey the Exploud

Mr. McAsshat the Bronzong (I hate Bronzong, but sometimes needed Trick Room and Rain Dance)

UGG LIFE the Scrafty


Edited by Filthy Casual
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54 minutes ago, Filthy Casual said:

I have only one main play through of Reborn. Here is who helped me throughout my journey:


Main Team:

  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents


This one was easy. Achilles tanked everything whenever the team couldn't handle something. He was the key to victory for the electric, grass (lol at Cradily for not having offensive grass moves), bug, fighting, poison, psychic, dark, fire, flying, and fairy gyms.

My Backups:

  Reveal hidden contents


Rather than just train up everyone, I ended up catching and replacing as I went along. Here were everyone's names:


Stripes the Linoone

King Kaa the Arbok

Lilac the Gloom

Skip the Emolga

Cleveland the Garbodor

Lebron the Heatmor

Ernie the Throh

Mariah Carey the Exploud

Mr. McAsshat the Bronzong (I hate Bronzong, but sometimes needed Trick Room and Rain Dance)

UGG LIFE the Scrafty


I didn't need to check the spoiler to know that your MVP would be Swampert.Only one weakness really makes it powerful.

Also Achilles is a perfect name for it.

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You can find my current Team in my signature. 

In General, Arcanine was the most helpful Pokemon. I normally used Intimidate but switched the ability into Flash Fire for Charlotte and into Justified for Luna :).

Vanilluxe was also nice to use, because hail destroyed some Field Effects and Icy Wind was a good support move against fast enemies. 

Sheer Force Tauros came in handy to destroy special threads like Alakazam. 


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My Team:


Hajime the Infernape
- Close Combat  
- Flamethrower  
- Grass Knot  
- Mach Punch  


Fuyuhiko the Roserade
- Toxic Spikes  
- Magical Leaf
- Hidden Power [Fire]  
- Venoshock


Kazuichi the Azumarill
- Waterfall  
- Play Rough  
- Knock Off  
- Aqua Jet  


Sonia the Ampharos
- Agility  
- Discharge  
- Signal Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass]


Nekomaru the Excadrill
- Swords Dance  
- Earthquake  
- Iron Head  
- Rock Slide  


Akane the Malamar
 - Topsy-Turvy  
- Psycho Cut  
- Knock Off  
- Superpower  


I used an Alakazam before I opted to use Malamar. I also used a Donphan for a while before the Noel fight.


Roserade + Malamar are my favorite duo as Grass and Poison Moves are destructive under the Inverse Field

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Due to me having to get a new computer and no one of saving my previous files, I can't show you all my final team. But I can tell you.

Arbok/Nickname - Charbok

Goodra/Nickname - Godra Goodra

Gliscor/Nickname - TongueClumsy

Clawitzer/Nickname - PistolPete

Gourgeist/Nickname - Halloween

Weezing/Nickname - James


The MVP I'd have to say would be... Honestly, everyone but the Arbok. But Arbok is my favorite (technically 1 of my 2 favorites. I really can't choose between Arbok & Goodra so they're both my favorites.) And no. I didn't use any other team members.

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7 hours ago, highonpotenuse said:

Id love to reply to this with my teams but i have 20 run throughs completed to the current episode with no pokemon repeated for 6 man teams. 

20 runs with no pokemon repeated!!

That's really impressive.I usually change my team after beating Aya.

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I've only done one run then trained a bunch of pokemon after episode 16.

This is my team for the entire region up till episode 16(none nicknamed):-








All these guys have helped immensely throughout the game so all of them are MVP pokemon for me. They have bad ivs but are recently ev trained and I plan on using them throughout the game. They all have positive natures.

My favorite fight was against luna and I had Greninja alive whom I had to sack to revive Granbull to take out Umbreon.

I had no backup pokemon for the entire time of episode 16.


Now after episode 16 my backup is Charizard, Delfox, Rosarade, Donphan and a really really good Goodra.


That's all

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I have a lot of team members in rotation and I use them all pretty often so I don't really have a main team. Might as well just post my 6 MVPs (guess that can be my "team") and all my rotating 'mons.


