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Jess' mono-Delta run of Pokemon Insurgence (in Hard mode)! [Latest Defeated Leader: Xavier]


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Chapter 3: Burn scars will take long to heal...


Right... First of all, same old... If you're bored to read, just skip to 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Part, to watch the video coverage via Youtube!

So, after becoming champions of the (hardly) renowned Midna Trainer School Tournament, it was time to struggle to catch a Totodile in Route 2. 10% encounter rate they said.

Taurosshit. I had 60 encounters till a single Totodile appeared. But I managed to get it and returned to Route 1, where I had a chat with Hiker Sam! We traded, I gave him my Totodile and he sent me the rarest of his Pokemon. Which was, to my great surprise and joy, a Delta Dwebble (Cake form)! So, another member for my squad...



Framboise, the Delta Dwebble (Cake form) (Male)

Typing: Fairy/Normal 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 15

Timid (later changed to Hardy)/Scrappy

  • Fairy Wind
  • Sweet Scent
  • Mist
  • Powder Snow

After this was taken care of, and with a squad of 3 now, we continued surging through Route 2, but some Cultists decided to block the way to Suntouched City, so I was forced to visit the Ancient Ruins nearby! Some lovely Lucario statues in there, by the way, do pay a visit, and take your cameras with you, it is worth it! I wonder if the statues are giving away a hint about which Pokemon we will encounter inside the temple... After exploring all the rooms and getting a good amount of loot (even Silver Wind TM), we find three cultists having surrounded a baby Riolu. I have no clue why Abyssal Cult would want to capture a baby Riolu, but I have to stop that! Nora, who appears out of nowhere, agrees with me!




My team:





Framboise, the Delta Dwebble (Cake form) (Male)

Typing: Fairy/Normal 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 18


Fairy Wind

  • Chip Away
  • Mist
  • Powder Snow
  • Fairy Wind



Lucifer, the Delta Charmeleon (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 18

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Growl
  • Twister
  • Confuse Ray




Viva Aldia, the Delta Snorlax (Female)

Typing: Grass 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 17


  • Absorb
  • Razor Leaf
  • Growth
  • Bulldoze


To my surprise, this one was tough, because he indeed was armed with the strongest of Pokemon. Or, to state it better, with the strongest of movesets!

Battle started with Horsea facing my weakened (dumb me forgot to heal) Framboise. I switched immediately to Viva Aldia and took Horsea out relatively easily with 2 Razor Leaves, even though it had damn Aurora Beam and dealt a good amount of damage to Delta Snorlax.

Then, it was the turn of Skrelp and I (quite arrogantly) decided to use it to give EXP to Framboise! I baited its Venoshock, then switched to Lucifer who tanked it easily and proceeded to spam Shadow Sneaks. But Skrelp had -God damn- Icy Wind and 2HKO'ed Lucifer, who only managed to get it to half HP. Viva Aldia finished the job with a couple Bulldozes, after suffering some more damage by Venoshock.

Final 'mon, a Corphish. GET DESTROYED BY MY DELTA SNORL....WTF!!! It used X-Scissor and finished off my Viva Aldia... OK... Framboise will have to finish it off himself. A Water Gem-boosted (seriously, wtf is this moveset) Aqua Jet gets Framboise to 1 HP (lucky me) and a Chip Away deals 1/3 of Corphish's HP. I use a Super Potion (not gonna black out here, ffs) and a Chip Away spam takes out Corphish too. Framboise also learns Work Up and I replace Mist. Might b useful!


But, DAMN, this was difficult!


After battle was over, the cultists still try to capture Riolu, but a Lucario appears, also out of nowhere, and Mega evolves, sending the cultists away (and aborting their mission). As Nora points out, it is weird that Lucario Mega-evolved without having a trainer, since Mega-evolution requires a strong bond between trainer and pokemon... Maybe Lucario's trainer was hidden?... Hmmm...

Anyways, Nora leaves and we keep our way towards Suntouched City!

And this meant that (after clearing Route 2), we had to battle our way through Cyan Cavern. Which is dreadful, apart from the fact that it has a Nurse Joy to help you heal up.


6th Part: Route 2 and Ancient Ruins!





Anyways, the most interesting (to the viewers) and annoying (to me) thing that happened in Cyan Cavern was me taking 2 eternities to defeat an Artist with 2 Baton Passing Smeargles. All they did was Calm Mind, Protect, Shell Smash, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web and Baton Pass, and ofc they had Moody, so they got soon Evasiveness at +6. I legit wanted to kill myself. But soon, I remembered Framboise's Chip Away ignores Defense boosts. So, I brought Framboise in, Worked Up to +6 and just patiently waited till Chip Away connected. Bless the Lord, nightmare was (relatively) soon over!

I was finally at Suntouched City! And the first thing I did (after healing up) was patch up my style. I gave myself pink, Mew-matching hair and a silver tiara. I'll become the Queen (or Augur) of Torren region eventually anyways! And then, I explored EVERYTHING! On ground level, it wasn't as interested as I hoped. That is, apart from reading books from random house bookshelves and learning nice facts about Torren Region, and almost puking in front of Jaern's absurdly huge statue. Huge enough to match the size of his propaganda probably. I hate him already, such a poser...


BUT! The things got much more interesting when I stepped on a fan and launched myself to the skies! The "Heaven Floor" of Suntouched City was much more interesting. Especially the Broadcast Tower! After speaking to everyone, even to the Director's (seemingly) mute children, I got hired to be the star of a Pokemon TV show! They needed a trainer to encounter and catch rare wild Pokemon. A documentary! At last, quality TV! In my first mission, I caught an Axew! A little bird told me to keep a Dragon type around... I might trade it for a Delta with an NPC at some later point of the game. Till then, into the PC Box it goes!

And... second mission... I wonder what that will be...

Oh well, I started battling the Gym trainers as I waited for the Director to call me again! They turned out to be a bit difficult... The fact that Viva Aldia is weak vs Fire isn't helping... I have also nothing Super-effective to hit Fire, so it was a bit of a struggle...


7th Part: Exploring Suntouched City!





