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[OOC] Bullet Hell [Always Open]


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Hello and welcome to this rather deadly danmaku crossover RP. Since there's a lot of info to go over, the nitty-gritty will be in the spoilers below, but I'll give you a quick rundown right here.


In this RP various characters from universes related to the danmaku/bullet hell genre of games are brought together to fight in gladiatorial matches. The RP will be split into two parts: A social phase where the characters can roam and do as they please. And a combat phase where they're pitted against one another in battle. The battles will be executed using a rather RNG-heavy mechanics system with an emphasis on positioning and customization. the RP as a whole will focus largely on the combat, but will also look to explore how the characters interact under these extreme conditions.


Setting Info:


~Bullet Hell~

Abyss's domain, rarely does one come to this horrible place by choice. It manifests as a small town in the middle of an otherwise empty purple expanse. The dim lighting and dull grey buildings don't help the dreary aesthetic. Those unfortunate enough to be sent here are forced to fight each other in merciless battles. Those who attempt to avoid fighting are tortured until they submit. Fights are scheduled irregularly and the matchups are decided only a short time before the battles begin. It becomes a challenge to stay sane, and many give in and simply accept their fate, joining in the cheering as more and more of their peers slaughter each other. Those who find themselves rising above the competition are given hope: should they win eight fights, they'll be brought before Abyss and given a choice. Should they choose correctly, they'll be set free of Bullet Hell.


But winning those eight fights is no easy task. And after losing, there's a chance on may die. This chance is based on an individual's "Death Counter," a number assigned to them that effects how likely they are to die upon being defeated. In the instant one takes fatal damage in combat, their Death Counter is checked against a random number ranging from 1 to 6. Should their counter be greater than or equivalent to this number, their death will be made permanent. If not, they will live on a little longer and their Death Counter will increase by one. Some have the ability to mitigate their deaths in various ways, but all still have to face the consequences of sending others closer to theirs.


~Danmaku World~

Danmaku World (and yes it is called that, the residents are aware that their world exists purely for the purpose of danmaku). Is a happy world where everyone learns to fight each other with their danmaku in light-hearted matches and tournaments in the hopes of becoming the strongest in the world. At a young age (usually 12), children set out on adventures to face new and exciting opponents and improve their skills. Their eventual goal being to enter in the World Tournament where they’ll face off against the best of the best in a battle to determine who is the best. This tournament occurs once a year, the final fight is always between the tourney winner and last year’s champion.


But everything is not as it seems. This world is simply one of many various worlds centered on this style of combat. And unlike most of its brethren which exist for their own purposes, this one exists almost exclusively for the purpose of feeding Bullet Hell. Those who reach the World tournament but fail to win are rarely heard from again and quickly forgotten by the world. The truth is that they are sucked into Bullet Hell with little chance of ever returning.


Danmaku World is rather small, being comprised of a largely circular mass of land surrounded by water. There are four major cities, three forming a triangle with the fourth precisely in the center. These cities are:
Magica - The northern point. Known for the users of magic that emerge from it. (Magic place)

Gun City - The southwestern point. Known for its many prominent gun wielders and technological advancement. (High-tech cowboys)

Masktropolis - The southeastern point. Known for its focus on training oneself and usage of simpler weaponry such as swords and bows, as well as the many animal-like residents. (Ninja catgirls)

Arena - In the center. The city where the world tournament takes place. Those living here are generally considered less suited for danmaku due to the general lack of training in favor of more traditional work such as running food shops. This doesn’t stop many a child inspired by the many tournaments held here from being inspired to journey to the other cities and learn to become a powerful threat in combat.


~Multiverse Stuff~

Bullet Hell and Danmaku World are but a small part of a multiversal cluster. As mentioned above, their exist many more danmaku-related worlds which exist for their own purposes. Thanks to Abyss's meddling, these worlds now feed into Bullet Hell and people from those worlds are just as likely to be captured as those from Danmaku world. Of importance is that these are not necessarily the true forms of these universes, but rather specific versions that more easily interact with Bullet Hell. (Basically, in-universe explanation of why this is all non-canon within the original universes unless someone who can speak for that canon says so.)


~Curtain Limbo~

As Bullet Hell is not truly Hell, many there still profess belief in an afterlife. This is often seen as nothing but an empty hope, but many still cling to it as they have nothing else to hope for. It's unknown where the concept came from, but this afterlife is often referred to as Curtain Limbo. It is in turn said that this itself is not the true afterlife, but rather a place where those who die in Bullet Hell are sent to be judged based on the results of their actions in the previous world. None have ever witnessed real evidence of Curtain Limbo's existence, as even if there is another life beyond death, there is no return to this life from death.


System info:


~Choosing Positions~

The board (for lack of a better term) is comprised of 40 space on either side. Each turn players select a space to occupy, a shot to use, and a focus point for their attack. The occupied space may be no more than four spaces away from the space occupied the previous turn (EX: if you occupied 20 last turn, the farthest you can move to this turn would be 24 and 16) and the shot’s focus may be no more than six spaces away from the occupied space (so from space 20 the max is 26 and 14). These choices will all be sent to the person running the fight via PM so that turns may be executed by both sides at the same time. On the first turn you may position yourself anywhere you like between spaces 10 and 30.


Note: You may choose to do this in your post using spoilers instead of over PMs, be aware that I won't be enforcing anything so you'll have to rely on your opponent being honorable.


~Determining Hits and Grazing~

Once the above is done, focus points shift to one of five spaces: the focus chosen or 1-2 spaces above/below its current number. Then shots are fired, you fire 1 shot+one extra per point you’ve invested in rate. Shots strike randomly within your spread area, which is half your spread in either direction from your adjusted focus (prioritizing upwards first). If an attack strikes your opponent or up to two spaces on either side of them, you have the potential to deal damage.


Grazing is a chance for you to avoid a bullet even if it’s aimed at you. A bullet aimed directly at the space you occupy has a 15+[Graze] chance of missing, bullets aimed one space over have a (15+[Graze])*2 chance, and bullets striking two away have a (15+[Graze])*3.5 chance. Successfully grazing from the first two cases grants Charge/2+5 Energy. If you fail to Graze the hit in any of these cases, you will take damage equal to the opponent’s Power+1.


