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Which type would you use?


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Alright, I think I had an awesome idea:


Imagine you live in a world (without pokémon) where you could choose one of the 18 types of combat (pokémon types) and afterwards be capable of using all the moves known for that type (with practice needed, obviously). Then, imagine that in this same world, there are fighting tournament full of people who chose a type and decide to master it.


With taking in consideration that type effectiveness wouldn't exist there, what would be the type you would choose and why?

My personal pick is the Psychic type, because it has enough moves to buff all stats and contains powerfull damaging attacks. Miracle Eye (to track the opponent) and Teleport are also moves who get me interested.

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Poison. I don't particularly like fighting, but if I have to, I'm not above using under-handed tactics. Poison is a versatile type with lots of buffs, debuffs, poisoning (obviously) and a couple strong moves. Besides if type effectiveness doesn't exist, I don't have to worry about being walled by Steel, so it's all good :D

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Normal, because it has everything you need. Plenty of status buffs as well as confuse-inducing moves, healing moves, and Attract of all things. Normal is versatile offensively, too. Body Slam, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Mega Punch, Mega Kick...yeah, I think I'm doing pretty good.

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Wow, first of all thanks for the feedback!

15 hours ago, Seal said:

Besides non-battle practicality, I think flying would be the most fun to use.

Sure, it allows you to fly! Also, in battle it allows you to use moves like Air Slash, Tailwind, Brave Bird (for maximun epicness) or you can use Mirror move for a spectacular beam-o-war.

15 hours ago, Wolfox said:

Fire. Call me the Dutch Zuko

Alright, Dutch Zuko, don't forget to spam your Magma Storm and Fiery Dance in your next battle.

12 hours ago, Alistair said:

Poison. I don't particularly like fighting, but if I have to, I'm not above using under-handed tactics. Poison is a versatile type with lots of buffs, debuffs, poisoning (obviously) and a couple strong moves. Besides if type effectiveness doesn't exist, I don't have to worry about being walled by Steel, so it's all good :D

Well, even if the type effectiveness was on, we would all be "human-type", right? Also, I might just warn you about Magic Coat or Psycho Swift users.

11 hours ago, Zargerth said:

Normal, because it has everything you need. Plenty of status buffs as well as confuse-inducing moves, healing moves, and Attract of all things. Normal is versatile offensively, too. Body Slam, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Mega Punch, Mega Kick...yeah, I think I'm doing pretty good.

I think it's the most obvious type. Plus, if it has a potential this wide, it just makes it dangerously unpredictable. Hyper Beam is my favourite Normal move in matter of coolness.

6 hours ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

Psychic I'd have to agree with. You can manipulate reality, thought, switch minds and even heal others. It's got so many possibilities and utility even outside battle.

Oh, my, god. You have only scratched the surface. Imagine now: all batling styles could be played with this type: you can be a tank with moves like Light Screen, Reflect, Barrier, Amnesia, Cosmic Power, and so on. If you want to hit hard, Calm Mind, Meditate and Agility are for you. You can even troll with Power, Guard and Speed Swap. Heal Pulse is also usefull in team battles.


There are so many possibilities with this concept. Now, we could also begin to think about moves that shouldn't exist in this universe, like Imprison. Also, imagine the potential of a story made around it! With a title like: "Human Warriors" or "The Masters"

I could think about writing an fanfic about it...


If you like the concept, just continue to list the type you would prefer!

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28 minutes ago, Gabriel1 said:

Well, even if the type effectiveness was on, we would all be "human-type", right? Also, I might just warn you about Magic Coat or Psycho Swift users.

Well idk, you're the one deciding the conditions of the premise. Since you bothered to specify that there would be no type-effectiveness, I assumed that meant we were all going to be the type of our choosing. Otherwise, if we're all just plain humans, it's as if we had no type at all indeed.

Your warnings are welcome, however Magic Coat won't reflect moves that hit directly and have the possible side effect of poisoning, so I'd rather use those and hope for a bit of luck on my side ;)

Psycho Swift isn't so much of a problem because it means the other side will have started to sustain damage from the poison before me, and I can keep attacking them while they do their thing.

If anything, abilities like Synchronize would admittedly be more of an issue (if we have abilities ofc).

Anyhow, I think I'd have the potential to manage with that type, don't worry :D 

I know Normal and Psychic are objectively better choices due to the huge amount of utility, but Poison is a favorite of mine soooo... ^.^'

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15 minutes ago, Alistair said:

Well idk, you're the one deciding the conditions of the premise. Since you bothered to specify that there would be no type-effectiveness, I assumed that meant we were all going to be the type of our choosing. Otherwise, if we're all just plain humans, it's as if we had no type at all indeed.

Your warnings are welcome, however Magic Coat won't reflect moves that hit directly and have the possible side effect of poisoning, so I'd rather use those and hope for a bit of luck on my side ;)

Psycho Swift isn't so much of a problem because it means the other side will have started to sustain damage from the poison before me, and I can keep attacking them while they do their thing.

If anything, abilities like Synchronize would admittedly be more of an issue (if we have abilities ofc).

Anyhow, I think I'd have the potential to manage with that type, don't worry :D 

I know Normal and Psychic are objectively better choices due to the huge amount of utility, but Poison is a favorite of mine soooo... ^.^'

Yeah, for the abilities, I thought about a condition that you train your body for... or something you have since birth, hard to decide...

Anyway, all types are good, it just depends of the way you use them!

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For me psychic and ghost would be the types I would choose. Not sure witch. I think you caught psychic charm already, but teleportation and agility combined means you can practically attack your opponent from any direction practically at the same time. Gravity manipulation is another usefull aspect from psychic 


But ghost is another usefull type, they can produce illusions, they control their own shadow (meaning it's always a double battle) they can hide in shadows, even the target ones, steal stat boosts and just disappear. 

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