Soon after that, as I was healing (and wondering how the hell am I going to defeat this Gym Leader), the Director called! Turns out people loved me. And my second mission would be to catch a Delta Grimer in a desert! Bit hard, as it buries under the sand and slithers around all the time! But, (who could EVER doubt my skills), of course I did it! And I caught it, proudly introducing the fourth member of my team!



Sandman, the Delta Grimer (Male)

Typing: Ground 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 25

Careful/Sap Sipper

  • Sand Tomb
  • Swallow
  • Spit Up
  • Minimize

I highly doubt the usefulness of Swallow and Spit Up without having Stockpile in the Moveset though, but at least I can hit Fire types super-effectively with something! Plus, the Grass immunity will be useful versus Orion's Chlorophyll-abusing Grass types.

Soon, it was time to face Orion, Suntouched City's Gym Leader in a Badge battle. He uses a Sun team by the way. After getting DESTROYED a few times, I decided to get all 4 team members up to level 25, which was the level cap at that moment. But to no avail. That fucking Fletchinder destroyed everything with Acrobatics and Overheat. (That movesets, again). The next video includes a lot of tilt on behalf of me. I even attempted to Run from a Gym Battle. It didn't let me, of course. Sadistic as always!


8th Part: Defeating Orion is impossible...





After some careful thinking, some Yoga and breathing session (Kiki's meditation lessons helped a lot here), I found the problems.

1) Drought made every Fire attack absurdly strong. I had to stall it out with my only Pokemon that resists Fire, Lucifer, till I advanced to killing Vulpix.

2) Fletchinder. It had Flying Gem, Acrobatics and Overheat. No chance for Viva Aldia or Framboise to survive. None of my Pokemon could survive those Acrobatics. So, I had to make it miss.

3) The only way to make it miss, was with Sandman's Minimize, which had nothing to hit Fletchinder with (only Sand Tomb).


VS ORION (Sun Team)


So, I taught Return to Sandman, and tried my luck. My team looked like this...




Lucifer, the Delta Charmeleon (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 25

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Screech
  • Twister
  • Confuse Ray




Viva Aldia, the Delta Snorlax (Female)

Typing: Grass 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 17


  • Body Slam
  • Razor Leaf
  • Growth
  • Bulldoze



Framboise, the Delta Dwebble (Cake form) (Male)

Typing: Fairy/Normal 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 25


  • Dazzling Gleam
  • Chip Away
  • Work Up
  • Misty Terrain



Sandman, the Delta Grimer (Male)

Typing: Ground 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 25 (Item: Leftovers)

Careful/Sap Sipper

  • Sand Tomb
  • Swallow
  • Return
  • Minimize


So, the plan was to stall out Vulpix's Draught with Lucifer's Confuse Ray and weaken its Defense with Screech. Then, right at the last turns of Draught, I'd bring in Sandman, maybe get an Attack boost by the Vulpix's random Energy Ball, set up 3 Minimizes and then take out Vulpix with Sand Tomb. Then, pray for Fletchinder to miss and try to take it out with as many Returns as necessary. I was prepared for it to take many efforts, as my strategy heavily relied on whether I will get lucky or not! But, it was the only hope for me to prevent this run from failing already! Desperate times call for desperate measures! Let's see if it worked... (Successful battle starts at 16:45 of the 9th Part video!).


9th Part: 1st (Thermal) Badge [vs Orion]





So, after defeating Orion, we get the Thermal Badge and the TM for Flame Charge as a gift. This might prove to be more useful than I initially think! Orion tells me to head towards Vipik City, where the second Gym is, and the Leader there, Xavier, uses a Forest theme, swarmed (pun intended) with Bug and Poison types! He wishes me farewell, and I depart from his (nightmare of a) Gym...

But my troubles aren't over... When I try to leave the Gym, I see a panicked girl running in, followed by Nora who goes in the Gym to see what is going on...

I follow as well, since my curiosity can't be defeated. This will kill me one day, I swear!

Turns out that the panicked girl is Harmony, another Gym Leader, who has come to warm Orion that Cultists have arrived in Suntouched City and searching for him. So, he needs to run away to safety. However, Orion refuses to leave his "friend", a white stone behind, and asks from Harmony to help him carry it!

Everyone is laughing at Orion behind his back because he thinks that a rock is alive and considers it his best friend. But, everyone is soon going to be proven terribly wrong... Perfection Cultists, led by Taen, storm in Gym, riding Kyurem. They claim to want the White Stone, since it is more valuable than anyone else believes! When Taen slaps Orion and tries to steal the ball, Reshiram awakens from it, to protect his friend!

Reshiram, in order to not get captured by Perfection or endanger Orion, flees, and so do the Perfection Cultists with Kyurem, to track down Reshiram. However, it returns to Orion after a short while!

Harmony returns to her Gym, after apologising for not believing Orion, and Nora says she will return later to have her Gym Battle vs Orion to allow him to catch up with his former-stone friend!


Nora also gives us the Instant Lapras, so now we can Surf outside of battle!

After all of this action, we head to the South of Suntouched City, into the Suntouched Exit, where we use Instant Lapras to head further South, on our way to Vipik City!

We will continue our adventures in the next chapter of my Delta-run of Pokemon Insurgence in Hard mode!


Till then, enjoy everyone! ;):) 

Edited by Jess
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Woah what a difficult battles this time Jess o.o, i don't understand why Snorlax has been beaten so easily. But a curiosity, is it normal that delta Charmeleon aka Lucifer is weak in defense?

I have to say that the two new mons are really nice :). I really like the name "Framboise" on delta Dwebble that it mean raspberry in french :D 

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17 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

Woah what a difficult battles this time Jess o.o, i don't understand why Snorlax has been beaten so easily. But a curiosity, is it normal that delta Charmeleon aka Lucifer is weak in defense?

I have to say that the two new mons are really nice :). I really like the name "Framboise" on delta Dwebble that it mean raspberry in french :D 

Haha, yes, it was a tough set of battles... Especially Orion. Snorlax mostly went down to Acrobatics, because it has not great Defence and the Grass typing didn't help... :( 

Deltas have exactly the same stat distribution as the original ones, so Charmeleon isn't a huge Defensive wall... Dragon typing helps though!


Haha, and thanks for the name! I like Framboise too! And Sandman is an absolute star. Many more great things will be offered by those two in the future!

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2 minutes ago, Jess said:

Haha, yes, it was a tough set of    battles..