Since all of that is way too complicated to do step by step every time, I wrote a program to do all of the work for me. It’s probably even more confusing than the above because I’m bad. Even if you can’t figure out how it works from my messy code, toying with the stats and running a few attacks should give you a general idea of what’s going on (if not, I am open for questions ^^).



~Bombs and Energy~

Bombs are more powerful shots that can only be used under limited conditions. Once you’ve stored enough energy you can choose to use a bomb in place of your standard shot. You gain Energy equal to your Charge stat+2 at the end of every turn you either take or deal damage (no sitting in opposite corners building charge :P) and Charge/2+5 Energy from grazing. Aside from Effects, there is no other way to gain Energy.



Effects can be virtually anything you want (so long as it doesn’t drive me completely bonkers), even to the point of creating defensive or utility-based shots. They’re here to help make your character more unique. Many effects can be added to character or shot for free, but oftentimes they’ll have a cost attached if you want to do anything really fun.


~Losing and Death~

You lose a fight when your HP is reduced to 0. If both characters are reduced to 0 in the same turn, the one with the most direct hits wins. If this is a tie it moves to side hits, and finally far hits. If somehow all three of these are tied, both sides lose.


Upon taking critical damage and losing a fight, a d6 will be rolled to see whether or not a character dies. If the number on the d6 is less than or equal to their death counter, they shatter into oblivion. Once killed a character may never be returned to life in Bullet Hell or the life they held before coming there. Death in this manner can be staved off by increasing your HP and using character Effects. You’ll also have a point subtracted from your death counter every three fights you win. If you manage to survive your death roll, your counter increments by one.



Whenever you win a fight, you'll be granted a choice of rewards depending on how many fights you've won
1. New shot or 25 Energy

2. New shot or 50 Energy

3. New bomb or -1 to death counter

4. New shot or 75 Energy

5. New shot or 100 Energy

6. New bomb or -1 to death counter

7. New bomb or two new shots

8. 100 energy and access to the Choice


Example Effects:



  • Blink[0]: Can move from space 1 to space 40 and vice versa
  • Dash[0]: Can move one extra space each round
  • Restoration[0]: Spend 100 Energy to reduce your Death Counter by 1
  • Accuracy[0]: Enemies have -5 Graze
  • Energy Burst[0]: Gain 50% of your max Energy after winning a fight
  • Healthy[0]: Begin with an extra -3 to Death Counter
  • Self-Healing[1]: Regain Charge HP at the end of every turn where a hit is dealt by either side
  • Focus[1]: Nullifies two far hits each turn.
  • Stealth[4]: [Graze] is multiplied by 1.3 until you damage the enemy once
  • Ruthless[4]: Gain -1 to your death counter if your opponent dies after you defeat them
  • Immortal[10]: Has no Death Counter and cannot die (Note: Yes, you can have this. But I strongly caution against it in favor of something more interesting)
  • Efficiency[1-10]: All Bombs cost 2 less for every point invested in this effect


  • Bullet[0]: +2 stats (Note: Pretty inefficient compared to what I'm giving on other effects, but sometimes you're just gonna need a normal shot and I didn't want people to get nothing out of it, so this is the "default" shot effect)
  • Beam[0]: Deals 1.3x damage on direct hits
  • Melee[0]: Direct hits deal double damage but side and far hits deal half damage
  • Magic[0]: One graze per turn is turned into a hit, prioritizing direct>side>far
  • Homing[1]: When adjusting, focus automatically shifts one space closer to the opponent
  • Focused[1]: Focus can only adjust one space to either side instead of the usual two
  • Explosive[1]: If hit by this attack, the opponent can move one less space next turn
  • Wave[8]: Hits everywhere within its spread area at halved [Power] and [Rate]
  • Ballistic[8]: Direct hits cannot be grazed
  • Missile[11]: Direct hits cannot be grazed. If hit by this attack, the opponent can move one less space next turn



  • Keep calm. This RP is heavy on combat and there's a good chance you'll lose
  • No godmodding, powerplaying, etc. These are general RP taboos and they shouldn’t be done here. I won’t be going over them here, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t still a problem.
  • No metagaming, do your best to separate your knowledge from your character's
  • Keep Suism in check. Mary Sues aren’t truly a binary, off/on kind of deal. They are more fluid a concept. So please use your better discretion. I will let you know if you’re going too far in that direction.
  • If you take more than ten days to post when your turn comes you will be removed from the RP (exceptions can be made under extenuating circumstances, so long as I'm informed ahead of time and not after the fact)
  • Die horribly Have fun


Character Sheet:


Couple notes that didn't end up anywhere else

  • Canon characters from danmaku universes are allowed (and preferred over expies of said canon characters)
  • Characters may be from any danmaku related universe, usually this means video games
  • Characters may be expies of characters from non-danmaku universes into a danmaku universe and then yoinked into Bullet Hell
  • After you've been through at least one combat, you may submit a secondary character


Forum Name: [You probably know the drill by now]

Character Name: [<]

Character Origin: [What universe your character is from]

Appearance: [What your character looks like. Characters from games can use pictures]

HP: [50+5*Health]

Energy: 50/130 [Energy persists across fights]

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 0

Stats: [Your stats are separated between character and shots, each having their own individual pools of points. You begin with two shots and one bomb, and may gain more with time. Each individual stat is capped at 30]

Character Stats [30]

  • Health: Increases your HP, allowing you to survive more hits. Every ten HP lowers your initial Death Counter by 1
  • Graze: Increases your chance of avoiding an attack made to your space. Grazing can help you charge faster
  • Charge: Directly affects how quickly your Bombs charge. Each point of charge also grants two more max Energy
  • Effect[Cost]: A special effect that modifies your character. Varies in cost depending on strength

Shot1 (Shot) [30]

  • Power: Increases the amount of damage dealt by each bullet
  • Rate: Increases the number of bullets fired
  • Spread: Increases the spread of your shots
  • Effect[Cost]: A special effect that modifies your attack. Varies in cost depending on strength

Shot2 (Shot) [30]

  • Power: Increases the amount of damage dealt by each bullet
  • Rate: Increases the number of bullets fired
  • Spread: Increases the spread of your shots
  • Effect[Cost]: A special effect that modifies your attack. Varies in cost depending on strength

Bomb1 (Bomb) [60] (Please modify the bomb’s stat total based on changes made to cost)

