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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Proditor, once he saw Lung kneel in pain, couldn't help but feel some pleasure in the success. Of course, that was quickly overwritten when Lung simply looked up at him, said something that he couldn't hear due to distance, and already seemed to be preparing his own attack. For a second, Proditor had a sudden urge to stay, to take the mind of this Lung. They were already transforming into... Something, and that could be useful later on. A fighter under his control that could burn what his psionic powers could not handle.


But, as soon as that thought came, it was discarded as Proditor simply lowered his arms into his robes once more, his helmet snapping shut as the Ethereal turned away, beginning to float (rather quickly) away. He already knew that his will wouldn't let him do much more in the flames, especially when he was the main focus.


That, and he was never supposed to BE targeted in the first place.




Proditor packs his backs and gets the fuck out of there, LEAVING the fight.

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"Damn, this guy is mean," Kusuke said under his breath as he flapped his hands, trying to soothe the minor burns with the air flow. "I wonder if I can. . ." Kusuke runs up to Lung while he's distracted, mentally bracing himself to reach through the flames again. All he needed was a single touch. . .


Kusuke uses his first action to attempt to rewind Lung back to his original, non-powered state, reverting him entirely to that state. 

He uses his second action to attempt to rescue more civilians from Building D. 

He uses his third action to Recall, returning his status to what it was at the start of the turn.

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"Hey! Kid! Green shirt! Got any idea who the Cape with the bugs is?" Harry shouted as he treated a small laceration on a man's forearm.


Harry stays back, waiting for the evacuating civilians. He will inspect them for wounds as they pass, and attempt to administer first aid.  He also asks that civilians if they know where the bugs are coming from.

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Mirri decides that her attempts to extinguish the gangsters aren't doing much, as she isn't very good at it.  Besides, gangsters are the worst kind of scum.  She'll worry more about them when the civilians are safe.  Mirri attempts to scale Building D with her Force Leap trick, and assist with the evacuation as best she can.

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Ambassador Jun continues doing what he does best in this situation, and he attempts to convince the fleeing civilians to evacuate themselves and other people for obvious reasons.


Move 1: Demonstrate that you are here to help by evacuating someone while asking them questions about the people fighting outside

Move 2: Try to convince people to evacuate themselves and others using Diplomacy

Move 3: If there are still people to evacuate then stay and continue evacuating. Move on to the next building if there aren't any.

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For now, Satomi continued her routine of maintenance with her wakizashi, preventing the one structure still particularly damaged from catching on fire (and if she happened to fix an easy problem or two with the building that was nice too). But she noticed that this was the last of these buildings she'd have to repair, unless the masked man attacked them. 


She also noticed that some of her newfound companions were beginning to engage the transforming man (maho? Actually maho might not even exist here), and accordingly she started to keep a hand near her katana: at this rate she suspected she and more of the others would need to get involved.


Stuctural Repair on Building D!

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Seeing the lack of other citizens to help evacuate from the first building Frigus leaves to make his way towards a different building when he sees the human ball of fire heading strait for the cloaked psychic being on their team.  Frigus raises his Keyblade and shouts "Cure!" summoning small bell like flowers and green leaves over Proditor's head, they emit green and gold motes and heal Proditor's burns.

Frigus the continues to the next building to try and help people escape.

Cast "Cure" on Proditor restoring 5 HP.
Help evacuate Building B.

Edited by StormLord
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Team G.I



(11, 5) Ambassador Jun lives up to his title, trying to calm and aid the masses by speaking to evacuees to try and get everyone evacuating faster, and he recieves very little resistance in the matter, All Buildings get at least SOMEONE in there.


Lung uses Ramp Up! If he is afflicted by a negative effect or damaged, his stats will increase by 20% until combat ends!


Frigus casts Cure on Proditor, Healing him for 5 Health!


(9, 13, 8, 6, 5, 4) Kusuke Rewinds Lung as much as he can, but, considering the result, he feels he didn't quite manage it.


Lung is getting up now.  Attacking someone through a mental attack in their presence is hard to disguise when you are a levitating Psychic Alien Creature, even under cover of Bug-fog.  He looks where Proditor is, through a haze of those very same bugs, head sluggishly, but meticulously turning.  He grows another few inches, and his body is now covered in a layer of silvery scales.


He Growls, some sort of slurring speech nearly escaping his mouth, either something happened to it, or the attacks are getting to him.


