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Beating Nim with Fire-Types Only?


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So recently I decided to a monotype Fire run through Rejuv while I wait for the next version. I've been doing alright so far and haven't had too many struggles, up until the first encounter with Nim. Her Solrock and Lunatone are absolutely destroying me, as none of my Pokemon really have any moves that can dent them, outside of one, who dies fairly easily. Should I just grind up to level cap and brute force it? Or is there some strategy I can try? For reference, this is my team. All are between level 21-22:


Braixen w/Magician

Fire Spin

Flame Charge




Litleo w/ Unnerve



Work Up

Noble Roar



Fletchinder w/ Big Pecks



Quick Attack




Pansear w/ Blaze




Play Nice



Growlithe w/ Intimidate

Fire Fang


Rock Smash

Helping Hand



I believe this is all the fire pokemon I can get up until this point? Unless I'm missing some and someone can point them out to me?

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4 hours ago, Sceptilespy said:

Since nobody replied, I'll help in any way I can. But honestly, it's looking like a wrap for you lol. You could try to pull some cheese with yawn hax from pansear. and then spamming noble roar from litleo.

That's probably my best bet. I honestly didn't think I'd run into such a bad block this early on. Up until now secondary typings had helped Braixen getting Psybeam for example), but Lunatone and Solrock are just kinda the perfect storm of resistances.

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