  • Cost: The amount of energy required to use this bomb. Begins at 100 and lowered by 1 for each point invested. You may also increase the cost to gain more stat points, up to 30
  • Power: Increases the amount of damage dealt by each bullet
  • Rate: Increases the number of bullets fired
  • Spread: Increases the spread of your shots
  • Effect[Cost]: A special effect that modifies your attack. Varies in cost depending on strength. A bomb may have two of these. 0 cost effects cost 1 on Bombs


As always, ask questions and let me know if you feel I neglected to include important information


With Hope,


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Torakuma Rei (Twin)


Forum Name: Twinwolf

Character Name: Torakuma Rei

Character Origin: Touhou

Appearance: Rei has white hair and red eyes, with shoulder length and rather curly hair under a red beret (that has holes in the top for her rather large horns). She tends to wear a red shirt with a white vest, and an equally red skirt (and similar to her sister, shorts to prevent upskirts). 

HP: 85

Energy: 95/146

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 1



Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 7

  • Graze: 15

  • Charge: 8

  • Accuracy[0]: Enemies have -5 Graze

Magic Missile Spam (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 10

  • Rate: 9

  • Spread: 8

  • Inescapable [3]: Focus shifts 1 space closer to the target, and one Graze each turn becomes a hit (prioritizing Direct > Side > Far)

Shockwave (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 9

  • Rate: 7

  • Spread: 6

  • Wave[8]: Hits all spaces in spread area with half [Power] and [Rate]

Beaaaaaams!!! (Bomb) [70]

  • Cost: 110

  • Power: 25

  • Rate: 26

  • Spread: 10

  • Beam[1]: 1.3x damage on direct hits

  • Ballistic[8]: Direct hits cannot be grazed


Torakuma Shinobu (Murdoc)


Forum Name: King Murdoc
Character Name: Torakuma Shinobu
Character Origin: Touhou
Appearance: White hair and yellow eyes, middling height, has a runner's build. Her hair is about waist-length and straight, largely left to do whatever it damn well pleases after it's been cleaned and brushed. Also wears a broad rice hat with holes cut in it to allow her two horns to poke through the top; they're each set a bit less than 45 degrees off from straight up and just shy of a foot long. She wears a dark skirt slightly over knee length and dark shorts underneath it (no upskirts for you), alongside a lighter brown vest and a white shirt. Her knuckles are callused and tough. She has slightly clawed finger- and toenails. 
HP: 70
Energy: 76/148 [Energy persists across fights]
Death Counter: 0
Wins: 0

Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 4
  • Graze: 14
  • Charge: 9
  • In the Zone [3]: Gain [Charge+5] instead of [Charge/2+5] energy when grazing. 

Lightning Burst (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 5
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 10
  • Shock and Awe [5]: Automatically shifts focus one space closer to opponent when adjusting. If this hits, opponent can move one less space next turn. 

Earthshatter (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 7
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 6
  • Groundbreaking [7]: Opponent can't move into a space where this attack hit. 

Torakuma Five-Step Fist! (Bomb) [40] (Please modify the bomb’s stat total based on changes made to cost)

  • Cost: 80
  • Power: 22
  • Rate: 12
  • Spread: 4
  • Melee [1]: Direct hits deal double damage but side and far hits deal half damage
  • Homing [1]: Automatically shifts focus one space closer to opponent when adjusting.


Suwabe Akemi (Noir)


Forum Name: Noir 
Character Name: Suwabe Akemi 
Character Origin: Danmaku World
Appearance: Dressed in garbs of royal Romanian colors of white, red and gold. Wears a leather mask for depth perception. Basically he's this guy
HP: 100
Energy: 75/138

Death Counter: -2
Wins: 0

Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 10
  • Graze: 10
  • Charge: 4
  • Death in Four Acts [6]: Whenever Akemi lands a successful hit with a shot or bomb, he gains a stack of Inspiration, stacking accumulatively up to 4 times. Each stack of inspiration grants Akemi with +4 Graze. If any of Akemi’s shots directly hit, he gains two stacks of Inspiration instead. Inspiration stacks refresh and maintain with successive hits. If Akemi fails to land a hit on any turn, he loses all his gained stacks of Inspiration.

Whisper (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 24
  • Rate: 0
  • Spread: 1
  • Caught Out [5]:Upon inflicting a direct attack, his next shot gains +5 rate and Akemi moves an additional space next round.  

Curtain Call (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 12
  • Rate: 4
  • Spread: 11
  • Execution [3]: Deal 1.3x damage on direct shots. Reduce the movement of the target by -1 the next round. 

Captive Audience (Bomb) [80]

  • Cost: 120
  • Power: 30
  • Rate: 4
  • Spread: 30
  • Wave [8]:  Hits everywhere within its spread area at halved [Power] and [Rate].
  • Beauty in Death [8]: Captive Audience deals double damage on a direct strike, and always deals double damage whenever he possesses full Inspiration stacks. 


Terumi (GoGRWBY)


Forum Name: GodofGamingRWBY
Character Name: Yuuki Terumi
Character Origin: Blazblue [Aberration]
Appearance: Link
HP: 100
Energy: 124/160
Death Counter: -1
Wins: 0


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 10
  • Graze: 5
  • Charge: 15
  • Self Observation[0]: Upon surviving his death roll, Terumi can spend 10 energy to prevent himself from accumulating a Death Counter. Each time this ability is used, however, the cost increases by 10 and number of Death Counters accumulated if this ability is not used increases by 1.

Wrath of the Basilisk (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 6
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 6
  • Energy Siphon [8]: Each hit steals [Charge]/2 Energy from the opponent.

Serpent’s Laceration (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 1
  • Rate: 17
  • Spread: 4
  • Energy Siphon [8]: Each hit steals [Charge]/2 Energy from the opponent.

Lamia (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 5
  • Rate: 11
  • Spread: 8
  • Devour[6]: Every third hit pulls the opponent one space closer to the user. If they reach the user's space their move is reduced to 0 next turn.

Roar of the Mad King (Bomb) [85]

  • Cost: 125
  • Power: 30
  • Rate: 30
  • Spread: 10
  • Inevitable Calamity [15]: [Power] is added to [Rate].


