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[Game Over] Pokemon: Choose your Own Character! Mafia - N's Cult Wins

Daniel Blackworth

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Tfw your own ally ruins your plans and gets you killed. Oh well I'm reborn anew it seems. Call it reckless to go for a kill on the first night as a vigilante if you wish, but from seeing how fast Mafia games unfold after the first few nights, I figured it would be best to just take someone out to start things off


Anyways seeing as I was killed my first night and could not act with my new role I provide no useful info unfortunately 

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  On 8/29/2017 at 12:18 PM, Anti_Hero said:

So Blaziken switched targets, then Keldeo dies... But how does keldeo dies? This must mean that Blaziken can chose the same person twice?


Blaziken just switched Keldeo and whomever Keldeo tried to kill. That's how Keldeo ended up on the receiving end of her own blow and died.

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FWIW, information-wise, I did see who Blaziken switched Quinnox with, since I did visit one of them (and I'd think Quinnox using information from a character that is dead would be kinda cheating). I'd rather wait to say who it is until if/when someone claims to be Blaziken, though.

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What an accident.

I'm not sure we be so open with info right now. I know we have Joy but targets targets.. For now I don't have much to say. Except that we shouldn't forget there's a couple cultists lurking today. Hopefully we can nip them by the Budew...

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Roleclaiming this early would indeed be dangerous. Unless someone has extremely useful information for us to decide whom to lynch today, I don't really see why players would start painting targets on their backs already.


That being said, with Keldeo's untimely demise there are 9 or 10 Alliance left (depending on whom N converted to his cult) vs 6 or 7 of other factions (again, depending on N's action). Things could very well balance out quickly.

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@sailboat That mechanic and how it activates and works is kept secret until Chandelure obtains said item necessary for its boost.


Also, let me just remind that:

- If a cult member dies, their role will be displayed as Follower of N.

- Caitlin's investigation will only indicate 'has evil intentions' if she investigates Mafia or a Third Party.

- Guns have a 50% chance of revealing the user. 




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Guest Sparkin'

New peep around here, and seeing Keldeo kill himself N0...but wait...

If Keldeo killed himself, shouldn't there be another dead?

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Keldeo's suicide being the only kill can mean one of a few things:

1. Nurse Joy protected the Mafia's (It's the Soul Society, but Mafia is as accurate and quicker to type) target.

2. The Mafia targeted whoever Keldeo was switched with as well.

3. The Mafia targeted Mienshao, who now no longer has an immunity.

4. The Mysterious Individual did something we have no idea about.


I'm hesitant to say it's 4, but any of the other options are entirely possible.


Edit: Taking into account what Anti_Hero said below me, there's also:

5. Hydreigon roleblocked whoever the mafia sent for their night kill.

Edited by Roswell
Anti_Hero bringing up a good point
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I guess so.


Actually, Dive, on that topic, what're the mechanics for determining which mafia member attempts the kill? I'd assume the mafia selects from amongst themselves, but getting confirmation would help with verifying Hydreigons further down the line.

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@Roswell "Every night, Aegislash has the final say on whom the Soul Society eliminates during the night and conducts the execution personally thereafter. "


Reading this from Dive's intro, I'm assuming that means Aegislash is always the killer.

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If Hydreigon blocks the same person tonight and the kill doesnt go through we have some time for Caitlin to find more Mafioso's, though we then have to worry about N's followers gaining too much popularity, or N brainwashing Hydreigon. Also, sorry Cataline, but Caitlin/Catline is oddly similar.

Edited by DigitalAmber
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This is some rather interesting stuff going on. Meanwhile, I am curious as to the roles who could claim as visiting someone. Either @Roswellis a Mafia/3rd party. Or he's the Blaine. Whichever it is, it's a dangerous game. I would suggest everyone beore careful with your words....unless ofcourse your evil intent. Then by all means, make mistakes.

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@Megagun I feel obligated to point out that, as far as I can tell, Mienshao and Ampharos are the only roles that don't visit. As to how I knew that they'd switched, Dive told me outright after I sent in who I was targeting.


NGL, I'm kinda suspicious as to why you'd assume that I was either Mafia, 3rd party or Blaine.

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Even if a kill doesnt happen it is still possible hydreigon has the wrong person. (Slim but possible)


Also N may become trouble right now they are 2 but as it advances, they become more and more and with the kills , lynches, mafia kills and guns, they will quickly outnumber everyone


We are 17, 2 cult members, 4 mafia, 2 third party, and one dead this leaves 8 town. If they continue to recruit then in 3 night  they win (with no deads) if there are kills then it's faster. This means we have 3 days and 3 nights to kill some cultists 


And someone said something about cultists before 

I believe it import we find the cult leader. The cult is currently the biggest threat. 

Please defend yourself

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