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Jess' mono-Delta run of Pokemon Insurgence (in Hard mode)! [Latest Defeated Leader: Xavier]


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Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: Deploy the Delta forces in Torren region! [Current Chapter]

Chapter 2: Early Delta struggles!

Chapter 3: Burn scars will take long to heal... [vs Orion]

Chapter 4: Villages and Forests! [vs Xavier]

Chapter 5: Caves and Deserts-AI is dumb!


Chapter 1: Deploy the Delta forces in Torren region!


Hello everyone!

After taking a couple of weeks off to enjoy my summer (and the sea), I decided to put my Rejuvenation run on hiatus because Pokemon Insurgence got finished! So, I'd like to start by thanking Suzerain and everyone who worked to create this amazing game!

I had a save file of it, but decided to just start over from scratch, and do a run using only the Delta forms that are provided in the game! And, of course, in the highest difficulty option: Hard mode.


So... Sit back, grab popcorn... And enjoy the ride!


In the first scene, we fly together with some Wingulls and a Pelipper, admiring Torren Region from above... It is truly amazing to see a fangame having this kind of an animation!




Then, a blond guy informs us that, in Torren region there aren't criminal organizations, but Cults that serve some unique purpose and have some different goal each. So, expect the stuff to get quite dark at some point of the game! Choosing to play with the Darker version of the story contributes to that. Turns out that the blond guy is the second Augur, the strongest trainer and Leader of the region. The first Augur has recently gone missing, while trying to disband some of the Cults. He had already disbanded 5 out of the 10 Cults that existed in Torren region, so he must've been a great man!




Our story begins with us taking a nice, long nap... On a slightly uncomfortable bed, but somebody is talking to us as we sleep... Of course, I remember my name! I'm a female, and my name is Herenya. Weird name? Hey, it means Jessica in the language of the elves, sod off!

OK mum, I will wake up, Jesus Christ... Hey, wha... IS THAT GENGAR DOING NAUGHTY THINGS TO ME?!!! Game hasn't started yet and I am being molested, perfect... At least wait for the Gym Leaders to do that to me!




Thank God a Mew (ever told you how much I love this cute lil thing?) comes in and scares Gengar to death.




But, before that happened, the cultists-in-dark-robes that were waiting for Gengar to finish erasing my memories (via Dream Eater) left, after Persephone, a platinum haired beauty, told them that the sacrifice ritual would start soon.






So, I am free to escape now, with Mew in my party! We're already buddies, despite of it claiming to be undecided about whether travelling with me is a good idea or not. I'll call it Aether. And it will be the only non-Delta Pokemon I will use in this run. My first friend :) 



Aether, the Mew

Shiny: No (Item: None)

Lvl. 65

Ability: Synchronize

  • Psychic
  • Barrier
  • Ancient Power
  • Amnesia


So, while roaming in this weird Cult base, I collect healing items that might turn out to be useful (I hope not before I escape) and read some books that reveal that this is the Darkrai Cult. There is also the Abyssal Cult, Infernal Cult, Sky Cult and "Perfection". Each Cult worships a certain Legendary. And the ritual we will soon attend is to summon Darkrai... But, before that, we get informed by a letter that Mew was holding, that, our mysterious "benefactor" sent Mew to help us by using his Transform ability to disguise us and sneak us away from danger!




That's why, we collect some blood from the scene of the previous Darkrai-summoning sacrifice... Blood of a Darkrai cultist that got sacrificed! And then, Mew Transforms us into him! Mew even managed to get us the same outfit as his! I didn't know Transform could do that!




Soon after, a Darkrai cultist gets sacrificed by Persephone, and miraculously Darkrai arrives!




We attend silently in our cultist disguise. Probably Mew is invisible to everyone else, because nobody wondered why is there a damn Mew strolling around the corridors of their base!

However, when Persephone asks it to join the Cult that worships it and do "great things together", it just decided to "poof", hence rejecting her offer... Probably a Legendary doesn't care about "doing great things", such as enslaving people and making them bow to a Cult's power... Persephone assumes that Darkrai went off to Selene City to hang out with her sister... She might be a Gym leader... We'll find out later!




And then, in her fury and disappointment for the failed attempt to befriend/enslave Darkrai, she murders a couple grunts that suggested to try again, using Fire Blast by her Houndoom... I reckon Persephne is a Dark type user! Just a hunch...




I decide not to be the next person that gets turned into a barbeque by Cerberus, and flee ASAP, heading through Shade Forest towards the nearest Town, in the South. Telnor Town that is!