Sakuya (GoGRWBY)


Forum Name: GodofGamingRWBY (Secondary)
Character Name: Sakuya Izayoi
Character Origin: Touhou
Appearance: Link

HP: 70
Energy: 50/140
Death Counter: -1
Wins: 0


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 4
  • Graze: 17
  • Charge: 5
  • Time Freeze [4]: Sakuya is capable of canceling a single hit each turn, prioritizing Direct Hits, then Side Hits, and finally Far Hits

Knife Throw (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 16
  • Rate: 8
  • Spread: 5
  • Focused [1]: Focus can only adjust one space to either side instead of the usual two.

Bouncing Knives (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 13
  • Rate: 7
  • Spread: 5
  • Ricochet [5]: Hits need to be grazed twice to count as a graze.

Sakuya’s World (Bomb) [60]

  • Cost: 100 Energy
  • Power: 0
  • Rate: 0
  • Spread: 0
  • ZA WARUDO[60]: Sakuya is able to automatically fire off two shots, with two different focuses.


Sheriff (KJ)


Forum Name: kj1225

Character Name: Sheriff

Character Origin: Nuclear Throne

Appearance: An average sized humanoid. It's not clear whether he's a human or even something that can be identified as male or female beyond the fact that their voice sounds male. His body is covered by a grey duster while his face and head is obscured by an oddly familiar blue bandanna and a cowboy hat with a sheriff's star on the front. On the off chance that one gets a peak under the duster, his clothes consist of black jeans and a blue button down shirt.

HP: 105

Energy: 90/154

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 0



Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 11
  • Graze: 7
  • Charge: 12
  • IDPD Personal Portal Generator[0]: Can move from Tile 1 to Tile 40 and vise versa for free.

Machine Gun (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 11
  • Rate: 5
  • Spread: 6
  • Effect[8]: Ballistic: Direct hits cannot be grazed.

Heavy Crossbow (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 24
  • Rate: 3
  • Spread: 2
  • Bolt Marrow[1]: When adjusting, focus automatically shifts one space closer to the opponent

Super Plasma Cannon (Bomb) [90]

  • Cost: 130
  • Power: 30
  • Rate: 25
  • Spread: 10
  • Plasma[25]: If the first attack misses completely (including by being grazed), fires again at 2x [Spread] and 50% [Power]. If the second attack misses, fires a third time at 3x [Spread] and 25% [Power]


Suguri SP (Lexi)


Forum Name: KosherKitten

Character Name: Suguri SP

Character Origin: Suguri

Appearance: Linky

HP: 75

Energy: 118/142

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 1



Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 5
  • Graze: 15
  • Charge: 6
  • Counter[4]: Nullifies one hit per turn

Sword Wave (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 16
  • Rate: 2
  • Spread: 4
  • Wave[8]: Hits everywhere within its spread area at halved [Power] and [Rate]

Beam Knives (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 12
  • Rate: 11
  • Spread: 7
  • Melee[0]: Direct hits deal double damage but side and far hits deal half damage

Hyper: Blade Blitz (Bomb) [53]

  • Cost: 93
  • Power: 16
  • Rate: 15
  • Spread: 9
  • Melee[1]: Direct hits deal double damage but side and far hits deal half damage
  • Combo[12]: Side hits are treated as direct hits for the sake of grazing and other effects


Tenacity Treaty (Lexi)


Forum Name: KosherKitten (Secondary)

Character Name: Tenacity Treaty

Character Origin: Danmaku World

Appearance: A woman of short stature notable for her deep-cowled, mottled green cloak. She has unremarkable features accompanied by brown hair and eyes. She carries a massive longbow and a quiver of heavy arrows to fire from it.

HP: 115

Energy: 50/140

Death Counter: -2

Wins: 0


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 13
  • Graze: 9
  • Charge: 5
  • Stillness[3]: Focus moves one less space when adjusting for all shots

Longbow (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 22
  • Rate: 7
  • Spread: 0
  • Focused[1]: Focus can move one less space when adjusting

Dart Trap (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 7
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 6
  • Tripwire[7]: Places a marker at the targeted location. This shot will fire when the opponent occupies the space it is set on or either of the spaces adjacent to it. Maximum of four markers activate at any time.

Debilitating Shot (Bomb) [60]

  • Cost: 100
  • Power: 0
  • Rate: 12
  • Spread: 8
  • An Arrow to the Knee[22]: A hit reduces the enemy’s move to 0 next turn
  • Spreadshot[8]: Hits everywhere within its spread area at halved [Power] and [Rate]


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Forum Name: NPC

Character Name: Abyss

Character Origin: Bullet Hell

Appearance: She’s literally Tomomo but everything brown is grey. Be intimidated and stuff.

HP: 125

Energy: 140/140

Death Counter: -150

Wins: A lot

Stats: (Abyss is OPOP boss lady so she gets hacks to give her (+10) stat points to her character and shots)

  • Character Stats [40] (+10)
  • Health: 15
  • Graze: 15
  • Charge: 5
  • Abyss’s Hell[5]: Abyss’s death counter is lowered by 2 for every opponent that dies after losing to her. Defeating her reduces the winner’s Death Counter to 2 or subtracts 4 from it, whichever results in the lower final amount.

Magical Abyss (Shot) [40] (+10)

  • Power: 15
  • Rate: 15
  • Spread: 8
  • Abyssal Despair[2]: Gains Power equal to the opponent’s Death Counter*2

Magical Torture (Shot) [40] (+10)

  • Power: 0
  • Rate: 15
  • Spread: 10
  • Tortured Screams[15]: Being hit by this shot increases the target’s death counter by 1. Enemy Graze is treated as double its actual value by this shot

Magical Massacre (Bomb) [50] (+10, -20)

  • Cost: 80
  • Power: 0
  • Rate: 0
  • Spread: 0
  • Massacre[35]: Instantly reduces an opponent’s HP to 0 if their Death Counter is 0 or lower
  • Disdain[15]: Defeating an enemy with this Bomb subtracts 1 from Abyss’s own Death counter




Forum Name: NPC

Character Name: Rodin

Character Origin: Unknown

Appearance: Linky

HP: 125

Energy: 130/130

Death Counter: -3

Wins: 4


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 15
  • Graze: 15
  • Charge: 0
  • Infinite One[0]: Gains 50% of max Energy after winning a fight

Demon Fist (Shot) [30]

