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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Lucille had spent much of the morning thus far wondering the docks near the warehouse, mapping out the surrounding area and trying to find potential strays to bind. By the end of her stroll, she'd happened upon three feral felines, naming them Do, Re, and Mi respectively. With the cats bound to her, she'd sent them out, using them to get a actual look at what this strange world she'd been dropped in was like, and almost immediately, she regretted it as the squalor and filth of the place came filtering in through their linked sight, full force. Smelling and Mapping it out with echoes were one thing, seeing the condition of the place through crystal clear eyes was something else entirely. And for not the first, nor likely the last, time in her life, Lucille was actually glad she was blind.

      Pushing away the disgust of what her surroundings actually looked like, Lucille had set Do, Re, and Mi about on different objective- finding any useful scrap materials they could and bringing them back to her at the warehouse. 


And the cats, bless their little feline hearts, had delivered on the objective quite well a few minutes later.... perhaps a bit... too well, one might say? Yes, definitely too well. 


Nazi Princess - Today at 6:15 PM
(16, 9) Lucille finds 3 cats, Fluff, Puff, and Death-fucking-Megatron.  Or whatever she decides to call them.

(4, 19) Lucille wishes she hadn't done that, the warehouse and surrounding area seemed so much nicer without the filth and decay demonstrated in stark visual HD.

(20, 20) Well, dragon isn't here to give me something, so assume the cats found a stockpile of suitcases full of guns in an unknown hideaway.  Cameras definately saw the cats dragging suitcases out, much to Lucille's ignorance. 3 Suitcases full of AK's, Grenades, and Fancy Looking Glocks sound good?  Ammo included.



(Gear) AK47: Deal 1d12 damage, split among 10-Dex enemy targets, minimum 1.

(Item) (Consumable) Pineapple Grenade: Deal 1d20 Damage, split among all unprotected or not defending beings in the encounter.

(Gear) Fancy Glock: Deal 1d6+Dex Damage.


^Roll Results

"W....what are these?" Stooping down to retrieve one of the suitcases from Do. Clicking a few times at it, soon enough she had a good enough mental image of it's latches to undo the thing and open the lid, revealing.... "Do, come here..."

    The cat did as ordered, sidling up to her, and when he did, Lucille linked herself into his sight and peered down into the container... What she saw within made her fall completely silent for several moments. Before she quit borrowing Do's Sight and mapped out the other suitcases- lo and behold, they all had something in them as well, had similar imaging to this one even... without even opening the rest, she deduced all of them likely shared the same type of contents.


Barrels... stocks... triggers, boxes, filled with what was likely ammunition. Everything she had seen through the cat's eyes, it rang a bell with what her brother had taught her about the weapons of their own world, primitive though the ones they had in the enclave were, compared to the arms of old Arganor... it seemed this world was at the very least on similar tech level, and though she knew nothing of the model or exact specifications of the weapons- she knew... that what she had seen was a cache full of firearms and handheld ordinances.

    She closed and relatched the suitcase without a word, ordering Do mentally to take it from her. And then she set about searching for one of the others. 


Soma and Mirri were the first ones she came across, and she approached them with the cats, and the suitcases the felines had inadvertently.... scavenged, in tow.


"So, um...." she muttered, not really sure how or what to say... but she pressed on regardless "I was out getting a feel for this place, and sent a few strays to see if I could find anything useful... they uh... they brought back.... oh screw it, just see for yourselves-"


Before she even finished speaking, Do had strode forward and dropped the suitcase infront of the other two, before lucille nudged it's lid open with her heel to reveal the assorted weaponry within...

"I'm fairly certain all the cases have the same things in them. From what I can tell, they found it in some place hidden away... what do you think we should do with it?"

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"Honestly, if you already took them, I don't see any good that can come of returning them. We could toss em the PRT's way, or keep them."


Soma picks up one of the Glocks, Examining it, turning it over, chambering a round, and then unloading that same round.


"Does anyone here even know how to use a gun? Half of you guys are like, wizards or something, right?"

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Arminius waves his, unloaded and safety locked, gun when Soma asks.

"I taught myself how to use a gun yesterday. It was easy after figuring it out midfight... Anyways, if they were just laying around they're probably stuff from gangs. Doubt anyone official would keep weapons around here at least.... So, probably want to set up defenses when we have a chance but it's better we have these than their original owners.... By the way, what's the rest of those things?"

