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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"I'll do some testing, I don't mind. Some kind of library access in return wouldn't hurt, though; I want to be able to read up on the people I might be dealing with. And affiliate work is basically what I was doing. . . before." He wasn't sure of how open he should actually be. Or if they'd believe him if he was. 

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Satomi nervously tapped her fingers together for a few moments before she found her voice, carefully considering each of her words before she said them. "Um... I also do not possess any powers, though I do possess some skill as an engineer. If I sign on as an affiliate along with the rest of the group, would I be allowed to attend this tinker tech meeting anyway? I could get a lot out of just watching everyone work."

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"I don't believe mundane engineering skill would have allowed you to make those repairs.  My suit did similar calculations for load bearing and ideal repairs automatically, and it finished them after you."


Armsmaster interjects simply.


"We aren't a hotel, nor are we a library.  That said, I believe we can accommodate those simple requests." Piggot responds to Kusuke and Harry.


"Tomorrow at Eight is fine.  Bring your team here then."




(Post your Loadout now.)



(GEAR) Tinfoil Armor: The user has a suit of armor made from highly extrapolated tinfoil, making it incredibly dense and durable.

Level 1: The user gains 3 RES while this is equipped.


(GEAR) Rapier Gun: This Ornate Rapier has a gun stock welded to it's pommel, and it's point has been sharpened considerably.

Level 1: This weapon may make a basic melee attack for 1d6+Str Damage, but when paired with an enhancing effect, it instead deals 2d6+Syn.


(GEAR) (CONSUMABLE) Bag of Needles: This Sack of 20 needles looks dangerous...

Level 1: Add 1 Damage per hit to an action for one turn per needle used.  If a needle is used, it is lost.  When this item runs out of needles, it disappears

Rapid Expansion Railgun: The user rapidly expands a weapon, dealing it's damage at range.  If a weapon only enhances damage, this ability deals 2d6+Syn damage, alongside the bonus.


Stormfront: The user throws a handfull of debris in the air, before extrapolating them, deal 1d2 damage an amount of times equal to the user's Syn, divided among all targets.  Cannot be used in areas lacking debris.


Skidmark attacks Somatotrope, firing a gun at her, and dealing (RES CHECK, 13, 8) (1d20=8) ((1d6+7=6+7=13)(+2)(-5)=10) 10 damage! The bullet pierces her armor, and after that, her leg.  It seems Tinfoil is of limited, but possible, use against Bullets.


Emboldened by this attack, Somatotrope uses Rapid Expansion Railgun, firing her Rapier Gun at one of the Junkie Vans, and enhancing it's damage with 10 Needles.


The sword, held in her hand like a rifle, suddenly erupts into a straight and razor sharp rod, dealing (1d20=1) (2d6+8+10=8+8+10=26(-2)=24) 24 Damage! The Sword blade and Sharp Needles Puncture through two of the vans, catching them alight!


Skidmark, Squealer, and 4 Junkies have their Fight for Love Passive activate, causing them to deal more damage when a beloved target is heavily damaged!


"My Money!" Skidmark yells, cursing loudly.


"My Vans!" Squealer shouts furiously.


"Our Drugs!" the druggies cry out


Skidmark attacks Arminius, firing a gun at him, and dealing ((1d6+7=4+7=11)(+2)(-1)=12) 12 damage! The bullet hits him in the arm, causing a sudden bloom of blood from hydroshock.


Arminius grabs a



(Gear) Handgun: When used, deal 1d6+(Dex or Int) Damage, this weapon has an inherent 5% crit chance, but deals 1 less damage after calculations.


and fires it at Squealer, dealing (1d20=2) ((1d6+3=4+3=7)(-1)=6) 6 Damage!  She is brought down low by the humbling nature of a bullet glancing one's foot, her cursing increases.


Skidmark attacks Fingers, firing a gun at her, and dealing (1d20=17) ((1d6+7=6+7=13)(+2)(-1)=14) 14 damage! The bullet hits Fingers in the side, missing valuable organs, but still not placing itself in the most ideal of positions.


Squealer rips a wrench out of a pouch at her side, and flings it at Arminius for shooting her, (11, 2) Honestly, her grating voice and crude language did more damage to him than the wrench managed.


Skidmark attacks Proditor, firing a gun at them, and dealing (1d20=8) ((1d6+7=6+7=13)(+2)(-1)=14) 14 damage! The bullet slams into his center of mass, but unlike filthy humans, he has no vital organs there.  This makes the experience no less pleasant.