  • Power:14
  • Rate: 8
  • Spread: 8
  • Holy Fist[0]: Power doubles after Platinum ticket is used

Portal (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 0
  • Rate: 8
  • Spread: 12
  • Portal[10]: If this shot lands a hit, increase move to 20 for 1 turn

Platinum Ticket (Bomb) [60]

  • Cost: 100
  • Power: 0
  • Rate: 15
  • Spread: 5
  • Heavenly Power[20]: Adds Power to Health, Rate to Graze, and Spread to Charge for the rest of the battle. Cannot be used more than once per battle
  • Heavenly Restoration[20]: Fully restores HP. Cannot be used more than once per battle




Forum Name: NPC

Character Name: Fujiwara no Mokou

Character Origin: Touhou

Appearance: Linky

HP: 50

Energy: 110/142

Death Counter: --

Wins: 2


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 0

  • Graze: 0

  • Charge: 6

  • Phoenix[24]: Mokou has no death Counter and cannot die. She can also revive herself during battle at the cost of 60 energy.

Phoenix Talons (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 18

  • Rate: 6

  • Spread: 6

  • Melee[0]: Direct hits deal double damage but far hits are canceled out

Spontaneous Human Combustion (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 10

  • Rate: 3

  • Spread: 12

  • Burning[5]: Grants Mokou a buff for [Rate] turns that adds 5+[Power] damage to any damage she deals (before multipliers and damage reductions). She also takes maxHP/([Spread]/2) damage each turn. Canceled if Mokou’s HP is reduced to 0.

Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix- (Bomb) [70]

  • Cost: 110

  • Power: 5

  • Rate: 20

  • Spread: 20

  • Forged by Rebirth[10]: Halves cost each time Mokou revives with Phoenix, resets to full cost upon use

  • Soaring Phoenix[15]: Restores Energy equal to half the damage dealt, up to 30




Forum Name: NPC

Character Name: Saki

Character Origin: Suguri

Appearance: Linky

HP: 80

Energy: 20/156

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 3


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 6

  • Graze: 11

  • Charge: 13

  • Dash[0]: May move an extra space each turn.

Tornado Cymbal (Shot) [32]

  • Power: 8

  • Rate: 12

  • Spread: 12

  • Bullet[0]: +2 stats

Stardust Bell (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 11

  • Rate: 7

  • Spread: 11

  • Homing[1]: When adjusting, focus automatically shifts one space closer to the opponent

Maracas Napalm (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 16

  • Rate: 6

  • Spread: 7

  • Explosive[1]: If hit by this attack, the opponent can move one less space next turn

Hyper: Sunshine Bell (Bomb) [76]

  • Cost: 116

  • Power: 30

  • Rate: 6

  • Spread: 12

  • Sunshine Bell[20]: Channels (focus cannot be changed while channeling) for up to 3 turns before firing. If fired on the first turn, gain 2x [Rate]. If fired on the second turn, has 1.5x [Rate], [Spread], and [Power]. If fired on the third turn, has 2x [Spread] and [Power]

  • Sunlight Ring[8]: Hits everywhere within its spread area at halved [Power] and [Rate]

Accel Hyper: Big Bang Bell (Bomb) [80]

  • Cost: 120

  • Power: 25

  • Rate: 13

  • Spread: 7

  • Big Bang Bell[15]: Channels for 3 turns before firing (focus cannot be changed while channeling). Prevents the opponent from moving and pulls them 3 spaces towards its focus for the duration of the channel. If the opponent reaches the focus before the third turn, fires immediately at 50% [Power]




Forum Name: NPC
Character Name: Ashuri
Character Origin: Rabi-ribi
Appearance: Linky
HP: 70
Energy: 50/160
Death Counter: -1
Wins: 4
Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 4
  • Graze: 9
  • Charge: 14
  • Lust for Research[3]: Ashuri gains a stack of Knowledge every time she successfully Researches the opponent with her Shots. Each stack of Knowledge lowers the amount of energy required to use bombs by 2, bombs may not cost less than 20 energy

Discernment Laser (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 12
  • Rate: 12
  • Spread: 4
  • Research[2]: Side hits lower the opponent’s Graze by 3 next turn and grant a stack of Knowledge

Discovery Rings (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 8
  • Rate: 12
  • Spread: 8
  • Research[2]: Side hits lower the opponent’s Graze by 3 next turn and grant a stack of Knowledge

Peeping Grid (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 4
  • Rate: 12
  • Spread: 12
  • Research[2]: Side hits lower the opponent’s Graze by 3 next turn and grant a stack of Knowledge

Stardash (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 1
  • Rate: 7
  • Spread: 14
  • Witch’s Broom [8]: Moves Ashuri to the adjusted focus at the end of the turn.

Redirect Beam (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 10
  • Rate: 7
  • Spread: 6
  • Redirect[7]: Far grazes must be grazed a second time as direct attacks

White Peony (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 6
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 6
  • Tickled[8]: Each hit steals Charge/2 Energy from the opponent

Research Sigil (Bomb) [40]

  • Cost: 80
  • Power: 11
  • Rate: 18
  • Spread: 8
  • Research[2]: Side hits lower the opponent’s Graze by 3 next turn and grant a stack of Knowledge
  • Beam[1]: Deals 1.3x damage on direct hits

Rainbow Star Blast (Bomb) [75]

  • Cost: 115
  • Power: 30
  • Rate: 24
  • Spread: 10
  • Violation[11]: Gains +2 Power for every stack of Knowledge Ashuri has




Forum Name: NPC

Character Name: Caliber

Character Origin: TTGVerse

Appearance: Light pinkish skin. Jagged grey hair combed over to the right, covering that eye with her bangs, and with a red streak running through said bangs. Her visible eye is narrow and grey, shifting to red when she's doing "delinquent" things such as being lying or being violent. Tends to chew gum when she can get her hands on it. Rather tall. Small, rounded nose but sharp chin and cheeks. She wears a pair of jeans shorts made by imprecisely tearing off the legs of a pair of jeans, what once upon a time could have been considered a labcoat before she tore off enough that it barely reached her waist and had short sleeves, a pair of grey ankle boots with a small extended heel over red socks, and grey fingerless gloves.

