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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Right... but that would fall apart sooner or later. I'm not very used to pretending to be things I am not, either... I suppose I don't have much choice right now but to go with it."


When he indicated that he wanted to ask about the samurai of her word, however, Satomi did perk up. "Go ahead! I would love to answer any questions you have about Rokugan, and the samurai in it. We would be talking about my homeland and the people in it, after all, likely including my Clan, and I would always be happy to talk about them."

Edited by Powder Miner
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Responding to a few of the general Questions, Soma starts speaking again.


"Well, It depends, I guess none of you plan on actually JOINING one of the hero teams, since we're supposed to move around and stuff, There's The Protectorate, who are basically America's premiere heroing organization, though in this city, they mostly just maintain the status quo, and desperately try to keep things from getting worse, instead of making them better.  Along with the Protectorate, there's The Wards, who are basically Junior Heroes, and they both work under the PRT.  If you wanted to get anything done and not just pose for pictures and do quiet patrols, I wouldn't work with them too closely." 


"Then there's New Wave, they used to be a group of heroes who believed in personal accountability, and didn't keep secret identities, but now it's mostly just the Dallon Family and the Pelhams, ever since Fleur got killed in his home by a Gang member from the E88.  He got killed by Kaiser personally, if that helps you understand the severity of the Unwritten rules.  After that, nobody was really on board with the New Wave Philosophy, considering the danger."


"If you've got the cash, I think you can get ahold of Mercenaries around here, but again, I wouldn't know much about that.  I've got a Warehouse rented out by the Boat Graveyard, pretty out of the way, maybe we could go there?"




As she says that, The Party sees a bright red narrow pillar of flames rip into the sky, coupled with a very loud, human sounding roar,  several more licks of flame rise up after the first.


It seems to be coming from several blocks down the street.


Bugs nearby are going towards it, as though caught in a gravity well, they scuttle off and fly away.


"Maybe we should go to the warehouse..."

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"I'd say follow the advice of the person who lives here. Try to get to the warehouse, get situated, and once we've got a temporary base of operations we can go and kill stuff if you want to." Harry carefully watched the pillar of flames. "That happen often around here, Somatatrope?" He gestured vaguely in the direction of the fire.

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A couple minutes earlier:

Satomi seemed to be 

quite happy to be able to talk about Rokugan and about clans when Arminius prompted her to, and she proceeded to have something to occupy her for a good few meters of the walk ahead, launching into a fairly lengthy explanation, for most of it with a smile.


"Alright! So, there are eight Great Clans of Rokugan, and several minor clans. Though the minor clans perform the duties that they have with regular valor and honor, they're honestly small enough and numerous enough that I can't really include them here.


The clan that I am from is the Crab Clan," She turned around slightly to show off the crab-in-a-circle emblem between her shoulderblades on the back of her kimono, practically puffing her chest out with pride. "The most important clan to the survival of the Rokugani Empire, even if the other clans don't seem to realize it at times, bah. We're the ones who hold the border with a place called the Shadowlands, which is an area corrupted utterly by the evil forces of the realm of Jigoku. We hold a wall on this border against these mon-- against these oni, and it's our job to hold off their constant attacks, and to protect Rokugan from their taint. Actually, I'm part of the Kaiu family of the clan, who built that wall and build the weapons on it!


The Crane Clan are the opposite of us. Instead of focusing on a concrete duty like the Crab, the Crane claim to be there to enhance the courts and "culture" of Rokugan, but basically this means that they make paintings all day and torture the code of Bushido in ways they think can give them power.


The Dragon Clan... I'm not honestly sure what they actually do, but they have a lot of monks. Mostly they stay in their mountains, don't bother with most of the empire's problems, and come up with various techniques. Some of them are pretty useful though, I will give them at least that.


The Lion Clan are mainly responsible for providing the best soldiers of the Empire... well, the best soldiers against other people anyway. They sort of like to make a point about how much they dislike everyone else... but they're OK. They are practically ideal warriors, and they unarguably serve their duty.