The Junkies, finally free of being stunned, begin to fire their guns randomly, dealing 1 Damage to all allies!


Skidmark is preparing something... Kinetic Panels begin layering over one another.


Whatever that preparation was for, Proditor has a more immediate threat to lay on the table, (3, 11, 4, 16, 7, 2) All of the Merchants fail to shield their minds as Proditor unleashes Telepathic hell across the battlefield, dealing (3d6+8=11+8=19) 19 Damage to Skidmark, Squealer, and 28 Damage to the Junkies!


Squealer, instead of dying of a fried brain, instead simply has an ordinary Grand Mal Seizure, falling to the ground in throes of psychic backlash, thrashing violently.


Fingers smashes into a Junkie who tries to get away, leaving him on the ground unconscious as well.


By this point, Skidmark realizes the better part of valor, and spends his remaining two turns leaping over to Squealer using his Speed Panels, and then fucking off in the last remaining van, crashing it through the warehouse door using some sort of Laser Cannon hidden in it's engine.



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Arminius: -13 Health (Bleeding)

Fingers: -15 Health (Bleeding Badly)

Proditor: -15 Health (Bleeding Badly)

Somatotrope: -11 Health (Bleeding)

Junkie: Fine (Mind Controlled, 3 Turns)


The Merchants


Skidmark: -20 Health (Fighting For Love: Random Damage Boost) (Enhanced Speed Panel: Defense, 3 Turns [8 Damage required to damage the user]) (Speed Panel: Attack, 2 Turns [+2 Attack])

Squealer: -27 Health (Fighting For Love: Random Damage Boost) (Bleeding) (Grand Mal Seizure)

Drug Vans (1): -30 Health (On Fire)

Junkies (18): -51 Health (Fighting For Love: Random Damage Boost)



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Battle Pace/Average Dexterity: 1


Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

-Somatotrope: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

-Arminius: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

Squealer: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

Junkies: (1 Dex, 1 Move)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

-Proditor: (0 Dex, 1 Move)

-Fingers: (1 Dex, 1 Move)

Skidmark:(7 Dex, 7 Moves)

-Somatotrope: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(7 Dex, 7 Moves)

-Arminius: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Squealer: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Drug Vans: (0 Dex, 1 Move)




The Remaining Junkies are in no mood to continue the fight, either remaining unconscious like good little criminals, or surrendering.

Somatotrope, Arminius, and Proditor each gain 1 Merit.

Proditor gains



(Item) Psychic Impression: "Personal Transportation": A faint Psychic Signature, taken with ease from the Parahuman Tinker known as Squealer.  Maybe this could be used to draw a smattering of knowledge from the otherworldly font that other Tinkers draw from?


Arminius gains



(Gear) Handgun: When used, deal 1d6+(Dex or Int) Damage, this weapon has an inherent 5% crit chance, but deals 1 less damage after calculations.


Other loot includes


Surrendering Gangsters
Burning Van Wreckage
Mysterious Drug Packages
Other Warehouse Goodies?


Arminius's Perk can activate now, if he so chooses.  The essence of a great defeated foe wafts in the air, like the expulsions of a frightened and escaping animal.


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When you're an Ethereal that has lived for as long as Proditor, seen horrors of the galaxy like he has, and led countless armies into battle, it becomes a trend of things that don't surprise you. Sure, being summoned to save different dimensions from things called Trespassers was surprising, but that was something that Proditor actually preferred, rather than the alternative. Hearing a bullet break through the roof of the building he hovered above and nailing him straight in the chest, going straight through both him and his cloak, was something he never would've expected.


Because of that, Proditor gasped aloud, dropping to his feet as his arms fell to his stomach, his concentration faltering for a second as the pain set in. That, thankfully, didn't cause his Rift to shorten out, but instead caused it to explode abruptly. Of course, Proditor only heard the sound, and didn't get much else as he tried to think his way through the pain, shuddering heavily from it. This went on for nearly a minute, until he was able to regain control of his mind, sending out a psionic ping to see what the situation was down there... And was rather pleased with the results, as they had effectively won.