As soon as Mew and I arrive, Mew hands me a Quartz Flute and another note, which explains that, if I need to summon Mew for any reason (e.g. to Transform me into someone), I can use this flute! So, it is some kind of ninja weaponry!




Then, Mew vanishes, to my great disappointment... But let's be honest, I wasn't expecting a Lvl. 65 Mew to stick around with me so early in the game! However, a silver-haired guy, Damien, notices the Mew and asks if he saw correctly.




I don't deny it, and he then invites me to the Town Hall, where they get ready to welcome the second Augur, who is coming to their small town for a visit!


1st part: Holy Mew and Darkrai Cult escapade!


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I roam around Telnor Town a bit, and find that there is a Pokemon Professor here! She is called Professor Sylvan, and has already given Eevees to most kids of the Town. 




However, since the whole Town is busy awaiting the Augur's imminent arrival, she refuses to give me a Pokemon yet... So... Town Hall it is! When we get there, we meet Damian again. He is with his dad and his foster mother, who is adamant that Damian is irresponsible and can't raise a Pokemon on his own. However, Damian has forgotten to get a present for the Augur and he has to get a Pokemon to keep him safe as he goes in search for a present in the nearby Forest and Cave. So, I'm assigned with the mission of accompanying him! So, off to Professor Sylvan's Lab to get our Eevees! Or not?




At the Lab, Sylvan is talking with the leader of the Cult of Perfection, who came to leave three weak Delta Pokemon to her, as failed experimental results of his cult... In honour of their old friendship, Sylvan accepts and gives us the chance to pick either an Eevee, or one of the three Delta Pokemons he left! After she explains to us the concept of Delta Pokemon...




So, we have to pick among a Dark/Fighting Delta Squirtle, a Psychic/Fairy Delta Bulbasaur and a BADASS AS HELL Dragon/Ghost Delta Charmander. Meet the new member of our team...



Lucifer, the Delta Charmander (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 7

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Scratch
  • Growl
  • Twister


Sadly, my excitement was short lived, since Damian wanted to have a spar! And Dark/Fighting Delta Squirtle with Pursuit proved to be a tough opponent for Poor old Lucifer...




Guess I'll need Damian's protection and not vice versa... But oh well! It's only the beginning! So, off we go North, to Shade Forest again, where we grind a bit and defeat some trainers. I nearly get destroyed by a Patrat which Bites. And by a Sand-Attacking Aipom (God, that was annoying...). So, after a lot of back-and-forths to the Poke-Centre of Telnor, we cleared shade Forest! Time to head even more to the North and go find Damian in the Telnor Cave, to finally collect a present for the Augur and return!


2nd Part: Delta Charmander brings forth the darkness!


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We will do that in the next chapter though...

Till then, enjoy everyone! ;):) 


The team so far:


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  On 9/1/2017 at 5:32 AM, Yagami said:

Good luck.Hard mode of insurgence is going to be tough.Now I can see some delta pokemons I didn't use.


Thank you! I'll try to update it daily, if work allows it! :) Hard mode makes it properly difficult, yes!


  On 9/1/2017 at 5:43 AM, Pμrple said:

I lost to damian on the first try yoo ,  you need to be lucky with twister to make him flinch :) 


Lol, yes... Even with Delta Charmander at level 7 and Squirtle at 5, Pursuit is just too much to handle if you don't get flinch-hacks!


  On 9/1/2017 at 7:10 AM, HellBoyOnEarth said:

No, we just saw your profile picture with this cute lil thing :);)



Mew is love, Mew is life :) 


  On 9/1/2017 at 7:19 AM, Wolfox said:

Good luck. early game delta's will be few and far between, but once you reach a certain point you could be swimming in them (PS, keep a dragon type just in case ;))


Thanks Wolfox! Yes, indeed, early game is a bit of a struggle, since I can only get like 3-4 Deltas before reaching Orion. I reckon that the Dragon is needed for a trade, where someone offers a Delta for any Dragon. I have caught the Axew, so I'm keeping it boxed till that time comes! I also have my Delta Charmeleon now, but I'm not dumb enough to give him away! xD

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I actually named my Delta Mander 2D. Cuz it looks like he has two dents in his head where his eyes are, and in the Gorillaz lore that's what their lead singer (2D) has, resulting in his black eyes (he has 2 8-ball fractures thanks to murdoc driving one car into his skull and murdoc launching him out of a second car)

Like this: ap,550x550,12x12,1,transparent,t.u1.png

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  On 9/1/2017 at 8:10 AM, Pμrple said:

You should rename your delta charizard into... you know.. GoT ;) 


If he could learn Frost Breath, I'd name him Viserion... xD


  On 9/1/2017 at 8:13 AM, Wolfox said:

I actually named my Delta Mander 2D. Cuz it looks like he has two dents in his head where his eyes are, and in the Gorillaz lore that's what their lead singer (2D) has, resulting in his black eyes (he has 2 8-ball fractures thanks to murdoc driving one car into his skull and murdoc launching him out of a second car)

Like this: ap,550x550,12x12,1,transparent,t.u1.png


That's quite a unique name! I like it! You could name him 3D, cause he has another hole in the tummy where the devilish flame burns... ;) 


  On 9/1/2017 at 8:33 AM, LykosHand said:

Good luck Jess for your adventure on Insurgence ;). Will you use some delta mons like in your ex team?