HP: 50

Energy: 50/150

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 0


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 0
  • Graze: 20
  • Charge: 10
  • Energy Casing[0]: May spend Energy to add to the Power of her shots. Costs 3 Energy per 1 Power, maxing out at 45 Energy/15 Power

Bullet Storm(Shot) [30]

  • Power: 5
  • Rate: 15
  • Spread: 10
  • Rapid Barrage[0]: Increase Power by 1 with each successive hit

Energy Rocket (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 9
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 6
  • Rabbit Power[5]: If hit by this attack, the opponent can move one less space next turn. Focus can only adjust one space to either side instead of the usual two

Rabbit Sign: Mystical Eye of Insanity (Bomb) [60]

  • Cost: 100
  • Power: 15
  • Rate: 3
  • Spread: 4
  • Effect[25]: Reduces the enemy’s Graze by [Power] for [Rate] turns or until they take 1+[Spread] hits (does not cancel until the end of the turn in the case of hits).




Forum Name: NPC

Character Name: Nibiiro

Character Origin: Jigoku Kisetsukan

Appearance: Linky

HP: 75

Energy: 124/170

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 1


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 5

  • Graze: 5

  • Charge: 20

  • Zeta Reticulan[0]: Nibiiro can spend 100 Energy to reduce her Death Counter by 1

Alien Beam (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 15

  • Rate: 10

  • Spread: 5

  • Beam[0]: Deals 1.3x damage on direct hits

Robo Beam (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 8

  • Rate: 10

  • Spread: 12

  • Beam[0]: Deals 1.3x damage on direct hits

Nibiru Cataclysm (Bomb) [90]

  • Cost: 130

  • Power: 30

  • Rate: 30

  • Spread: 14

  • Beam[1]: Deals 1.3x damage on direct hits

  • Planet Buster[15]: [Power] is added to [Rate]


Khan Fusaad


Forum Name: NPC

Character Name: Khan Fusaad

Character Origin: Danmaku World

Appearance: A suit of heavy plate armor that may or may not have a person inside it

HP: 175

Energy: 46/140

Death Counter: -2

Wins: 0


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 25
  • Graze: 0
  • Charge: 5
  • Armored[0]: Mitigates 10 damage each turn but reduce move by 1

Armor Up (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 10
  • Rate: 4
  • Spread: 8
  • Increased Armor[8]: Increase Armored bonus by [Power] for [Rate] turns or until 5[Spread] damage has been mitigated. Cannot stack with itself.

Armor Bash (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 16
  • Rate: 6
  • Spread: 8
  • Heavy Armor[0]: While Armor Up is active, deals 2x damage on direct hits

Armor Repair (Bomb) [60]

  • Cost: 100
  • Power: 16
  • Rate: 8
  • Spread: 8
  • Smelting[8]: Increases power by 2 for every 5 missing HP
  • Repairs[20]: Fully Restores HP. Cannot be used more than once per battle.


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Forum Name: NPC
Character Name: Kanon Fadar
Character Origin: Danmaku World
Appearance: A cyborg cowgirl in her late teens. Brown hair, one brown eye, and one glowing orange robot eye. Wears a plaid button-up shirt with long sleeves, blue jeans, and brown cowboy boots. Also a pink cowboy hat with a gold star on it, because we gotta go full cliche. Her left hand is made entirely of metal.
HP: 110
Energy: 17/142
Death Counter: Ded
Wins: 0
Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 12
  • Graze: 12
  • Charge: 6
  • Hawkeye[0]: Enemies have -5 Graze

Desert Eagle (Shot) [34]

  • Power: 22
  • Rate: 6
  • Spread: 8
  • Reload[0]: +6 stats but can only be used every other turn

 Rocket Kick (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 12
  • Rate: 6
  • Spread: 11
  • Explosive[1]: If hit by this attack, the opponent can move one less space next turn

Deadeye (Bomb) [60]

  • Cost: 125
  • Power: 12
  • Rate: 3
  • Spread: 15
  • Lock-On[20]: Grants a buff for [Rate] turns or [Power] hits (whichever comes first) that causes all shots fired to be side hits/grazes so long as the opponent is within their spread area. Costs 40-[Spread] extra Energy.


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Forum Name: kj1225

Character Name: Sheriff

Character Origin: Nuclear Throne

Appearance: An average sized humanoid. It's not clear whether he's a human or even something that can be identified as male or female beyond the fact that their voice sounds male. His body is covered by a grey duster while his face and head is obscured by an oddly familiar blue bandanna and a cowboy hat with a sheriff's star on the front. On the off chance that one gets a peak under the duster, his clothes consist of black jeans and a blue button down shirt.

HP: 105

Energy: 50/154 [Energy persists across fights]

Death Counter: -4

Wins: 0

Stats: [Your stats are separated between character and shots, each having their own individual pools of points. You begin with two shots and one bomb, and may gain more with time. Each individual stat is capped at 30]

Character Stats [30]

Health: 11

Graze: 7

Charge: 12

Effect: IDPD Personal Portal Generator: Can move from Tile 1 to Tile 40 and vise versa for free.

Machine Gun (Shot) [30]

Power: 11

Rate: 5

Spread: 6

Effect: (8) Ballistic: Direct hits cannot be grazed.

Heavy Crossbow (Shot) [30]

Power: 24

Rate: 3

Spread: 2

Effect: Bolt Marrow[1]: When adjusting, focus automatically shifts two spaces closer to the opponent

Super Plasma Cannon (Bomb) [90]

Cost: 130

Power: 30

Rate: 25

Spread: 10

Plasma[25]: If the first attack misses completely (including by being grazed), fires again at 2x [Spread] and 50% [Power]. If the second attack misses, fires a third time at 3x [Spread] and 25% [Power]

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Sheriff is accepted. Working on adding some example effects to the OP just below the system explanation


EDIT: Also noticed a slight issue thing with Bombs. Effects that would otherwise cost 0 now cost 1 for them to make up for the lowered value of taking up an effect slot on bombs

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I have decided to join this Hell because why the frick not.



Forum Name: GodofGamingRWBY
Character Name: Yuuki Terumi
Character Origin: Blazblue [Aberration]
Appearance: Link

Leitmotif: Endless Despair

HP: 45
Energy: 50/160
Death Counter: -2
Wins: 0

Character Stats [30]
Health: 10
Graze: 5
Charge: 15
Self Observation[0]: Upon surviving his death roll, Terumi can spend 10 energy to prevent himself from accumulating a Death Counter. Each time this ability is used, however, the cost increases by 10 and number of Death Counters accumulated if this ability is not used increases by 1.