After another few seconds, Proditor forced himself back into the air, moving slowly and carefully off the roof and down to the ground. For everyone else, they simply saw the floating form of Proditor suddenly enter through one of the previously barred doors, which Proditor has unbarred with his mind, floating past the spasming form of Squealer, though, there was a little psychic resonance coming from him that seemed to gravitate towards Proditor, latching onto the Ethereal's mind. While he noticed it, he didn't pay it any mind for now, as he simply approached Arminius and Somatotrope,


"... I am, and was, unable to stop that van from leaving. I apologize." he said, slightly bowing his head, as if disappointing in himself. There was a slight change in Proditor's echoey voice though, as if it was a pain just to speak, even with his mind. Almost as an after thought, the Junkie under Proditor's control suddenly felt the control over him disconnect, which in turn, caused him to fall over unconscious. 

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Arminius casually inspects the new holes in his minion. He wasn't very pleased of course, he liked his minions to only have holes that were there from the start. Of course, the other people around him would notice the glowing pink runes appearing around his body as the essence in the air is controlled and given form by his gift. Soon, a... well, actually the thing that appears is just a miniature version of Squealer, but in more work suited clothes. They don't cover more but they're more work suited. Arminius shrugs at Proditor.

"Eh, C'est la vie."

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Huh. Wonder if we're gonna get formal introductions, Harry thought to himself, staring at the thus far unnamed and quiet heroes. He had mentioned his name, and Jun had too, but it seemed that most of the rest of the group had neglected to do so. It was up to them certainly, but what had triggered this remark was Harry's curiosity about the identities of those present besides Emily, and Armsmaster. Maybe he'd be able to ascertain their identities later, once he had access to the internet.


"If there's nothing else that we urgently need to discuss. . .? I'm sure you all want to get back to your comfy beds, but I was wondering if someone would deign to escort me to a computer? I'm guessing you don't want me wandering the facility in search of one." As he waited for an answer, Harry leaned forward, to pick his backpack up off the floor and pulled it on. One thing that Harry made a mental note of was the fact that the time traveler, Kusuke, had requested a Library. Interesting, since he seemed to be from a decent tech world. Course, it could just be that the kid preferred the old methods. Something to do with the time travel thing? Perhaps computers weren't compatible with his time travel, due to having too many requests go out at the same time? It occurred to Harry that he'd need to find out a bit more about how this teammate's ability worked.


And then the star person decided to ask a question. Wasn't the worst possible question, Harry admitted, but it was definitely one that should have waited. At the very least right now it would be a distraction. At worst though, it revealed something the PRT might not have known, and something that would exacerbate their fears.



As the meeting ended, Harry was escorted from the room by an employee, who led him down to what seemed to be their excuse for a medical facility. It wasn't abysmal, that much could be said. However, He found it disheartening that to see that there were only a few procedures that could be done here which he would be incapable of performing in the field during the midst of a battle. Granted he had supplies of course. There seemed to be the usual supplies for responsive surgery and stabilization, but there were none of the robotic arms with laser scalpels and tissue affixers that any general hospital would have. None of the headgear that accompanied neurally induced anesthesia. None of the tanks and precision applicators that signified the ability to rapidly rebuild a limb. Oh, the things he wished he could show these people. . . A great deal of it required equipment he didn't have, but even so, there was plenty he could reveal to them from the device stored in his bag, his simple field medic's kit, and from his own memories. That was for another time though.


After expressing his satisfaction with the brief visit to the ward, Harry allowed himself to be lead to a bank of computers, where he sat down, acutely conscious of the escort watching him. Harry was deliberate in his actions, keeping his face blank as he tried to figure out how this machine worked. A mouse, a keyboard. While old, their intended use was clear, and so Harry used these tools to navigate his way onto the internet. For about an hour, he browsed over general information on wikis and other information sites, searching for information on the heroes he had seen today, hoping this would indirectly lead to more information about the world in general. In the end. . .it was only somewhat useful in that regard. Many of the sites seemed to expect him to know more about Cape politics than he did. He did his best to memorize what he could but even so, he had a difficult time following it. Eventually though, he found his way to PHO, Parahumans Online. Though here Harry investigated the same things which he had before, and found much the same results, he did stumble across one thing of importance, the presence of Dragon on the server, and the fact that with an account, she could be sent messages.


So Harry set up an account, faking the data for every requirement he couldn't fill, and for his trouble, was rewarded an unauthorized PHO account. Thinking carefully, Harry sent of a quick message to the woman, stating <"Hello Dragon, Harry Walters here. Just wanted to set up this point of contact, if that's alright with you.">. He was a little surprised by the rapidity with which he received a response: <"Hello Harry, It's good to hear from you so quickly, I look forward to using it."> Even though it was past four in the morning, Harry began to prepare his own message. However, he had not gotten far, when he was distracted by something.