This is a secret: i never play Insurgence, but i have always watch it xD. I am a bad person, i know lol


Thanks Lykos! Of course, first and foremost, Delta Charmander is what I picked in my first playthrough too... ;) 

Then play it already! :P

No worries though, I've never played Desolation and Full Moon, but I want to play them when I finish with Rejuvenation and Insurgence :) 

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  On 9/1/2017 at 8:42 AM, Jess said:

Thanks Lykos! Of course, first and foremost, Delta Charmander is what I picked in my first playthrough too... ;) 

Then play it already! :P

No worries though, I've never played Desolation and Full Moon, but I want to play them when I finish with Rejuvenation and Insurgence :) 


You're welcome :D Okay very well ;) 
Yeah you're right, i will play it one day :)
Ah i see, i suggest you try Desolation before doing Full Moon (and there will also be episode 5 on February on Desolation, if will there aren't problems :)

I have to say that i prefer some delta mons sprites than the original ones :D 

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  On 9/1/2017 at 10:50 AM, Neco said:

Good luck with your run. I started Insurgence just for fun too and man, do the developers discriminate Squirtle early on xD


Thank you! :)  I'm not eager to face that Delta Squirtle again! Even though, when it happens I will have a few more aces up my sleeve! I guess Delta Blastoise is not much different than facing a Scrafty... ;) 

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  On 9/1/2017 at 10:50 AM, Neco said:

Good luck with your run. I started Insurgence just for fun too and man, do the developers discriminate Squirtle early on xD


Suesrain (not sure if that's the correct spelling) has actually stated that over the full game, Squirtle is probably the worst starter

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  On 9/1/2017 at 1:11 PM, Wolfox said:

Suesrain (not sure if that's the correct spelling) has actually stated that over the full game, Squirtle is probably the worst starter


Dunno why Suzerain said this, to be honest. Delta Blastoise has Nasty Plot, Iron Defence to set up and also Vaccum Wave for priority, Aura Sphere and Dark Pulse, and even Focus Blast (unreliable but hits extremely hard). It is a much bulkier Special Scrafty. It also has far less weaknesses than Delta Charizard, the moveset of which favours Attacking moves (through D.Dance), but has better Special Attack.


I think Delta Charizard is slightly weaker than the three, but it all depends on how you use them, since they serve different roles.

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it's most likely due to Squirtle being 4x weak to delta Bulbasaur, which I believe suzerain dubbed the best of the 3. making Charizard the one in the middle due to him having some more weaknesses but also better offensive possibilities later on. like once you get Shadow Ball and Dragon Breath is usually over for your opponents

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I can only talk up to Delta Dwebble, but having just a Delta Squirtle (even as Wartortle) makes many of the early Game Trainers with  their fairies (sometimes each second trainer) a pain in the ass. I guess Squirtle requires something in your Team to counter those fairies, if you want to keep your sanity

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  On 9/1/2017 at 1:25 PM, FairFamily said:

The thing with mega deltazard is that it sets its own weather which is a huge tactical advanatage especially against other weather teams. Also the abundance of dragon legendarys makes draco meteor a fanatastic option.


I agree with this. Mega Delta Charizard is just a Delta version of Mega Charizard Y.


  On 9/1/2017 at 1:41 PM, Neco said:

I can only talk up to Delta Dwebble, but having just a Delta Squirtle (even as Wartortle) makes many of the early Game Trainers with  their fairies (sometimes each second trainer) a pain in the ass. I guess Squirtle requires something in your Team to counter those fairies, if you want to keep your sanity


With Delta Charmander it is just the same, you are a Dragon and weak to Fairies, and it's a pain in the ass indeed... :( Of course, nothing compared with an early 4x weakness...

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 2: Early Delta struggles!