Especially Orion. Snorlax mostly went down to Acrobatics, because it has not great Defence and the Grass typing didn't help... :( 

Deltas have exactly the same stat distribution as the original ones, so Charmeleon isn't a huge Defensive wall... Dragon typing helps though!


Haha, and thanks for the name! I like Framboise too! And Sandman is an absolute star. Many more great things will be offered by those two in the future!

Oh okay now i understand xD. Oh yes you're right, Charmeleon isn't a defensive mon xD.


You're welcome Jess ;). Mhhhh very well, i will looking forward for them :D and i hope that the next battles will not so difficult :)

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6 hours ago, Youmu9 said:

Some of these fakemon look a bit silly. I'm still enjoying this run. I could never play this though.

It's a matter of taste. (However, if you just called Delta Charmeleon or Delta Grimer silly, that's plain blasphemy, as they're twice as badass compared to regular ones xD) I think they look cool. Nothing different that Alola forms actually! Same concept!


BTW, many might disagree, but I don't consider Deltas to be Fakemon, becausse they are alternate typings of original Pokemon. They are not made by GameFreak of course, but they are not entirely different concepts, like Uranium's Fakemons.

I've argued about this before though, so everyone can keep his/her own opinion on this! :) 

I didn't use many Deltas in my original run of Insurgence. But after playing Reborn 4 times and Rejuvenation half, I wanted something refreshing from canon series 'mons...


I'm glad you enjoy the run! :D 

Edited by Jess
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Chapter 4: Villages and Forests!


This introduction gets old, but...

If you're bored to read, just skip to 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th Part, to watch the video coverage via Youtube! 

Ahem, sorry about repeating myself.

So, let's get on to it, shall we?


The first thing I had to do was complete my team, because struggling due to the lack of team members was now getting old. So, while battling my way through Route 3, I found the residence of Hiker Trevor, who was kind enough to trade me his Delta Scyther for my Magnemite (he wanted any Steel type, I gave him the Forum Champion, he probably is happier than ever). Meet my new team member!



Hidan, the Delta Scyther (Female)

Typing: Ice/Fighting

Shiny: No

Lvl. 15

Impish/Ice Cleats

  • Pursuit
  • False Swipe
  • Haze
  • Focus Energy

I'll be honest, the moveset was quite unimpressive, but what a beautiful beast it is! And named after Naruto's villain (Akatsuki member), Hidan, due to the common use of scythe as weapon. After searching around Route 3, I gathered some Honey and decided to use it to lure a wild Pokemon that kept ruining the garden of a resident of Suntouched City! Again on the fan, again up in the clouds, we found his garden, gave him the Honey... And, oh the surprise! The culprit was a Delta Aipom! The design of which is awesome by the way! I mean... a Ghost with phantom hand/tail?! Does it even get any better than this?! 

I had to catch it. But this turned out to be harder than I thought. Because this little Satan (not you, Lucifer) had Curse and Pain Split in its moveset. Which meant it killed itself about 10 thousand times before I managed to get it to red. And then it Pain Splitted its health up to green/yellow, getting it impossible for me to ensure a capture! The tilt was strong. The ragequit even stronger.


10th Part: Catching Delta Aipom is even more impossible!





But, I kept trying. And was eventually rewarded for my patience! With this beauty!


Mischief, the Delta Aipom (Female)

Typing: Normal/Ghost

Shiny: No

Lvl. 20


  • Fake Out
  • Fury Swipes
  • Curse
  • Pain Split

Good typing, great moveset! And, at least, a priority move. Fake Out! STAB too! This will definitely be useful!

After that, I went back to Route 3, did some grinding of my new team members on random victims trainers, and finally got safe and sound to Metchi Town! A small village, famous for NOT having a Gym in it. I explored around a bit, and discovered that Nora has grown up in this Town. I also met Nora. While my team was unprepared. She challenged me to a battle. It was not a good sight... After that (awful) thing happened, I realised the ugly truth. It was time for some grinding...


11th Part: Full team of six in Metchi Town!





And after the inevitable happened and my team was decent and not 5 levels below... It was time to try battling my rival again!




My team before this battle looked like this:




Lucifer, the Delta Charmeleon (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 28 (Item: Spell Tag)

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Screech
  • Dragon Breath
  • Confuse Ray


Viva Aldia, the Delta Snorlax (Female)

Typing: Grass 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 30


  • Synthesis
  • Razor Leaf
  • Growth
  • Bulldoze


Mischief, the Delta Aipom (Female)

Typing: Normal/Ghost

Shiny: No

Lvl. 26


  • Fake Out
  • Shadow Punch
  • Curse
  • Perish Song


Sandman, the Delta Grimer (Male)

Typing: Ground 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 29 (Item: Leftovers)

Careful/Sap Sipper

  • Sand Tomb
  • Bulldoze
  • Return
  • Minimize


Framboise, the Delta Dwebble (Cake form) (Male)

Typing: Fairy/Normal 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 30


  • Dazzling Gleam
  • Chip Away
  • Work Up
  • Misty Terrain


Hidan, the Delta Scyther (Female)

Typing: Ice/Fighting

Shiny: No

Lvl. 30

Impish/Ice Cleats

  • Ice Ball
  • Low Sweep
  • Agility
  • Focus Energy


As you can easily notice, my Delta squad was considerably stronger now, compared to its pre-grinding state!

So, Nora started with her Honedge and I with my Lucifer. After an exchange of Shadow Sneaks, I realised that Delta Charmeleon is A LOT weaker than Honedge and, drowned in a sea of disappointment, swapped into Viva Aldia, my Delta Snorlax. With the help of Synthesis, Viva Aldia sustained easily the damage taken from Honedge and eventually maximised her Attack and Sp.Attack by using 6(!) Growths. Then, Viva Aldia OHKO'ed Honedge with Bulldoze.

Nora sent in her Quilava and used Flamethrower, but Delta Snorlax tanked it (relatively) easily and OHKO'ed Quilava as well with another Bulldoze.

