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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Throughout the conversation an incessant scratching of pen on paper with the occasional flip of a page could be heard in the background, that is at least until Satomi mentions souls.

Frigus stops writing, closes his book, and slowly stands to make his way over to where the conversation is happening.

"Kusuke please, it's not as bad as you may think.  Just as being struck in the chest is less likely to kill you than being struck in the head, it all depends on how a soul is damaged."


"Arminius where I'm from that power would be questionable at best, and dark magic at worst.  I don't think you've been absorbed by darkness, but watch yourself."


"And Satomi..." He sighed deeply and took a breath "Simply put you're wrong.  Anything can have a soul, or essence, or heart, or whatever you want to call it.  I've got one, you've got one, everyone around us has a soul, even the very world we walk on has a soul as tainted by black fire and darkness as it may be, it's still there."


He reached out his hand some and materialized his Keyblade, handle pointing towards Satomi.

"If you need more proof take this and tell me how you feel.  This is an extension of my heart, a sliver of my inner strength and power materialized into a weapon that can potentially sunder entire worlds, or lock their hearts away protecting them from harm outside forces such as the Heartless."

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Harry, for the most part had ignored the discussion. If someone had asked him whether he had a soul, he would probably have answered "no". Really depended on what they meant by a soul, whether it be consciousness, some ineffable life energy in all things, or something unique to humans an Rokugani. However, they all seemed convinced of its existence, and he felt it wouldn't help current tensions to enter the discussion, questioning whether he had a soul.


Ignoring the debate for the meantime--there could be no resolving it to one conclusion--Harry paced across the deck absentmindedly. There weren't any capes on board. As far as he could tell. Either the standard troopers, or the boat, was then expected to stop them. Other possibilities did include a test or trap, in which the Protectorate would ease their escape to see whether they would take advantage of it before swooping in.


Harry stoppd pacing in front of Proditor. "Proddy. How are you feeling? You mind if I give you a quick look over to make sure everything's healing well? And well, it'd be good to get more of a sense for how you work. Makes it easier to take you apart if something goes wrong." Harry then quickly added, "and makes fixing you easier too."

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When Proditor came up to the PRT building again, his arrival was still met with some unease, but he was able to get everything signed, which he, of course, signed the papers by using his mind to simply pick up a pen and write. He even uses his regular name, Proditor, as his actual name would be, most likely, too long for the paper to handle.


... Now though, he was on a boat, which traveled over the water with the rest of the group. For the most part, the Ethereal had minded his own business, staying to the side whilst... More or less ignoring the conversations this time. It was only when Harry spoke up did Proditor's mind snap back to reality, with the Ethereal's head turning slightly to face the human doctor,


"I'm feeling much better than I had been last night, thanks to you. I apologize for my vague responses then, I am not used to those asking about my biology, which is why I would be glad to actually let you get another quick look and a better understanding of me" Proditor replied. It was at that point that he glanced towards the rest of the group, "... It would prove a good distraction from what is going up here."

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So, for the remainder of the boat ride, Harry questioned Proditor about the function of certain organs, his physiology, and general medical attention which he might need in the future. Following this, if there is any time, Harry will simply rest.

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Lucille remained largely silent on the boat, sitting on a bench somewhere and idly listening as the waves rolled by, the sound of their wake alone enough for her to fully map out the vessel's deck. The cats, who had by this point effectively become familiars in a way, lay lazily near her... or two of them did, at least. Do, a large, orange male, had taken off early into the trip, and it was through his eyes that Lucille spied upon the activities of the others, from the girl from earlier flying, to the discussions of this world's politics, to talks of things called 'Goblins' before finally settling it's attention on the human doctor and the ethereal discussing various aspects of the latter's meta-biology.


Just by eavesdropping, and even despite most of the content going right over the cat's head, the feline still picked up a thing or two...


Do(Feral Cat) Gains +1 Int

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Proditor, likewise, would spend the majority of the boat ride explaining how an Ethereal's body really worked. For the most part, Proditor's explanation covered how truly weak an Ethereal's body was, mainly with the fact that all of their organs, with the exception of their large brain, were small and put to the side. For the most part though, Ethereal bodies were difficult to get a hand on, as when one would actually die, it would simply disintegrate at a rapid rate, generally being gone in the matter of minutes as a result of their frail bodies being overloaded with a sudden rush of uncontrolled psionic power.


Along with that, Proditor made sure to explain how his blood worked, and how it was similar, yet different, to human blood. Since Ethereal bodies did not have an actual stomach, with the main organs being a single lung, heart, and simple digestive track to get rid of waste, they required nutrients to be directly injected into the bloodstream with digestive enzymes. Aside from that, an Ethereal's blood is more "jello" like than most blood, generally flowing slowly and also having a difficult time exiting the body, since it generally pools around a wound point. However, the majority of blood is directed towards the blood, which is the organ that absorbs the most nutrients of the body, simply to power itself.