In rotation:



Fern the Serperior/Janine the Crobat/Cheren the Tauros/Adrienn the Aromatisse/Giovanni the Nidoking/Malva the Arcanine/Elesa the Manectric/Falkner the Braviary/Jasmine the Durant/Grimsley the Bisharp/Kahili the Staraptor/Bugsy the Scolipede/Chuck the Heracross/Karen the Houndoom/Wallace the Vaporeon/Fantina the Mismagius/Bruno the Meinshao/Amaria the Sharpedo/Clay the Mudkip (in training)


MVPs (ordered from best to slightly less than best):



Wallace the Vaporeon - Surf/Hydro Pump/Aurora Beam/Rain Dance: Easily my best team member. Hits hard without investment, has my only Ice coverage aside from Hidden Power on Manectric, and EV training in Defense/HP with a Sassy nature makes it nigh invincible unless it's being hit by terrain-boosted SE attacks. Might consider breeding Baton Pass over Rain Dance to have a slow pivot for Doubles (Singles lets me switch after KOs so it's whatever there, hence why I hesitate).


Fern the Serperior - Leaf Storm/Giga Drain/Hidden Power Ground/Nature Power or Substitute: While it performs rather poorly in some battles, it's often the key to victory against a variety of 'mons that normally completely destroy my team, and serves as my best wallbreaker. Nature Power is also a very big bonus, especially since most of the attacks it calls are Special. Also served as a great SubSeed user early game. EVs are in Speed and Special Attack.


Giovanni the Nidoking - Earth Power/Sludge Wave/Flamethrower/Surf: This thing doesn't know what a bad matchup is. It can hit practically anything for SE damage in one way or another and most things it can't are easily powered through by a Special Attack stat nearing 270 after Sheer Force now if only I had a Life Orb. Its typing is amazing and once Ice Beam and Thunderbolt are available I will honestly feel bad for using this. EVs are in Speed and Special Attack.


Janine the Crobat - Double Team/Substitute/Acrobatics/Cross Poison: If I can't win a battle normally (glares at Ciel) this is the way to win. Good defensive typing and stats? Check. Double Team and Substitute, the most annoying possible move combo on planet Pokemon? Check. Fast? Check. Acrobatics? Check. A way to cause damaging status? Check. With a few potions, a bit of luck, and a lack of Steel or Rock types, this thing can solo almost any team. Kinda poor if it can't set up easily, though. EVs are in Speed and Attack (no reason for HP/Defense/Special Defense investment when you're using Double Team and Substitute to stall).


Bruno the Meinshao - High Jump Kick/Drain Punch/U-Turn/Acrobatics: This guy came in rather late, but boy has it impressed me. Its attack (~300) is the 2nd highest stat in my rotation, second only to Durant's absurd ~340 Attack (after Hustle of course). Also the 4th fastest 'mon I have next to Durant, Scolipede and Crobat. High Jump Kick OHKOs anything that doesn't resist, Drain Punch heals off any crash recoil or status/field damage I may take, Acrobatics gives coverage against many things that resist Fighting, and U-Turn makes Regenerator absolutely broken (and also does a surprising amount of damage). EVs are in Attack and Speed.


Malva the Arcanine - Flare Blitz/Heat Wave/Close Combat/Crunch: Hits hard, hits fast, takes hits well, decent typing, good neutral coverage. Need I say more? Yeah, I do: it's by an absolute landslide my best Doubles 'mon. Intimidate + Heat Wave = Win. EVs are in Attack and Speed.


Honorable mentions: Falkner the Braviary, Jasmine the Durant, Amaria the Sharpedo, Clay the Mudkip (oh come on, it doesn't need to prove anything; it's a Water/Ground type with one of the best level-up movesets of any Pokemon and access to the almighty Stealth Rocks via tutor)


And just for funsies, my first team: Typhlosion/Noivern/Manectric/Crobat/2 other irrelevant mons that honestly did very little. I'm only saying that because I don't remember them they probably did a lot lol

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I have about 2 1/2 boxes worth of Pokemon I use, but there are certainly ones I use more than others.  


Here is the team I tend to gravitate back towards the most, simply because of either bias or consistency.



These next are a few Pokemon I bring in and out in a rotation style, usually in groups of 3 or 4.

985c2455fb59e251d5a20c526c990179.png 1e08662491e1063a74201335889e1c7b.png

            93ab0366e41a343d31fcc648cc5d81a6.png Not pictured here: a secondary Lucario with a different set named Guile.  