Then Nora sent in her Golbat, and I was forced to switch out Viva Aldia (RIP sweep) and send in Mischief. Mischief used Fake Out, but Golbat has Inner Focus and doesn't flinch (ffs). Instead, Golbat uses Bite, which gives a +1 Speed boost to Mischief thanks to Rattled, but gets her HP to yellow. In the next turn, Mischief valiantly sacrifices herself and uses Curse on Golbat. It was the time to send in Hidan, for her debut in a big rival battle! Hidan gets confused by Golbat's Confuse Ray, but it doesn't affect her at all (not a single turn she hit herself!)! Delta Scyther sets up Focus Energy and Agility, and tanks a Poison Fang easily, without getting poisoned too! Curse damage forces Nora to use Hyper Potion on Golbat and it gets KO'ed by two consecutive Ice Balls from Hidan!

Nora sends in Celebi, but it gets annihilated by Hidan's 3rd consecutive Ice Ball that connects, which is a critical too!

Nora's Floette suffers exactly the same kind of death (OHKO'ed by the 4th Ice Ball in a row).

Finally Nora's Swadloon survives thanks to its Focus Sash the 5th (!) Ice Ball in a row that connected and sets up Sunny Day. However, thanks to Agility, Hidan outspeeds even the Chlorophyll Swadloon and finishes it off with Low Sweep. Easy victory, great debut for both Mischief and Hidan as well!


Ice Ball is now renamed as Snow Ball. Or Sweep Ball. Or Ice/Snow Sweep. That would be awesome, Hidan knows Low Sweep and Snow Sweep!


Ahem, anyways. Nora tells us that she revealed to Damian what she knows about the prophecy and STRESSED the importance of him keeping his mouth shut about it. Which is the same as letting the Cultists know everything straight away... Damian can't keep his mouth closed, naive lil Damian... :( Oh, well!

After some more exploration, which included me buying a Secret Base in Metchi Town and paying a visit to the Daycare Couple, I Surfed to the South, towards Vipik City. That meant I had to explore and clear Route 4, which is FULL of water...


And, in an abandoned house there, in one of Route 4's secret/hidden shores, I found this little treasure... :D 



Chidori, the Delta Ralts (Male)

Typing: Ice/Electric

Shiny: No

Lvl. 15


  • Growl
  • Powder Snow
  • Thunder Shock
  • Double Team

However, since we don't have a Dawn Stone to get it to evolve into a Gallade yet (don't start with Gardevoir, I know it is better, but I don't really like it...), it will remain boxed for a while longer...

Aaaaand we that, we arrived to Vipik City, aka the Dumpster City, or the Trash Town!


12th Part: Route 4 has A LOT of water!





After that, we explored Vipik City, learned that it has a huge dump near it, which causes the whole place to stink and, even though it was pleasant to live there at the era of the First Augur, since he vanished everything went South and the City slowly decayed to its horrible present state. With Xavier, the Gym Leader to share a large portion of responsibility (as many citizens hint towards) for allowing Vipik City to end up like this. A big, unattended, dumpster.

Anyways, in the Route 4, again, we found a Hidden Grotto! And, in there, another treasure was waiting for me! Meet our 8th team member!



Erebus, the Delta Sunkern (Male)

Typing: Fire/Poison 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 10

Timid/Flame Body

  • Growth
  • Ingrain
  • Poison Powder
  • Ember

I also did some backtracking and gathered items and TMs that were inaccessible before, but became accessible as soon as we got Instant Lapras! Oh, by the way, as I was heading towards the Gym, I met Damian. And guess what he did. Yes! He let his mouth run about how Nora and I will have no issue against Xavier, since we both have been chosen by legendaries (Mew and Celebi). But wait, it gets better. While he was babbling incessantly, an Abyssal Cultist was right behind his back. I.had.predicted.this. But, no problem. The Cultist said he heard nothing. We can trust him, right? RIGHT? ........... No?...


13th Part: Exploring Vipik City and some backtracking





Well, regardless. I couldn't bother too much about how much that Cultist heard. I had a Gym Badge to win. And I had the perfect strategy to do that in mind! Xavier uses only Bug types and Poison types in his Forest-themed team. So, I'd be able to fully utilize my newly acquired Delta Sunkern. Or... ahem. The Delta Sunflora version of it! (We also had a couple more evolutions, as you will see in the team summary below!)


VS XAVIER (Forest team)


My team looked like this:




Erebus, the Delta Sunflora (Male)

Typing: Fire/Poison 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 33 (Item: Charcoal)

Timid/Flame Body

  • Flame Charge
  • Nasty Plot
  • Flamethrower
  • Will-O-Wisp


Lucifer, the Delta Charmeleon (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 30 (Item: Spell Tag)

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Screech
  • Dragon Breath
  • Confuse Ray


Sandman, the Delta Grimer (Male)

Typing: Ground 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 30 (Item: Leftovers)

Careful/Sap Sipper

  • Sand Tomb
  • Bulldoze
  • Return
  • Minimize


Framboise, the Delta Crustle (Cake form) (Male)

Typing: Fairy/Normal 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 34


  • Dazzling Gleam
  • Aurora Beam
  • Metal Claw
  • Misty Terrain


Mischief, the Delta Ambipom (Female)

Typing: Normal/Ghost

Shiny: No

Lvl. 32


  • Fake Out
  • Shadow Punch
  • Return
  • Perish Song


Hidan, the Delta Scyther (Female)

Typing: Ice/Fighting

Shiny: No

Lvl. 31

Impish/Ice Cleats

  • Ice Ball
  • Low Sweep
  • Agility
  • Focus Energy


The plan was to take advantage of Shuckle's setting up stuff like Stealth Rocks, Sticky Web, etc. and its pitiful Attack stat and boost me Sp. Attack to maximum with Nasty Plot and my Speed to maximum with Flame Charge. Then perform a safe sweep like it's a stroll in the park. And it kinda worked. KINDA! Because all my sweeps HAVE TO be spoiled by something. Fml. Thank God when that happened my backup team came to the rescue!

So, Xavier sent in Shuckle and did just what I hoped he would do. Plus, AI is dumb enough to not switch when setup is over. Instead it keeps trying to set up Stealth Rocks and Sticky Web again and again, failing and giving me free turns. A major disadvantage

of game's AI exposed. So, Erebus gets +6 in Sp. Attack and Speed and proceeds to outspeed and OHKO Shuckle, Mega Beedrill, and Heracross with Flamethrowers.