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Lucille visibly flinched a bit as the gun went off, but seemed to calm down shortly thereafter. "I mean, I guess you have a point...whoever had them before, probably didn't have many good intentions for them. And yes, I do know what these things are, and how they work, just... never used one before. Kinda hard to aim for certain when you can't see at all."


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Lucille is a bit hesitant, but after a moment just nods her head "I mean, not like I can get much use out of any of them. If we're gonna keep them, you might as well. Maybe leave a few of them with me though, I might have some... ideas to test out. Might make some of them a lot more effective if it works."

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After a bit, Proditor turned and floated off. There wasn't much to do here, considering the rest of the group was already focused with their own things as they passed the time. He would've taken a gun... Actually, he wouldn't. Partly because a gun would prove less effective than his very mind, and partly because he never learned how to fire a gun. He was a military commander after all, not a true soldier.


Essentially, Proditor leaves the warehouse group, floating up to the rooftops as he moved to the PRT building. The tests won't start soon, but perhaps he could get his mind prepared before it began, which was exactly why he was taking his journey nice and slow.

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Following Kusuke's attempt at an explanation, Harry stood up, and stretched. "So. Jun. Kusuke. Just spent way too much time surfing, so let's give each other a quick rundown of the fruits of our labor. So, I found Parahumans Online. It's a forum of the powered people here. Civilians can access it of course, but they aren't verified Capes, a tag for users on the site. Got a bit of info on some of the more important Capes around here, but not much. Had to keep from digging into stuff that I should already know. Also, got in touch with someone calling themselves a friendly neighborhood tattletale. Possibly a mind reading cape, or someone who knows secrets? Might have been bluffing, but. . ."


Here, Harry stopped for a moment, and ran a quick search for "friendly neighborhood tattletale cape", and then "mind reading cape tattletale". "I set up a meeting with this person," Harry muttered as he typed, "three in the afternoon. So there's that. You two find anything of interest? I'm thinking of going to find breakfast in a bit, thought it'd be best to catch each other up to speed."

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Satomi listened to Kusuke try to explain his way around it (silently noting his usage of a honorific -- wherever he was from, that was another way he was similar to a Rokugani. It was a little strange, really) with her hands on the non-screen corners of the computer. The frustration didn't leave her face, but at least she seemed to be thinking a little bit more than before. "I'll try to remember that function, though with as singularly wondrous and advanced a device as this 'computer' seems to be... I do not know. It's a lot to try to comprehend at once, I think, even for me." Satomi sighed wistfully. "This place practically puts Crab lands to shame. It must be many centuries ahead. I'm sure that someone from one of the ultra-orthodox clans, like the Crane or Lion, would have snapped and tried to go on a murderous rampage by now." Harry would have found his search interrupted for a while as Satomi proceeded to just snatch the mouse out of his hands and wave it around on the screen a little bit, somewhat startled once she managed to track the aimless movement of the mouse across the screen. Thankfully, Harry managed to get the mouse back from her before she did any damage to his browsing.


Then he mentioned Jun, and the tiny engineer peeked over the row of computers and squeaked a little (kind of adorably) with surprise when she saw the armored figure sitting at another computer. "H-how did I miss that he was there?!" Also, despite the fact that she hadn't been addressed: "I made a crossbow last night. It is interesting, the materials that this place has. These "plastic bags" seem very bizarre, especially, and the club I made the metal pieces from looked like a very fragile and clumsy design to me. At least the Crab Clan has better blunt weapons than this world does, hmmhmm."

Edited by Powder Miner
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2 hours ago, kj1225 said:

Arminius nods before grabbing some extra magazines. After a moment he also grabs a grenade.

"You guys don't mind if I take one of these as well? I'm thinking that these could be good for a trap if someone tries to raid us."

The blind girl clicked her tongue once, reading the resulting sound map the echo from it produced and deducing the fact that he was holding on the small ordinances in his hand. And with that knowledge, she looked at Arminius as if he was crazy. But it only lasted for a few seconds before she shrugged...

     "Yeah fine, sure.... Just, please," Lucille sighed "Don't blow any of us up by mistake, whatever you end doing with them. Those things can be more dangerous to allies and the user than their enemies, if you don't use them properly...I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'd like to not be blown to bits."