Wrath of the Basilisk (Shot) [30]
Power: 6
Rate: 10
Spread: 6
Energy Siphon [8]: Each hit steals [Charge]/2 Energy from the opponent.

Serpent’s Laceration (Shot) [30]
Power: 1
Rate: 17
Spread: 4
Energy Siphon [8]: Each hit steals [Charge]/2 Energy from the opponent.

Roar of the Mad King (Bomb) [85]
Cost: 125
Power: 30
Rate: 30
Spread: 10

Inevitable Calamity [15]: [Power] is added to [Rate].


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Terumi is accepted (Note: Blazblue doesn't normally count as danmaku, but GoGRWBY convinced me to let this character specifically through)


EDIT: More changes

  • Homing nerfed to one space to better come in line with Focused
  • Accuracy buffed to not be garbo
  • You now have to start between spaces 10 and 30, this way people don't have to spend three turns moving into each other by accidentally starting on opposite sides of the board and prevent characters focused on high spread shots from winning outright in the early game

-9/2/17- (No changes made to the OP/program as of this posting)

  • Nerfed far Graze multiplier to 3.5
  • Nerfed Restoration and Restoration analogues to cost 100 Energy. I originally designed it under the assumption that a 15-20 Charge character wouldn't be able to survive the 2-3 turns with hits needed to nullify the loss accumulated. I was very much wrong about this. Now a Restoration character will have a much harder time choosing between using a Bomb to attempt a win and saving their Energy to negate a loss. Also it's now impossible to double-restore off of one fight, which is something I didn't consider when originally designing the effect. (Despite the similar purpose, I won't be changing Self Observation.)
  • Self-Healing nerfed to only activate on turns where there are hits. No one should ever getting anything for hiding in a corner
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Here you go.



Forum Name: Noir 

Character Name: Suwabe Akemi

Character Origin: Danmaku World

Appearance: Dressed in garbs of royal Romanian colors of white, red and gold. Wears a leather mask for depth perception. Basically he's this guy

HP: 45 Health

Energy: 50/138


Death Counter: -2

Wins: 0


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 10
  • Graze: 10
  • Charge: 4
  • Death in Four Acts [6]: Whenever Akemi lands a successful hit with a shot or bomb, he gains a stack of Inspiration, stacking accumulatively up to 4 times. Each stack of inspiration grants Akemi with +4 Graze. If any of Akemi’s shots directly hit, he gains two stacks of Inspiration instead. Inspiration stacks refresh and maintain with successive hits. If Akemi fails to land a hit for 3 turns, he loses all his gained stacks of Inspiration.

Whisper (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 24
  • Rate: 0
  • Spread: 1
  • Caught Out [5]:Upon inflicting a direct attack, his next shot gains +5 rate and Akemi moves an additional space next round.  

Curtain Call (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 12
  • Rate: 4
  • Spread: 11
  • Execution [3]: Deal 1.3x damage on direct shots. Reduce the movement of the target by -1 the next round. 

Captive Audience (Bomb) [80]

  • Cost: 120
  • Power: 30
  • Rate: 4
  • Spread: 30
  • Wave [8]:  Hits everywhere within its spread area at halved [Power] and [Rate].
  • Beauty in Death [8]: Captive Audience deals double damage on a direct strike, and always deals double damage whenever he possesses full Inspiration stacks. 
Edited by Noir
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Sheet here eventually



Forum Name: King Murdoc
Character Name: Torakuma Shinobu
Character Origin: Touhou
Appearance: White hair and yellow eyes, middling height, has a runner's build. Her hair is about waist-length and straight, largely left to do whatever it damn well pleases after it's been cleaned and brushed. Also wears a broad rice hat with holes cut in it to allow her two horns to poke through the top; they're each set a bit less than 45 degrees off from straight up and just shy of a foot long. She wears a dark skirt slightly over knee length and dark shorts underneath it (no upskirts for you), alongside a lighter brown vest and a white shirt. Her knuckles are callused and tough. She has slightly clawed finger- and toenails. 
HP: 27
Energy: 50/148 [Energy persists across fights]
Death Counter: -1
Theme: Stand Unrivaled
Wins: 0


Character Stats [30]


  • Health: 4
  • Graze: 14
  • Charge: 9
  • In the Zone [3]: Gain [Charge+5] instead of [Charge/2+5] energy when grazing. 


Lightning Burst (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 5
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 10
  • Shock and Awe [5]: Automatically shifts focus one space closer to opponent when adjusting. If this hits, opponent can move one less space next turn. 


Earthshatter (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 7
  • Rate: 10
  • Spread: 6
  • Groundbreaking [7]: Opponent can't move into a space where this attack hit. 


Torakuma Five-Step Fist! (Bomb) [40] (Please modify the bomb’s stat total based on changes made to cost)

  • Cost: 80
  • Power: 22
  • Rate: 12
  • Spread: 4
  • Melee [1]: Deals double damage on direct hit, but nullifies far hits. 
  • Homing [1]: Automatically shifts focus one space closer to opponent when adjusting.
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Forum Name: Noir  

Character Name: Suwabe Akemi 

Character Origin: League 
You can't be from Leeg-land, if you want to play a Leeg charrie you need to make an expy of them into Danmaku World
Appearance: Dressed in garbs of royal Romanian colors of white, red and gold. Wears a leather mask for depth perception. Basically he's this guy.  