Erebus also 2HKO'es Tentacruel, again with Flamethrowers, after tanking a Scald. Scald however gets Erebus into red HP.

Then, Gengar gets outsped too and survives a Flamethrower by Erebus with 1 HP thanks to its Focus Sash. Gengar then finishes off my Delta Sunflora with Shadow Ball. I send in Lucifer (my Delta Charmeleon) and use a few Shadow Sneaks, getting Xavier to waste his Hyper Potion before OHKO'ing Lucifer with Shadow Ball. However, Mischief (my Delta Ambipom) tanks easily a Sludge Bomb and finishes off Gengar with Shadow Punch.

Xavier's last Pokemon is Croagunk. I switch into Sandman. Croagunk's Drain Punch 2HKO'es Sandman, who only manages to Bulldoze Croagunk once, lowering its Speed by one stage. This is useful to outspeed Croagunk, since Sticky Web is set on my end of the Arena. I send in Mischief again. A Fake Out, followed by a Return and a Shadow Punch take out Croagunk, which wasted 1 turn to Bulk Up while it had only a sliver of its HP left. Again, great AI choices.


With that victory, I earned my Second Badge (the Stinger Badge) and the TM for Venoshock! 


14th Part: 2nd (Stinger) Badge [vs Xavier]





After leaving the Gym, a Hiker hands me a note from the Abyssal Cultists, saying that they have kidnapped Damian and hold him as a hostage at Vipik Gym. Which means, I will have to rescue him...

You won't give me time to savour my victory and enjoy my second badge, game, will you...

We will save Damian and do more exciting stuff in the next chapter of my mono Delta run of Pokemon Insurgence in Hard Mode!


Till then, enjoy everyone! ;):) 

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9 minutes ago, Jess said:

don't start with Gardevoir, I know it is better, but I don't really like it...

How anyone can say this is really beyond me... but since the Ralts is male, a Gallade is better than nothing (maybe). Anyway, great delta run, Jess.

On a side note, we've finally found out what was that white hand on your shoulder the girl in Lavender Town was talking about. GF predicted Delta Pokemon!

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Just now, Corso said:

How anyone can say this is really beyond me... but since the Ralts is male, a Gallade is better than nothing (maybe). Anyway, great delta run, Jess.

On a side note, we've finally found out what was that white hand on your shoulder the girl in Lavender Town was talking about. GF predicted Delta Pokemon!

Haha, I know about Gardevoir. I don't hate it, I grew to dislike it with the extreme hype of Reborn forums. It's the same reason I dislike Magnezone. I soft-resetted for the Ralts to be Male :D 

Thanks for the compliment! I will keep it up, since some people here seem to enjoy it! 

@seki108 and @Wolfox are people whose opinion I'd like too!

Pls don't kill me Wolfox about my Gardevoir opinion :(


:o I never thought about it! Game Freak predicted Delta Aipom/Ambipom, God damn! 

In all honesty though, this is great. Insurgence team took a random element from the very first pokemon games released and gave us such a connection! Props to whoever thought of it!

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Nice battles Jess, a lot of cheers for you :D. I have to say that i dislike Sunflora, but the delta version isn't bad at all :) And now i see that you have three mons with the ghost type, i think that some of them will be exchange with for others delta mons ;). Anyway you're doing great with this run Jess, keep it up :D.

Oh, i have a question: Do you prefer delta Scyther/Scizor or delta Ralts/Gallade?

Mhhhh you are right @Corso :) 

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2 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

Nice battles Jess, a lot of cheers for you :D. I have to say that i dislike Sunflora, but the delta version isn't bad at all :) And now i see that you have three mons with the ghost type, i think that some of them will be exchange with for others delta mons ;). Anyway you're doing great with this run Jess, keep it up :D.

Oh, i have a question: Do you prefer delta Scyther/Scizor or delta Ralts/Gallade?

Mhhhh you are right @Corso :) 

Thanks @LykosHand! Yes, I don't like the original Sunflora, but Delta one looks cool and helped A LOT in this one!

I have only 2 Ghosts, Lucifer and Mischief, but they both are good. I will rotate squad around a lot in this run :) 


As you will see later on, I love Delta Scyther... I'd pick it over ANY other Ice type Delta... 

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2 minutes ago, Jess said:

Thanks @LykosHand! Yes, I don't like the original Sunflora, but Delta one looks cool and helped A LOT in this one!

I have only 2 Ghosts, Lucifer and Mischief, but they both are good. I will rotate squad around a lot in this run :) 


As you will see later on, I love Delta Scyther... I'd pick it over ANY other Ice type Delta... 

You're welcome :). Ah very well :). Oh yes, my bad Delta Sunflora is Fire/Poison not Fire/Ghost lol (maybe it's better that i will go to sleep :P

Mhhhh really interesting, i will keep a eye on him then ;) 

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4 hours ago, Jess said:

Haha, I know about Gardevoir. I don't hate it, I grew to dislike it with the extreme hype of Reborn forums. It's the same reason I dislike Magnezone. I soft-resetted for the Ralts to be Male :D 




lol :) 


Gallade is still great, though.



While you have mentioned stuff about your run in status updates, it is good to see everything detailed.  While the concept of a pure Delta run seemed appealing, I also wanted to use some of the new non-Delta Megas........though I never really used any except Mega Donphan on a few occasions (even when I accidentally found the Haxorousite before the E4).


If I ever play a another run, I might use Delta Aipom.  I seemed interesting when I got it, but I sort of just forgot about it.......

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10 hours ago, Awesome_One said:

Nice. I have to say Delta Aipom/Ambipom is my favorite Delta.

Delta Ambipom looks awesome, and quite ominous, I agree!


7 hours ago, seki108 said:
  Reveal hidden contents



lol :) 


Gallade is still great, though.



While you have mentioned stuff about your run in status updates, it is good to see everything detailed.  While the concept of a pure Delta run seemed appealing, I also wanted to use some of the new non-Delta Megas........though I never really used any except Mega Donphan on a few occasions (even when I accidentally found the Haxorousite before the E4).


If I ever play a another run, I might use Delta Aipom.  I seemed interesting when I got it, but I sort of just forgot about it.......