Then of course there's probably a few things I missed that are hanging somewhere in my signature.  I have a lot of random Pokemon I like to use or adapt to various situations with.


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So I don't have anything of my very first playthrough since I knew not about the ability to move save files safely, so once I got to.... Uhhhh.... Ralph? I'll just call him Ralph for now. Someone correct me. Please & Thank You. Anyway, once I got to Ralph and his Ditto decided to become a clone of Arceus, I decided I wasn't going to win so I restarted, but the MVP of that run most likely would've been Acey the Blaziken(IKR!!!!) and Gala the Gardevoir.

Main Team



Zalure (Gardevoir) (F) @ Pixie Plate  
Ability: Trace  
Level: 80  
EVs: 36 HP / 140 Atk / 88 Def / 92 SpA / 40 SpD / 104 Spe  
Mild Nature  
IVs: 29 HP / 15 Atk / 26 Def / 13 SpA / 7 SpD / 14 Spe  
- Psychic  
- Moonblast  
- Calm Mind  
- Draining Kiss  

Infernia (Delphox) (F) @ Charcoal  
Ability: Magician  
Level: 80  
EVs: 44 HP / 138 Atk / 64 Def / 122 SpA / 55 SpD / 87 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 20 HP / 6 Def / 3 SpA / 23 SpD / 22 Spe

- Mystical Fire

- Will-O-Wisp

- Fire Pledge(I was told to burn a certain field. I like setting things on fire.)

- Psyshock

Pixie (Porygon2) @ Eviolite  
Ability: Download  
Level: 63  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 7 HP / 25 Atk / 11 Def / 17 SpA / 9 SpD / 28 Spe  
Quiet Nature  
IVs: 27 HP / 26 Def / 19 SpA / 20 SpD / 22 Spe  
- Zap Cannon  
- Thief  
- Tri Attack  
- Gravity  

StarSplash (Lanturn) (M) @ Zap Plate  
Ability: Water Absorb  
Level: 80  
EVs: 38 HP / 127 Atk / 114 Def / 122 SpA / 29 SpD / 70 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 21 Def / 16 SpA / 23 SpD / 6 Spe  
- Discharge  
- Dive  
- Surf  
- Flash  

Noir (Noivern) (F) @ Flame Plate  
Ability: Infiltrator  
Level: 78  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 53 HP / 155 Atk / 59 Def / 103 SpA / 35 SpD / 105 Spe  
Rash Nature  
IVs: 18 HP / 17 Atk / 8 Def / 3 SpA / 27 SpD / 28 Spe  
- Boomburst  
- Tailwind  
- Hurricane  
- Flamethrower  

Kumina (Muk) (M)  
Ability: Poison Touch  
EVs: 17 HP / 31 Atk / 16 Def / 21 SpA / 20 SpD / 13 Spe  
Impish Nature  
IVs: 20 HP / 24 Atk / 21 Def / 24 SpA / 11 SpD / 20 Spe  
- Poison Gas  
- Memento  
- Gunk Shot  
- Acid Armor  


Noir and Zalure have been the MVPs throughout the playthrough.





Rocki (Golem) (F) 52 - Former

BlackThorn (Scolipede) (F) 57 - Rotation

WonderBolt (Pachirisu) (M) 53 - Rotation

SugarShot (F) 53/Elsa & Anna (F) 77 (Both Vanilluxe) - Former/Rotation

Hell Spirit (Lampent) (F) 45 - Rotation

GeoFrost (Mamoswine) (M) 73 - Rotation

BunBun (Lopunny) (F) 52 - Undecided

Nyx (Dusclops) (F) 48 - Former

Luminia (Finneon) (F) 22 - Former

Dronarian (Venusaur) (M) 49 - Former



Edited by Ruby Riding Hood
Left Out Something
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48 minutes ago, Ruby Riding Hood said:

Uhhhh.... Ralph? I'll just call him Ralph for now. Someone correct me. Please & Thank You.

His actual name was El but I see great potential in Ralph.

Yes, this man is now known to me as Ralph.

What will you choose, siding with Radomus or Ralph? Yes, a terrible dilemma indeed, for few are the people able to resist Ralph's might...