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Jun reacted to Satomi's surprise the way anyone on his home planet would, and that is by idly waving at them while he looked for a decent sushi restaurant nearby.

After finding one he would shrug before looking around the place and walking up to Harry and the rest of the group. He then messed around with his helmet while he said "Nothing particularly interesting really, just general information about this town and the PRT's history and how they are organized". A slight hissing sound could be heard as Jun slowly took his helmet off while he continued with "They seem like they are just a legitimate special weapons and tactics division for dealing with Cape related threats and disaster relief. They have got their own team of capes as well called 'The Protectorate' that the Armsmaster fellow we met earlier was a part of.". 

The helmet was almost completely off of Jun's head by this point, and you could actually see their mouth moving when they said "Apparently they have been active since 1993, and they have got bases almost everywhere in the country...except curiously enough they don't have any in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, North and South Dakota, Maine, Alabama, or Mississippi". Jun blinked their two eyes at Harry before they said "I couldn't find out anything about the chief director who leads the entire thing, but I did find out that Miss Piggot's position is practically the same as being the Chief of police of a very well armed and trained police force".  Jun had a wide and hopefully comforting smile on her face when she said "I also found a nice sushi place called the Iron Dragon that seems interesting...although it is not like we have any money". Jun coughed once more before she said "But still it should be something that is worth looking into later".

Edited by Cronos5010
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Frigus, having ogled at Mirri's ship for long enough decides to take a short walk around the warehouse and see what he can find.

What he finds is a whole lot of filth, dirt, and decay.  Nothing really worth noting unless you're interested in broken beer bottles and other such trash.

By the time he finishes his walk it would be about the time to leave for the meeting.

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At the PRT Headquarters: 8:45


  The Gang arrives at the PRT, ready to sign the papers needed to be officially recognized as an independent parahuman group.  Entering the Building, they are fast tracked towards the Ferry which will carry them all to The Rig, one of the single most fortified locations in Brockton Bay.  They are given information as needed by their PRT Squadron babysitters, who take the noble role of standing around and looking a normal amount of intimidating.


  Being Shunted onto the ferry at last after several people talk to each other across various communication channels and several things are approved, the party stands or sits in the tinkertech enhanced boat, which, in no time at all, is sent zooming across the bay, at these speeds, with the water spraying in glittering gold motes, the bay almost looks like a decent place in the morning light, if one squints hard enough.  Hopefully, squinting won't be required, in time.


  It is on this trip where agency is once again returned to the gang, who, until now have more or less been moved around arbitrarily by the wheels of burocracy, spinning rapidly with the lubricant of the unspoken threat of letting an independent group of powerful parahumans slip through their grasp, and the boon of having that same group set on the path of orderly and righteous aid to the heroes of the city.



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"They can go straight to hell if it is, I'm sure as heck not giving them my real name.  Anonymity is encouraged, considering what people will do to you here if they know who you are."


"New Wave tried that whole "Accountability" and "Open Identity" stuff, and it ended with Fleur being killed in his sleep by some random mook looking to swell his rep in the E88.  Kaiser had him killed for it, but you can't take back something like that."

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During the ride, Harry checked over the boat, searching for Director Piggot. If she did not appear to be on the boat, he'd search out if there were any heroes who had attended the meeting, or any other capes who seemed especially interesting. He would specifically take note of the costumes, and any apparent emblems, in addition to any obvious powers.

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"That's good... Hey, what exactly is it that makes those empire guys Neo-Nazis? Do they have future technology to help them or something?"

Arminius shrugs to Calvera.

"Well, if you used your real name I doubt you're in trouble. Given it's not typically human sounding."

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"I'm not sure it matters for you guys, it isn't like you have civilian identities in this world or anything." Somatotrope shrugs.


"They think of themselves as the revival of a really old group known simply as Nazis.  They preach white supremacy, hatred of any non-white race, and any other traits that are problematic."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Its probably fine!"
Lilly seems to be enjoying the morning air, and light. Thoroughly energized, she's practically dancing. Anddd now she's running while casting a spell...oh god she's jumping off the boat. As her feet leave the surface Ador flys to her and they fuse. The union spreads its wings and begins to fly, laughing as they spin and flip and fly just over the water, enjoying the feeling of flight. The light scattering on there crystals.

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