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Satomi was clearly tickled pink by Armsmaster's assertion of his belief that she couldn't have performed her repairs so far without having some sort of super power, because she blushed and put her hands on her cheeks. As she saw it, more or less, she had just been called so amazing an engineer that it was literally unbelievable. "I... am truly flattered," she said after a little bit, "but, no, I really do not have any... um, non-mundane abilities. I just learned from talented engineers, and I have practice with repair like that." Her humility was only a little false here -- while she was plenty aware that she was something of a prodigy, she had very deep respect for the Kaiu family and her sensei, and she believed with all of her heart that she would be nothing without the training she had received to become a samurai in the first place. "Um, I do not really have any other business to request at this meeting. I am just looking forward to tomorrow."


The one thing she would try to do tonight, however, was to scavenge some wood, metal, and twine or other string, and try to throw together a crossbow, or at least start creating one. If she was going to be present at this "tinkertech" meeting she would at least want some practice with her weapon creation.




Crafting Results (as given on Discord)

Scavenging rolls: 13, 15, Crafting roll: 92, +1 Int gained!


Satomi's jaunt out of the PRT offices to find something with which to make a crossbow (the thought made her giggle, because crossbows were gaijin weaponry she wouldn't have got away with making at home, but fascinating weapons) turned out to be... kind of questionable. Without straying too far away, her haul from the various streets and alleys around the building had solely consisted of a board of wood, some strange and unwieldy club made of an incredibly light metal, and strange, soft, pliable, thin, and crinkly transparent bags. She had her work cut out for her.


After popping in to see Harry (who she knew was up at this time of night) to ask him what the bags were (made of some material named plastic), she started on that work. At first, she just used her wakizashi to carve painstakingly and precisely at the plank of wood, which was mercifully a fairly thick plank; using interlocking pieces, she managed to cut the plank into segments which she fit together into the body of the crossbow. The mechanism work was fairly hard as well, as she had to cut the club too, managing with effort (and thanking the kami that it wasn't very hard metal) to put together the mechanisms for the crossbow. Then she took a while to tightly wrap together strips of the plastic bags, creating a fairly passable string for the crossbow.


When she was done, she was simultaneously ashamed and proud of what she'd made. On one hand, it was one of the most singularly hideous weapons she had ever seen in her entire life. On the other hand, the fact that she'd even been able to make a crossbow out of what she'd managed to dredge up... it was something to be proud of. Plus, working with the light metal and with the "plastic" had widened her boundaries in regards to technology, and Satomi was always happy to have that happen.


Satomi has created: Shitty-Looking Crossbow: Honestly, this thing looks completely awful. It's a crossbow made from a plank of wood that has been painstakingly carved, split, and segmented together into a crossbow, with aluminum hacked from a golf club for the metal pieces, and plastic-bag plastic wrapped tightly into a string that will need to be replaced. It works, though. 1d6+DEX damage, but must be repaired at the end of every combat.

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Proditor, after a bit, turns around, "I shall go find the others and regroup with them" he says simply. Then, without another word or look, the Ethereal leaves, searching for the rest of the team using the same method he used to find Soma and Arminius. Specifically though, he was searching for one person... Harry.

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After the meeting, Lilly goes hunting in the forest with Ador, where some helpful little rabbits point her in the direction of an aggressive deer. she's able to not only carry it, but its enough to feed the whole party. she locates the warehouse and gets to work. Although prepared to butcher it with her spear if it comes to it, she manages to find a more workable shard of metal, and some paper plates. building a fire with scavenged wood she cooks the deer, getting 20 deer meals. And hands them out to the party as they return. What to do with the left overs though?



17, 2) The result is "(Item) 20 Deer Dinners: A delicious niblet of something tasty. When used, Grant "Well Fed" next combat." Also a bunch of "(Item) Deer Parts: A pile of Deer Parts. Ugh, clean that up, would you?"


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Jun had decided to stay silent for a while after he finished his speech as he decided to try and let the moment land a little. Of course he was a bit disappointed about the fact that they didn't seem to believe absolutely anything he said, but at least they didn't seem like they were about to sic an endless army of guards on them, which is nice.


On the matter of power testing he could only say "I don't mind a bit of paperwork and some tests if that is what it takes to get you to trust us, although I must confess to not having any powers myself".


((During the time skip Jun would modify his suit of armor to grant it a 10% chance to grant him +1 Dex, and also do his best to research cape politics in an extremely roundabout way.))