LOL, I knew I'd attract strong reactions about my Gardevoir comment :D 


Yep, I thought of sharing my run, since I was recording it and uploading it anyways. This way you'll get to see for yourself all the weird glitches I've encountered too! xD

Mega Donphan has a great Ability... Irrelephant I think? I'd love to hit that confounded Talonflames with their broken Gale Wings with an Earthquake from Mega Donphan!


Yes, Delta Ambipom has pathetic defenses, but is very very fast and has an interesting typing and movepool... Not to mention the creepy badass design!


PS: Just letting you know, I read that if you disconnect your PC from Internet, you avoid having your game stuck before/after Gym/major battles due to server being dead. So, it does work properly, but you need to be 100% offline.

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1 hour ago, Jess said:

Mega Donphan has a great Ability... Irrelephant I think? I'd love to hit that confounded Talonflames with their broken Gale Wings with an Earthquake from Mega Donphan!

Ultimately, I barely used the Mega, since Sturdy was needed many time to keep Donphan alive.  Sturdy + Endeavor was basic but effective at whittling down healing items (usually).


Irrelephant is good situationaly, as long as Donphan can survive the hit.

1 hour ago, Jess said:

PS: Just letting you know, I read that if you disconnect your PC from Internet, you avoid having your game stuck before/after Gym/major battles due to server being dead. So, it does work properly, but you need to be 100% offline.

*Claps slowly*   Truly innovative game design!  We have to disconnect ourselves to progress in our journey.  Why that can be an allegory for  [insert pretentious theme analysis here].



Well good to know Suze didn't make his game COMPLETELY rely on being connected to a server.  Before, I imagined him getting emails five years from now, asking to put the server back up because his game won't get past the first gym


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Chapter 5: Caves and Deserts-AI is dumb!


Once again, if you're bored to read, just skip to 15th through 18th Part, to watch the video coverage via Youtube!

Ahem, so let's get straight into action. We have a lot of stuff to cover today. This means "Get ready for Jess ranting/getting salty about stuff". Hence, @seki108 and @Wolfox will have some additional fun reading this, since we've roasted (fairly though) the flaws of this game together many times.


After earning my second badge, I thought I was done with the abhorrent Vipik City. But no, I have to save Damian from Vipik Dump, where his kidnappers, aka Abyssal Cultists took him. So, that's what I did straight away!

The worst thing in Vipik Dump isn't the tough Cultist battles (some ARE bit tough indeed). But no. The worst part is the fact that there are tiny objects (aka trash) EVERYWHERE, most of which don't seem to be blocking the way. But they are. At certain points you see a HUGE gap, but you can't fit because my character ate too much in the 2nd-badge-celebration-feast apparently, and in other areas there is a teeny weeny tiny mo opening, but you can squeeze yourself in! Because Yoga power too stronk and I lost weight immediately.

Apart from that, Damian is kept by the 3 high-ranked Abyssal Cultists on a tiny island in the middle of a tiny pond filled with polluted (green) water. Or whatever liquid that is. I go ahead and talk to them, just to realise they doubted that I'd come. Then why even bother kidnapping Damian? Leave him alone and save me some time, idiots! Then, they say that they want Mew as exchange for blabbermouth Damian. Damian tells me to not give in to their demands, thinking reasonably and quite bravely (cliche'ed, but courageous)!

There are two problems with that:

1) I don't have Mew yet,

2) If I had Mew, why not just kill the grunts/cultists, Teleport Damian with Mew and get away?


Like always, religious-obsessed freaks who think that a huge fish is a God aren't exactly thinking. So, I enter a double-battle vs two Abyssal Cultists. I won't bother describing the battle because:

1) Double battles are a pain to describe in detail,

2) It is in the video below,

3) It wasn't even a hard battle. The Starmie, Dewgong, Skrelp and Crawdaunt they had couldn't really hit hard and, apart from the fact that Dewgong tried (unsuccessfully) to murder me twice with Sheer Cold, it was an uneventful battle. Easy win, even with a weakened team (Viva Aldia, the Delta Snorlax fainted and Lucifer, the Delta Charmeleon into red HP at battle start, because I was too bored to go back and heal again and had ran out of healing items).


Then, an Abyssal Cultist (the middle one, so the strongest among the 3?) talks directly to the absent (yet omnipresent) Mew, threatening that, if it doesn't appear, he will push Damian into the corrosive liquid. There's one obvious problem with this threat. Damian is on the island in the middle of the polluted lake. The Cultist threatens to PUSH HIM IN THE LIQUID, while he stands next to me, on the other side of the lake. If he jumps on the island, what stops Damian from jumping away and saving himself? Also, if he means that he will surf to the island (I doubt it cause it is polluted), why can't we surf on the (highly corrosive) fluid too? A logical flaw in the story there, but I won't keep overthinking of it.

Thing is, Mew appears, then Shaymin appears too, uses Seed Flare (the overworld animation of which is FUCKING AWESOME by the way) to purify the polluted water, saving Damian (and Mew and me, even though Mew would Teleport him to safety, we had a plan). Then Shaymin chooses to travel with Damian, who joins the (not so closed anymore) club of people-who-have-been-chosen-by-legendary-pixies.


And Mew still vanishes. Cleverest of them all. GJ Shaymin and Celebi, joining your chosen trainers, but then trying to keep it hush-hush. Kinda contradictory, isn't it? But anyways... Now Mew has the Shaymin DNA, so we can use Seed Flare whenever we want as well!

Mew, the Passepartout! :D 


15th Part: Rescuing Damian from Vipik Dump!





After that, Damian leaves with his new friend to go tell Nora the good news and we keep on travelling, finally free to leave behind us Vipik City, once and for all! So, I headed South, and to the Crossroads and then West, into Route 5! There, we entered the mysterious Samsara Cave, where some mysterious force petrifies everyone who enters it. I had to go hiking in there and, like a good speleologist, unveil the truth! Turns out that, the culprit would become the newest addition to my Delta squad! Meet Basiliscus, the Delta Pidgey!



Basiliscus, the Delta Pidgey (Male)

Typing: Dark/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 12


  • Bite
  • Leer
  • Twister

We also had an evolution in this video! Go to 8:00 to see Lucifer becoming a beautiful(ly ominous) Delta Charizard!