So, after ages of me not updating, it is time for me to get back into it! (Anyone bored to read can go right into 3rd, 4th and 5th Part, in order to watch the videos :))

Ahem, so first of all, after battling our way through Telnor Cave, Lucifer (my Delta Charmander) and I meet again with Damian, who scolds us about being slow :o, and we happen to overhear two cultists, one silver-haired dressed in blue (presumably Abyssal Cult) and one red-haired dressed in red (could that be Infernal Cult?!) planning the assassination of the second Augur, which is going to be performed by two Cultists, "armed to the brink with the strongest of Pokemon" . Of course, we have to stop this, even though it is obvious that something's fishy about the second Augur. If he's THAT strong and lawful, why does he need to brainwash an entire region into propaganda, like the cultists mentioned about him? Anyways, this could just be the lies of two criminals, so Damian and I run together back to Telnor Town.

By the way, let's have a small moment to thank the game for not getting me to walk through Telnor Cave and Shade Forest without Repels again, thank you dear game.

Soon after, there we are at Telnor Town, and we go straight to Town Hall, where the Augur has arrived!

We waste no time, and Damian shouts(!) in front of the Augur and everyone else that someone wants to murder him. Good job Damian, now the assassins know that we know! I hope that Damian's habit of shouting when he should keep it quiet won't get him into trouble in the future. :( 


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But anyways, the assassins are dumb enough to reveal themselves, Damian is dumb enough to fight them to save the Augur, even when it is obvious that if the Augur is half as strng as they say, he'll have no problem to defeat two cultists, even if they are "armed with the strongest of pokemon"!

Eh, so... We get dragged into it, and forced to battle an Abyssal Cultist, while Damian takes (I suppose) the Infernal Cultist...




My team was the following one-(poke)man army:



Lucifer, the Delta Charmander (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 12

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Scratch
  • Growl
  • Twister
  • Confuse Ray


Turns out that the "strongest of Pokemon" is a level 12 Skrelp. No problem for Lucifer in his mightyness! I'll confuse it and kill it easily with Twisters.... WHAT THE HELL! This mother-trucker knows Feint Attack! OK, change of plans. We will Growl it till Feint Attack does nothing, then kill it! Luckily, Lucifer Growls, then survives with 1 HP another Feint Attack (Confuse Ray does jack $h1t) and then we heal. A few more Growls, Twisters and flinches later and it is dead.

The second strongest of all pokemon is a level 13 Horsea, which goes down much easier, managing only to Smokescreen and go down to 2 consecutive flinches by Twisters.

Augur is saved and magically "transfers the cultists to Helios City, to have a fair trial". By using an incantation. "Vinculorum mortae". My latin isn't perfect, but "mortae" has something to do with death... 

Well, RIP them. Something's indeed fishy about this Augur... He's a murderer. And he leaves, after inviting me and Damian to Helios City to meet him again.

So, Damian and I start our journey, by racing to Midna Town, the nearest Town, to register and attend the Trainer's School, to hone our skills!


In the process, we battle some more trainers, I find one more reason to loathe Jigglypuff, we find Midna Garden, and Lucifer evolves! Also, we find a Hiker who wants a Totodile in exchange for the rarest of his 'mons, which might be a Delta! I'll return here. When we finally reach our destination, Midna Town, our one-man army looks like:



Lucifer, the Delta Charmeleon (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 16

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Growl
  • Twister
  • Confuse Ray

This was a much-needed power boost! 


3rd Part: Rescuing Augur and reaching Midna Town!


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After that, I decided that enough was enough, and my Lucifer shouldn't be lonely any longer. That was my decision when I found him outside Midna's Pokemon Centre singing this (in this exact voice as in video):


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So, it was time for me to claim my Mystery Gift(s). It turned out to be a gorgeous Delta Munchlax! And the Book of Leaves, to change her appearance when I want to! 



Viva Aldia, the Delta Munchlax (Female) (The name is Gaia at first, but I changed it later, when I realised I could do that in traded 'mons too)

Typing: Grass 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 5


  • Absorb
  • Rototiller

After exploring the Town, I got to the Trainer's School and signed myself up! I caught up with Damian, met some more obnoxious students and also registered for the Trainer's School Tournament, after talking with the teacher. However, she told that we'd have to wait for Nora, the reigning school champion, to arrive before we could get started with the Tournament... Which meant that I had to go search for her. Into the menacing Midna Mine!

There, I did some grinding, and soon, my Delta Munchlax evolved into a mighty Delta Snorlax! After some more battling versus Trainers as we dug deeper into the Midna Mine, in search for Nora, got Viva Aldia to catch up with Lucifer in levels!