HP: 45 Health 

Energy: 50/130

Death Counter: -1 
Both of these are wrong. You have 10 Health and 4 Charge
Wins: 0 


Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 10
  • Graze: 10
  • Charge: 4
  • Death in Four Acts [6]: Whenever Akemi lands a successful shot, he gains a stack of Inspiration, stacking accumulatively up to 4 times. Each stack of inspiration grants Akemi with +4 Graze. If any of Akemi’s shots directly hit, he gains two stacks of Inspiration instead.  Where'd the dropoff go? :/

Whisper (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 24
  • Rate: 0
  • Spread: 1
  • Caught Out [5]:Upon inflicting a direct attack, Whisper gains +5 rate and Akemi moves an additional space next round. I'm pretty sure this isn't how I okayed this effect. Just have it proc for whatever you use next round

Curtain Call (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 12
  • Rate: 4
  • Spread: 10
  • Execution [6]: Reduce one space from the target’s movement next turn. Inflict 1.5* Power instead if the target is at 20 health or less. This is a really weird shift that I'd rather not deal with. Also 20 HP varies greatly in what percentage of HP it is

Captive Audience (Bomb) [80]

  • Cost: 120
  • Power: 30
  • Rate: 4
  • Spread: 30
  • Wave [4]:  Hits everywhere within its spread area at quartered [Power] and [Rate]. The cost of this likely wouldn't scale down in proportion to the damage, and Wave is hard enough to fail to balance as it is. Also if you're going to change something, please rename it
  • Beauty in Death [12]: Captive Audience attacks once more upon killing a target or when Akemi possesses full Inspiration stacks, inflicting half of its original damage. Beauty in Death will not occur twice if Akemi meets both criteria. The fights here are entirely 1v1s
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Forum Name: Twinwolf

Character Name: Torakuma Rei

Character Origin: Touhou

Appearance: Rei has white hair and red eyes, with shoulder length and rather curly hair under a red beret (that has holes in the top for her rather large horns). She tends to wear a red shirt with a white vest, and an equally red skirt (and similar to her sister, shorts to prevent upskirts). 


HP: 36

Energy: 50/146 [Energy persists across fights]

Death Counter: -1

Wins: 0

Stats: [Your stats are separated between character and shots, each having their own individual pools of points. You begin with two shots and one bomb, and may gain more with time. Each individual stat is capped at 30]

Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 7 Increases your HP, allowing you to survive more hits. Every ten HP lowers your initial Death Counter by 1

  • Graze: 15  Increases your chance of avoiding an attack made to your space. Grazing can help you charge faster

  • Charge: 8  Directly affects how quickly your Bombs charge. Each point of charge also grants two more max Energy

  • Accuracy[0]: Enemies have -5 Graze


Magic Missile Spam (Shot) [30] -

  • Power: 10

  • Rate: 9

  • Spread: 8

  • Inescapable [3]: Focus shifts 1 space closer to the target, and one Graze each turn becomes a hit (prioritizing Direct > Side > Far)


Shockwave (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 10

  • Rate: 6

  • Spread: 6

  • Effect: Wave (8) (Hits all spaces in spread area with half [Power] and [Rate]


Beaaaaaams!!! (Bomb) [70] (Please modify the bomb’s stat total based on changes made to cost)

  • Cost: 110

  • Power: 25

  • Rate: 26

  • Spread: 10

  • Beam (1) (1.3x damage on direct hits)

  • Ballistic (8) (Direct hits cannot be grazed)


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The Torakuma sisters are accepted


Akemi is accepted


Fixed some numbers things with Sheriff and Suguri


Also I've been unclear about how homing worked but I'm changing it slightly. It now procs after your focus adjusts rather than instead of it


For those who aren't aware, I've got a big theme-tracking doc here. If you've got a character theme in mind you can go to the non-Lexi misc page and add them. Just be sure to tag it with [LS2hu, playername]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Secondary character for Bullet Hell.



Forum Name: GodofGamingRWBY
Character Name: Sakuya Izayoi
Character Origin: Touhou
Appearance: Link

HP: 27
Energy: 50/140
Death Counter: -1
Wins: 0



Character Stats [30]

  • Health: 4
  • Graze: 17
  • Charge: 5
  • Time Freeze [4]: Sakuya is capable of canceling a single hit each turn, prioritizing Direct Hits, then Side Hits, and finally Far Hits. Sakuya also gains [Charge] whenever this effect activates.


Knife Throw (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 16
  • Rate: 8
  • Spread: 5
  • Focused [1]: Focus can only adjust one space to either side instead of the usual two.


Bouncing Knives (Shot) [30]

  • Power: 13
  • Rate: 7
  • Spread: 5
  • Ricochet [5]: Hits need to be grazed twice to count as a graze.


Sakuya’s World (Bomb) [45]

  • Cost: 85 Energy
  • Power: 0
  • Rate: 0
  • Spread: 0
  • ZA WARUDO[45]: Sakuya is able to automatically fire off two shots, with two different focuses.


Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Since fights are mostly over I've got more info to judge balance by.


Game balance:

  • HP base and scaling are being massively buffed. Base HP is now 50 from 15 and scaling is now 5*Health from 3*Health. 30 Health now puts you at 200 HP from 105 HP
    • I've been wrestling with a buff for HP since before the RP began. The low base meant that without solid investment you were getting bopped at the slightest touch, which I felt fit the concept of danmaku and thus took measures to balance around. But Health, although requiring at least some investment was clearly inferior to Graze defensively. And with most turns dealing 20-30 damage, good turns heading up towards 70-90, average HP being 45 really doesn't cut it at all. 50 base HP means investing in Health is no longer required to not shoot yourself in the foot and the increased scaling will help make Health more worthwhile elsewise.
    • I'll be reevaluating effects related to Health, HP, and Death Counters in response to this change.
    • Due to fights naturally going longer, I'll be looking to rebalance Charge slightly in the future. The goal will be a buff to high charge but a nerf to average and low charge.
  • Melee is being nerfed. Instead of canceling Far hits it now instead deals 50% damage on Side and Far hits
    • Far hits are rare enough that the current melee is effectively a better Beam unless the opponent has terrible Graze. Taking away damage from Side hits as well as Far gives it a much riskier cost.
  • Self-Healing now heals for [Charge] from [Charge]/2.
  • Homing now procs before your focus adjusts instead of after, this way if you aim directly at someone it doesn't end up functionally the same as Focused (and thus still superior for the same cost)
  • Damage is now flat Power from Power+1. 0 Power shots don't hurt anymore so you'll have to dip at least 1 point to make them do so.


Character balance:

  • Suguri SP's Counter no longer gives Energy
  • Akemi's Death in Four Acts falls off immediately upon failing to land an attack
  • Mokou's Phoenix Revive now costs 60 Energy from 40
  • Mokou's Spontaneous Human combustion now scales based on maxHP rather than a flat value. It is now maxHP/([Spread]/2) from 15-[Spread]
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