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Another One

So, a Rejuv run...  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. What should it be?

    • Mono Egg Group (I'm partial to Dragon or Amorphous myself)
    • Monotype (no clue really)
    • Themed or some such thing (I kind of like manmade mons, maybe cuz it gives me an excuse to use Type: Null. Suggestions are welcome, nay, CRAVED)
    • ...something else? (the mind wanders...)
  2. 2. Screens or Videos?

    • Screens (these would likely give more room for narration)
    • Videos (these are less effort tbh, but then I also end up showing my myriad errors)
    • Doesn't matter, either is fine
    • Don't care, not gonna read it anyway

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  • Poll closed on 09/11/17 at 04:00 PM

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Hi, my dudes! (and lady dudes, and, um, non-specific dudes...do I need a different word?)


I'm nearing the end of another Reborn playthrough, but I've not yet lost the itch to play Pokémon games. So in order to put together some ideas/dodge anxiety from that big ol' storm coming my way, I'm creating a new topic. I think I want to play Rejuvenation this time (I'd have to post in that section of course, but I don't want to miss the input of those who frequent this place); I might be persuaded to really finish it if I document the progress, and I've learned recently that I have an easier time staying focused when my chosen selection of mons is small...I-I mean if anyone is even interested, of course.


...let me know what you think, please?

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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My something else would be maybe a Pokémon Character Run. Like you know. Choose Ash or Misty or Jessie or whoever and use only the Pokémon they used. Or you can do a Combined Character Run (basically take like maybe your top favorite 3 characters from the Pokémon Show and use only their Pokémon). I know they're both basically the same but you wanted ideas. And I suppose if you want to evolve them, that's up to you. For me, it wouldn't bother me. Or you can do a Cute-Only run and basically only use Pokémon you find cute.

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I'm bumping in hopes of getting some more votes... 


Right now monotype is winning. Should that be the result, I ask what type I should do? I know @Filthy Casual said fighting; I wonder if there are more suggestions...? 

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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Feel free to choose any monotype but I think Fire would be interesting with so many viable mons early for Rejuv specifically


Starter (Preferably Infernape or Blaziken)





Alolan Marowak

Typhlosion after badge 7



Edited by GreenDecidueyeArrow
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So polling is done, looks like a monotype is the winner!


Since @GreenDecidueyeArrow and @Yagami both mentioned Fire, I think I will attempt that. 

It should be pretty interesting, though I can already think of a few places I might stumble...(looking at you, Valarie)
The next question is which starter to pick. There's 7 (+1) choices after all...Torchic seems an obvious choice, but would also be tempted to take Chimchar or Fennekin. Any thoughts?
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Chimchar seems good. I think that's the way I will go. 


On another note screens won. I'll do my best but I reserve the right to change my mind if it proves too great a time commitment. Though as it stands I'm not going to have class for at least another week sooo...

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