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Honestly, Proditor finding Harry wasn't much of a problem. His old psionic ping trick still worked fantastically, allowing him to figure out the location Harry was and go there. The real problem was getting to him, security of this building was... High, to say the least. But, nevertheless, Proditor had managed to finally find Harry, who was focused on a computer, likely searching for information.


"Harry Walters. I require your assistance" was the first words that came out of Proditor after the few seconds of silence that he had came to.

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After the meeting Frigus returns with most of the group to the warehouse on the docks and ends up fixing the holes Skidmark left in several of the party members.(Improves "Cure", +1 target.)

He digs up a pen from somewhere and then spends about an hour sitting in the back of the warehouse writing copious notes.

Some time later he finds Soma to ask her a couple questions, "I hope I'm not bothering you but I have a question about the strange terms people keep using like 'Master', 'Tinker', 'Stranger', etc.  I assume 'Parahuman' refers to someone with powers, but since you're from this world could you explain the others in more detail?"

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Harry, by way of answer, swiveled in his chair, and said, "Proditor was it? How may--Huh. You seem to have misplaced an inch cylinder from the center of your abdomen, my friend. If you'd like a bit of professional advice, here it is: you really shouldn't do that." Harry wondered, had the psychic being just traveled all the way across town for his help, or had he been injured in the building? Not really the time to question it now though.


"Follow me, a short way up is the medical facility. I should be able to do something for you, probably better than anyone here can, but we should do it in a sterile environment, since we have the option." Harry gestured down the hall, and marched off at a brisk pace, confirming that the floating being was indeed behind him. As he strode along, Harry asked, "Bullet wound? What type of gun? Have you noticed anything besides pain, including tingling, burning, or numbness? And do you know enough about your own physiology to tell me generally where certain organs are located?" Or at least how they differed from humans. . . Harry didn't ask this though, as he had no real idea whether Proditor had met a human before today.

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"Oh, well, that's easy enough." Soma responds.


"Oh... How does the old pneumonic go.  Mover, Shaker, Brute, Breaker, Master, Tinker, Blaster, Thinker, Striker, Changer, Trump and Stranger."


"Those all refer to various threat classifications that the PRT use to label Parahuman abilities."


"I have a powerful Shaker ability, Shaker Abilities are ones that let someone affect a wide area with their power. I also have other ratings across the board as a direct result of my ability."


"Movers have mobility powers, shakers have powers that affect an area, Brutes are strong or durable, Breakers can change into another state, Masters can control things, or make minions, Tinkers make machines that are so far past what we understand in this day and age that it's practically magic, Blasters have a ranged power, Thinkers have powers that give them information, Strikers have a power that relies on them touching something, Changers can alter their body or appearance, Trumps can manipulate Powers themselves, and Strangers have powers that let them sneak around, or infiltrate places."

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At first, Proditor didn't respond. All he did was nod, and follow. It was only when Harry directly began to ask his questions did Proditor begin to speak again,


"Yes, it was a bullet wound. I was unable to figure out which type of gun hit me, though it was likely a form of pistol with enough power to penetrate multiple floors, and the roof, of a building, and have enough momentum to go straight through me. As for how I have felt, aside from the normal pain one would get from having a hole in their body, I do not feel any sort of side effects, though that may attribute to my more decayed nervous system" Proditor replied, quickly and without hesitation, "I do know the medical treatments towards people like me, though I am unable to perform those treatments due to my lack of training in that field. I can guarantee that the bullet failed to his any major organs in my body, otherwise I would practically be unable to move. I can easily transfer any knowledge you need of my physiology directly to you though" Proditor added, his form more or less remaining as still as ever, even as he floated alongside Harry.

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"I see." Harry muttered as they entered the medical room. Sounded like a powerful pistol, apparently able to overpenetrate after going through so many obstacles. Maybe a Cape power? In any case, Harry directed the being to lie down on one of the cots, and then grabbed a few tools from his kit, and some supplies from a well stocked cabinet in the room, before setting to work.


As he carefully patched the hole with a clotting agent foam, and then a tissue rebuilding agent injection--he'd have to make more of that somehow--, Harry asked, "So, what did you do? To get this wound, I mean. Because I'm guessing you didn't just decide to challenge someone to a pistol duel at midnight for the hell of it."

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"Armsmaster's  an ass, Piggot is a rather horrific woman with a hate-boner for parahumans, and Dragon is the single greatest tinker in the world, and one of the most powerful parahumans."