4th Part: Exploring Midna Town and Mine


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Soon after, we eventually found Nora training with her... Celebi! More specifically, she had Celebi use Tesseract on 4 fossils and successfully Revived Kabutops, Omastar, Armaldo and Bastiodon, which was a bit scary for a moment, till she had Celebi use Tesseract again, hence returned them to the prehistoric time when they lived and thrived.

She was scared to realise that I watched all of it at first, but then Aether, my Mew decided to appear and have a playdate with Nora's Celebi! As Nora explained, she was chosen by Celebi like I was chosen by Mew, two of the legendary pixies. She also let me know about an ancient Torren prophecy. This prophecy says that a person chosen by an Illusory Legendary Pokemon (e.g. Hoopa, Celebi, Victini, Mew, etc.) would be the one to find and defeat the Cults. That's why she keeps it a secret that she was chosen by Celebi, and trains in secret as well!

First Augur was chosen by Hoopa and defeated half of the Cults singlehandedly, but vanished. Then Jaern appeared and became the Second Augur. Jaern doesn't seem to have such connection with any Illusory Legendary Pokemon. Finally, before we remind Nora of the Tournament, she stresses the importance of not letting anyone know that Mew has chosen me. That's the reason it hasn't joined my team, to protect me from Cults coming to get me! What a clever, adorable, pink lil thing! <3

After this small chat is over, both me and Nora return to the Trainer's School, to get the Tournament going!


My team for the Trainer School Tournament was:



Lucifer, the Delta Charmeleon (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 17

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Growl
  • Twister
  • Confuse Ray



Viva Aldia, the Delta Snorlax (Female)

Typing: Grass 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 17


  • Absorb
  • Razor Leaf
  • Growth
  • Bulldoze

The first guy (Quarterfinals) was Ninja Boy Kyle, who got defeated really easily. Then, the semifinal was me versus Damian. It was time to take my revenge for the loss I suffered in our first battle!




Damian's Corphish was OHKO'ed by a Razor Leaf of my Delta Snorlax.

Then Delta Wartortle resisted a bit, with Bites, Torment and Vaccum Wave, but also went down easily to a combination of Bulldoze (first) and Razor Leaves. 

Finally, Damian's Luxio was easy for Viva Aldia to handle too, with a Bulldoze and Razor Leaf.

I didn't even have to heal for this fight. Or use Lucifer at all. Revenge granted!


Then, final was (quite predictably) vs the defending champion, Nora!




Nora's Quilava went down easily to three Shadow Sneaks and a Twister, while tanking an Ember easily. However, Lucifer got his Defence and Accuracy lowered by Leer and Smokescreen respectively, so I switched into Viva Aldia to face Nora's next Pokemon.

Which was her Trapinch. Which got outsped and OHKO'ed by Viva Aldia's Razor Leaf.

Then, Nora sent in her last Pokemon, her Sewaddle. Afraid of Bug Bite, I switched Lucifer back in. After an exchange of (not very effective) Bug Bites and (neutral) Shadow Sneaks, Lucifer defeated Sewaddle, granting me the victory and the first place in the Tournament!


Teacher congratulates me and Nora, we both get TM for Return as a gift for our outstanding performances in the final, and Damian gets roasted and denied any praise or award. Poor guy, I feel sorry for him. He is a nice guy after all! :) My rivals are quite cool, I admit! Plus (major advantage), not obnoxious at all! Damian is a tiny bit naive, but not at an annoyingly high level!

Then, teacher advises us to get to Suntouched City and begin challenging Gym Leaders to get stronger, which Nora finds a good idea, depending on our (pixie-chosen) status! :) 

With this done, we access Route 2, where we start our search for a Totodile, to trade with that Hiker we encountered earlier in Route 1!


5th Part: Midna Trainer School Tournament!


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We will see what we get in the next chapter of my Delta Run of Pokemon Insurgence in Hard mode!

Till then, enjoy everyone! And leave your feedback or comments below, or in my Youtube videos! :);) 

Edited by Jess
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Ohhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah it's back babyyyyy :D (ops sorry, maybe i put too enthusiasm :P


It's always nice read your runs, i will say this always :). I'm really glad that this run is return and it's nice to see a Snorlax with the grass type ;)  

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  On 10/14/2017 at 1:05 AM, Awesome_One said:

Omg! It's finally back! Ahh. A satisfied read that was. Glad to see it's back. :D



  On 10/14/2017 at 1:26 AM, LykosHand said:

Ohhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah it's back babyyyyy :D (ops sorry, maybe i put too enthusiasm :P


It's always nice read your runs, i will say this always :). I'm really glad that this run is return and it's nice to see a Snorlax with the grass type ;)  


Thanks guys! I'll update it way more frequently, so stay tuned! :) 

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