Satomi Uses Structural Repair on Building D, restoring it to a state that has actually IMPROVED it's property values, a practical miracle in a city like this.


Lilly and Ador together manage to save the Bonus Baby in Building D!


Bonus Baby Achieved.


Ambassador Jun continues helping people help themselves, Boosting Evacuation Speed even Further!


Harry Walters asks who is doing that thing with the bugs.


"No Clue!" the green shirt replies, much to his dismay.


He still heals people though, as they pass by, and also puts out some flaming gangsters as well.  Those should come in handy later.


Captive Unconscious Gangsters Achieved.


Mirri Leaps to the top of Building D in a single Bound with her Force Leap Trick, and starts helping them evacuate!


A shit ton of people are escaping Building D as a result of this.


Ambassador Jun Achieves Maximum Overevacuation thanks to his Diplomatic Efforts, they are practically throwing themselves from windows to get out by now!


Though, not quite literally, yet.  He would need a higher Diplomacy Ability to get them to do that.


Frigus helps Building B evacuate, walking from room to room quickly.


A shit ton of people are escaping Building B as a result of this.


Kigane spends some time in Building D, rushing over to help people escape.


A shit ton of people are escaping Building D as a result of this.


Building D is now officially Empty!


Gwin does that cool Bulwark Thing, Defending Building A from harm!


Ambassador Jun spends his Fourth Turn sitting there, patting himself on the back for a job well done, just as his speed boost decays into nothing.


Building B uses Evacuate! Causing A Shit Ton of People to Escape the building and get the hell out of there.


Building B is now officially Empty!


RX Calvera is YET AGAIN Cockblocked from saving people, due to Building B emptying at the exact moment she manages to start helping.


Building C uses Evacuate! Causing A Shit Ton of People to Escape the building and get the hell out of there.


Building C is now officially Empty!


As the last person escapes their homes, The tone of this combat changes.  Actually, no, that's the sound of a Motorcycle arriving.



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Skidding to a Halt, everything seems to stop as an Armored Blue Motorcycle locks into place with a hiss, and a Blue Armored Man steps off of it.


Even Lung and the Bugs pause, watching to see what happens next.


The figure turns to the party, and then back over to Lung, who by now reaffirms his Posture and Menace.


The Blue Armored Figure grabs an object at their side, and it unfolds like a Switchblade, only instead of a comically large knife, the result is a soberingly sharp Halberd.


"Lung, get down on the ground and then stay there.  I'm taking you in."


Lung simply Laughs, Loudly and Continuously, at the same time, the figure's weapon unclicks some sort of sharp implement, as though it needed yet another one.


The Figure twitches his head, before speaking plainly.


"Armsmaster on Site, Lung Engaged with several Unknown Parahumans, I'm going to take him down, Over."


As Lung's Laughter grows louder and less human, Armsmaster hefts his Halberd in the direction of Lung.



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Team Warehouse



"Then Let's Patrol.  The Druggies don't hide their movements very well on the best of days.  Do you have a plan of some kind?"



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"Well that ain't helpful." Harry turned to one of the gangsters as he was extinguishing him, and asked, "Who'd Lung piss off? Any idea how it happened?" As he asked this question, he noted the arrival of the man on the motorbike. Law enforcement, or as close as they were probably going to get too it. Questioning might be a problem for their group, especially certain members. However, Lung was a formidable opponent from what Harry could tell, and it was left to be seen whether this new combatant would be able to withstand him.


Harry continues in his efforts, and asks the gangstas what they know.

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The Gangsters in question have two distinct answers for Harry.


One simply spouts Chinese, while the other responds more clearly. "The UJndersiders, they robbed the Ruby Dream's Casino, Lung got us and Oni Lee and we were getting ready to hunt those fuckers down before the bugs came."


He shudders.

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"What'd you call yourself? Armsmaster, I'm going to try to get him back to what he looked like when we started here. Might want to wait until I do that to engage." Kusuke called out to the new arrival; he wasn't actually sure what the factions looked like here, but given the amount of collateral damage this Lung was causing (and his apparent gradual transformation into something out of a kaiju movie) it seemed that working with Armsmaster was likely the best option. A bit of a risk, but at the very least he'd be ending the immediate threat to the civilians in the area.


Kusuke uses his first two actions to attempt to rewind Lung again, and his third to attempt to Restrain him. 

