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1 feature I wish to to be implemented in reborn


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It's perfectly fine if it doesn't get added in the game but it would be really REALLY nice to have hm replacements. The reason for that is I want to venture the wholeness of the world of reborn with my full team on my back but I always need to give 1 slot to bibarel (my hm slave). I'd be okay and will understand if it doesn't get implemented since they made hm = tm (which is really convenient) and I love that, but it would really make exploring much more fun in my opinion :)


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I don't want to get your hopes up, but Reborn has a tendency of being lock step with the main series on mechanics unless the mechanics are truly a detriment to the game's experience - such as having Hidden Machines stay are they were rather than being Technical Machines with overworld use enabled.


So, what this means is that if Sun and Moon ushered in a staple mechanic in PokeRide, Reborn might just adopt it. Not positive, not a promise, but just might.




There is a matter such as Ash-Greninja, where Ash doesn't make a canon appearance in Reborn and thus there wouldn't be a good explanation for having Battle Bond Greninja in the game, forcing the the devs to make the decision not to try and shoehorn it in. However, HMs are a good example of areas Reborn might be flexible, as nobody really likes having to back track to a move delete person or have to rotate in an HM slave.

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1 hour ago, Timaeus said:

You could just download the weather mod from http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-select-weather-mod/

It includes the ability to use HM moves without having a HM slave in your party. It's a great quality-of-life improvement. ^_^

Thank you for this!! :)

Edited by Maqqy
Posted a question but I solved it hehe
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2 hours ago, Chase said:

There is a matter such as Ash-Greninja, where Ash doesn't make a canon appearance in Reborn and thus there wouldn't be a good explanation for having Battle Bond Greninja in the game, forcing the the devs to make the decision not to try and shoehorn it in.


Ame has actually stated that she will never let Ash Greninja roam free in reborn, as it's too overpowered (completely agree there) and would make reborn too easy.

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People seem to get pretty hung up on why "x" Pokémon isn't available and love to throw around the effectiveness card.


BB Greninja is indeed ridiculous, so I would assume it's raw power makes it a late game Pokémon if not post game for sure.




HOWEVER. Have you stopped to consider that some things in Reborn aren't just axed "just because it's too good?"


Gyarados is an interesting example. It's late enough in the game that gym leaders have surpassed Red's total level average, meaning that in normal titles Magikarp should have been a Pokémon you should catch 80 levels ago. Is the argument for not having non-mega pain-to-train gonna-be-4x-weak-to-Tbolt Magikarp in the game AT ALL still sensible?


No. In New Reborn City it should be feasible to fish for Magikarp. It's almost purely descended to the status of memehood, and around these points, it's a good reason because Gyarados tore through Reborn, however, that doesn't mean releasing at around the time you fight ADRIENN to be nearly as broken as releasing him at the start of the game. Not releasing him is more akin to reverence and respect of a meme than it is preventing powercreep.


I would hope Amethyst incorporates a better reason than "it's too good" to keep Ash-Greninja out of the final product. It should absolutely be treated with Uber lengendary status and not be a story available Pokémon with only a regard to power, but even legendaries are slated to be in the game. Ash not being in the world Reborn is in is a fantastic rational. There's no reason for Battle Bond greninja to exist if the inspiration for it's form doesn't exist.


Things are axed/relocated for many more reasons than powercreep. Perhaps, Ame would rather players not use a broken Greninja over a Pokémon you can obtain EARLIER in the story.

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2 hours ago, Wolfox said:

Ame has actually stated that she will never let Ash Greninja roam free in reborn, as it's too overpowered (completely agree there) and would make reborn too easy.

The reasoning's off here. She dislikes it being "Ash" specific and thinks it wouldn't make sense in Reborn.


Gyarados on the other hand still not being available is indeed honestly more of a meme now than anything else. It's dominance as the undisputed best Pokemon back when it was available at the start of the game is honestly still undisputed even if it'd be available around Adrienn. It has the bulk, the moveset, the typing, the abilities to dominate pretty much whatever it wants. It'd be funny if nothing else if it was literally the last non legendary available for ironic purposes, from first all the way to last.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the mention @U-M. Hope you all find the guide helpful!


I am also currently working in development for a fangame where many of the current annoying features of Pokémon games are going to be remedied. For example, items replace tms/hms like cut, strength, and surf for outside of battle use. Other features include but are not limited to:

  • a day care system that does not override your Pokémon's current moves with level-up moves it learns while in day-care (and hopefully a script that allows day care to EV train Pokémon for you).
  • being able to access the PC storage device anywhere on the map using your Pokégear. With modern electronics going mobile, we figured the PC system should too.
  • items that convert EVs to IVs
  • a Pokémon breeder, which can be upgraded over the course of the game to allow for breeding multiple sets of Pokémon at a time
  • changing key mechanics like the Freeze ststus effect: so instead of Freeze completely immobilizing the Pokémon and making you want to break your screen, it instead halves Special Attack and has a 25% chance to cause the frozen Pokémon to be 'fully' frozen and unable to take any action that turn (so Freeze becomes kind of a synthesis of the burn and paralyze statuses, which is much more intuitive and interactive).
  • radiant rewards: similar to mystery egg events, some special events in the game, instead of having a fixed reward like a Pokémon or item, will have a radiant reward instead. This reward will be determined at the start of the game and the player will get 1 pre-determined outcome (from among a few different possibilities) that cannot be changed by soft-resetting. These will make each playthrough feel completely unique!
  • positive changes to current Pokémon that should already be in the game, such as Luxray becoming an Electric/Dark type.

and many more! Feel free to check out the thread if you are interested:


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[Caution rant ahead]


I believe Reborn is going to face a balancing problem in next episodes. The core pokèmon games are built in a way that you don't have to really care about Ev and IV to beat the story and that's because you rarely go over level 60-70 when you face the elite four, so the bonus given by those mechanics is not too important.

In Reborn we will face the last gym around level 100, that's the ground where IVs and Ev training make the real difference. To keep the things difficult we have poor access to TMs and battle items (unless using the thief fling recycle tactic). It's getting kinda strange, every npcs have all the good tms and items while we have to suffer for one of them.


I am bringing this to attention non as a complaint but a thing to consider for the balancing of the game. One great feature of the core games is that you can beat it with your favourite team, as for now some choices are to be made and many pokèmon have to be placed in the pc because their expirance date in due while we finally have finally some good pokèmon to use, but they are fresh and new in an advanced place in the game, while I see my "storic" team rest because they are not up to the task anymore.


I don't have a good solution to this situation but I hope it can insipre some thoughs about it. I love this game more than the core ones and I wish it could grow to be even better.

Edited by Akzaar
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