Lucifer, the Delta Charizard (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 36

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Dragon Breath
  • Shadow Ball
  • Dragon Dance

And when all these exciting team member additions/improvements, we finally reached Koril Town! Which, on first sight, is much cleaner than Vipik. This is, on itself, a vast improvement!


16th Part: Crossroads, Route 5 and Samsara Cave!





To my great disappointment, Koril Town turned out to be boring as hell, since the most action I had was help the Scientists in the Scientist Club gather their Fossil Pokemons that were freed and wreaking havoc in the lab by an armored (never saw its armor) Kabutops. Easy job, small payment. I await the second job though!

Oh, another exciting moment was a guy who mentioned being afraid of the terrfying stories that are heard about Samsara Cave. I had solved the mystery, but chose to keep my mouth shut. Monster is my ally now! In other news, Sandman evolved after some grinding (yayyyy!:)), and got his Sap Sipper ability replaced by Regurgitation (nayyyy.... :(), because he was so extremely blinded by hunger after evolution that he swallowed a nearby Bellsprout and kept it imprisoned alive in his stomach. I tried to make him release it, but he refused. Kinda used Submission. On me. My ribs hurt. An Ability Capsule will make him change his mind (if I EVER be given one by the game). Seriously, the Ability Capsules are given to us too late (in Helios City), considering that they don't allow Hidden Abilities by the swap too. But oh well. Meet his new form. He is for Bellsprouts what Obelix is for wild boars.



Sandman, the Delta Muk (Male)

Typing: Ground 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 38 (Item: Leftovers)


  • Magnitude
  • Bulldoze
  • Submission
  • Minimize

Without having much to do in Koril (a nearby Cave in the North of the Town only had a hideous Meloetta puzzle in there. I like this kind of puzzles, but not being able to tell what the f@ck is the image supposed to be isn't helping me much, so I gave up on them for good.), we stocked up healing items and headed North, into Rezzai Desert. The only thing in there that I like, is the music! Sandstorm all the time, no Safety Goggles given to us to remove the awful visual effect (at least I didn't find them, and I'm sure I checked everything in Koril Town!) and my myopia is increased. My red-eye isn't getting any better either.

In Rezzai Desert (I keep typing dessert and correcting it), all you do is: Head North, pick up random items and battle casual trainers. In one of these battles, Chidori, my Delta Ralts evolved! He is now getting through his sexuality-exploration teenage phase, being a Kirlia. A Dawn Stone will get your mindset and attitude back to original (as soon as I find one too!)...



Chidori, the Delta Kirlia (Male)

Typing: Ice/Electric

Shiny: No

Lvl. 20


  • Nuzzle
  • Powder Snow
  • Thunder Shock
  • Double Team

17th Part: Koril Town is boring





Having a lot of the Desert to clear still, I decided it was time to grind up Basiliscus. And soon enough, he evolved into a Delta Pidgeotto! I shall rename Rezzai Desert to Evolution Desert!



Basiliscus, the Delta Pidgeotto (Male)

Typing: Dark/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 27


  • Bite
  • Twister
  • Quick Attack
  • Dragon Dance

But, the first part of the Desert was over, and I had to cross the Rezzai Cavern. Some more casual trainers and... Cultists?! SKY CULTISTS! That's a new one! They threatened a Hiker that they'd kill his family unless he handed an Ancient Scroll he dug up while mining. Apparently, this Scroll contains the ritual for the summoning of Rayquaza! Obvious plan, for the SKY Cult. He hands it to them and they leave, but not before breaking their promise of letting him go and burying him and his family under tons of debris, via a forced explosion in their mine, in an effort to "leave no witnesses"... They are indeed ruthless.

After healing up, we try to exit Rezzai Cavern, only to stumble onto Damian. He goes straight into business and challenges me to a battle!




My team for this battle looked like this:




Hidan, the Delta Scyther (Female)

Typing: Ice/Fighting

Shiny: No

Lvl. 38 (Item: Focus Band)

Impish/Ice Cleats

  • Ice Ball
  • Low Sweep
  • Agility
  • Bulk Up


Lucifer, the Delta Charizard (Male)

Typing: Ghost/Dragon 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 38 (Item: Spell Tag)

Naughty/Spirit Call

  • Shadow Sneak
  • Dragon Breath
  • Shadow Ball
  • Dragon Dance


Framboise, the Delta Crustle (Cake form) (Male)

Typing: Fairy/Normal 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 37 


  • Dazzling Gleam/Play Rough (learnt Play Rough mid-battle)
  • Aurora Beam
  • Metal Claw
  • Misty Terrain


Sandman, the Delta Muk (Male)

Typing: Ground 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 38 (Item: Leftovers)


  • Magnitude
  • Bulldoze
  • Submission
  • Minimize


Viva Aldia, the Delta Snorlax (Female)

Typing: Grass 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 38 (Item: Soft Sand)


  • Synthesis
  • Razor Leaf
  • Bulk Up
  • Bulldoze


Erebus, the Delta Sunflora (Male)

Typing: Fire/Poison 

Shiny: No

Lvl. 36 (Item: Charcoal)

Timid/Flame Body

  • Flame Charge
  • Nasty Plot
  • Flamethrower
  • Will-O-Wisp


This battle was quite hard actually. I should've lost. But AI decided I should win, even with a 5 level disadvantage, and without any EV training. Count with me the pathetic battle AI strikes...

Damian started with Infernape, and I started with Hidan, so I switched in my Lucifer right away, and tanked an Overheat that hurt like hell. After an exchange of a Shadow Ball and a Rock Slide (wtf are these movesets), Infernape is in 1/4 of its HP and Lucifer in red. A Shadow Sneak barely misses the kill and Infernape finishes off my Lucifer with another Overheat. I send in Erebus and Infernape Taunts him (Strike 1: I never understood why not use Rock Slide... Honestly, I'd set up Nasty Plots if I hadn't seen that before, so a poor choice anyways). Infernape goes down to a Flame Charge.

Then Damian sends in Crawdaunt and I send in Hidan. Crawdaunt's Aqua Jet hits like a truck getting Hidan to yellow, as he sets up a Bulk Up. In the next turn Hidan uses Low Sweep, getting Crawdaunt to red (and lowering Speed) and survives a Crunch with 16 HP (Strike 2: why the hell would you Crunch a Fighting type? Seriously, this AI is giving me this battle, while I'm outlevelled and without EV training). Another Low Sweep finishes off Crawdaunt.

