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Best Songs for Depression?

Athea Andrea

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let me check my music library...


okay so I have a lot of songs that usually can help me, I'll just post a few here but you can PM me if you need some more, or if you wanna talk about something or nothing :)












I posted the ones I did for the reason that they're "screamers" as I call them, they're great songs to scream along with and let everything out. it tends to work for me (though I tend to forget that it does... heh heh...), one of them for the lyrics and one because it's feel good inc, that song usually makes one feel good (bad joke is bad)

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I cant tell you whats good for you, as you have to know that for yourself, but in my opinion and experience, listening to music usually makes depression worse. The more one listens to music the more dreamy, lethargic and emotionally unstable one tends to become. I read a book by Professor Temple Grandin where she warned, that listening to beautiful music and feeling cozy and hugged can make ones depression worse, as those feelings and the released hormones are addictive. You get a brief moment of high, but once its over, you might feel even worse. Getting out of depression is like pulling yourself out of a swamp you are stuck in. In my personal experience, there is no cozy way to do it.

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If you are the type of person that, when depressed wants to indulge in depressive music, I can provide a lot of music. If you like to listen to cheerful or uplifting songs and want to avoid sad music because it makes it worse for you, then ignore this post and don't click on the links.







































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I had a feeling Mael was a Breaking Benjamin fan. Never called him on it, but I probably should have just to see how he would have reacted.


For those of you out there that like the poetry known as rap, I present to you Nate Feuerstein, known simply as 'NF'. '10 Feet Down' is a personal song of reflection. In it, Nate describes his life post-fame, and ponders about how easy it is to forget about the reasons why we strive for things simply out of the pace in which we strive. If being pensive is your pick-me-up, this one might help.




If you find shouting a form of catharsis, Anberlin's "Feel Good Drag" is an aptly titled song despite leaning toward "Alternative" instead of "Screamo." The premise here is pretty simple. The singer's ex-girlfriend asks for a one-night-stand, and the singer is #OverIt. Anberlin is just a good band in general to look up when things aren't so hot.




If *shouts in Alternative* isn't enough, I guess we can kick it up a notch.. if you're hurt so much it makes you angry, I'm one of those people that thinks fighting fire with fire is a good thing. Enter rap rock band Hollywood Undead, with "We Are". The song has been described as an anthem of "misled youth" and emblematic of collective resistance - using the band's hometown of Los Angeles as a backdrop. For me, this song was a sort of in-body, out-of-body experience and the "misled youth" bit kind of makes sense with my view of people. There's something comforting in knowing other people are hurting too, even if that's a depressing kind of treatment. Be mindful, there is some minor language here.




Let's stick with HU though, because sometimes, you just need something...."silly". These guys kind of remind me of Eminem with songs that are just absurd lyrics-wise, and sometimes what you need is a good laugh. There is DEFINITELY language in this one - and if taken with a modicum of serious attention it's a rap song that objectifies women and is guilty of self-aggrandizement. Also, the advice Charlie Scene gives as to how cool he is isn't good advice. The bottom line is that it is probably meant to sound funny. The instrumentals are catchy, the flow is there, and my first time listening to it was a hilarious experience. From the band's testimony on seemingly every track on this album, they just kinda wanted to make some money and make it big. Not everything needs a story.




Finally, let's go for some hope. Despite this band having a considerably more liberal political lean and significant political activity than I, Rise Against's "Prayer of the Refugee" is not only a classic 'Guitar Hero' track, but one that seemingly provides hope. The story goes, that a refugee or immigrant from some generic country is trying to find and foster success in America, where the government and the nation's people discriminate and try to undermine them. The singer's tone seems defiant, and the lyrics provide some respite to the downtrodden soul. This one has been one of my long-time favorites. Like....that song that plays when someone checks your MySpace page long-time...and I didn't have a MySpace.




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