"Specifically, Armsmaster's power is apparently his ability to make technology more compact, his halberd has like, a million tools and weapons in it.  Dragon can reverse Engineer Tinkertech, and is also a genius besides."


"The two are apparently really buddy-buddy, if you believe what they say on PHO."


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When they arrived, Proditor quickly moved to the table in question, turning around and placing himself onto the table, his robe flattening against his form and the table. As he did so, his robe began to... Burn away in purple fire, originating from the bullet hole and expanding outwards, the bits of the robe floating into the air and disappearing, allowing Harry to be able to work more effeciently without the hole in the way... Along with seeing more of Proditor's body.


Even with the limited bit available, Harry could tell multiple things just from a glance. One, the hole itself was... Strange. The walls around the wound were more of an orange-gel, dripping slightly with a similar color liquid, most likely blood. Aside from that though, the area around the wound was a sort of greyish color, with the look of it being normal skin, with it rather obvious that, with the actual depth of the bullet wound, there wasn't much on Proditor's body, being practically paper thin. Basically, he was clearly NOT human.


But, as Harry worked, the materials he used were surprisingly effected for the Ethereal, who was still speaking despite getting patched up, "After I was forced to retreat from the fight against Lung, which seeing as you're still alive and okay, means that you were able to take care of him, I regrouped with Somatotrope and Arminius, who were searching for some Merchants... Or regular drug dealers. We found them, and we were able to take care of their operations, though not without our own injuries... As you can clearly see."

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"Right. . . Huh. I was kind of expecting a bit more. . .difficulty? Didn't expect such an obviously alien body to be so similar on a fundamental level. Did your species originate on earth?" Harry was already putting the finishing touches on his treatment, and Proditor would likely already be feeling better. "You should probably be good within. . . a day? Judging on the efficacy of these treatments. I'd recommend getting some fluids in you, with electrolytes, to replenish any 'blood' loss."

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As reality cracked and the last few words of the recording were uttered, Lucille found herself standing somewhere.... open. A few clicks of her tongue and listening to the resulting echoes revealed a few obstacles dotting the area, semi hollow, cubical in shape. After a few moments, she'd finally managed to get her bearings again, forming a mental image through the sound waves alone- a storage area of some sort, filled with crates and other containers of various sizes... it reminded her of the old days, almost. But she pushed the thoughts away as quickly as they came.

     She didn't exactly agree with the situation she'd been dropped in, but so far she hadn't really seen anyway out of it. One minute she's up on the ridge, scouting out what Yuzon's Grunts had been so hard at work for during the past few hours, and the next she'd found herself in some area that she could only describe as sounding like it had a bunch of tables and chairs, with something being put on her ears before she even realized it and some woman's voice going on about multiverses and giant monsters and playing homemaker on other worlds...


Disorienting was far from a strong enough word to describe the entire ride. Especially the recording part... her ears might as well have been the equivalent of her eyes, to have them suddenly hijacked with no sign of how or where the threat had even come from...


She shuddered. But it didn't last long. She was quickly becoming more acclimated to the environment- taking in the air pressure, the temperature, the sounds, but most notably, the crackle of fire, the scent of smoke, meat roasting... venison, specifically. Someone was cooking, and they were nearby. But who makes a fire in an enclosed space like this, with, from what she could tell from the airflow, no ventilation properly designed to let the fumes escape?


The beastheart soon found her answer, after wandering through a few aisles of stacked goods and finally finding the source. The rise in the nearby temperature was noticeable from the flames, so to was the presence she felt. The sound map she'd created showed it was indeed a humanoid shape that was moving... and without a word, she just stayed where she was among the rows, eyes and body turned towards the stranger even though she saw nothing but what the echoes illustrated.


What lilly (or anyone else in the vicinity) would see greeting them would've been... something standing just on the edge of the fire's illumination, partially hidden behind a few crates... it's profile resembling something akin to a dear's head fashioned onto a human body. And it stood perfectly still, the only thing moving about it being the flickering fire light dancing off it's eyes... blank eyes.

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Ador noticed the Figure first, the information was sent to Lilly quite quickly, causing her to look up as well.
depending on how detailed the map was, the figure might "see" her expression go from mild surprise to happy curiosity. if they were friendly, Lilly wouldn't complain about more company. If they where hostile, they would be dealt with accordingly. When she speaks she sounds friendly and light hearted, and gives a little wave

"Oh. hello there." 

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