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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"That's probably one of the sketchier things I've heard, but hey, it could be totally innocuous, right? Maybe they're a psychic or something, this place has those. I'll drag a couple of the others along with me, don't worry." He wasn't entirely fond of the idea that someone was listening in on him regardless, but he tried to stay positive. People tended to be nicer if you didn't immediately assume they were trying to kill you or something.

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"So how much detail can you get when you map sounds? Is it a rough , or detailed mental image? What happens if your in a really loud place, like a tavern during a party?"
Lilly takes another bite of her food, and mumbles to herself about how she should have found something to drink. "What if I caused a loud explosion, would that mess with your Maps?"

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6:00 AM, Tuesday? Probably? Yes, Tuesday, sure.


  The sun rises slowly into the sky, lazily brushing aside smog as if by the hand of god, or perhaps some other golden nigh omnipotent figure, who knows.  The point being, it is now morning, giving those at the warehouse time to prepare, and the people at the PRT building more time to steal those little plastic cups of coffee creamer and chug day old coffee in turn.


  Those who are confused about the circumstances have things re-clarified again by someone or other.  It seems today, the gang will be going to the PRT East-Northeast Headquarters, to sign papers affiliating them to the PRT, granting them permission to do something or other to the boat graveyard, and test their various abilities.


  The pile of van wreckage smoulders lightly in the morning light.  Man, that tinker-gas sure burns for a while.  Gently nestled in a nest of gravel just outside, a few hundred dollars sit, stored away safely for the coming winter.


  Soma's warehouse, after cross referencing, calculations, and peer-reviewed study, is finally revealed to be pretty much one of the biggest pieces of shit in the docks.

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Calvera calmly dresses herself in her new attire, which doesn't seem to fit her style off glance. She now wears black combat boots, black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a slightly scratched leather jacket. The jacket has a brightly colored pin on the left collar reading 'Mama's Boy'  for whatever reason. She dusts off the jacket with a smile on her face.

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Mirri decides to investigate the salvage that the warehouse team brought over.  She calls up R2-P14 to fly over her X-Wing, keeping out over the water and flying low to avoid messing up any air traffic in the area, and has him set down outside the warehouse.  Then she grabs her Imperial Navy Surplus toolkit and astromech droid, and heads over to see if she can pull anything good out of the wreck.


She also invites Satomi to come along and help.

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Arminius is also up bright and early, Minisquealer showing herself to be a surprisingly good pillow. His new outfit is very very similar to Bandit's, being black jeans, a black t-shirt, combat boots and an army jacket. He's removed any patches from it and carefully set them aside. He walks over to Calvera whrn he's all in order.

"See? Told you this would be a good style for us."

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Frigus slowly awoke from his brief nap to the sound of blasting engines outside, he slowly rose and made his way outside to see what made the noise.

Once he did make it outside he was jolted awake by the massive ship sitting there, he walked up to stand next to Soma and spoke, "I...I think I've seen one of those before.  I don't remember exactly where, but I think it was in an old data log for one of the worlds once under our protection.  Weird."

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"Good." Harry turned his attention back to the computer. He'll search out the location of Fugly Bob's and then go do some more in depth research on Dragon and Armsmaster. Tinkers, as they were called, would probably be exceptionally useful in their attempts to get off world. He'll also look and see if there are any other interesting heroes listed as admin or in higher levels of PHO, specifically focusing on those who appeared a the meeting.

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"TIE fighters are crap!" Mirri shouts out to Soma.  Her hearing is oddly good for someone who claims to have no powers, "No armor, no shields, no hyperdrive, no life support, and spitball launchers for guns.  I have an X-Wing.  Which is a thousand times better.


"And I'm getting a head start on salvage.  The longer we let this thing sit and burn, the less likely it is that we'll pull anything functional out of here.  Why, you want to help?"

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After Proditor arrived back at the warehouse, saw the new arrival, and politely declined Lilly's offer for food, the Ethereal seemed to just... Vanish, having left the circle and 'wandered' off to some place else. Specifically, he went to a more quiet part of the warehouse and began to "meditate" (which was a fancy way of saying "sleep with enough awareness to tell if anyone was getting close"). When the morning came, the motionless Ethereal moved his head slightly, then rose back into the air, moving to the outside of the warehouse, where he was hearing some commotion.

Once outside, he saw why, with most of the group outside, with some van wrecks stationed together and a large ship that had landed nearby, which seemed to be Mirri's, "... Interesting. First real time I've seen this up close" Proditor commented, looking directly at the X-Wing. It reminded him more of the jets Humanity used against him in the Invasion, but despite that, he had no doubts that it could be a powerful adversary, even against Battlecruiser-Class ships that his kind used in the Invasion.


... He'd have to see how it worked later on.