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Mirri heads for the rooftop, and speaks into her commlink.  "R2-P14, run pre-flight checks and get ready to lift off the moment I give the word.  Don't know if we'll need to go hot, but with that Dark Sider throwing fire everywhere we might.  Stay on the line, Mirri out."  She takes entire flights of stairs in a single bound despite her heavy armor, reaches the roof, and looks around, both at the scene below and for anyone else lurking on the rooftops.  With how these bugs are behaving, there's got to be somebody controlling them, or at least throwing pheremone lures around.  They weren't spotted by anyone on the ground, so they might be up here.

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As Proditor moved away from the fighting, he could finally feel a sense of peace. Despite his efforts, he was never capable of truly curbing his fear of flames. It was as if it was a primal code, ingrained into his very being. He once saw flames as a comfort, and now they only reminded him of death and destruction.


Quickly though, Proditor shook his head. Now was not the time to focus on that problem, that was for later. Now, he had to hunt down either Somatotrope and Arminius... Without knowing where they were. Or, that would be the case, if Proditor did not have his psionic powers. As he floated away from the flames, his helmet opened up, just a slight bit, as he began to send out a psionic ping. Specifically, one small enough to not be detected by other psionic users, but large enough to do what he needed. Which was to find those two by finding a direction and distance on where a response, similar to the feelings he had from the two when the group had first met.


He personally expected to only feel Somatotrope, to be honest. Arminius was... Not the most psychically gifted of people.

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RX Calvera thinks for a moment, before sending out a burst of fire towards the asphalt beneath Lung's feet, not targeting the man himself.




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The situation was about to reach a tipping point, Satomi could tell; the buildings had been evacuated, and now a new arrival had come, a man with many things that were both incredibly strange and incredibly fascinating (his unfolding polearm, his armor, and his motorcycle). Satomi had to admit that she had absolutely no idea what was going to happen: it was clear that at least Kigane had a plan to do something, and this meant that she shouldn't go charging the masked man... but still, Satomi would hate to just stand around, even though she'd been ordered to do it before waiting for good shots on the Wall. Satomi found what to do next fairly easy, however, and she ran over to the one building with any damage left on it, performing rapid maintenance to get rid of the little bit of fire hazard left... as well as taking care of some very easy fixes that she just happened to be able to make.

Satomi uses Structural Repair on Building A, unsure what to do otherwise!

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Frigus follows a mass of people out of Building B just in time to see Armsmaster ride in on his bike, Frigus looks the man up and down quickly before deciding he isn't as much of a threat as "Lung".

Frigus turned and summoned a defensive ward around Kusuke, as soon as he finished he immediately followed up by casting "Cure" to heal any wounds or exhaustion Kusukes might have.


Barrier on Kusuke, then Cure on Kusuke restoring 5 HP.

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Ambassador Jun does what anyone else in his position would do by dynamically making his way out of the building before he tried his best to get close enough to Lung to be able to talk to them clearly.

He would try to start the conversation by saying "My name is Ambassador Jun, and I honestly just want to know why you are doing this".


Move 1, Try to calm Lung down somewhat with diplomatics.

Move 2. Same as last turn to be honest.

Move 3. There is really no point in Jun attacking the man, and unless Lung attacks him there should be no reason for him to do anything except continuing to try and calm them down somewhat with diplomatics.

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Team G.I


Theme Of Lung: Overwhelm

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(DEX CHECK, 16, 9) Jun manages to get close to Lung, enough to be heard.


(INT CHECK, 5, 16, 14, 20) Speaking to Lung, Jun tries to reason with the scaled Villain.


"I ill' no' stand or' etty' insults." He slurs with confidence, the air boiling around him.


Lung uses Ramp Up! If he is afflicted by a negative effect or damaged, his stats will increase by 20% until combat ends!


Frigus uses Barrier on Kusuke, Decreasing incoming damage by 50%!


(ESS CHECK, 15, 17, 6, 15)
(SYN CHECK, 18, 20)

(INT CHECK, 6, 14)


Kusuke tries to Rewind Lung, but this time, Lung Shrugs off the effect!


He noticed that one, clearly, as it seems to be registering as a threat to his power now.  Lung grows again, scales becoming thicker.


Satomi Repairs Building A, restoring it completely!