Aside from that, Proditor also states that an Ethereal's body, due to it's simplicity, is practically impossible to poison with sickness or actual poison, and can live for much longer than most humans, up to 500 years in the right conditions. For the most part though, physical trauma, burns, and other such wounds are extremely effective against Ethereals.

... Especially burns, Proditor emphasized. Especially towards him.



In addition, due to Proditor's time gathering his will, he acquires a new item.


Mote of Focussed Will: This item is roughly equivilant to 1/3 a point of Ess, and may be exchanged as such, or used in creating other things


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Protectorate East North-east Headquarters: The Rig: 8:18

  The Ferry docks at the base of The Rig, a clean elevator rises up into the architectural marvel of arches and towers that make up the Heroic Fortress, As the boat had entered, the Force Field surrounding the Rig had a small hole open in it, to allow said boat through.  The gang, making their way off the boat, would find the grinning red-suited hero from the meeting standing off to the side, a smirk on his face.


(7, 16) Lilly and Ador, having followed the boat from the air, plonk directly into the force-field, which failed to open enough for them to fly under.  They make their way inside after that rude awakening, following the boat through the small opening, at the cost of -3 Health next encounter.


  The Hero introduces himself. "Well if it isn't the new kids on the rock, how are you all doing today, beat up any more dragons for us?" he says without an ounce of shame. 


"They call me Assault by the way."


Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Hmmmm..." Satomi hesitantly reached out and grabbed the Keyblade. Satomi wasn't hit with a sudden realization, or by any other such event, but she did have to admit that there was something clearly extraordinary about this weapon. It felt cold, and it seemed to pull towards its normal wielder... and there was some sort of power thrumming inside of it, which she couldn't really understand. Then it proceeded to disappear, causing Satomi to jump a little bit. On its own it wouldn't have done much to change Satomi's mind, but when combined with the testimony of so many of the other people in the team that their powers worked off of their soul or that they had experience with souls, Satomi couldn't help but be suddenly unsure. She leaned back against a nearby wall. "I... need to think for a while." Then the boat docked, but Satomi didn't reply to Assault.

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"You really think he's sitting there carefully pruning souls to make sure they can recover? I don't even think that's possible, to start. And no, everyone else not having a soul is not 'just how it works,' can you not hear how absurd and terrible that is as it comes out of your mouth? I've spent years trying to hunt down people that think like this." Well, not quite like this, arguably much worse, but he wasn't in the mood to discuss that. If he was going to speak further, though, he was interrupted by their arrival at the dock. "Unfortunately no," he replied, trying and largely failing to hide the fact that he was still fuming. "Call me Slipstream."

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"Calvera. He's talking about Lung." After that quick explanation, Harry turned to the Hero in front of them. "Dr. Walters, at your service. Nice setup you got here. I know some people--not currently present--who'd love to get to see something like this up close and personal." Harry gestured at the forcefield, marveling a little at the advanced technology all around them.


"So, you going to be our tour guide on this little jaunt through the rig? How does this work?" Harry asked Assault.

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"Oh I'm just here to annoy "El Capitan".  You guys'll be going up to ol' piggy's office, she'll give you a stack of papers as high as a Merchant, and then the papers suck out all the happiness and fun from what remains of your shriveled husks." he says, clearly joking.


"I look forward to seeing what crazy stuff you guys can do in the power testing room, in case it weren't obvious." He continues.

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Proditor himself remained to the side, floating a few centimeters off the floor as his motionless helmet gazed at the surroundings, the Ethereal himself completely silent. There was a slight twitch from the mention of Lung, but aside from that, Proditor could've looked like a statue, if not for his moving cloak.

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"Pretty much a big fire breathing lizard. . . or just a monster if you don't know what that is, usually present in mythology, though modern fiction often takes them for it's own purposes. They're entirely mythological in my world. Maybe in some other world they exist though. I think they called Lung a dragon because he was breathing fire, and taking on the appearance of one. Some type of parahuman power I guess." Harry turned his attention back towards the cape standing before them.


"Did you join the Protectorate to do battle with that nemesis? They seem pretty big on discipline here, from what I can tell."

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Jun reacted to the red suited man's presence by offering them a handshake before he said "Well I guess the paperwork is necessary for proper documentation...although this might just be a test of our patience.".

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Harry hadn't forgotten about Ador; he had simply felt that a much larger dragon would have been a better tool for explaining what Assault meant. "I meant real dragons, not the little flying geologist's curiosity." He murmured to Ador, not unkindly. He didn't know how sentient it was, or capable of understanding speech, but it had chosen to settle on his shoulder at that moment, so perhaps.

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Kusuke merely sighed at the prospect. "I spend too much of my free time dealing with paperwork already. . ." Today wasn't exactly shaping up to be fantastic. Paperwork, and his teammates were either patronizing, flippant, or ignorant about the nature of souls and just how damned important treating one right actually was. He only hoped that the ones he hadn't spoken to on the matter had saner views on the matter.



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