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First of all Good afternoon. This is my first post


Main team


Torterra (M) @ Rose Incense  
Ability: Shell Armor 
Level: 75  
EVs: 41 HP / 128 Atk / 85 Def / 79 SpA / 58 SpD / 81 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
IVs: 8 HP / 3 Atk / 25 Def / 19 SpA / 30 SpD / 4 Spe  
- Leech Seed 
- Cruse 
- Crunch (Torterra Evolved on 32 lv and when i played first time i didn't know, where is move relearner, so don't know earthquake  
- Razor Leaf


Drapion (M) @ Various

Ability: Battle armor
Level: 75

EVs: 156 HP / 91 Atk / 80 Def / 82 SpA / 37 SpD / 54 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
IVs: 7 HP / 21 Atk / 7 Def / 14 SpA / 28 SpD / 4 Spe  

- Struggle Bug
- Cross Poison
- Toxic Spikes

- Crunch


Donphan (M) @ 
Ability: Sand Stream 
Level: 75  
EVs: 61 HP / 169 Atk / 117 Def / 82 SpA / 19 SpD / 56 Spe  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 HP / 12 Atk / 11 Def / 14 SpA / 19 SpD / 22 Spe  
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Smash (That HMs...)  
- Endure


Arcanine (F) @ Charcoal
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 78  
EVs: 53 HP / 134 Atk / 67 Def / 99 SpA / 37 SpD / 62 Spe  
Serious Nature  
IVs: 24 HP / 9 Atk / 12 Def / 24 SpA / 4 SpD / 23 Spe  
- Fire Fang
- Heat Wave
- Morning Sun 
- Extremespeed


Ampharos (F) @ Air Ballon
Ability: Static
Level: 78  
EVs: 34 HP / 123 Atk / 51 Def / 102 SpA / 53 SpD / 67 Spe  
Rash Nature  
IVs: 13 HP / 1 Atk / 2 Def / 2 SpA / 31 SpD / 14 Spe  
- Thunder Wave
- Discharge
- Power Gem 
- Confuse Ray


Swoobat (F) @ Swift Wing
Ability: Simple
Level: 76  
EVs: 109 HP / 106 Atk / 42 Def / 90 SpA / 35 SpD / 78 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
IVs: 29 HP / 27 Atk / 28 Def / 15 SpA / 29 SpD / 4 Spe  
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Air Slash 
- Endeavor


Pokemon witch were in main team previously


Buneary Lv.23

Zigzagoon Lv.15

Pidgeotto Lv.26
Mankey Lv.20

Buizel Lv. 25 (HM Slave)
Trubbish (Replaced by Drapion) Lv. 29


As you see, Team is really average, maybe even weak, but it is my first attempt and after release Chapter 17 I'm going to play second time.

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Greninja - M - Takeru 

Pachirisu - F - Autumn 

Meowstic - M - Sol 

Donphan - F - Tierra 

Growlithe - F - Loyalty 

Roselia - F - Rhosyn 


If this run has taught me anything, it's


Do. NOT. Underestimate. Pachirisu. 


Autumn has saved me so many freaking times, and is the sole reason I won certain important battles (like Shade). Nuzzle+Sweet Kiss+Charm is deadly. I've also come to appreciate the blessings of Prankster Meowstic, and it pairs well with the aforementioned squirrel of deth. 


I this isn't the greatest team, but its managed to pull its weight thus far. I think one of the joys of playing such a hard game is how much it makes you appreciate your Pokémon and their unique skills. Like squirrel of deth. 






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389.png [52]
Deimos ♂ 


631.png [52]


445.png [51]
Aoide ♀ 


181.png [52]


MTYmPZO.png [52]
Tarvos ♂


bkeacbn.png [54]


This team originally started as a Ground monotype before I got bored and redesigned it. I do feel a bit cheap using Garchomp in a regular playthrough, but the rest of the team sort of offsets that slightly. It's a surprisingly competent team all round and I've been having a lot of fun with them; even Watchog has been pulling his weight with Analytic! I'd probably consider Ampharos the MVP; Electric Terrain has saved my ass so many times, and the terrain-boosted Charge + Cotton Guard combo makes her nigh-on impossible to take down (plus it's hilarious using Psych Up Watchog in double battles). I'd say it's definitely my favourite playthrough so far.

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