Damian sends in Metang and I send Sandman. Metang outspeeds and its Zen Headbutt fails to flinch, but deals half HP, as much as Sandman's Bulldoze, which fails to lower Speed due to Metang's Clear Body. I have to risk it and try Magnitude. Sandman gets to red HP after another Zen Headbutt, but Magnitude scores a pathetic 5 and only barely gets Metang to red. Another Zen Headbutt finishes off Sandman. I send in Hidan who finishes off Metang with a Low Sweep.

It is the time for Damian to send in his Delta Blastoise, so I send in Framboise. Delta Blastoise outspeeds and an Aura Sphere deals 2/3 of my Delta Crustle's HP. Then, a Dazzling Gleam gets Delta Blastoise into yellow too. In the next turn, Blastoise decides to go for the priority Vacuum Wave, even though it outsped Framboise on 1st turn. Framboise survives with 12 HP, which would not be possible if the AI wasn't STUPID and chose Aura Sphere again, which was a 100% 2HKO (Strike 3, and worst of them all). Another Dazzling Gleam then takes out Damian's Delta Blastoise.

Damian sends in Luxray and I send in Hidan. Luxray Intimidates Hidan, making the Low Sweep deal roughly 1/4 of Luxray's HP, but lowers its Speed. Then, Hidan is KO'ed by a Fire Fang. I send in Viva Aldia, who tanks an Ice Fang with just above half HP, before Bulldozing Luxray, further reducing its Speed and getting it to half HP. Luxray though still outspeeds and two turns pass with Luxray using Fire Fangs to get Viva Aldia to about 10 HP, and Viva Aldia using Synthesis to heal the EXACT same amount of HP. The lack of Thick Fat hurts a lot and I decide that time is against me (it's game over if it manages to Burn/Freeze me), so, after tanking easily a Crunch this time (Strike 4, unless it wanted to get the possible Defense drop to finish me off), Viva Aldia Bulldozes again, getting Luxray to red HP and lowering its Speed again, now to 40% of its initial Speed. In the next turn Delta Snorlax (finally!) outspeeds and finishes off Luxray with -yet another- Bulldoze.

Damian's final Pokemon is Shaymin. I leave Viva Aldia in, and she tanks like a champ a Psychic, using Synthesis afterwards! Shaymin can't put a dent to Viva Aldia's HP and I Bulk Up 4 times while sustaining easily with Synthesis. Note that Shaymin wasted 1 turn by using Synthesis while being in full HP (Strike 5, this AI is the worst EVER!). I then start using Bulldoze which does a tiny bit of damage, but (more importantly) lower's Shaymin's Speed A LOT. Viva Aldia gets outstalled and taken out easily by Shaymin eventually (Shaymin had about 2/3 of its HP when Delta Snorlax fainted!), but Shaymin's Speed is at -6 stages, which means that Erebus can outspeed it! I send in my Delta Sunflora and go straight for Flamethrower. It gets Shaymin to red, but Shaymin decides to Leech Seed instead of OHKO my Poison/Fire type with Psychic! (Strike 6, kill me now). Another Flamethrower in the next turn KO'es Shaymin, giving me the much desired and much deserved (not really) victory!


18th Part: Rezzai Dessert and Sky Cult introduction!





Damian wonders why he keeps losing to me (because AI is non-existant, a watermelon would take better decisions than THOSE) and then I tell him that Sky Cultists got the Rayquaza summoning scroll and are heading towards Helios City to blackmail the Augur into performing the ritual to fulfill their goals.

He tells me we have to help the Augur (again) and we start a race towards Helios City...

But we will continue in the next chapter of my Pokemon Insurgence mono-Delta run in Hard (?) mode, since this one is already too long!



In one of the next chapters, you might see me redoing some battle, if the AI fuckup gets equally big, because honestly, I want to feel like I deserve the victory, and this felt like everything but satisfying. This is a promise.


Till the next chapter, enjoy everyone! ;):) 




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Ohoh a really nice battles Jess, even though the battle against Damian wasn't so easy :D, i really liked what Shaymin did for making you win ahah xD. Mhhh a new mons for your team, i have to say that delta Pidgeotto have a lot of potential and i really like his types: Dragon and Dark :D 

It's really funny and nice the sprite of delta Muk lol xD. 

But why we can't kill Damian, honestly i don't like him :P

I wish you good luck for the next battles ;) 

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32 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

Ohoh a really nice battles Jess, even though the battle against Damian wasn't so easy :D, i really liked what Shaymin did for making you win ahah xD. Mhhh a new mons for your team, i have to say that delta Pidgeotto have a lot of potential and i really like his types: Dragon and Dark :D 

It's really funny and nice the sprite of delta Muk lol xD. 

But why we can't kill Damian, honestly i don't like him :P

I wish you good luck for the next battles ;) 

Thanks Lykos! Yes, Damian kinda let me win, if we can say that xD

Delta Pidgeot-to-be is a great Pokemon, yes, and I have used it quite a lot in next battles, so you will enjoy it in action soon! ;) 


Delta Muk needs to puke ASAP, I want that Grass immunity back! :D 


I like Damian, he is naive for sure, and a bit of an airhead, but he is a nice guy :) 

Thank you for always following my runs and leaving comments! Means a lot <3

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9 minutes ago, Jess said:

Thanks Lykos! Yes, Damian kinda let me win, if we can say that xD

Delta Pidgeot-to-be is a great Pokemon, yes, and I have used it quite a lot in next battles, so you will enjoy it in action soon! ;) 


Delta Muk needs to puke ASAP, I want that Grass immunity back! :D 


I like Damian, he is naive for sure, and a bit of an airhead, but he is a nice guy :) 

Thank you for always following my runs and leaving comments! Means a lot <3

Ahah that's right xD. Mhhhh very well, i'm curious about Pidgeot and his potential :D 

Yes you're right, he seems that he needs to puke :P. Mhhhh well Damian doesn't convinces me at all :)

Oh it's a pleasure to see your runs Jess, i'm always enjoying with them :D and you're welcome Jess ;) 

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