The Mantis Clan became a clan a couple of decades ago, and basically they protect our sea borders. They actually descend from the Crab, by the way, and the other clans might get snippy with them because they don't perfectly embody some of Bushido, but they do what they are supposed to more than some of the complainers.


The Phoenix Clan... they're okay if you ignore their constant preaching about pacifism. See, they're supposed to create the best shugenja, magic users, of the Empire, and they absolutely do do that. Some of their shugenja are very very impressive. Still, they talk about peace all the time at us, and this is a bit grating considering how they don't have to deal with the things we do.


The Scorpion Clan are the worst clan in the entire Empire. They SAY they're protecting us from threats in the shadows, but the truth of the matter is that they basically plot and connive against and backstab the other clans like the Crab even as we defend them from the Shadowlands. Deceitful, evil bastards. Ggggh.


The Unicorn Clan are a lot better. They're the best horse riders in Rokugan, and spent centuries exploring the world so they know much about the gaijin countries and the outside world. They're also not one of the clans that really torture Bushido."

Upon the sudden eruption of fire and sound, Satomi's hand went to the sheath of her katana, the brilliant samurai's face twisting into a grimace. "I know I said I was worried about jumping in to early, but... you are sure we can really just leave things alone? Maybe it isn't explicitly my duty to intervene here... but people should be protected, whether they're samurai or peasants or whatever they are, and something like that in the middle of a city..."

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"Well, unless it's one of several other possibilities, or Lung is very upset with some very dead person, in which case it would be an uphill battle if we all took him on at the same time with perfect coordination."


"The problem is, If that's Lung, Fighting him will make him grow larger and stronger, He's taken on entire Protectorate Teams and won with a power like that."


"If you guys want to do this, I won't stop you, but Him getting bigger and stronger could mean more destruction to the surrounding area."


She says.


"My own power won't be much help, unless one of you have something really special in mind."


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Satomi shot a look at Arminius that was none too approving. "Weren't you the one who first started getting on that man with the strange key sword for not wanting to interfere with realms in trouble? Or does your willingness to perform your duty just change based on your personal safety?" Naturally, there was a bit of reproach in her voice as she said this.


But then Satomi looked down, with a sigh, and after a couple of seconds spoke again. "If you believe that this Lung is out of our ability to deal with, and that fighting him would make things worse, then I'd be willing to follow you all to this warehouse. However, we could go back to investigate it later, yes? Help with the repairs?"

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"There's a difference between wanting to help and not wanting to attack someone that can make giant pillars of fire consistently. Mostly the fact that being charred like a piece of meat doesn't assist in helping people."

Arminius looks rather annoyed. This is one of the things he didn't like about samurai types, the willingness to die for their beliefs.

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"Yhaaaaa....as much as I hate to say it. This looks intense. Ador cant even see much of anything through the cloud."
She looked kinda down as Ador returned to them, she wanted to at least check on the people running away, but that was not something that she wanted to get close to. she sighs
"Warehouse it is, I guess I was heading in that direction anyways."

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"If those flames spread, we're unlikely to have a warehouse to go for," Mirri points out, "Even if we can't fight whoever's causing that directly, we can at least help bystanders get out of the line of fire.  My armor should hold unless those flames get a lot hotter than they look, so I could pull people out of burning buildings.  Don't think with your blasters.  Or whatever other weapons you're packing.  They're not as good as your brains."

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"Somatotrope. This 'Lung'... Do you know how intelligent he is?" Proditor suddenly asked, floating up so he was practically next to both Harry and Somatotrope. The part of his mind that had been regulated towards lookout duty now focused it's attention on scanning the area around him, trying to figure out the exact situation and where this "Lung" was. However, while Proditor looked as calm and serene as ever, the more attentive members of he group could probably feel something off about the Ethereal. Specifically, a bit of nervousness towards the situation.

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Mirri switches her blaster rifle back to lethal, and starts jogging towards the disaster area, using her helmet's limited sensors to try to pick up signs of people in distress.  "Anyone who wants to help with damage control, follow me!  Keep an eye out for survivors, or other hostiles.  I don't expect a lot of people who can run to stick around that, but you never know with the real fanatics."

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