Lilly Exits combat, trying to find the mother of the small child, he seems exited, but nervous as well, none of the escapees seem to be related to him as he intently looks down.


(INT CHECK, 3, 4, 15, 17) Speaking to Lung, Jun tries to reason with the scaled Villain.


"No ore' words!" Lung shouts, getting angry at Jun, who by now is close enough to feel the heat wafting off the draconic man.


Harry Continues interrogating Gangsters, extinguishing one of the singed fellows, he asks again.


"Lung Pissing off someone? No, someone pissed off Lung!, The undersiders Robbed the Ruby Dreams Casino a little while ago, and Lung had us on the hunt for those bitches."


Mirri has her ship ready, at a word, it should be flying in, ready to rain plasma and hellfire down on the streets.


Ambassador Jun tries one final time to reason with Lung.


(1, 17, 10, 13) Lung seems to be in a place that words can't reach.


He turns on Jun, roaring less humanly than he did before.


Lung activates his Flash Boil Passive, which adds 1d6 Fire damage to his attacks for each sequence of Ramp Up he has activated!  He then uses Claw, Attacking Ambassador Jun for (3d6=10)+(2d6+Str=15) 25 Damage!


Lung's flaming claws bat Ambassador Jun into a building nearby, like a cat swatting an errant fly away, one which flew too close to the beast.


(RES CHECK, 9, 10, 6, 19) 2 damage is mitigated, leaving Ambassador Jun at critical health as he smashes into the building, his armor smouldering with heat!


Journeyman Frigus uses Cure on Kusuke, healing him for 5 Health!


(ESS CHECK, 13, 11)
(SYN CHECK, 10, 11)

(INT CHECK, 19, 3)


This time, Kusuke manages it, the power isn't much, but pulling Lung down along his original timeline stretches the mileage much further.




Like a Videotape in reverse, Lung stutters, rewinding in place before the Tattooed man that once entered the fight stands, untransformed.


Lung was snarling, “…the children, just shoot.  Doesn’t matter your aim, just shoot.  You see one lying on the ground?  Shoot the little bitch twice more to be sure.  We give them no chances to be clever or lucky, understand?” he says, before startling, these aren't his men, what happened?


Lung uses Pyrokinesis, igniting a fist, just as Armsmaster swoops in, stabbing Lung in the Stomach and using his Consumable item, Tinker Sedative #13481.


(CON CHECK, 11, 15) Lung Grunts in pain as metal scales erupt rapidly around the wound, but it's too late, with a hiss, the Drugs are forcibly injected into his system.


He Collapses to the ground, struggling vainly, and then ceasing.


Armsmaster looks over, emotionless, before nodding.


"I'll call a hospital." he says, looking at Jun, who has, by now, flopped to the ground, unstuck from the wall.


"I need you to come in for a Debriefing, if you are willing."


He continues, looking over the 10 some-odd parahumans he has never seen before, nor heard of.



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Team Warehouse



(6, 13) Somatotrope and Arminius Wander around the Docks at night, looking for trouble.


Unfortunately, it seems there are no roving bands of drug dealers waving banners for a convenient target.


"So what do you two do, Exactly?"  Soma says, as the trio wander down the streets.


It seems, if nothing else, their presence is keeping things quiet.  A few people walk past, but hurry along at the sight of 3 Capes moving with purpose.



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Team Everyone


Team GI.


-Bonus Baby

-Captive Unconscious Gangsters

-Lung Got!

-No Casualties

-Literally Improved 3 Buildings

-Saved 7 Shit-Tons of People

-Saved 19 People

-Saved 5 Buildings

-Let those Gangsters toast a bit more than necessary...

-Fiat or Die, yo.


Team Warehouse


-Got to the Warehouse!

-Patrolled the Streets!

-Discovered Boat Graveyard

-Discovered Somatotrope's Warehouse


Total Merit Gained...


100 Even!


Dividing Up...


Each Player Receives 8 Merit.


Kusuke receives an extra point of Merit for Completing Combat with Out of Context Powers!


Ambassador Jun receives an Extra Point of Merit for Drastically Enhancing Evacuations with Diplomatic talent!


Lilly Shard receives an Extra Point of merit for saving a Toddler!


Arminius receives an Extra Point of merit for keeping the Streets Safe in these trying times!




Proditor finds Soma with ease, these parahumans all have very strong psychic signals, for whatever reason, he catches the butt end of her questioning.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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