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After Satomi finished up with her work, she began to look around for any of the others who had stayed around the PRT building... and thankfully she ended up finding them before she got too nosy with her wandering around inside of the highly important building. When she walked into the computer room, a couple of things were different about the short samurai: First of all, more normally, Satomi was starting to look a little bit sleepy, the situation with Lung and her hours of work beginning to take a toll on her stamina. Secondly, she now had a completely new device on her back: something that could aptly, if perhaps a little uncharitably, be described as an abortion of a crossbow. It looked like the body had been carved out of multiple smaller pieces of wood and kind of segmented together, and the mechanisms had traces of paint on them from the outside of the golf club they'd been hacked from, but the worst part was that it looked like the crossbow's string was made of plastic bag plastic, if tightly tied. 


When she saw them on the other hand, she immediately strode over and leaned in towards the strange boxy device that they were looking at -- glowing and colorful on one side, with text displayed, Satomi found herself utterly mystified as to what this strange device could be. And indeed... "Harry, Kusuke..." Because they were gaijin, she wasn't using honorifics. It wasn't meant as an insult, they just weren't part of the Rokugani hierarchy, "What could this strange device possibly be?" She poked the computer.

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Harry pushed himself and his chair away from the desk, groaning. He'd found Fugly Bob's thankfully, but his other searches were not going well. His attempts to discover whether other high ranking members of the servers were capes, and who they might be, had come to nought. He didn't want to use the search engines for topics that might turn out to be common information too much, and the little time on these search engines he allowed himself had turned up nothing.


"Oh, hey Satomi. It's a computer. Basically. . . it uses. . . lightning? God it's hard to explain these things. It uses electricity, which is lightning, moving very quickly, in controlled amounts to do stuff. Mainly it's for communications, and well, more abstract types of communications. You can see pictures or messages on it, and these pictures can be sent from far away with the controlled pulses of electricity through. . .pipes. Like, imagine you wanted to make a picture of a tree, the computer would basically have a set of pulses that it recognizes as telling it to color the first of thousands of little squares making up the tree picture. A second set of pulses would tell the computer what color to make it. It's a fair bit more complicated than that, but that's the basic idea. It does similar things for messages, making a series of pulses represent each letter. Computers are very quick with communication, and can hold a lot of information, equivalent to many, many books." Perhaps that would suffice. Probably not though.

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Jun had spent the last three or so hours in front of the crappy little box that the people here dared to call a "Computer" to try and find out some more information about the many capes running around Brockton Bay. And he tried his best to ignore the fact that it still used the completely and utterly ancient mouse, monitor and keyboard technology. As this probably was the best they could afford...voice command technology really sucked in the 21st Century.


Jun learned as much about the area as someone with a built in video recording device, a search engine, and not enough coffee would know if they didn't look too deeply into anything in that time. And he decided to spend some more time to try and look for some information about the "PRT" and their history.

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Satomi listened intently to Harry's explanation of the boxy device. She hung off of every word, staring at the boxy device and occasionally giving it another poke. After listening to Harry work his way through his occasionally-halting explanation, occasionally nodding, she stayed silent for a couple of seconds, still looking at it, nodded one last time... and then sighed. "...I don't get it." she admitted, visibly deflating and a little ashamed of this (no matter how insanely wondrous this world was), "...but this is called a computer, and it somehow communicates and somehow holds many books. I can remember that much." 


Satomi, though still looking a little disappointed in her noncomprehension, shrugged fluidly. "Perhaps later, after the testing and likely after I get a little bit of rest, I can try to ask questions about the individual elements. But for now... you said that this device holds the text of many books, right? What are you reading about right now?" Satomi leaned in over Harry's shoulder and started to read the text off of the screen, letting out a little hmmm noise. "This definitely is not structured like a book. It is a little bit hard to parse, I'm afraid..." Her voice grew a little bit frustrated with her further inability to understand much about this computer.

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"Well, it's not just books. The structure is different because it's meant to be a place where a bunch of people with computers communicate. See the rectangles with pictures and bolded words next to them? Each of those is a person's. . .well, identification online. This format is better for lots of people talking to each other. Do you get that?" Harry scrolled up and down slowly with the mouse, showing how the wheel controlled where they were on the page. He supposed that a computer could probably remain a black box for this girl. It did for so many others in many eras. . .though most did come with some prior knowledge. "Kusuke, can you explain a computer better than I?"

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"I can try." He frowned for a moment, looking into the screen before him as he pondered his explanation. "What it does is record and show information. Sort of like a library, yeah. Imagine each one is its own little library, complete with librarians that you can ask to show you any book by either pointing at it with this" - he waggles the mouse - "or by writing a specific request in the right place using this." He gestured at the keyboard. "I'd have to show you a bit more about how to use it, but it's not that hard, Satomi-san." He made a point of adding the honorific - Kusuke generally wasn't too overt about it, but he was somewhat proud of his Japanese heritage and wanted to keep it alive. "They can also talk to other 'libraries' by using something called the Internet, and almost instantly copy and record what the others send. They use electricity to do all this like Henry said; it's a little hard to explain the details of how they actually work, but you can use one of them to look it up yourself."

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