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Three questions about TMs/HMs in Essentials 17, since I would like my fan-game project to revive some older rules:


  1. Is there a list of TMs from Gen 4/Gen 5 that lost that status in the newer games? I'd love to have them return as TMs in my project (yes, the Thule region attracts lots of history-buff trainers).
  2. Are HMs still doable in Essentials 17? I miss being able to train my own team to travel around instead of paging a ride service.
  3. Is there a way to re-allow inherited TMs and HMs in breeding? Those super-eggs make great gifts!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/2/2017 at 11:00 AM, Wolfox said:

there's one gen4 TM that instantly jumps to my mind, Drain Punch

Cool -- do any of the fan sites/wikis out there have a list of former TM moves and when they lost that status?  I'm using Generation IV as my cutoff point because (a) that's when I began playing. and (b) I don't want to go crazy scattering 255+ TMs all over the Thule Region.  (The casino in one city, the main shopping street in another city, and maybe 2-3 "antique shops" in smaller towns will divide older TMs between them.)

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